POLL: Is this in the best interests of our young people, or is it not?

Should we promote & enable challenging opinions for our young people?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 92.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
All this spin, all this deflection, all these attacks. Just to avoid the real issue.

People who really believe in freedom of expression welcome opposing views.

Like Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Norm Chomsky. They believe in it.

Prove that anyone opposing you in this thread doesn't welcome opposing views.
"Prove" to who?



Yep. Me and everyone else here who doesn't buy your holier than thou BS.

I've never once even hinted that any person should ever be muffled or discouraged from speaking. You, on the other hand, put people on Iggy when you fear their words.
I don't give a shit what you buy, snowflake.

And it's meltdown time!
And after all your posts in this thread, you still haven't answered the question in the OP.

Seriously, that has to be some kind of record for trolling. And cowardice.
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Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.

we should promote discussion and different opinions.

we should not promote fake facts... you know... like that there is no such thing as science.
Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.

we should promote discussion and different opinions.

we should not promote fake facts... you know... like that there is no such thing as science.
"Yeah, sure, I believe in freedom of speech 'n stuff, but I don't like that person, so I won't say anything if they're shut down. In fact, I'll be pretty happy about it and I'll defend those who shut them down. But yeah, sure, freedom of speech is great".

Spotting the regressive authoritarians is pretty easy.
It's not about not wanting to hear it. Why can't yu yu understand English?

I told YOU it wasn't about "not wanting to hear it". It's about allowing others the courtesy and the liberty to hear it.

And I told you why. CONFIDENT people -- people trusting in their convictions and truths -- have NO PROBLEM with free speech. The paranoid and insecure -- DO have a problem with allowing others to hear opposing points of view.

Bullshit. They don't want to be associated with her bullshit. They are not afraid of her message.

Allowing others to hear it or not is NOT their call. They can protest from outside the hall. That's not associating themselves with it. OBVIOUSLY, her "message" makes them "uncomfortable". Because their fear has to be that OTHERS might learn something or agree in parts of what she says. Otherwise, there would be no downside. Let the "Illuminati" folks and the Holocaust deniers have their shots. How long does it take you to totally defeat their "message". Aint no sweat off anyone's back to refute and dismiss fuzzy, muddled, or hateful thinking.

If they are so GOOD at their convictions, letting free speech reign would be a WELCOMED thing. Even amusing at times. I think they are fearful, paranoid, and not very well equipped to refute the stuff they fear..
The Regressives know this. This is simply about their fear of opposing views ruining all the effort they make in conditioning our kids on campus.

Let me know when Liberty University and other bastions of rightwing indoctrination allow opposing views...

Liberty university is private and it doesn't take any government money.

let me know when you have another straw man to knock down.
The Regressives' argument boils down to this:

"I don't like her, I don't like what she says, so I support not allowing her speak".

Oh, and there have been a few "and she's ugly".

It's all about THEIR OPINION.

It's no wonder they don't have the balls to vote "No" to the question.

A Republican group at Berkeley invited Coulter. Liberty University banned their Democrat group.
Liberty university is privately owned, moron.
For the Regressive Authoritarians, even NOAM freakin' CHOMSKY is a crazy right winger.

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Absolutely yes.

Snowflake parents should stop trying to shield their precious offspring from challenging ideas.

Do they still have Debate Clubs? Debate should be a part of every curriculum from middle school on.
What are snowflake parents?
All this spin, all this deflection, all these attacks. Just to avoid the real issue.

People who really believe in freedom of expression welcome opposing views.

Like Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Norm Chomsky. They believe in it.

Prove that anyone opposing you in this thread doesn't welcome opposing views.

Seems like the issue here is not your PERSONAL views of fascist speech controls. But that you seem to CONDONE the noisy, threatening mobs who want to short circuit free expression on campuses.

So let's cut to the chase. When Bernie Sanders, Bill Mahrer and Liz Warren are agreeing with the VAST MAJORITY of both Repubs and Dems (not to mention Mac and me) --- that this mindless censorship is out of place in America -- where does that leave you?

