Poll for my friends on the left

Liberals - what are you comfortable with in the world of politics

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Oh yes I am serious. I know most neo cons hell most people for that matter unless they understand history and the role of Jews in history don't understand WHY Hitler thought of jews the way he did..Hell Henry Ford was a great American that knew about the jews...

LMAO!!! I'm dying over here! I feel like this is some episode of candid camera.

If you really are serious, you are one disturbed S.O.B. However, mad kudos on your candor. In this day and age of radical left-wing p.c. speech control, it's refreshing to hear someone say something without fear - even if it is outrageously unhinged!

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!


He's a "nutter"? What does that mean? If you're implying he's a fellow conservative, I have no problem denouncing his beliefs right here and right now in front of the world.

However, unlike you liberals, I believe in free speech. I support and defend his right to speak his mind (no matter how disturbed that mind is). How sad that don't as well. But, the history of the left (communsm, marxism, socialism, fascism, etc.) has a long history of oppression and silencing any dissenting voice.
LMAO!!! I'm dying over here! I feel like this is some episode of candid camera.

If you really are serious, you are one disturbed S.O.B. However, mad kudos on your candor. In this day and age of radical left-wing p.c. speech control, it's refreshing to hear someone say something without fear - even if it is outrageously unhinged!
I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Like I said read and UNDERSTAND history and jewery's role in it...and you would understand...most people just look at it and say oh well yer just anti semitic...nonsense...I understand history and the role of the jewish people in it.

Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?
LMAO!!! I'm dying over here! I feel like this is some episode of candid camera.

If you really are serious, you are one disturbed S.O.B. However, mad kudos on your candor. In this day and age of radical left-wing p.c. speech control, it's refreshing to hear someone say something without fear - even if it is outrageously unhinged!

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!


He's a "nutter"? What does that mean? If you're implying he's a fellow conservative, I have no problem denouncing his beliefs right here and right now in front of the world.

However, unlike you liberals, I believe in free speech. I support and defend his right to speak his mind (no matter how disturbed that mind is). How sad that don't as well. But, the history of the left (communsm, marxism, socialism, fascism, etc.) has a long history of oppression and silencing any dissenting voice.

You are making things up again......
Yep. I know that. Hitler was correct on the jewish question but I hated his politics other than that...

Wow! LMAO! This can't be a serious post...

Why not? You asked a stupid, ambivalent but thinly veiled question.

Oh God, here we go, leave it to NTPP to break out the little tinfoil hats!

Yeah, it was sooooooo "thinly veiled". Actually, it was completely transparent (ie NO veil) dumb-ass! It was a straight forward, simple question.

You must really be intimidated by my intelligence if you fear a simple, straight forward poll like this (hint - I'm not *out* to get you stupid... back away from the tinfoil hats).
LMAO!!! I'm dying over here! I feel like this is some episode of candid camera.

If you really are serious, you are one disturbed S.O.B. However, mad kudos on your candor. In this day and age of radical left-wing p.c. speech control, it's refreshing to hear someone say something without fear - even if it is outrageously unhinged!
I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Like I said read and UNDERSTAND history and jewery's role in it...and you would understand...most people just look at it and say oh well yer just anti semitic...nonsense...I understand history and the role of the jewish people in it.

Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...


Well honey, let's start with you. We won't use an oven, we'll just stick you in a giant autoclave until you're a bright red and your skin peels off.
Wow! LMAO! This can't be a serious post...

Why not? You asked a stupid, ambivalent but thinly veiled question.

Oh God, here we go, leave it to NTPP to break out the little tinfoil hats!

Yeah, it was sooooooo "thinly veiled". Actually, it was completely transparent (ie NO veil) dumb-ass! It was a straight forward, simple question.

You must really be intimidated by my intelligence if you fear a simple, straight forward poll like this (hint - I'm not *out* to get you stupid... back away from the tinfoil hats).

Uh-huh. (...Whatever you do, don't answer that help wanted ad from Gallup...or Pew....or Quinnipiac. Maybe Rasmussen, though.)
This silly poll is incorrectly formulated and worthless.

I Refuse To Accept Anything Which Is Not The Result Of The Highest Level Of Integrity


I firmly believe that the ends justify the means. To those who regard me with horror, and mindlessly babble the opposite, I ask this simple question:

If the ends do not justify the means, then what, in heaven's name, does justify the means?? !!!!!

If you object to certain means, then, obviously, your ends were incorrectly formulated !!!!

