Pompeo verbally assaulted an NPR reporter.

Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo
You will always believe the worst about trump and is people

And you will always believe Trump and his people are perfection
Trump is not perfect

but he has committed no impeachable crime and he deserves our support

I agree your the first half
Other than Jesus who is perfect?

Sorry, I meant I agreed he has committed no impeachable offense.

That would be more like second third. :D
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo

For him? He works for us. I wanted him to explain to the NPR reporter why he didn't support an Ambassador who was subjected to a smear campaign.
If she went out of the agreement, she maybe met her standards, but that's far from professional.
From email traffic...she didn’t

And you seen her emails or you're still just repeating what WaPo is saying without any proof actually presented?

Amount of traffic for sure is a sign that she's telling the truth. More emails she sends is proof that she's more honest, right?

Do you think NPR just made up the emails knowing Pompeo could refute them with real emails? Do you ask people putting away umbrellas why they aren't wet if it is raining? Do you hurt yourself with plastic spoons?

I'm sure there are emails in between Kelly and Pompeo's office about setting up the interview and some kind of agreement. I'm also sure there is nothing out of ordinary about those emails.

The problem is that you lefties are saying that Pompeo verbally assaulted her, and screaming there are emails to prove it. Prove what, that interview was set up and it happen?

Existence of interview agreement are not proof he verbally assaulted her, and even if he did, which I doubt, I don't think that anybody would admit anything like that in writing.

Other than that, please tell us, what do you think that emails in between them can prove?

There is literally no one that is saying the emails prove he verbally assaulted her. The emails prove he's an unhinged asshole that lied.

Nope, they do not.

They only show that HE only intended to talk about IRAN. They also show that SHE was going to defy the State department wishes and talk about other things and be insubordinate. What they show is that she was going to be defiant, not that he lied, but that she planned to be a bitch.

All we have are rumor and gossip from third hand of second hand sources. ON top of that, Pompeo is relying on a press secretary, he is not reading these email himself.

Emails cast further doubt on Pompeo's claim NPR reporter lied to him
Emails cast further doubt on Pompeo's claim NPR reporter lied to him

". . .The secretary of state, at the centre of the scandal that has engulfed Trump’s presidency and led to his impeachment, was asked why he had not expressed support for the US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, who was ousted from her position as Trump pressed for investigations into his domestic political rivals.

The email exchanges obtained by the Post, between Kelly and Pompeo press aide Katie Martin, were sent a day before the interview and clearly show Pompeo’s office was told he should expect questions on the issue.

“Just wanted to touch base that we still intend to keep the interview to Iran tomorrow,” Martin stated. “Know you just got back from Tehran so we would like to stick to Iran as the topic as opposed to jumping around. Is that something we can agree to?”

Kelly replied: “I am indeed just back from Tehran and plan to start there. Also Ukraine. And who knows what the news gods will serve up overnight. I never agree to take anything off the table.”

Now, it is clear his press secretary TOLD Kelly to STICK to Iran, no matter how the liberal press, here, and in Britain want to frame this. It does not matter how Kelly responded, and we do not know if Pompeo's press secretary is incompetent in relaying the message, or if he never read the email, BUT KELLY should have got the message and NOT written back with such an insubordinate reply. When the White House tells you what topics they want you to stick to, you stick to them.

If the Obama White House had told her to stick to Iran? You can be DAMN SURE NPR would have stuck to the script and followed orders.

Press doing it's job for once? Sure. But, it is a double standard. This is the FIRST time they have ever treated the presidency this way. Usually they are in lockstep and censor news. There is a hidden agenda here.

If NPR had acted this way under any other presidency, the reporter would have lost their press credentials, which, and had GOP had control of congress? The GOP would threaten to pull NPR's funding. :71: Listening to the way they have been covering the impeachment circus? They have done away with all pretense at being "non-partisan."

NPR now sounds like the National Enquirer of Radio, it's shameful.
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo
Agreed. Pompeo should only do interviews with media that will not ask him any questions that he doesn’t approve of before hand.

Because that’s how our government should behave.
From email traffic...she didn’t

And you seen her emails or you're still just repeating what WaPo is saying without any proof actually presented?

Amount of traffic for sure is a sign that she's telling the truth. More emails she sends is proof that she's more honest, right?

Do you think NPR just made up the emails knowing Pompeo could refute them with real emails? Do you ask people putting away umbrellas why they aren't wet if it is raining? Do you hurt yourself with plastic spoons?