Let's look at another angle. There's a LONG LIST now of the top rank comedians who have QUIT doing college gigues. Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have spoken out strongly. Saying those college kids don't have a clue as to the racist, sexist, homophobic accusations that they hurl.

And ain't that amazing -- that a generation who probably spend Fri/Sat night watching X-rated comedy routines and GREW UP on Chris Rock/Seinfeld would want to create such an atmosphere so HOSTILE to even SATIRE AND COMEDY -- that it's no longer an option for Homecoming or Special Events on campus..
Bravo, but you're wasting your time.

They don't care.

Well in total disclosure -- the only reason Bill Mahrer is supporting political "glasnost" is because he is/was sleeping with Ann Coulter.. :lmao: Probably she's having an effect on him huh?
All this spin, all this deflection, all these attacks. Just to avoid the real issue.

People who really believe in freedom of expression welcome opposing views.

Like Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Norm Chomsky. They believe in it.

Prove that anyone opposing you in this thread doesn't welcome opposing views.

Seems like the issue here is not your PERSONAL views of fascist speech controls. But that you seem to CONDONE the noisy, threatening mobs who want to short circuit free expression on campuses.

So let's cut to the chase. When Bernie Sanders, Bill Mahrer and Liz Warren are agreeing with the VAST MAJORITY of both Repubs and Dems (not to mention Mac and me) --- that this mindless censorship is out of place in America -- where does that leave you?

Let's look at another angle. There's a LONG LIST now of the top rank comedians who have QUIT doing college gigues. Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have spoken out strongly. Saying those college kids don't have a clue as to the racist, sexist, homophobic accusations that they hurl.

And ain't that amazing -- that a generation who probably spend Fri/Sat night watching X-rated comedy routines and GREW UP on Chris Rock/Seinfeld would want to create such an atmosphere so HOSTILE to even SATIRE AND COMEDY -- that it's no longer an option for Homecoming or Special Events on campus..

Bernie's still stinging from the time in the campaign the BLM people jumped up on stage and disrupted his rally.

He SHOULD be -- right? But I think in Bernie's case, he's a true Civil Libertarian. And is one of those few politicos who are CONSISTENT on those issues.
All this spin, all this deflection, all these attacks. Just to avoid the real issue.

People who really believe in freedom of expression welcome opposing views.

Like Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Norm Chomsky. They believe in it.

Prove that anyone opposing you in this thread doesn't welcome opposing views.

Seems like the issue here is not your PERSONAL views of fascist speech controls. But that you seem to CONDONE the noisy, threatening mobs who want to short circuit free expression on campuses.

So let's cut to the chase. When Bernie Sanders, Bill Mahrer and Liz Warren are agreeing with the VAST MAJORITY of both Repubs and Dems (not to mention Mac and me) --- that this mindless censorship is out of place in America -- where does that leave you?

Let's look at another angle. There's a LONG LIST now of the top rank comedians who have QUIT doing college gigues. Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have spoken out strongly. Saying those college kids don't have a clue as to the racist, sexist, homophobic accusations that they hurl.

And ain't that amazing -- that a generation who probably spend Fri/Sat night watching X-rated comedy routines and GREW UP on Chris Rock/Seinfeld would want to create such an atmosphere so HOSTILE to even SATIRE AND COMEDY -- that it's no longer an option for Homecoming or Special Events on campus..

Bernie's still stinging from the time in the campaign the BLM people jumped up on stage and disrupted his rally.

