POLL: Stop Playing the Anthem?

Should we stop playing the National Anthem before games?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • No

    Votes: 32 76.2%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 16.7%

  • Total voters
I don't care. Stupid song. Who the fuck says "tis' a thee"? Francis Scott Key was an asshole.
And to prove how retarded lefties are you show up for the grand prize. It's ''tis of thee and it's a different song not written by Key you stupid fuck.
It's a free country. If the stadium wants to play it, play it. If they don't, don't.

And, if people want to stand and salute, stand and salute. If you want to sit or kneel, sit or kneel.

I spent 20 years of my life supporting and defending this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic, as well as supporting the ideals that this country stands for, like free speech.

Say what you want, protest as you want, just keep it peaceful, and remember, that while you are protesting something, others have the right to protest YOU!
I will intentionally stand and put my hand on my heart. Just to antagonize liberals. God lord, they are such haters and conformist, to some amorphous cause. I used to be a liberal, but I have this love, a romance and sentimentality on American culture that liberals can't erase. I hate this whole fascism connection to nationalism. real Americans don't want bloodshed or violence, but we WILL stand our ground and fight against aggressors and haters on the left OR the right. We have to unite here, people. Unite.

The poem is to remind Americans that the early days of this country our Forefathers fought Tyranny and won against odds that they should have lost!
i'd rather hear the original which go hand in hand with sports instead of bombs bursting in air... :beer:

I don't care. Stupid song. Who the fuck says "tis' a thee"? Francis Scott Key was an asshole.
And to prove how retarded lefties are you show up for the grand prize. It's ''tis of thee and it's a different song not written by Key you stupid fuck.

Wait... how does that song go again? :eek:
Maybe you should stop posting and go find out. Better yet don't waste the time. Put the gun in your mouth and do us all a favor.
This isn't America anymore but in name. Why bother? America is a like a asylum being run by the inmates. Trump? good example, Well, then we get the other wingnuts on the left that hate cops, law and rules, want anarchy and are self hating weirdo sex druggies? What happened to American values and basic human decency and respect? Let's face it, this country has become unhinged.
Yeah it might be time to bug out.
Just keep it. It's become a tradition now, and its kind of fun anyway to see the different styles, good and bad. why do some people want to get rid of everything fun? could it be that they are just not fun people to be around and want to project their eternal misery on everyone else??

I think so.

Another thread is discussing getting rid of the National Anthem before sporting events.

Is anyone surprised? We all know what many think of this country.

So, is this a good idea?

Isn't that up to the venue and the franchise or league?

The national anthem is part of a bigger pastime than any one sport. It's not going anywhere.

That being said, there should be a committee overseeing who gets to sing the national anthem.
Another thread is discussing getting rid of the National Anthem before sporting events.

Is anyone surprised? We all know what many think of this country.

So, is this a good idea?
Another thread?

Anyone who suggests such anti American bullshit needs to be pistol whipped in a dark alley
Another thread is discussing getting rid of the National Anthem before sporting events.

Is anyone surprised? We all know what many think of this country.

So, is this a good idea?
Everyone notice it's Republicans who are always bringing up these bullshit divisive issues? They would love for liberals to take the bait and argue against the anthem.

Remember tranny's in bathrooms?

Mac you're pathetic. Who wants to stop singing the anthem you?

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