Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Stupid shit stop acting like you're in a cult if you don't want to be called a cultist. Start thinking for yourself instead of reacting to the newest unverified cultist talking points.
You mean the goofy shit you spew here 24/7? No thanks. Are magaturds ever not full of shit? :dunno:
You mean the goofy shit you spew here 24/7? No thanks. Are magaturds ever not full of shit? :dunno:
What goofy shit? Like the FBI holding onto hunter biden's laptop until after the election? Like Joe Biden did a quid pro quo? Biden lining his pockets with pay for play while he was VP? Is that what you're talking about? If that is it you are a cultist.
What goofy shit? Like the FBI holding onto hunter biden's laptop until after the election? Like Joe Biden did a quid pro quo? Biden lining his pockets with pay for play while he was VP? Is that what you're talking about? If that is it you are a cultist.
Not in a cult, thanks, and yes that's precisely the goofy shit I'm talking about. As if I give any fucks about Hunter Biden, you obsessed freak. :rolleyes: You believe stupid shit, because CULT demands it. Pitiful.
jesus coke.jpg

seems the evangelisticals have a belly full.
Alberta? Are you kidding? He is a former editor of the left wing Atlantic magazine and is a contributor to left wing Politico blog. Hardly unbiased when it comes to Christian beliefs.
Alberta? Are you kidding? He is a former editor of the left wing Atlantic magazine and is a contributor to left wing Politico blog. Hardly unbiased when it comes to Christian beliefs.

you mean like mike huckabee & his daughter? how'z about those in CONgress.... like marg & bo bo?

Posting drunk stop it.

Trump’s pussy grabbing is costing him
$83 million.

Are you gonna sell your guns Saint Bigrebnc1775 so you can send him some pussy grabbing money so he won’t be using the campaign money he will need to win in November to keep his pussy grabbing ass out of prison where he will only be able to grab something else?
Anyone that thinks Trump is some kind of “messiah” has no right to call themselves ”Christian.” I mean do these folks even know what it means to be Christian.

Question for Evangelicals​

BULLDOG Nov2023 Vqfeyz00001: No one is perfect, and we all sin. God has even been known to use men with some flaws to do great things, but there are seven sins that God points out that he specifically hates, and are an abomination to him. These sins are specifically pointed out. In proverbs 6:12-15, Solomon talks about a wicked man who is ¥ A worthless person, a wicked man, Walks with a perverse mouth; He winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy. •¥¥• Starting in verse 16, he lists the seven sins that that worthless person practices and that God specifically hates. •¥¥¥•
1. A proud look. Arrogance. A sense that he is better than others.
2. A lying tongue.
3. Hands that shed innocent blood. Refusing to act to save innocent lives when
you know the danger is eminent.
4. A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.
5. Feet that be swift in running to mischief.
6. A false witness that speaketh lies.
7. He that seweth discord among the brethren. •••••
Knowing that trump has repeatedly been shown to exemplify all the above listed abominations to God, how can evangelicals, or any person who claims to love God support such a man for the leader of our country? Especially in the light of him recently calling Iowa evangelicals “so called Christians” and “pieces of shit” •¥¥¥¥• bvlldvg 231127 Vi Sqfeyz00001

presonorek Nov2023 Vqfeyz00117: Americans aren’t culturally Christians. Americans have Ancient European roots. Evangelical Christianity is more in line with Ancient European religions than it is in line with Christianity. I can’t get people to understand this concept. If you can, good. If you can’t, too bad. •¥• The way Americans think predates the time Christianity entered the picture. •¥¥• prsnrk 231128 Vqfeyz00117 to Sqfeyz00001

Question for Evangelicals​

The way Americans think predates the time Christianity entered the picture.

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

Saint Presonorek in POST Vqfeyz00117
Wrote “The way Americans think predates the time Christianity entered the picture.”

I am curious as to what that means.

I can't vote for Donald Trump​

presonorek Nov2023 Sicvfd00186: When Trump failed to show up for the peaceful transition of power that is so beautiful and sacred to American government, he lost my vote indefinitely which puts me in a weird position. I think Trump would do an amazing job like he did last time. I prefer he wins but I’ll never vote for him. His crybaby feelings took precedence over the most beautiful ceremony our country has. We haven’t had any other president do that in over a century. prsnrk 231119 Sicvfd00186

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

Saint Presonorek in POST Sicvfd00186
wrote: “Trump failed to show up for the peaceful transition of power that is so beautiful and sacred to American government,” and because of that he will not vote for DJT in November.

However in the very same paragraph
Saint Presonorek in POST Sicvfd00186
wrote that he hopes DJT wins.

It seems irrational to me for Saint Presonorek to want DJT to win after he tried to steal the election and claim the inauguration for himself.

Perhaps Saint Presonorek will provide the rational argument why DJT should win the Oval Office after his leading role in the fraud and violent events on Jan6.

nfbw 240126 Vpmaez 00475
to Sicvfd00186

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Anyone that thinks Trump is some kind of “messiah” has no right to call themselves ”Christian.” I mean do these folks even know what it means to be Christian.
It certainly is a poor reflection on Christianity, just as jihadism is a poor reflection on Islam. For all the good that religion can do, there is an opposite, perverted side to it.

For many -- and we certainly see plenty of it here -- it's little more than a weapon, a tool to advance a political agenda, and not a serious belief.
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It certainly is a poor reflection on Christianity, just as jihadism is a poor reflection on Islam. For all the good that religion can do, there is an opposite, perverted side to it.

For many -- and we certainly see plenty of it here -- it's little more than a weapon, a tool to advance a political agenda, and not a serious belief.

well thankfully the Christians on the board have you, Mac, with your righteousness, to steer us ever in the right direction /////
right to abortion

DBA said: The clear difference is that there is no provision in the Constitution giving a blanket right to abortion. You may WANT that to be the case, but it isn’t there. Nov 28, 2022 #137

The Constitution protects the right to privacy in one’s home. Do you think the Constitution does not protect the right to privacy of what goes on inside one’s body from the moment we are born?

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