POLL: Is this in the best interests of our young people, or is it not?

Should we promote & enable challenging opinions for our young people?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 92.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.
4 votes for "Yes" so far. Have any "Progressives" weighed in?
They are old enough to send out to a war where they can die before turning 19? I don't see too many people trying to slow that bus down.

College is a cake walk. Your children should have already been exposed to different points of view.
They are old enough to send out to a war where they can die before turning 19? I don't see too many people trying to slow that bus down.College is a cake walk. Your children should have already been exposed to different points of view.
Is that a "No"?
The issue isn't that colleges and universities don't do exactly what's described in the OP. They do, but one must look for it, usually in the classroom. Believe it or not, pretty much all college courses present multiple points of view for the subject matter they cover. Indeed, doing just that is the whole point of introductory and/or survey courses in a given discipline.

The problem is that many individuals who get into such institutions aren't ready to perform the critical thinking that being so exposed demands one be capable of doing.

How could they? Young people often these days seem challenged to express any idea that requires one do so in more than 140 characters. I'm sorry, but the world's weighty issues cannot be effectively considered, expressed and discussed in 140 characters. 140 Characters is a slogan, not an exposition of critical thought. Perhaps we are creating a generation of ad copywriters and other advertising workers?
Absolutely yes.

Snowflake parents should stop trying to shield their precious offspring from challenging ideas.

Do they still have Debate Clubs? Debate should be a part of every curriculum from middle school on.
It depends on the age of the "young people" and which "controversial opinions" are open for debate. The way the controversial opinions are promoted is also important. If kids are exposed to controversial subjects without including a moral compass it becomes nothing but propaganda. For example what would happen if schools taught the "benefits" of heroin use without citing the potential tragedy?
You could pass a Fairness Doctrine requiring all media to present both sides.

I'd like to see something requiring some semblance of truth in media. Because the lying isn't helpful to anyone.

Too many people refuse to fact check and swallow lies which confirm their previously held beliefs without discussion or question.
The issue isn't that colleges and universities don't do exactly what's described in the OP. They do, but one must look for it, usually in the classroom. The problem is that many individuals who get into such institutions aren't ready to perform the critical thinking that being so exposed demands one be capable of doing.

How could they? Young people often these days seem challenged to express any idea that requires one do so in more than 140 characters. I'm sorry, but the world's weighty issues cannot be effectively considered, expressed and discussed in 140 characters. 140 Characters is a slogan, not an exposition of critical thought. Perhaps we are creating a generation of ad copywriters and other advertising workers?

Actually, many of the universities nationwide aren't dealing with this nonsense. Now, you have some elite squad universities and some on the coasts that appear to have some issues. The ones that are coming up behind the Millennials are going to be a force to be reckoned with for two reasons and one of those is economic.
You could pass a Fairness Doctrine requiring all media to present both sides.

I'd like to see something requiring some semblance of truth in media. Because the lying isn't helpful to anyone.

Too many people refuse to fact check and swallow lies which confirm their previously held beliefs without discussion or question.
They'd better fucking learn how to, corporate state media is nothing but PR for the empire.
Effectively learning requires the principles of how to critically think.

Without those principles, learners cannot filter out fake news and alt facts and pretenders who say the love but really hate critical thinking, like the OP.
Effectively learning requires the principles of how to critically think. Without those principles, learners cannot filter out fake news and alt facts and pretenders who say the love but really hate critical thinking, like the OP.
So far I'm getting precisely the kind of responses I expected from the Regressive Left, like this one.

All of them leaving the door open for thought censorship.

Mush brained young people are getting royally screwed. My generation lived beyond our means, racking up trillions in debt and we stuck these young people with the bill. Happy birthday, $20 trillion good luck paying that off. :laugh:
Effectively learning requires the principles of how to critically think. Without those principles, learners cannot filter out fake news and alt facts and pretenders who say the love but really hate critical thinking, like the OP.
So far I'm getting precisely the kind of responses I expected from the Regressive Left, like this one. All of them leaving the door open for thought censorship. Thanks. .
Learning critical thinking skills in the minds of the regressive Alt Right Mac1958 somehow creates thought censorship, when in fact it outs fake news and alt facts and those who love those dark deeds.
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?
Just to put some rational perspective on one more Mac attack on liberals, let's keep in mind:

The conservative push for school vouchers, school choice, religious schools, homeschooling are all examples of how CONSERVATIVES are, as much or more than liberals,

desirous of shielding their children from differing opinions.

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