Poll for my friends on the left

Liberals - what are you comfortable with in the world of politics

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You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.

Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?

Fuck that shit, you keep him...
Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?

To what?

Well, there it is. Obviously not the brightest bulb in the light tower.

Thanks for playin'. :clap2:
Next time try explaining more instead of saying something idiotic...so you think Nazis as I am assuming you think I am belong in South Carolina? Interesting...I do like SC....not as idiotic as this state...fucking republicans are destroying NC.
I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. ....

OK, I have to ask.....how did these people die in the first place then? You know, all 6,000,000 of them?

Rickets? Smallpox? Sheer boredom from being cooped up in camps with no proper sewage system or running water? Pray tell.

Malnutrition,disease,starvation,heart attacks,cancer who knows what else...the US was not allowing food to get into the countries where they were being held while Germany was still at war,shit happens...the Germans weren't going to feed their enemies first...Have you ever read dissenting opinions about the holocaust?
You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.

Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. ....

OK, I have to ask.....how did these people die in the first place then? You know, all 6,000,000 of them?

Rickets? Smallpox? Sheer boredom from being cooped up in camps with no proper sewage system or running water? Pray tell.

I believe they had a habit of attacking the nice Nazi soldiers' guns with their heads.

Pogo scores!! Yes, that's exactly what happened. They jumped in front of Nazi soldiers' guns, their heads squarely in the crosshairs.....Then they gathered their neighbors for fun train rides to the countryside.
You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.

Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. ....

OK, I have to ask.....how did these people die in the first place then? You know, all 6,000,000 of them?

Rickets? Smallpox? Sheer boredom from being cooped up in camps with no proper sewage system or running water? Pray tell.

I believe they had a habit of attacking the nice Nazi soldiers' guns with their heads.

LMAO!!! God damn, I actually tried to give you kudos for that, but it wouldn't allow me to (I'll circle back around).
You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.

Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?

Fuck that shit, you keep him...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I am very serious. Disturbed yes I have been called that among other things...crazy,whacko,nutcase,ignorant etc etc...I have heard it all.I don't fear speaking my mind although some places and people don't appreciate it.

Yes! Perfect response in THIS thread. You want to hate the dude.....but he's a fellow nutter......so you just had to find something about what he said that you could like!

You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.
Well, for the sake of argument, lets just say I read and agree with everything you handed me. You think that any action justifies people being put in ovens?!?

I mean, seriously, wow..... I'm speechless, and that has never happened to me before.
Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Oh...well...since you put it like that :lol:

Look, unlike the Jewish question, the cancer known as liberalism/progressivism/etc. can and has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt for it's decay on humanity. Still, I would never advocate the mass-murder of Dumbocrats or their sterilization.

Why not something much more civilized like separating land and living in peace apart from each other? I mean, even though I would NEVER accept anything you've mentioned for Dumbocrats, I would be thrilled to see them deported to Cuba and refused entrance back into the United States. I'm glad to let them live their liberal decay in peace in Cuba or Greece or any where other than the U.S.
Did you know Jews were kicked out of EVERY country in Europe over the past 2k years? They were driven out but always found a way back in....you can't just allow your enemies to live where they can still do harm to you or your country or people. You must snuff them out.
Obviously this guy is in the wrong Carolina.

Need directions?

Fuck that shit, you keep him...

Next time try explaining more instead of saying something idiotic...so you think Nazis as I am assuming you think I am belong in South Carolina? Interesting...I do like SC....not as idiotic as this state...fucking republicans are destroying NC.
You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.

Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. ....

OK, I have to ask.....how did these people die in the first place then? You know, all 6,000,000 of them?

Rickets? Smallpox? Sheer boredom from being cooped up in camps with no proper sewage system or running water? Pray tell.

Malnutrition,disease,starvation,heart attacks,cancer who knows what else...the US was not allowing food to get into the countries where they were being held while Germany was still at war,shit happens...the Germans weren't going to feed their enemies first...Have you ever read dissenting opinions about the holocaust?

Um....Why were they being held in the first place? And where? And why?

Let's see you handle a round-up when someone decides that people who read dissenting opinions about the Holocaust should be taken away at gunpoint. The people who were "held" had names that ended in Stein, Berg and Mann and that was their only offense. Now please, GFY.
The means are the ends.

