Police State: Santa Monica Extends Smoking Ban To Apartments, Condos...

The beauty of it all is that you can leave a city...or a state altogether if you get tired of the nanny statism, the downfall of what we are dealing with now is we cannot escape things like the ACA.
People in California are growing tired of the way the state is being run, which is why they are flooding into Texas and New Mexico. Businesses are leaving in droves and the entitlement class are moving into the state. This is what happens when the lefts policies are put into place in full motion, sad thing is...the rest of us will pay for it. Eventually we wont be able to and the system will collapse. How goes California so goes the rest of the country.

Pretty soon we will run out of places to run to, fuck man I live in Alabama and even down here they are getting caught up in this anti smoking hysteria.
How do you Nanny/Police Stater assholes plan on enforcing this absurdity. What will the penalties be for refusing to comply? Enlighten us.

Just off the top of my head, if there was a situation where someone that had the right to, felt the need to report it, than they could. I'm sure there'd be plenty of instances where it would occur unnoticed, but I don't think they'll treat it like a serious crime, you know, like how you're treating it.

This is a good law to get people started with video taping their neighbors for the upcoming nazi police state. The only possible way anything could be done is if the people where caught on video committing the crime. Remember Obamas "If you see something, report it" mantra, this is just an extension of that. You know who else had a "If you see something, report it" mantra? Saddam Hussein, before he went and killed hundreds of thousands of his own people.

This kind of law would require people to spy and report on their own citizens, just like in Saddam Hussein era Iraq.
How do you Nanny/Police Stater assholes plan on enforcing this absurdity. What will the penalties be for refusing to comply? Enlighten us.

Just off the top of my head, if there was a situation where someone that had the right to, felt the need to report it, than they could. I'm sure there'd be plenty of instances where it would occur unnoticed, but I don't think they'll treat it like a serious crime, you know, like how you're treating it.

This is a good law to get people started with video taping their neighbors for the upcoming nazi police state. The only possible way anything could be done is if the people where caught on video committing the crime. Remember Obamas "If you see something, report it" mantra, this is just an extension of that. You know who else had a "If you see something, report it" mantra? Saddam Hussein, before he went and killed hundreds of thousands of his own people.

There are already enough laws on the books to give people something to work with if spying on their neighbors is something that they'd want to do.

I see the sky is still falling for some of you.
Ever notice people these days are just a bunch of pussies?
They're pussies for not wanting to breathe carcinogenic fumes in their own homes?


Make sense.

They're pussies for thinking that they are owed anything other than the own living conditions they have put themselves into.
Oh, so now its their fault that their neighbor's smoke! LOL!

Just because you dont like that your neighbor smokes does not mean the state should pass a law that bans your neighbor from smoking on their own property.
That's up to the People of Santa Monica to decide. But I guess you know better than local government. Maybe we should just make you dictator?
If you dont like that your neighbors smoke, move.
So if I move next door to you and start blasting noise into your home from mine all hours of the day - you'll just quietly move, right?
The smoke leaves your home and others can smell it. If you are in an apartment complex it can easily get into your neighbor's house. You'll see the ban only applies to homes that are close together like apartments, condos and the like.

How do you Nanny/Police Stater assholes plan on enforcing this absurdity. What will the penalties be for refusing to comply? Enlighten us.

Paul, it has nothing to do with enforcing anything, it's about cramming as much nanny statist laws on the books as possible and overloading the system with mission creep. Ronald Reagan once said "People vote with their feet", I think we are seeing that now in California.

I hear ya, but it's so crazy many Citizens would actually support a 'Cigarette Gestapo' storming Citizens' homes to arrest and fine them for smoking in their own homes. What the hell has happened to these people? When will they realize that all their Goose Stepping is going to hurt them as well in the end? It's very sad watching our country sink this way.
Wow this is bullshit...but it isnt the nanny staters that love this decision, its the anti-smoking wing nuts which exist in every party. They are the ones that wave their hands in front of their nose when walking past a designated *PATOOEY* smoking area.

Basically fags...
How do you Nanny/Police Stater assholes plan on enforcing this absurdity. What will the penalties be for refusing to comply? Enlighten us.

Ask Santa Monica. My presumption is they would use the police.

How would the Police be informed of these violations?
Usually by telephone.

And how would the Police enforce it?
Generally the police enforce the law by issuing summons or arresting people, collecting evidence and statements, and then turning it over to the DA.
How do you Nanny/Police Stater assholes plan on enforcing this absurdity. What will the penalties be for refusing to comply? Enlighten us.

Paul, it has nothing to do with enforcing anything, it's about cramming as much nanny statist laws on the books as possible and overloading the system with mission creep. Ronald Reagan once said "People vote with their feet", I think we are seeing that now in California.

I hear ya, but it's so crazy many Citizens would actually support a 'Cigarette Gestapo' storming Citizens' homes to arrest and fine them for smoking in their own homes. What the hell has happened to these people? When will they realize that all their Goose Stepping is going to hurt them as well in the end? It's very sad watching our country sink this way.

Their starting with the smokers, next I predict they will go after alcohol. No booze will be allowed in any apartments or homes.
The beauty of it all is that you can leave a city...or a state altogether if you get tired of the nanny statism, the downfall of what we are dealing with now is we cannot escape things like the ACA.
People in California are growing tired of the way the state is being run, which is why they are flooding into Texas and New Mexico. Businesses are leaving in droves and the entitlement class are moving into the state. This is what happens when the lefts policies are put into place in full motion, sad thing is...the rest of us will pay for it. Eventually we wont be able to and the system will collapse. How goes California so goes the rest of the country.

Pretty soon we will run out of places to run to, fuck man I live in Alabama and even down here they are getting caught up in this anti smoking hysteria.

