Political prisoner Dinesh D'souza...learned something about democrats in prison...

A brown guy that touts personal freedom and condemns obtrusive govt as he refuses to play the victim card; that's the last thing that Dems want!


You heard it here first, folks.

Dinesh is refusing to play the victim card. This entire thread is just your imagination.

Huh? How is whining about your 8 month incarceration for a crime you admitted to doing not playing the "victim" card? Is that because we call it the "whiny pussy bitch" card instead?

Obama illegally raised millions over seas. Where's his felony conviction? Instead, his minions are criminalizing the opposition for less? This is f'ing Orwellian.

A message board lawyer. Gee, we can't get enough of those can we...?

This is the 'nicest thing' you've ever said to me. And it's the first time I recall you ever posting a coherent post. So, I'm not even gonna fight you on this one. :lol:
He wasn't in prison. He was in a halfway house and allowed to leave to go to work every day. Now he is whining that he was in prison with hardened criminals. He's a phony piece of shit. No wonder the right loves him.
I'm not beholding to any political party, PMH. I am held to the truth. He did the crime and he will do the time! I'm glad you agree with that and would trust you would not be held to some Partisan opinion over truth either. (if it was someone from your preferred party)
A criminal is a criminal. Neither is worthy, both are common. In politics, finding an honest man is a fool's errand, so I don't bother. Religion, unfortunately for you. isn't much better.

You sorry scumbag piece of human excrement! Criminal? Like Lois Lerner, Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton........

I'm sorry, what crimes were any of those people convicted of?

They are career criminals - they have been getting away with breaking the laws of this land for quite some time but there is a courtroom in heaven and day of Judgment and they shall find that no amount of money or favored friends can buy them out of their trouble. There is no appeals court after you stand before God Almighty. None. Only a fiery judgment (in hell).
I'm not beholding to any political party, PMH. I am held to the truth. He did the crime and he will do the time! I'm glad you agree with that and would trust you would not be held to some Partisan opinion over truth either. (if it was someone from your preferred party)
A criminal is a criminal. Neither is worthy, both are common. In politics, finding an honest man is a fool's errand, so I don't bother. Religion, unfortunately for you. isn't much better.

You sorry scumbag piece of human excrement! Criminal? Like Lois Lerner, Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton........

I'm sorry, what crimes were any of those people convicted of?

They are career criminals - they have been getting away with breaking the laws of this land for quite some time but there is a courtroom in heaven and day of Judgment and they shall find that no amount of money or favored friends can buy them out of their trouble. There is no appeals court after you stand before God Almighty. None. Only a fiery judgment (in hell).

So Reagan's in Hell for Iran Contra?
he's a weasselly little partisan who profits off of denigrating the President.
And the democrats are not partisan hacks who do the exact same thing? Please.

Name one who has plead guilty or been convicted of the same crime who did no time. The little shit smear did 8 months in a summer camp. Boo who.

I already did, Poo Poo Doo Doo.

One law for the party, a VERY different law for the peasants.
Dinesh D'souza was targeted by obama...sent to prison for something that is done by countless political operatives around the country....and while he was in prison he may have found the real motives of democrats....

Obama nemesis freed from nightly confinement

D’Souza said his confinement “expanded my horizons in ways the left never intended.”

“The left, by targeting me for selective prosecution, intended to teach me a lesson. But the lesson I’ve learned is, I’m sure, not the lesson the left wanted me to learn,” he said.

‘Stealing America’

D’Souza told WND the title of his new book will be “Stealing America.”

“The theme is that we think of American politics as a clash of ideas in that we stand for ‘liberty’ while the left stands for ‘justice’; we stand for ‘freedom,’ they stand for ‘equality,’ and I have spent most of my career debating these ideas,” he explained.

Dinesh D’Souza (Courtesy Dinesh D’Souza)

“But one of the things I learned in confinement was the hardened criminals I met, even as they were preparing to be released back in society, continue to live at the most basic level.”

He said that instead of discussing issues theoretically, he learned the ideology of the criminal is, “How do I get more?”

