Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

You're prechin' to the choir pal.
Yep, and it ain't just gun's, criminals are an evil smart bunch that will utilize any and everything to do their dirty deeds. Car's, truck's, bomb's, fire, hatchet, machete, poison, and you name it. Work on stopping all the American undermining by dangerous violent activist who are operating out in the open, and stop the violent gang's in this COUNTRY, and stop these little evil groomed nut case's we are giving witness to today, and maybe the nation survives it all.
I just can't help wonder: how many blacks will be murdered by other blacks in some random Dem run city in the next 48 hours? And where is the outrage at that? I have to point out... how quickly the media released information on THIS incident. Yet, a when a black person goes on anti-white/Asian/Jew rampage the media goes silent.

Buffalo is a Democrat Run Shithole City. Most of their daily shootings are from black shooters.
Those looking to make a race war out of this go against common sense.... they go against religion and dignity.

all groups Have there bad eggs. 911 wasn’t committed by all Muslims it was committed by Al-Qaeda ....George W Bush rightfully this pointed out.

Now America needs leaders. Weak people and weak minded followers will latch onto a mythical “race war.”

Ain’t gonna happen. America’s been through a lot and we will get through this.

Can’t believe the shooting happened in my hometown. The shooters actions were motivated by the devil. He’s just like the Al-Qaeda members.
You still are trying very hard to go off topic.......can't face that this murderer was a fellow traveler in the con-servative while male world?

In the words of Asclepias in response to a black dude who shot up some Texans, "it was a brother whose had enough".
Because there are 350,000,000 people. With that many people, and such a high non-white demographic, we're going to have more of everything.
This is a new thing that has come about during the 90s, and it has been picking up steam ever since.
This is a new thing that has come about during the 90s, and it has been picking up steam ever since.
Not really, when you consider the definition of "mass shooting" where "4, or more people are shot, not including the shooter".

I agree that THIS kind of event is fairly new, though.
More gun nut Rambo fantasy

How has that concealed carry done at stopping massacres in Texas?
Depends on the free gun zones that officials love to create, and further more political slavery is holding back the good citizen's from fixing all this bull crap, so enjoy your new slavery to come, because the Democrat's are expert's at slavery.
I don't want to play political/racial games anymore. I resent the huge double standard of these hypocrite liberals. They hold ALL white Rep/conservatives responsible in a preposterous logic game of connect the dots. Secondly, if a black person did this, the lefties sweep it under the rug and say: "It was the senseless act of a mentality ill person driven by dark inner demons" ? But this guy wasn't? Enough of the rhetorical/logic games. Enough.
And this is another thing - This was at a black Grocery store. White people always say "Well ya know if you blk ppl just work hard"

OK. Well sh*t.....we done that...... look what happened today at a black Grocery store ?

If he did this to an Asian community. They would be allocating a BILLION dollars right now. Bunch of black ppl dead and white ppl playing dumb "O well this was anti semetic" This MF walks with N*GGER on his gun.

Because of what ? White genocide ? Instead of just making babies with multiple women he decided that the answer to the population problem was to become a mass shooter.

This is all started from the Kyle Rittenhose thing. That was awink to say "Hey if you go out there and kill blks we'll have ya back"

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