Side note, you have friends on the left Rott?:)

No sir! And they've been more than happy to point that out...

Well, ironically, I do have one - my dear friend [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION]. But she's not here right now (which I'm not sure whether to be thankful for or disappointed).
You should appreciate someone using free speech for other than approved speech.

Well on this note. 1. I don't believe the ovens were used to KILL anyone,I do believe they were used to burn diseased bodies that would spread more disease. 2. I think ANY way that you can get rid of someone or in that case a race of people you do it how you can...disturbed? Yes. very much so. But that was Hitler for ya. Like I said I agreed with him on the jewish question not so sure about how he went about it...personally I would just sterilize people until they died out...much more humane...

Oh...well...since you put it like that :lol:

Look, unlike the Jewish question, the cancer known as liberalism/progressivism/etc. can and has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt for it's decay on humanity. Still, I would never advocate the mass-murder of Dumbocrats or their sterilization.

Why not something much more civilized like separating land and living in peace apart from each other? I mean, even though I would NEVER accept anything you've mentioned for Dumbocrats, I would be thrilled to see them deported to Cuba and refused entrance back into the United States. I'm glad to let them live their liberal decay in peace in Cuba or Greece or any where other than the U.S.
Did you know Jews were kicked out of EVERY country in Europe over the past 2k years? They were driven out but always found a way back in....you can't just allow your enemies to live where they can still do harm to you or your country or people. You must snuff them out.

Ethnic and racial persecution is not exactly new news. I guess it is to you, though.
He's a "nutter"? What does that mean? If you're implying he's a fellow conservative, I have no problem denouncing his beliefs right here and right now in front of the world.

However, unlike you liberals, I believe in free speech. I support and defend his right to speak his mind (no matter how disturbed that mind is). How sad that don't as well. But, the history of the left (communsm, marxism, socialism, fascism, etc.) has a long history of oppression and silencing any dissenting voice.

You are making things up again......

How am I making things up? You bashed me for defending his freedom of speech. Which means, clearly, you do NOT recognize his freedom of speech (because if you did, why would you bash someone for agreeing with you?!?) :cuckoo:

Dude......I mocked you for giving the guy compliments. I am a free speech guy. And when I meet someone who says the shit he said, I don't give him props for bucking the PC culture. You were verklempt. You gave a psychotic nutcase a ballsack massage.
You are making things up again......

How am I making things up? You bashed me for defending his freedom of speech. Which means, clearly, you do NOT recognize his freedom of speech (because if you did, why would you bash someone for agreeing with you?!?) :cuckoo:

Dude......I mocked you for giving the guy compliments. I am a free speech guy. And when I meet someone who says the shit he said, I don't give him props for bucking the PC culture. You were verklempt. You gave a psychotic nutcase a ballsack massage.

And a frontal, full-throated one at that.
Oh...well...since you put it like that :lol:

Look, unlike the Jewish question, the cancer known as liberalism/progressivism/etc. can and has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt for it's decay on humanity. Still, I would never advocate the mass-murder of Dumbocrats or their sterilization.

Why not something much more civilized like separating land and living in peace apart from each other? I mean, even though I would NEVER accept anything you've mentioned for Dumbocrats, I would be thrilled to see them deported to Cuba and refused entrance back into the United States. I'm glad to let them live their liberal decay in peace in Cuba or Greece or any where other than the U.S.
Did you know Jews were kicked out of EVERY country in Europe over the past 2k years? They were driven out but always found a way back in....you can't just allow your enemies to live where they can still do harm to you or your country or people. You must snuff them out.

Ethnic and racial persecution is not exactly new news. I guess it is to you, though.

LOL.....of course they were just innocent eh? :cuckoo: It was those evil countries all 109 of them!
You are making things up again......

How am I making things up? You bashed me for defending his freedom of speech. Which means, clearly, you do NOT recognize his freedom of speech (because if you did, why would you bash someone for agreeing with you?!?) :cuckoo:

Dude......I mocked you for giving the guy compliments. I am a free speech guy. And when I meet someone who says the shit he said, I don't give him props for bucking the PC culture. You were verklempt. You gave a psychotic nutcase a ballsack massage.

You don't see the irony there? You're a "free speech guy" but when someone exercises that right to the point of real jeopardy, you don't "give him props"?