I'm sure there are emails in between Kelly and Pompeo's office about setting up the interview and some kind of agreement. I'm also sure there is nothing out of ordinary about those emails.

The problem is that you lefties are saying that Pompeo verbally assaulted her, and screaming there are emails to prove it. Prove what, that interview was set up and it happen?

Existence of interview agreement are not proof he verbally assaulted her, and even if he did, which I doubt, I don't think that anybody would admit anything like that in writing.

Other than that, please tell us, what do you think that emails in between them can prove?

There is literally no one that is saying the emails prove he verbally assaulted her. The emails prove he's an unhinged asshole that lied.

Nope, they do not.

They only show that HE only intended to talk about IRAN. They also show that SHE was going to defy the State department wishes and talk about other things and be insubordinate. What they show is that she was going to be defiant, not that he lied, but that she planned to be a bitch.

All we have are rumor and gossip from third hand of second hand sources. ON top of that, Pompeo is relying on a press secretary, he is not reading these email himself.

Emails cast further doubt on Pompeo's claim NPR reporter lied to him
Emails cast further doubt on Pompeo's claim NPR reporter lied to him

". . .The secretary of state, at the centre of the scandal that has engulfed Trump’s presidency and led to his impeachment, was asked why he had not expressed support for the US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, who was ousted from her position as Trump pressed for investigations into his domestic political rivals.

The email exchanges obtained by the Post, between Kelly and Pompeo press aide Katie Martin, were sent a day before the interview and clearly show Pompeo’s office was told he should expect questions on the issue.

“Just wanted to touch base that we still intend to keep the interview to Iran tomorrow,” Martin stated. “Know you just got back from Tehran so we would like to stick to Iran as the topic as opposed to jumping around. Is that something we can agree to?”

Kelly replied: “I am indeed just back from Tehran and plan to start there. Also Ukraine. And who knows what the news gods will serve up overnight. I never agree to take anything off the table.”

Now, it is clear his press secretary TOLD Kelly to STICK to Iran, no matter how the liberal press, here, and in Britain want to frame this. It does not matter how Kelly responded, and we do not know if Pompeo's press secretary is incompetent in relaying the message, or if he never read the email, BUT KELLY should have got the message and NOT written back with such an insubordinate reply. When the White House tells you what topics they want you to stick to, you stick to them.

If the Obama White House had told her to stick to Iran? You can be DAMN SURE NPR would have stuck to the script and followed orders.

Press doing it's job for once? Sure. But, it is a double standard. This is the FIRST time they have ever treated the presidency this way. Usually they are in lockstep and censor news. There is a hidden agenda here.

If NPR had acted this way under any other presidency, the reporter would have lost their press credentials, which, and had GOP had control of congress? The GOP would threaten to pull NPR's funding. :71: Listening to the way they have been covering the impeachment circus? They have done away with all pretense at being "non-partisan."

NPR now sounds like the National Enquirer of Radio, it's shameful.

Kelly does not take orders from the government. She made it 100% clear that she does not take anything off the table.

She has more balls than Pompeo.
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo
Agreed. Pompeo should only do interviews with media that will not ask him any questions that he doesn’t approve of before hand.

Because that’s how our government should behave.

That IS how they have ALWAYS behaved you DUPE!

It is SOP!

Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo
Agreed. Pompeo should only do interviews with media that will not ask him any questions that he doesn’t approve of before hand.

Because that’s how our government should behave.

That IS how they have ALWAYS behave you DUPE!

It is SOP!


No it’s not.
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo
Agreed. Pompeo should only do interviews with media that will not ask him any questions that he doesn’t approve of before hand.

Because that’s how our government should behave.

That IS how they have ALWAYS behave you DUPE!

It is SOP!


No it’s not.
Sure. . . the just let any reporter into the D.C. press core. :auiqs.jpg:
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo
Agreed. Pompeo should only do interviews with media that will not ask him any questions that he doesn’t approve of before hand.

Because that’s how our government should behave.

That IS how they have ALWAYS behave you DUPE!

It is SOP!


No it’s not.
Yes, you have a small clitoris & your vagina is smelly.
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo
Agreed. Pompeo should only do interviews with media that will not ask him any questions that he doesn’t approve of before hand.

Because that’s how our government should behave.

That IS how they have ALWAYS behave you DUPE!

It is SOP!


