Poll: Should Trump be pardoned if convicted?

Should Trump be pardoned if convicted?

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I think it would be more "HEALING" for Americans and the country to not pardon him! I also think it would be more "HEALING" for the world to not pardon him! I think pardoning him would set a very bad precedent for future presidents. Let him live with the consequences! Although the cases differ in many ways, was America better off with the Pardoning of President Richard Nixon? I think Trump's transgressions are much worse than Nixon's. What do you think?
nixon's legacy includes many of these goofy atty gen opinions that trump is using to delay and thwart prosecution. paedoning him was a big mistake.

the only adeqyae punishment for trump might be to sentence him to that "big brother " house that has video cameras in every room at all times.
I think it would be more "HEALING" for Americans and the country to not pardon him! I also think it would be more "HEALING" for the world to not pardon him! I think pardoning him would set a very bad precedent for future presidents. Let him live with the consequences! Although the cases differ in many ways, was America better off with the Pardoning of President Richard Nixon? I think Trump's transgressions are much worse than Nixon's. What do you think?
what are people with your mindset going to do if the guy wins the election?..........
Uhhh, no...thanks.

I think it would be more "HEALING" for Americans and the country to not pardon him! I also think it would be more "HEALING" for the world to not pardon him! I think pardoning him would set a very bad precedent for future presidents. Let him live with the consequences! Although the cases differ in many ways, was America better off with the Pardoning of President Richard Nixon? I think Trump's transgressions are much worse than Nixon's. What do you think?
Should his accusers be jailed if it is found they abused their power for political purposes?
For the sake of future generations, it should be known that anyone that tries to stop the free and legal American election process and instantiate themselves as a dictator, will be prosecuted, convicted and punished to the full extent of the law.
I think it would be more "HEALING" for Americans and the country to not pardon him! I also think it would be more "HEALING" for the world to not pardon him! I think pardoning him would set a very bad precedent for future presidents. Let him live with the consequences! Although the cases differ in many ways, was America better off with the Pardoning of President Richard Nixon? I think Trump's transgressions are much worse than Nixon's. What do you think?
In this fantasy hypothetical, Quid Pro Joe would forever seal his legacy if he were to pardon TRUMP!. It would simultaneously set him up as a great uniter and cut TRUMP!'s legs out from under him. No more martyr act. He'd be forced to be gracious, and he'd hate that.

Of course, there will always be rabid, mouth-foaming idiots out for blood who will not be satisfied if they don't get to watch TRUMP! be hauled away so they can hold a wine and cheese party and feel good about themselves, the sad wretches. But we don't care about what they want.
I believe Trump will be perfectly justified in pardoning himself if the gubmint secures any conviction against him in a federal case.
In America we jail people based on laws.

What law specifically do you suspect was broken and by whom?
So, you're saying that if you are in law enforcement, you can abuse your power to railroad people into jail and it is all legal because they are law enforcement?

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