Big tobacco must be sending alot of money towards the GOP from 2010 into this election sycle, because if they where sending that money to the democrats we would not be seeing policies like this put in place.
Ask Santa Monica. My presumption is they would use the police.

How would the Police be informed of these violations?
Usually by telephone.

And how would the Police enforce it?
Generally the police enforce the law by issuing summons or arresting people, collecting evidence and statements, and then turning it over to the DA.

Yes, a Cigarette Gestapo. Man, what a mess. How sad.
upcoming nazi police state


you guys, so funny

If you actually paid any attention to history, you might learn a thing or two about what is going on. Just because we live in America does not mean we are immune to the same dictatorial tactics of taking over a country. History indeed repeats itself. Just look at how Hitler took over Germany and rose to power, it's very similar to what is happening here right now.
I guess to you lefties think only people like Bush can be compared to Hitler.
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Smoking Banned Inside Santa Monica Residences

The city council voted 4-2 on Tuesday to expand a smoking prohibition in the coastal city.

Smoking is already banned at beaches, parks, restaurants and near buildings in Santa Monica, but Tuesday night the city council sought to expand that prohibition and voted 4-2 to ban smoking for all new tenants of apartments and condos inside their residences – with one exception.

“It also requires existing residents to designate their units as smoking or non smoking and from then on it will be prohibited to smoke in a non smoking unit,” said Adam Radinksy, head of the Consumer Protection Unit in Santa Monica.

The coastal city’s smoking bans date back almost two decades and Radinsky – along with other supporters of the ban – say the measures are in the interest of public health.

“People have come to testify to city council about asthma problems, people who had no prior health problems who developed health problems because their neighbors smoke,” he said.

Wayne Jackson, a smoker, says Southland residents breathe in pollution all day – pointing to a bus passing by as a “health issue.”

“I think it's a little too much control,” he said.

Jennifer Jones – who exercises in her apartment – describes smelling her neighbor's cigarette through the walls and vents.

“It’s not like a light smoke; it's really heavy,” Jones said.

Still, she has concerns with the new ordinance.

“I really don't think they should be telling people what to do if they are paying for the place they're living in,” Jones said.

Other cities have taken similar measures. Pasadena will make all apartments, condos and townhouses smoke-free by 2013 – a move Santa Monica is also looking into...

Read More:
Smoking Banned Inside Santa Monica Residences | NBC Southern California

Is Clint Eastwood, the Republican, still their mayor?
Just off the top of my head, if there was a situation where someone that had the right to, felt the need to report it, than they could. I'm sure there'd be plenty of instances where it would occur unnoticed, but I don't think they'll treat it like a serious crime, you know, like how you're treating it.

This is a good law to get people started with video taping their neighbors for the upcoming nazi police state. The only possible way anything could be done is if the people where caught on video committing the crime. Remember Obamas "If you see something, report it" mantra, this is just an extension of that. You know who else had a "If you see something, report it" mantra? Saddam Hussein, before he went and killed hundreds of thousands of his own people.

There are already enough laws on the books to give people something to work with if spying on their neighbors is something that they'd want to do.

I see the sky is still falling for some of you.

Not falling on me one bit. I call'em as I see'em though.
The beauty of it all is that you can leave a city...or a state altogether if you get tired of the nanny statism, the downfall of what we are dealing with now is we cannot escape things like the ACA.
People in California are growing tired of the way the state is being run, which is why they are flooding into Texas and New Mexico. Businesses are leaving in droves and the entitlement class are moving into the state. This is what happens when the lefts policies are put into place in full motion, sad thing is...the rest of us will pay for it. Eventually we wont be able to and the system will collapse. How goes California so goes the rest of the country.

Pretty soon we will run out of places to run to, fuck man I live in Alabama and even down here they are getting caught up in this anti smoking hysteria.

Big tobacco must be sending alot of money towards the GOP from 2010 into this election sycle, because if they where sending that money to the democrats we would not be seeing policies like this put in place.

I keep telling people this is only the tip of the iceberg, this isn't going to stop with the smokers. Next will be alcohol and than food.
They're pussies for not wanting to breathe carcinogenic fumes in their own homes?


Make sense.

They're pussies for thinking that they are owed anything other than the own living conditions they have put themselves into.
Oh, so now its their fault that their neighbor's smoke! LOL!

Just because you dont like that your neighbor smokes does not mean the state should pass a law that bans your neighbor from smoking on their own property.
That's up to the People of Santa Monica to decide. But I guess you know better than local government. Maybe we should just make you dictator?
Common sense would tell an AMERICAN that this is an overreach of government, the only people who would agree with this law are people who do not believe in individual liberty and private property rights.
If you dont like that your neighbors smoke, move.
So if I move next door to you and start blasting noise into your home from mine all hours of the day - you'll just quietly move, right?
Nice try, but the set up wont work.
How do you Nanny/Police Stater assholes plan on enforcing this absurdity. What will the penalties be for refusing to comply? Enlighten us.

Paul, it has nothing to do with enforcing anything, it's about cramming as much nanny statist laws on the books as possible and overloading the system with mission creep. Ronald Reagan once said "People vote with their feet", I think we are seeing that now in California.

I hear ya, but it's so crazy many Citizens would actually support a 'Cigarette Gestapo' storming Citizens' homes to arrest and fine them for smoking in their own homes. What the hell has happened to these people? When will they realize that all their Goose Stepping is going to hurt them as well in the end? It's very sad watching our country sink this way.

The people fighting the revolution are never the ones who end up in the dictatorial position, that is something these idiots apparently have not been educated on. They are being used as pawns in the game, and are willfully going right along with it in lock step. It's not sad, it's fucken pathetic.

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