“It doesn’t matter whether it is right for them to get more, but if they have to stage a song and dance to get more, their only question is, ‘What is the best song and dance routine I can come up with to get people to go along with my con job or my scam?’

“So, I began to sit back and look at progressives in the Democratic Party as con artists who aren’t really attempting to achieve a rival view of America, but are attempting to transfer wealth, power and resources away from the ‘haves’ in favor of themselves.”

Political prisoner? D'man admitted to his crime. What is there that's in dispute?
Dinesh D'souza was targeted by obama...sent to prison for something that is done by countless political operatives around the country....and while he was in prison he may have found the real motives of democrats....

Obama nemesis freed from nightly confinement

D’Souza said his confinement “expanded my horizons in ways the left never intended.”

“The left, by targeting me for selective prosecution, intended to teach me a lesson. But the lesson I’ve learned is, I’m sure, not the lesson the left wanted me to learn,” he said.

‘Stealing America’

D’Souza told WND the title of his new book will be “Stealing America.”

“The theme is that we think of American politics as a clash of ideas in that we stand for ‘liberty’ while the left stands for ‘justice’; we stand for ‘freedom,’ they stand for ‘equality,’ and I have spent most of my career debating these ideas,” he explained.

Dinesh D’Souza (Courtesy Dinesh D’Souza)

“But one of the things I learned in confinement was the hardened criminals I met, even as they were preparing to be released back in society, continue to live at the most basic level.”

He said that instead of discussing issues theoretically, he learned the ideology of the criminal is, “How do I get more?”

“It doesn’t matter whether it is right for them to get more, but if they have to stage a song and dance to get more, their only question is, ‘What is the best song and dance routine I can come up with to get people to go along with my con job or my scam?’

“So, I began to sit back and look at progressives in the Democratic Party as con artists who aren’t really attempting to achieve a rival view of America, but are attempting to transfer wealth, power and resources away from the ‘haves’ in favor of themselves.”

Political prisoner? D'man admitted to his crime. What is there that's in dispute?

Selective prosecution...considering the inattention the clinton's are recieving for their activities......
Dinesh D'souza was targeted by obama...sent to prison for something that is done by countless political operatives around the country....and while he was in prison he may have found the real motives of democrats....

Obama nemesis freed from nightly confinement

D’Souza said his confinement “expanded my horizons in ways the left never intended.”

“The left, by targeting me for selective prosecution, intended to teach me a lesson. But the lesson I’ve learned is, I’m sure, not the lesson the left wanted me to learn,” he said.

‘Stealing America’

D’Souza told WND the title of his new book will be “Stealing America.”

“The theme is that we think of American politics as a clash of ideas in that we stand for ‘liberty’ while the left stands for ‘justice’; we stand for ‘freedom,’ they stand for ‘equality,’ and I have spent most of my career debating these ideas,” he explained.

Dinesh D’Souza (Courtesy Dinesh D’Souza)

“But one of the things I learned in confinement was the hardened criminals I met, even as they were preparing to be released back in society, continue to live at the most basic level.”

He said that instead of discussing issues theoretically, he learned the ideology of the criminal is, “How do I get more?”

“It doesn’t matter whether it is right for them to get more, but if they have to stage a song and dance to get more, their only question is, ‘What is the best song and dance routine I can come up with to get people to go along with my con job or my scam?’

“So, I began to sit back and look at progressives in the Democratic Party as con artists who aren’t really attempting to achieve a rival view of America, but are attempting to transfer wealth, power and resources away from the ‘haves’ in favor of themselves.”

Political prisoner? D'man admitted to his crime. What is there that's in dispute?

Selective prosecution...considering the inattention the clinton's are recieving for their activities......

Not so. In Ephesians 1:3 Paul wrote this from Prison............

For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles,

Note that Paul did not say I am a prisoner of progressives, of a Democratic agenda, no Paul said I am a prisoner of Jesus Christ. Now note the difference here...........

Paul was in prison for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not for breaking the law in order to save himself some money. (theft)

While Paul was in prison because of his righteousness, D'nesh is imprisoned for his "unrighteousness".