Well gee, that's not the least bit frightening. If your "ends were correctly formulated" in your mind, then in your mind, anything is justified to achieve them? Really? So you would murder people? Commit genocide? Rape women? Molest children?

Wow.... this is the most jaw-dropping thread ever. And I thoug nothing could be more absurd or offensive than Atheists posts.... :lmao:
I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?

To what?
Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!


He's a "nutter"? What does that mean? If you're implying he's a fellow conservative, I have no problem denouncing his beliefs right here and right now in front of the world.

However, unlike you liberals, I believe in free speech. I support and defend his right to speak his mind (no matter how disturbed that mind is). How sad that don't as well. But, the history of the left (communsm, marxism, socialism, fascism, etc.) has a long history of oppression and silencing any dissenting voice.

You are making things up again......

What do you expect from someone who thinks they are a Rottweiler?
Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!


He's a "nutter"? What does that mean? If you're implying he's a fellow conservative, I have no problem denouncing his beliefs right here and right now in front of the world.

However, unlike you liberals, I believe in free speech. I support and defend his right to speak his mind (no matter how disturbed that mind is). How sad that don't as well. But, the history of the left (communsm, marxism, socialism, fascism, etc.) has a long history of oppression and silencing any dissenting voice.

You are making things up again......

How am I making things up? You bashed me for defending his freedom of speech. Which means, clearly, you do NOT recognize his freedom of speech (because if you did, why would you bash someone for agreeing with you?!?) :cuckoo:
I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?

Fuck that shit, you keep him...
You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.

Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?

To what?

Well, there it is. Obviously not the brightest bulb in the light tower.

Thanks for playin'. :clap2:
LMAO!!! I'm dying over here! I feel like this is some episode of candid camera.

If you really are serious, you are one disturbed S.O.B. However, mad kudos on your candor. In this day and age of radical left-wing p.c. speech control, it's refreshing to hear someone say something without fear - even if it is outrageously unhinged!
I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Like I said read and UNDERSTAND history and jewery's role in it...and you would understand...most people just look at it and say oh well yer just anti semitic...nonsense...I understand history and the role of the jewish people in it.

Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. ....

OK, I have to ask.....how did these people die in the first place then? You know, all 6,000,000 of them?

Rickets? Smallpox? Sheer boredom from being cooped up in camps with no proper sewage system or running water? Pray tell.
You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.

Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?

Fuck that shit, you keep him...

I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. ....

OK, I have to ask.....how did these people die in the first place then? You know, all 6,000,000 of them?

Rickets? Smallpox? Sheer boredom from being cooped up in camps with no proper sewage system or running water? Pray tell.

I believe they had a habit of attacking the nice Nazi soldiers' guns with their heads.
He's a "nutter"? What does that mean? If you're implying he's a fellow conservative, I have no problem denouncing his beliefs right here and right now in front of the world.

However, unlike you liberals, I believe in free speech. I support and defend his right to speak his mind (no matter how disturbed that mind is). How sad that don't as well. But, the history of the left (communsm, marxism, socialism, fascism, etc.) has a long history of oppression and silencing any dissenting voice.

You are making things up again......

How am I making things up? You bashed me for defending his freedom of speech. Which means, clearly, you do NOT recognize his freedom of speech (because if you did, why would you bash someone for agreeing with you?!?) :cuckoo:

Oh no....are you kidding? This guy's psychotic babbling is far more interesting than your initial poll question. I can't wait to hear his answer to my question.
LMAO!!! I'm dying over here! I feel like this is some episode of candid camera.

If you really are serious, you are one disturbed S.O.B. However, mad kudos on your candor. In this day and age of radical left-wing p.c. speech control, it's refreshing to hear someone say something without fear - even if it is outrageously unhinged!
I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Like I said read and UNDERSTAND history and jewery's role in it...and you would understand...most people just look at it and say oh well yer just anti semitic...nonsense...I understand history and the role of the jewish people in it.

Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Oh...well...since you put it like that :lol:

Look, unlike the Jewish question, the cancer known as liberalism/progressivism/etc. can and has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt for it's decay on humanity. Still, I would never advocate the mass-murder of Dumbocrats or their sterilization.

Why not something much more civilized like separating land and living in peace apart from each other? I mean, even though I would NEVER accept anything you've mentioned for Dumbocrats, I would be thrilled to see them deported to Cuba and refused entrance back into the United States. I'm glad to let them live their liberal decay in peace in Cuba or Greece or any where other than the U.S.

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