POLL: Martial Law

Would you support Martial Law if President Trump ordered it?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

Of course it depends on the reason and circumstances, but nothing currently on the Trumpsters' list of complaints warrants martial law. I would actively fight against such a measure.
There are reasons to declare marshal law. If those reasons were met of course. Just because crazy people want it to enforce some crazy agenda or because they need something to hammer a president over not on your life.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

The broke racist was specific in his reason for instituting Martial Law, you were not. (Might help)
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

The way that some local governments are depriving the population of police protection vs antifa, and the sanctuary cities that are actively siding with illegal aliens vs the US government?

Could justify Marital Law. Especially if Antifa gets more lethal in their use of violence.

Trump declaring ‘martial law’ would be un-Constitutional, no matter Trump’s ‘justification.’

In Ex Parte Milligan (1866) the Supreme Court held that ‘martial law’ could be declared only in jurisdictions where the civil courts had ceased to function, and where those jurisdictions were subject to actual war.

Not that Trump and his reprehensible supporters care about the Constitution, of course.
What is the purpose of the question?
What is the martial law issue about?
Are you trying to brand people as being blind fanatical Trump supporters?
The purpose of the question is to see who would support Trump if he declared martial law.

If your support depended on the situation, respond "maybe" and elaborate.

I really don't think this is all that complicated or sinister.

Trump declaring ‘martial law’ would be un-Constitutional, no matter Trump’s ‘justification.’

In Ex Parte Milligan (1866) the Supreme Court held that ‘martial law’ could be declared only in jurisdictions where the civil courts had ceased to function, and where those jurisdictions were subject to actual war.

Not that Trump and his reprehensible supporters care about the Constitution, of course.

Like when the lib judge helped the illegal escape the feds?
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

The way that some local governments are depriving the population of police protection vs antifa, and the sanctuary cities that are actively siding with illegal aliens vs the US government?

Could justify Marital Law. Especially if Antifa gets more lethal in their use of violence.
They are less lethal than the people they are protesting...

FBI sees rise in white supremacist domestic terrorism in recent months
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

The way that some local governments are depriving the population of police protection vs antifa, and the sanctuary cities that are actively siding with illegal aliens vs the US government?

Could justify Marital Law. Especially if Antifa gets more lethal in their use of violence.
They are less lethal than the people they are protesting...

FBI sees rise in white supremacist domestic terrorism in recent months

You miss the point about the local governments siding with the rioters? That is what could justify fed intervention.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

The way that some local governments are depriving the population of police protection vs antifa, and the sanctuary cities that are actively siding with illegal aliens vs the US government?

Could justify Marital Law. Especially if Antifa gets more lethal in their use of violence.
So you'd support it based on current circumstances, or would they need to deteriorate further?
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

The way that some local governments are depriving the population of police protection vs antifa, and the sanctuary cities that are actively siding with illegal aliens vs the US government?

Could justify Marital Law. Especially if Antifa gets more lethal in their use of violence.
So you'd support it based on current circumstances, or would they need to deteriorate further?

That bit, where the mayor refused to send the police to protect the Federal building in Seattle?

IMO, that Trump SHOULD have sent federal forces of some sort to protect FEderal buildings and agents, since the local government was on the side of the rioters.

I'm not sure what forces he could send, or what the legalities of it are.

That is one of the most extreme examples to date.
I saw the movie The Seige and it was riveting. It stars Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis. I forget the female actress in the film. Anyways, it shows how a city copes while being under Martial Law. If you haven't seen it, it's a good Sunday movie to watch.

I would hate to see our cities or even, our nation under any Martial Law. Nothing like having the government trying to invade more than our privacies. But our lives. Not that, we don't have any privacies anyways. Thus I believe that is when the government steps beyond their boundaries. If Trump ever implemented a Martial Law in our country, I would not comply. But that's just me.

I would simply go on a purging binge.

Trump declaring ‘martial law’ would be un-Constitutional, no matter Trump’s ‘justification.’

In Ex Parte Milligan (1866) the Supreme Court held that ‘martial law’ could be declared only in jurisdictions where the civil courts had ceased to function, and where those jurisdictions were subject to actual war.

Not that Trump and his reprehensible supporters care about the Constitution, of course.

Half truth, which means of course you lied. People like you count on others not actually checking the things folks type.

"There are under the Constitution three kinds of military jurisdiction: one to be exercised both in peace and war; another to be exercised in time of foreign war without the boundaries of the United States, or in time of rebellion and civil war within states or districts occupied by rebels treated [71 U.S. 2, 142] as belligerents; and a third to be exercised in time of invasion or insurrection within the limits of the US, or during rebellion within the limits of states maintaining adhesion to the National Government, when the public danger requires its exercise."

Ex parte Milligan - Wikipedia
Of course if Trump ordered martial law then it would be necessary. But he shows no signs or inclination to do so. Liberals always project...if I start seeing liberals whine about Trump and martial law then I will know they are planning for martial law.
But martial law is a very localized proclamation. Never, even during the civil war, did the whole country come under martial law. For instanc the southern border. Law has broken down there and its chaos. The whole border should come under martial law to stop the invasion of foreigners. We did ti when the Japanese attacked Hawaii didnt we?
Ive lived under martial law twice...always scary but sometimes necessary.

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