Possible Record Cold Coming

<< Possible Record Cold Coming >>
Cold weather sucks. What can we do to get global warming back?
I heard NYC might break a record low since Rutherford B. Hayes was prez....Remember him???

I knew it!!....The New Ice Age has finally come after near 50 yrs of waiting. Those NYC people must have been freezing their azzes back in 1875.

Now is when I need to hoard up.
I sure hope this isn't a preview of what's to come for the winter.

Looks like even parts of Florida are going to get cold.

Everyone needs to bundle up. It's getting cold out there.

Up to 170 cities are predicted to get record lows for this time of year.

My area won't get it but mountain roads are already closed here. The last almost 3 miles of Mt. Baker road closed at the beginning of last month. Same with several other mountain roads.

Looks like winter has come early this year.

Next week's Arctic blast will be so cold, forecasters expect it to break 170 records across US
Fuck Al gore
It's cold here. I sure wish that MMGW I've been hearing so much about would hurry up and kick in.
I've explained how global warming can cause record cold for you denier idiots every time it gets cold.

Do I have to do it again?
Of course you can. Once the predicted warming didn't happen, the MMGW Cult changed tactics and now blame any and every weather event on MMGW.

Cold snaps
Heat waves
A lot of hurricanes
No hurricanes
No Yada.....yada....yada....
Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.

I coined that line stop using it.
It's true,you dumb fucks cant meme or come up with an original thought.
You've stolen snowflake,triggered and now my line.
I sure hope this isn't a preview of what's to come for the winter.

Looks like even parts of Florida are going to get cold.

Everyone needs to bundle up. It's getting cold out there.

Up to 170 cities are predicted to get record lows for this time of year.

My area won't get it but mountain roads are already closed here. The last almost 3 miles of Mt. Baker road closed at the beginning of last month. Same with several other mountain roads.

Looks like winter has come early this year.

Next week's Arctic blast will be so cold, forecasters expect it to break 170 records across US
We're forecast to be in the low 20's monday and it's not even winter yet. Last year it was low 50's, year before that the same.

The average low in Houston in November is 43 degrees....it's gonna be 28 tonight.
I remember well the 1970's media panic because the experts were predicting the coming Ice Age that was going to doom humanity
No you don't, idiot. That's a shameless, stupid lie that you didn't start parroting until some paid denier liar fed it to you about 15 years ago.

So your telling us you were a glimmer in daddy's eye in the 70's....because it surely happened,along with the end of gasoline.
Nah, you're a shameless liar. You are regurgitating false talking points fed to you by paid liars. But you're not getting paid. Just embarrassing yourself.
My parents subscribed to Time magazine and I clearly remember seeing the covers depicting the coming Ice Age and the perilous times ahead for humanity. ... :cool:
Nah, another lie.

And now one magazine has become "the media". And a tiny percentage of scientists -- only one, in fact, when it comes to the article you never knew about until 15 years about and are shamelessly lying about remembering -- becomes "all the scientists".

Shameless lies. Are you going to post the fake TIME covers, now? I bet you are thinking about it.

Holy shit are you ever a loser!!!
I remember well the 1970's media panic because the experts were predicting the coming Ice Age that was going to doom humanity
No you don't, idiot. That's a shameless, stupid lie that you didn't start parroting until some paid denier liar fed it to you about 15 years ago.
How is it all you commies know what people you have never met did 15 years ago?
Nah, you're a shameless liar. You are regurgitating false talking points fed to you by paid liars. But you're not getting paid. Just embarrassing yourself.
My parents subscribed to Time magazine and I clearly remember seeing the covers depicting the coming Ice Age and the perilous times ahead for humanity. ... :cool:
Nah, another lie.

And now one magazine has become "the media". And a tiny percentage of scientists -- only one, in fact, when it comes to the article you never knew about until 15 years about and are shamelessly lying about remembering -- becomes "all the scientists".

Shameless lies. Are you going to post the fake TIME covers, now? I bet you are thinking about it.
Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions


Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.

None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.

What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.

More than merely spotlighting the failed predictions, this collection shows that the makers of failed apocalyptic predictions often are individuals holding respected positions in government and science.

While such predictions have been and continue to be enthusiastically reported by a media eager for sensational headlines, the failures are typically not revisited.

Look at the link, it has all kinds of media sources.
Climate changes thru the eons
Mankind effect is debatable , 97% of the planet is unoccupied
75 in Vegas today. Trimmed shrubs and my olive tree in the backyard.

Enjoy the Ice Age, bitchez.....
And, it's the same forecast for the rest of this week and throughout the weekend.
I'll hit my African Sumac tree out front starting Thursday.
Need a break from the cold? Fly on out!

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