Political Oddsmaker Says Obama Will Lose in a Landslide

Now while I seriously doubt a landslide if either would win... Romney does have an even shot of winning the election, even if he loses Ohio

If Romney loses Florida or Ohio, the election is over for him

He has very little margin for error in swing states

Wrong... losing Ohio does not bury Romney.... he can lose Ohio, NH, NM, Mich and still have 279 electoral votes... it is possible for him to carry IA, FLA, NC, VA, NV, MO, and WI.. it of course would be more difficult to win, but not crushing if he does not take OH
Obama's 'strong approve' rating is down to 23% today at Rassmussen.

I believe this is a record low fail.
Now while I seriously doubt a landslide if either would win... Romney does have an even shot of winning the election, even if he loses Ohio

If Romney loses Florida or Ohio, the election is over for him

He has very little margin for error in swing states

Wrong... losing Ohio does not bury Romney.... he can lose Ohio, NH, NM, Mich and still have 279 electoral votes... it is possible for him to carry IA, FLA, NC, VA, NV, MO, and WI.. it of course would be more difficult to win, but not crushing if he does not take OH

Winning Ohio would mean Obama only needs 31 votes. Romney can still technically win. But if Ohio goes, Michigan, Wisconsin will probably also go Obama

Enough is enough.
A political oddsmaker says Barack Obama will lose the election this year to Mitt Romney in a landslide.
As an oddsmaker with a pretty remarkable track record of picking political races, I play no favorites. I simply use common sense to call them as I see them. Back in late December I released my New Years Predictions. I predicted back then- before a single GOP primary had been held, with Romney trailing for months to almost every GOP competitor from Rick Perry to Herman Cain to Newt- that Romney would easily rout his competition to win the GOP nomination by a landslide. I also predicted that the Presidential race between Obama and Romney would be very close until election day. But that on election day Romney would win by a landslide similar to Reagan-Carter in 1980.

Understanding history, today I am even more convinced of a resounding Romney victory. 32 years ago at this moment in time, Reagan was losing by 9 points to Carter. Romney is right now running even in polls. So why do most pollsters give Obama the edge?

First, most pollsters are missing one ingredient- common sense. Here is my gut instinct. Not one American who voted for McCain 4 years ago will switch to Obama. Not one in all the land. But many millions of people who voted for an unknown Obama 4 years ago are angry, disillusioned, turned off, or scared about the future. Voters know Obama now- and that is a bad harbinger.

Bye-Bye Obama ,and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Americans are tired of taken a bite out of your shit sandwich..........:clap2:
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View attachment 20836
Yeah, time to invest in Sewerside Watches for Libbies. :lmao:
Prediction: Romney Crushes Obama In Presidential Election Blowout
Prediction: Romney Crushes Obama In Presidential Election Blowout - Forbes

Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mitt Romney Win In 2012
Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mitt Romney Win In 2012

EP update for August 28 - Romney takes the lead (in the popular vote), Michigan is in play
2012 Presidential Election - Election Projection

2012 Electoral Map Forecast
2012 Electoral Map - The Intrade Forecast 08/30/2012

Interesting Links. Kind of all over the place. If Michigan and Illinois are actually in play as earlier reported, Obama funds are limited and may be stretched thin closer to the election. I think it boils down to his favorability ratings from here on in.

I doubt Illinois is in play... I firmly give that to Obama.. but Polls (for whatever they are worth) do say Michigan is in play, but with the promise of auto bailouts, the welfare contingent, etc, I don't feel comfortable that Romney can pull out a win there... but anything is possible
If Romney loses Florida or Ohio, the election is over for him

He has very little margin for error in swing states

Wrong... losing Ohio does not bury Romney.... he can lose Ohio, NH, NM, Mich and still have 279 electoral votes... it is possible for him to carry IA, FLA, NC, VA, NV, MO, and WI.. it of course would be more difficult to win, but not crushing if he does not take OH

Winning Ohio would mean Obama only needs 31 votes. Romney can still technically win. But if Ohio goes, Michigan, Wisconsin will probably also go Obama
Wisconsin has been seeing the light more clearly since Libbie teachers abducted their children to the State House last year to sing raises and praises for the NEA. I wouldn't bank on Wisconsin going for Obama just yet.

While it's not a sure thing they'll all vote for Ryan, they're pretty proud they will be represented in Washington directly by him should the Republicans win.
If Romney loses Florida or Ohio, the election is over for him

He has very little margin for error in swing states

Wrong... losing Ohio does not bury Romney.... he can lose Ohio, NH, NM, Mich and still have 279 electoral votes... it is possible for him to carry IA, FLA, NC, VA, NV, MO, and WI.. it of course would be more difficult to win, but not crushing if he does not take OH

Winning Ohio would mean Obama only needs 31 votes. Romney can still technically win. But if Ohio goes, Michigan, Wisconsin will probably also go Obama

Wisconsin is one Romney can pull out... Michigan is longer odds... but the votes in Ohio have no bearing on the results of the other states
Prediction: Romney Crushes Obama In Presidential Election Blowout
Prediction: Romney Crushes Obama In Presidential Election Blowout - Forbes

Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mitt Romney Win In 2012
Electoral College Prediction Model Points To A Mitt Romney Win In 2012

EP update for August 28 - Romney takes the lead (in the popular vote), Michigan is in play
2012 Presidential Election - Election Projection

2012 Electoral Map Forecast
2012 Electoral Map - The Intrade Forecast 08/30/2012

Interesting Links. Kind of all over the place. If Michigan and Illinois are actually in play as earlier reported, Obama funds are limited and may be stretched thin closer to the election. I think it boils down to his favorability ratings from here on in.