No it’s not.
Sure. . . the just let any reporter into the D.C. press core. :auiqs.jpg:

What does that have to do with anything? Pompeo seems to think he can dictate what questions he will be asked in interviews. That's wrong. Reporters ask questions. He works for us and should answer. If he doesn't have the balls to be able to answer for his actions, then he doesn't belong in government.
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo

For him? He works for us. I wanted him to explain to the NPR reporter why he didn't support an Ambassador who was subjected to a smear campaign.

Projecting that there was "smear campaign".

Got any proof of that?
It's what Lev and Igor have been indicted on.
Lev Parnas And Igor Fruman Charged With Conspiring To Violate Straw And Foreign Donor Bans
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo

For him? He works for us. I wanted him to explain to the NPR reporter why he didn't support an Ambassador who was subjected to a smear campaign.

Projecting that there was "smear campaign".

Got any proof of that?

For "proof" of a conspiracy, it may take sworn testimony. Let's ask John Bolton.

Pompeo privately admitted Giuliani claims about Ukraine ambassador were phony: Bolton book
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo

For him? He works for us. I wanted him to explain to the NPR reporter why he didn't support an Ambassador who was subjected to a smear campaign.

Projecting that there was "smear campaign".

Got any proof of that?
It's what Lev and Igor have been indicted on.
Lev Parnas And Igor Fruman Charged With Conspiring To Violate Straw And Foreign Donor Bans

Did you read it?

They're arrested for illegal campaign contributions.
"Yovanovitch was recalled from her post in May 2019 and went on to testify in the House impeachment hearings that a superior told her that she had done nothing wrong, but that Trump had lost faith in her. She also condemned the “smear campaign” against her, saying allegations that she put together a “Do Not Prosecute” list were a “fabrication” and denying claims that she had told anyone at the embassy or in Ukraine that Trump’s orders should be ignored."

Michael McKinley, another impeachment witness who was a top adviser to Pompeo, testified that his former boss rejected his push for the State Department to release a statement supporting Yovanovitch and highlighting her "professionalism and courage." Pompeo claimed afterwards that McKinley, who abruptly resigned in October, "didn't say anything to me" about it."

Pompeo privately admitted Giuliani claims about Ukraine ambassador were phony: Bolton book

Those two testified under oath. I put more store in that than in Rudy G's hair-on-fire TV proclamations.
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo

For him? He works for us. I wanted him to explain to the NPR reporter why he didn't support an Ambassador who was subjected to a smear campaign.

Projecting that there was "smear campaign".

Got any proof of that?
It's what Lev and Igor have been indicted on.
Lev Parnas And Igor Fruman Charged With Conspiring To Violate Straw And Foreign Donor Bans

Did you read it?

They're arrested for illegal campaign contributions.

There's more to it than that. Did you read it? Does the ambassador to Ukraine come up in the press release?
Pompeo’s mistake is granting interviews to far left outlets like NPR

there was nothing in it for him from the getgo
Agreed. Pompeo should only do interviews with media that will not ask him any questions that he doesn’t approve of before hand.

Because that’s how our government should behave.

That IS how they have ALWAYS behave you DUPE!

It is SOP!


No it’s not.
Sure. . . the just let any reporter into the D.C. press core. :auiqs.jpg:

What does that have to do with anything? Pompeo seems to think he can dictate what questions he will be asked in interviews. That's wrong. Reporters ask questions. He works for us and should answer. If he doesn't have the balls to be able to answer for his actions, then he doesn't belong in government.

What are you, a teenager?

I suppose you think people cause global warming too? :auiqs.jpg:

. . . . dude. . . you watch too much TEE VEE and movies. Stop already, YOU ARE KILLING ME.

Life is not what they teach in you schools, and it certainly doesn't work like the movies or TEE VEE shows.
Agreed. Pompeo should only do interviews with media that will not ask him any questions that he doesn’t approve of before hand.

Because that’s how our government should behave.

That IS how they have ALWAYS behave you DUPE!

It is SOP!


No it’s not.
Sure. . . the just let any reporter into the D.C. press core. :auiqs.jpg:

What does that have to do with anything? Pompeo seems to think he can dictate what questions he will be asked in interviews. That's wrong. Reporters ask questions. He works for us and should answer. If he doesn't have the balls to be able to answer for his actions, then he doesn't belong in government.

What are you, a teenager?

I suppose you think people cause global warming too? :auiqs.jpg:

. . . . dude. . . you watch too much TEE VEE and movies. Stop already, YOU ARE KILLING ME.

Life is not what they teach in you schools, and it certainly doesn't work like the movies or TEE VEE shows.

You are normalizing the bad behavior of this administration. This is making our country a worse place to live.

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