Do you realize this guy will NEVER get another job (and would most certainly be fired for his current job) if anyone ever found out who he really is? Do you realize how many whacko's on the extreme opposite would threaten his life (and possibly even act on it) if they ever found out who he really is?

How can you not respect a person who is willing to risk so much to speak what they really believe (even if it is frighteningly absurd)? You're not a "free speech guy", you're a "popular speech which also must agree with me guy". Sad but true...
How am I making things up? You bashed me for defending his freedom of speech. Which means, clearly, you do NOT recognize his freedom of speech (because if you did, why would you bash someone for agreeing with you?!?) :cuckoo:

Dude......I mocked you for giving the guy compliments. I am a free speech guy. And when I meet someone who says the shit he said, I don't give him props for bucking the PC culture. You were verklempt. You gave a psychotic nutcase a ballsack massage.

You don't see the irony there? You're a "free speech guy" but when someone exercises that right to the point of real jeopardy, you don't "give him props"?

Do you realize this guy will NEVER get another job (and would most certainly be fired for his current job) if anyone ever found out who he really is? Do you realize how many whacko's on the extreme opposite would threaten his life (and possibly even act on it) if they ever found out who he really is?

How can you not respect a person who is willing to risk so much to speak what they really believe (even if it is frighteningly absurd)? You're not a "free speech guy", you're a "popular speech which also must agree with me guy". Sad but true...

Nope. Makes you feel better, but incorrect.
To the OP.

You seem to be confusing "Liberals" with pinko faggots.

Does it make you feel good to help them redefine the English language?
I bet you do.
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Did you know Jews were kicked out of EVERY country in Europe over the past 2k years? They were driven out but always found a way back in....you can't just allow your enemies to live where they can still do harm to you or your country or people. You must snuff them out.

Ethnic and racial persecution is not exactly new news. I guess it is to you, though.

LOL.....of course they were just innocent eh? :cuckoo: It was those evil countries all 109 of them!

Bandwagon or "three men make a tiger" fallacy. Yawn.

By the way, substitute "Muslims" for "Jews" in this guy's posts and notice how they resemble some recent threads around here...

Same shit, different era.
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Even if any of this is true (and I need a hell of a lot more evidence than a list on a very low budget website), how does that even remotely justify extermination or sterilization? That's is some unhinged, crazy shit.
Because MILLIONS of people see the jewish race as a threat to society. Is that justified? Well for Hitler and his regime it was...just like for Obama's regime its justification to use the IRS to attack conservative groups. Same shit different era and regime.If someone or a race is a threat to your race or country then what do you do? You get rid of the threat.

Ethnic and racial persecution is not exactly new news. I guess it is to you, though.

LOL.....of course they were just innocent eh? :cuckoo: It was those evil countries all 109 of them!

Bandwagon fallacy. Yawn.

By the way, substitute "Muslims" for "Jews" in this guy's posts and notice how they resemble some recent threads around here...

Same shit, different era.

So you have no come back...no surprise...

Even if any of this is true (and I need a hell of a lot more evidence than a list on a very low budget website), how does that even remotely justify extermination or sterilization? That's is some unhinged, crazy shit.
Because MILLIONS of people see the jewish race as a threat to society. Is that justified? Well for Hitler and his regime it was...just like for Obama's regime its justification to use the IRS to attack conservative groups. Same shit different era and regime.If someone or a race is a threat to your race or country then what do you do? You get rid of the threat.

LOL.....of course they were just innocent eh? :cuckoo: It was those evil countries all 109 of them!

Bandwagon fallacy. Yawn.

By the way, substitute "Muslims" for "Jews" in this guy's posts and notice how they resemble some recent threads around here...

Same shit, different era.

So you have no come back...no surprise...

That IS the comeback. See the first line.

As I said ----- not the brightest bulb in the light tower...
To the OP.

You seem to be confusing "Liberals" with pinko faggots.

Does it make you feel good to help them redefine the English language?
I bet you do.

What are you talking about?!? It's a simple, straight forward poll. Make your choice. Or don't. I don't give a shit. But it's a poll for each person to answer. I didn't proclaim (or even imply) anything.

Good grief, you're like a fucking junior high girl - inferring a hidden message in a simple question, where NONE exists... :banghead:

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