Once again, although there may be selective prosecution - had he not broke the law he wouldn't have been in the selection pool to begin with!
Dinesh D'souza was targeted by obama...sent to prison for something that is done by countless political operatives around the country....and while he was in prison he may have found the real motives of democrats....

Obama nemesis freed from nightly confinement

D’Souza said his confinement “expanded my horizons in ways the left never intended.”

“The left, by targeting me for selective prosecution, intended to teach me a lesson. But the lesson I’ve learned is, I’m sure, not the lesson the left wanted me to learn,” he said.

‘Stealing America’

D’Souza told WND the title of his new book will be “Stealing America.”

“The theme is that we think of American politics as a clash of ideas in that we stand for ‘liberty’ while the left stands for ‘justice’; we stand for ‘freedom,’ they stand for ‘equality,’ and I have spent most of my career debating these ideas,” he explained.

Dinesh D’Souza (Courtesy Dinesh D’Souza)

“But one of the things I learned in confinement was the hardened criminals I met, even as they were preparing to be released back in society, continue to live at the most basic level.”

He said that instead of discussing issues theoretically, he learned the ideology of the criminal is, “How do I get more?”

“It doesn’t matter whether it is right for them to get more, but if they have to stage a song and dance to get more, their only question is, ‘What is the best song and dance routine I can come up with to get people to go along with my con job or my scam?’

“So, I began to sit back and look at progressives in the Democratic Party as con artists who aren’t really attempting to achieve a rival view of America, but are attempting to transfer wealth, power and resources away from the ‘haves’ in favor of themselves.”

Political prisoner? D'man admitted to his crime. What is there that's in dispute?

Selective prosecution...considering the inattention the clinton's are recieving for their activities......

Says who?

So far you don't dispute that D'man did everything he was accused of. Nor do you dispute that his actions were a crime. So far your 'political prisoner' narrative isn't off to a great start.
Political prisoner? D'man admitted to his crime. What is there that's in dispute?

D'Souza violated an unconstitutional law. Most of McCain-Feingold has already been thrown out by the SCOTUS, given that it violates the 1st Amendment. This case demonstrates why laws intended to silence political speech are anathema to a free society. D'Souza was on Obama's hit list, and hit he was. Not by the IRS this time, but by the equally corrupt FEC.

This provisions of prohibiting political speech will find it's way to the SCOTUS, and will be thrown out. It's just a matter of time.
Political prisoner? D'man admitted to his crime. What is there that's in dispute?

D'Souza violated an unconstitutional law.

Says who? The Supreme Court has never held that the law that D'man violated was unconstitutional.

This provisions of prohibiting political speech will find it's way to the SCOTUS, and will be thrown out. It's just a matter of time.

Oh, you're speaking of a future ruling that you insist *will* exist.

Well, if that happens then the law will be unconstitutional.
Herein is the difference between one like Paul who was imprisoned for his righteousness vs. one like D'nesh who was imprisoned for breaking the law.

Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable to God.
1 Peter 2:18,19,20

In other words, what testimony is it if you are suffering for something you did wrong? Even if you are suffering patiently? It is only when we are suffering for righteousness sake - that we can suffer patiently and rejoice over it. This is the suffering and patience that is acceptable to God! See the difference?
Political prisoner? D'man admitted to his crime. What is there that's in dispute?

D'Souza violated an unconstitutional law.

Says who? The Supreme Court has never held that the law that D'man violated was unconstitutional.

This provisions of prohibiting political speech will find it's way to the SCOTUS, and will be thrown out. It's just a matter of time.

Oh, you're speaking of a future ruling that you insist *will* exist.

Well, if that happens then the law will be unconstitutional.
D'nesh knows that he broke the law, Skyar. That isn't in question here.
Says who? The Supreme Court has never held that the law that D'man violated was unconstitutional.

It is clearly unconstitutional. It violates the 1st Amendment. The portions that the SCOTUS have heard in challenges have already been thrown out.

While you of the left are at war against civil liberty, at this moment the 1st Amendment still stands. Granted, if somehow Hillary gains office and is able to appoint another anti-American, then the Bill of Rights is done.