I doubt Illinois is in play... I firmly give that to Obama.. but Polls (for whatever they are worth) do say Michigan is in play, but with the promise of auto bailouts, the welfare contingent, etc, I don't feel comfortable that Romney can pull out a win there... but anything is possible
I dunno, we've got some great people right here from Illinois who are conservatives who oppose the corrupt Blagovichian DNC that is entrenched there, in spite of his being incarcerated in the warden's privileged honor aisle.
Gonna be funny when all these folks end up being wrong. Was this before or after the repubinazi party cheated the Ron Paul delegates and pretty much ended any chance of willard having any support from us.
Wrong... losing Ohio does not bury Romney.... he can lose Ohio, NH, NM, Mich and still have 279 electoral votes... it is possible for him to carry IA, FLA, NC, VA, NV, MO, and WI.. it of course would be more difficult to win, but not crushing if he does not take OH

Winning Ohio would mean Obama only needs 31 votes. Romney can still technically win. But if Ohio goes, Michigan, Wisconsin will probably also go Obama

Wisconsin is one Romney can pull out... Michigan is longer odds... but the votes in Ohio have no bearing on the results of the other states

Not directly they don't. But they do represent a demographic trend

Romney needs to take 2/3 of available swing state votes. It can be done but it will take a major momentum shift. Not all swing states have the same hot button issues. Economy is always a hot button issue, but many swing states are doing better than the rest of the nation economically. Social issues may help in some states and hurt you in others
Gonna be funny when all these folks end up being wrong. Was this before or after the repubinazi party cheated the Ron Paul delegates and pretty much ended any chance of willard having any support from us.

Nobody cares about Ron Paul
Sure they don't. That's why ya keep mentioning his name. See the thing is ya might not care about him because obviously the brilliant strategists in the repubinazi party didn't realize he has a few million supporters and other fence sitters that are now going to vote for Gary Johnson...now see its a difference in voting for Obama,Obama wouldn't take votes away from willard but Johnson will since its a 3rd direction we are voting...enjoy it...oh and the ones that don't vote for Johnson are either not voting or are writing in Dr Paul. :) Enjoy 4 more years of Obama. Brought it on yourselves.
Just wanting everyone to know that I have been saying Romney in a landslide for about 2 months now :)
[ No one is going from voting Republican to voting for Obama.

That's bullshit. Charlie Crist said he was.

There's only ONE Charlie Crist...
Charlie Crist is giving real moderates a bad name
August 30, 2012

"The $716 billion in savings his opponents decry today extended the life of the program by nearly a decade and are making sure taxpayer dollars aren't wasted in excessive payments to insurance companies or fraud and abuse," Crist wrote in the Tampa Bay Times.

What he didn't mention is that the Medicare cuts (which we support) are part of the president's health-care reform bill, which then-Gov. Crist attacked in 2010.
"Dems are considering MORE cuts to Medicare in their HC bill AND are trying to duck a vote on the bill," Crist tweeted on March 17, 2010. Several days later he tweeted, "Healthcare Reform Bill will raise taxes and premiums and cuts significantly into Medicare."

It's vintage Charlie, who as governor opposed offshore drilling before he supported it before he opposed it again.

Not surprisingly, Crist's endorsement of Obama was excoriated by GOP pooh-bahs for its apostasy.

"Charlie Crist, bless his heart, he is just so desperate to be in the parade, he will wear anybody's costume," Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam told Fox News. Of course, the GOP's outrage over Crist's many changes of heart rings a bit hollow, considering Mitt Romney's record.
Editorial: Charlie Crist's endorsement of Obama smacks of opportunism - Orlando Sentinel
I've been saying since 2008 when he won that Obama wouldn't get reelected. His ideas are nothing but rehashed Keynesian failures that have never worked and wouldn't work now. It was an easy prediction to make.
He loses if he does not carry OH, because he will not pick up the difference in the others states you mentioned.

Now while I seriously doubt a landslide if either would win... Romney does have an even shot of winning the election, even if he loses Ohio

If Romney loses Florida or Ohio, the election is over for him

He has very little margin for error in swing states

Wrong... losing Ohio does not bury Romney.... he can lose Ohio, NH, NM, Mich and still have 279 electoral votes... it is possible for him to carry IA, FLA, NC, VA, NV, MO, and WI.. it of course would be more difficult to win, but not crushing if he does not take OH
Lmao he's an idiot, there is stil 60 days left, mostly of the country is voting Obama except the texans
That is a decent point. The Paul voters who feel slighted by the GOP convention will certainly not vote Romney, and that might make a difference in a state or two.

Sure they don't. That's why ya keep mentioning his name. See the thing is ya might not care about him because obviously the brilliant strategists in the repubinazi party didn't realize he has a few million supporters and other fence sitters that are now going to vote for Gary Johnson...now see its a difference in voting for Obama,Obama wouldn't take votes away from willard but Johnson will since its a 3rd direction we are voting...enjoy it...oh and the ones that don't vote for Johnson are either not voting or are writing in Dr Paul. :) Enjoy 4 more years of Obama. Brought it on yourselves.

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