POLL: Stop Playing the Anthem?

Should we stop playing the National Anthem before games?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • No

    Votes: 32 76.2%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 16.7%

  • Total voters
Just keep it. It's become a tradition now, and its kind of fun anyway to see the different styles, good and bad. why do some people want to get rid of everything fun? could it be that they are just not fun people to be around and want to project their eternal misery on everyone else??

I think so.

YMCA would be more fun...and more people probably know the words.

I fall on the side of vodka fused mango on this one.
The playing of the anthem at sporting events is not an indicator of what anyone thinks of this country.

It most certainly does at the top NHRA and NASCAR events. They actually have a prayer saying the word Jesus and God in the opening ceremonies.
Nah, It will be met with much resistance, because It's a ridiculous idea. The biggest problem with the left these days is they don't understand irony.

They're programmed not to. They lack critical thinking skills. If they understood irony, it would destroy everything they've been indoctrinated to believe in.

For instance...

It's ironic that we have spent 20 trillion dollars on welfare programs since the 1960's when we had a %14 poverty rate. We have a national debt of 20 trillion and still have a poverty rate of %14.

Can a bed wetting liberal grasp that?

No... because it's racist or something.

Ha. Brilliantly written. Enjoyed it.

The first part of your commentary lost me a little at first just because It took me a few minutes to realize you were simply venting, which is something I also do too often, so, carry on. I can only hope the many on the extreme left possess some sort of critical thinking skills. I hold on to that hope because without it we're fucked, and I don't possess a necessity to completely shit on and stereotype them just yet. The youth is inexperienced. They have always been inexperienced. It's their 'thing'. I don't think we will see any real critical thinking from them for a while, but it will eventually resurface. It's called 'aging'. 'Reality', if you will. Oh, shit, now I suppose I sound old, so everything I think and believe is racist, wrong and oppressive to a demographic that will let me know it every minute of every day.. Snowflakes.

Too much irrational stuff from the left is going to be in the spotlight for quite some time, so they're going to be blasted by the media for awhile. And rightly so. I figure the political pendulum perpetually swings, and they will eventually be running things for a spell once more. I believe it's best to be proactive instead of reactive. Being petty produces very little.

The young and inexperienced will never disappoint us in how childish and stupid they can be at the moment. It is up to the rest of us to decide how we deal with it. Do we guide them, or shame them? In a nutshell, It's fucking parenting.

Lots of things suck right now, but collectively, we are strong and smart enough to overcome anything. WE are what makes America great. WE've always been here. Who ARE we? A smorgasbord of smart and dumb idiots. Let's take a minute to get over ourselves. Maybe we'll begin to get things done that matter.
I will intentionally stand and put my hand on my heart. Just to antagonize liberals. God lord, they are such haters and conformist, to some amorphous cause. I used to be a liberal, but I have this love, a romance and sentimentality on American culture that liberals can't erase. I hate this whole fascism connection to nationalism. real Americans don't want bloodshed or violence, but we WILL stand our ground and fight against aggressors and haters on the left OR the right. We have to unite here, people. Unite.
There are a lot of people who claim to be liberals, but who are not. They're leftist authoritarians.
Everyone notice it's Republicans who are always bringing up these bullshit divisive issues? They would love for liberals to take the bait and argue against the anthem. Remember tranny's in bathrooms? Mac you're pathetic. Who wants to stop singing the anthem you?
I voted for Hillary, I lean left, and I'm nowhere near being a Republican.

My specific positions on the various issues can be found at the link in the second line of my sig.

Wanna try again, slugger? Or are you just going to deflect, attack and whine?
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Another thread is discussing getting rid of the National Anthem before sporting events.

Is anyone surprised? We all know what many think of this country.

So, is this a good idea?
It seemed to be a great country before the national anthem was played at games during WWII...
When I went to Buffalo Sabres hockey games with my dad way back, they played the US and Canadian anthem no matter if both teams were US teams. Everyone stood up and respected the anthems. This liberal bullshit of disrespecting your own nation is totally unacceptable. It's one of the reasons more and more people are rejecting libturds.
Look how worked up Macs fake news is getting you stupid con dopes. I love it!
Wow, look at all your posts. I really struck nerve. Not surprising.
Mac you're pathetic. Who wants to stop singing the anthem you?
Three people, so far, as I type this. Or are you too busy whining and deflecting to notice?

A Google search quickly and easily found these:
Let's Stop Using the National Anthem at Sporting Events | HuffPost
We Should Stop Playing National Anthems Before Every Sporting Event
Garcia: Time to put an end to national anthem at sporting events

Bitch at them. Unless you agree with them. Whatever calms you down a bit, holy crap.
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No, do not stop playing the national anthem at the opening of each game.

Keep those players on the bench, who will not stand for the national anthem.

If enough players rebel, so that the team cannot field a team for a game, then the team must forfeit.

If enough players rebel on both teams, so that the same is true for both, then the game is rescheduled.

If a team refuses to abide by such conventions, then boycott the team until it does, or until they hire different players who will stand for the national anthem.

With respect to sports of any kind...

It's just a game...

It's not the end of the world, if a team has to forfeit a few games, or hire a bunch of new players...

There may very well be thousands or millions of dollars at stake, but, in the end...

It's just a game.
Stop supporting teams whose members don't respect the traditions.
That's actually the issue, from a larger perspective. There are many people who hate this country's history and traditions, and are systematically seeing to it that they are removed from public view and earshot, permanently. They identify themselves regularly.
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If the owners want to keep it then keep it. If they feel its important for their business then good. I don't care either way. It is interesting to learn why it is done before every sporting event. Crowd control? In the end its really not that big of deal. It does give one time to think about the game.

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