Oh, you're speaking of a future ruling that you insist *will* exist.

Well, if that happens then the law will be unconstitutional.

The Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, so this will be uncomfortable for you:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

You have abriged the freedom of speech, in specific, political speech.
I'm not beholding to any political party, PMH. I am held to the truth. He did the crime and he will do the time! I'm glad you agree with that and would trust you would not be held to some Partisan opinion over truth either. (if it was someone from your preferred party)
A criminal is a criminal. Neither is worthy, both are common. In politics, finding an honest man is a fool's errand, so I don't bother. Religion, unfortunately for you. isn't much better.

You sorry scumbag piece of human excrement! Criminal? Like Lois Lerner, Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton........
Natstew, when D'nesh accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and became a born again Christian he became God's child. Because he made that decision he is now a son of God. With that, he has to realize that God is going to treat him as a son and when he does wrong and breaks the law he is going to get punished. The devil's children will get away with what he cannot get away with. In fact, the devil's children are not God's concern because those are not His kids! You don't punish the neighbor's kids. As a parent you punish your own because that is who you are responsible for raising up right.

The people you listed are the devil's children. They don't belong to God and the evidence is in the fact that he does not chastise them as He does His own children. With that said, God's judgment, his wrath is reserved for the wicked. When God brings judgment on America you'll see the difference because His own children will not lack in a famine, they will not perish by the enemies hand, only with their eyes shall they see the reward of the wicked. (Psalm 91) The fact that D'nesh was arrested while these criminals you named were not - is evidence of God's love and His relationship to D'nesh. When we sin, break the law, whatever we do that is not in accordance with God's laws - we bear the consequences for it. It is evidence of God's love and after chastisement? Comes restoration.

We need to - as Christians - see everything as coming from the hand of God. When Job lost his own children, he didn't say that Satan had taken them away - even though Satan was the one behind that whirlwind - tornado that hit their house! He said, The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. When David went through any trial he didn't say - Satan did this - he said it was from the LORD. The truth is the enemy cannot do anything to us without the LORD first giving him permission so we need to realize that all these things are decided by God.

These people you listed have not gotten away with anything because their day is coming (and what a horror that will be!) but we have to keep in mind they do not know God and have no relationship to Him. They are not His and therein He does not deal with them as He does His own.

Natstew, I forgot to mention something. When a Believer cries out to the LORD, avenge me of mine enemies! The Lord will answer and bring judgment on the one troubling them. He usually lets them see it too. (He has with me anyhow - speaking from my own experience here)

If the LORD looks down and "sees" the wicked troubling one of His anointed - he can bring a swift judgment that the world may perceive as a horrible tragedy but what is really happening is the LORD has decided - I'm going to move in this situation right now - and He does. Then when the wicked are hit with whatever it is God has decided they begin to cry out to God and ask him to do something but unless they repent and turn from their life of sin and receive Christ- he won't relent in his judgment and he won't even hear their prayers. The judgment will stand.

The last example (although there is more) is when someone - especially politicians - move to harm Israel with wrong decisions or plans against her. When that happens judgment is very swift. Usually within the same time frame as their actions against Israel. If you ever get a chance to read As it was done to Israel - by John McTernan you'll find case after case to prove that God brings very swift judgment on those in office who dare to come against Israel.

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Says who? The Supreme Court has never held that the law that D'man violated was unconstitutional.

It is clearly unconstitutional. It violates the 1st Amendment.

Well, that's an opinion. But your personal opinion has no bearing on our legal system.

The Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, so this will be uncomfortable for you:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

You have abriged the freedom of speech, in specific, political speech.

I get that you believe that 1st amendment rights have been violated. What you don't seem to get is that we don't base our law on your beliefs.
Well, that's an opinion. But your personal opinion has no bearing on our legal system.

No, that is a fact - which is why I listed the verbiage of the 1st.

I get that you believe that 1st amendment rights have been violated. What you don't seem to get is that we don't base our law on your beliefs.

Again, when you outlaw political speech, then the 1st is violated.

The anti-liberty left has lost each challenge on this - and you will continue to lose.

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