He SHOULD be -- right? But I think in Bernie's case, he's a true Civil Libertarian. And is one of those few politicos who are CONSISTENT on those issues.
Bernie is a 'pure lian' communist!
He went to fucking Russia for his honeymoon!!!!!
I always find it hilarious when someone like Bernie wants 'free everything' for everyone at the expense of the Makers and at the same time has THREE residences!
Fucking typical elite.
Visit any large Russian city and witness little old ladies lined up for HOURS to get a couple of loaves of bread.
On the other side of the street watch Mercedes limos pulling up in front of stores selling only luxury items. Watch the white blond young women in their minks coats go into these stores and have the store staff literally fill the limo with the most expensive food luxuries on the planet.
Bernie's got his. He can afford to preach Communism.
It isn't costing him a fucking penny.
All this spin, all this deflection, all these attacks. Just to avoid the real issue.

People who really believe in freedom of expression welcome opposing views.

Like Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Norm Chomsky. They believe in it.

Prove that anyone opposing you in this thread doesn't welcome opposing views.

Seems like the issue here is not your PERSONAL views of fascist speech controls. But that you seem to CONDONE the noisy, threatening mobs who want to short circuit free expression on campuses.

So let's cut to the chase. When Bernie Sanders, Bill Mahrer and Liz Warren are agreeing with the VAST MAJORITY of both Repubs and Dems (not to mention Mac and me) --- that this mindless censorship is out of place in America -- where does that leave you?

Let's look at another angle. There's a LONG LIST now of the top rank comedians who have QUIT doing college gigues. Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have spoken out strongly. Saying those college kids don't have a clue as to the racist, sexist, homophobic accusations that they hurl.

And ain't that amazing -- that a generation who probably spend Fri/Sat night watching X-rated comedy routines and GREW UP on Chris Rock/Seinfeld would want to create such an atmosphere so HOSTILE to even SATIRE AND COMEDY -- that it's no longer an option for Homecoming or Special Events on campus..

Bernie's still stinging from the time in the campaign the BLM people jumped up on stage and disrupted his rally.

He SHOULD be -- right? But I think in Bernie's case, he's a true Civil Libertarian. And is one of those few politicos who are CONSISTENT on those issues.
Bernie is a 'pure lian' communist!
He went to fucking Russia for his honeymoon!!!!!
I always find it hilarious when someone like Bernie wants 'free everything' for everyone at the expense of the Makers and at the same time has THREE residences!
Fucking typical elite.
Visit any large Russian city and witness little old ladies lined up for HOURS to get a couple of loaves of bread.
On the other side of the street watch Mercedes limos pulling up in front of stores selling only luxury items. Watch the white blond young women in their minks coats go into these stores and have the store staff literally fill the limo with the most expensive food luxuries on the planet.
Bernie's got his. He can afford to preach Communism.
It isn't costing him a fucking penny.

Politics is more complex than single issues or groups of issues. You've just presented a great "teachable moment" because you are doing essentially what the anti-speech fascists on campuses are doing. From the "other side". You are dismissing people by pigeon-holing them into 2 barrels.

YES -- Bernie is a principled Socialist. He has no clue how Capitalism is supposed to work and no desire to preserve it. But he's NOT a leftist. If he was a leftist, he would only care about obtaining POWER and retaining it and would have "run to the center" and mashed Hillary in the Primaries. He DIDN'T -- because he won't compromise on his principles.

So --- as a Libertarian -- I generally only find a handful of PRINCIPLED people in the Dem/Rep lineup. And for those people -- I agree with HALF of what they stand for. At least they STAND for something and not just perpetuating the party brand name and monopoly...

If you LISTENED to Bernie -- you'd find he's one of the very few I could trust with ENDING corporate/govt collusion and ending their handouts in tax credits. I could also trust him with Civil Liberty issues INCLUDING 2nd Amendment issues for the most part. AND in most cases for a better Foreign Policy that doesnt include making the same mistakes over and over again.

When you pigeon-hole and sort by IMPRESSION -- like the campus radicals are doing --- you'd never have the opportunity to figure all that out. It's really REFRESHING and enlightening, NOT to be a Dem/Rep Borg. Because you are NOT sorting into just 2 piles every concept, issue and politician. You should try it for awhile..

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