Post A Message to The Future Here.

Happy Easter for all times, everyone!

AVG-Thoughts on the Invasion of Ukraine:

First thought: :disbelief:

Then I heard a talking head ask "Why does this surprise everyone? It's not like the Europeans don't have a long and bloody history of attacking both each other and the rest of the world with out remorse."

He had a point...

I'm glad that the good ol' USA is supplying arms and support. Putin needs to die.

I kind of wonder why the Georgians and the Moldovans and the rest of the countries that have Russian troops and so called "Separatist Regions" within their borders have not joined the fight... that's a current thought.

I've wondered from the beginning how the troops can follow the orders - it's not like they're shooting at true foreigners on the other side of the world, it's more like Texas raining ordinance on New Mexico because Texas used to be bigger. How can the Russians possibly not know that they are killing their cousins?

Then a buddy who actually spent time in a combat zone trying to acquire whatever it was we were doing in Afghanistan reminded me that judging the individual soldiers is not something I should try to do, as orders like that usually do come with some sort of explanation, even if it is complete bullshit. He was right, of course, but still....

It has to be weird at the very least, attacking a country where you have close kin.

The World needs Putin to die.

I've said it before and I've not changed my mind...

What Abortion needs to be is safe, legal and available.

What Abortion needs to stop being is an Industry.
Of course, that requires Sex Education that is thorough and factual along with the realization as a nation that teenagers are going to fuck and experiment with sex.

* sigh *

I've said it before and I've not changed my mind...

What Abortion needs to be is safe, legal and available.

What Abortion needs to stop being is an Industry.
Abortion is out of control when it wipes out one million future American citizens per annum. I consider it Russian Roulette DNA, because people have traits delivered at birth due to DNA that is inherited from parent to child, who upon adulthood delivers DNA parent to child. Abortion destroys any chance that the founders' gift of humanity and its allegiance to equality, fairness, and human rights would weaken over time, yielding to spurious alternatives of human existence that took generations of war to fight for the everyday man to rule over himself through equality of being a good leader of many, many different kinds of people. Now instead of a few thousand people who were unwanted in Europe, sent abroad for one reason or another, we have well over three hundred million people from all over the planet because of the opportunities the United States Constitution gave everyone in an equal amount, which is to say, one man one vote. Later that was amended to one person, one vote, when yankee ladies noticed their sisters in the great state of Wyoming had equal voting rights with men at the age of accountability. And they wanted equality too, just like the Equality State that Wyoming became popularly nicknamed. And having lived there 35 years, it is a beautiful state with thoughtful citizens who are regularly called on in wintertime to save someone's life whose tires caused them to skid off the side of the freeways that connect the few cities that are far between. Cowboys and hicks? No such chance. One of the cities in the state has the highest population of college graduates than any other city in the USA. In addition to being kindly and faithful, the people are bright and helpful to other people than themselves. I think we call that altruistic.
Absolutely. That said, the Abortion Jeanie is not going to be stuffed back in the bottle from which it sprang and the last thing this country needs is back-alley abortions.

Safe, Legal, Available and hardly ever used because of the quality sex education in this country.

That's my goal.
I hope this message reaches you “in time.” Its a warning. Whatever the fuck you do, America, don’t elect Clinton, or Obama or Brandon.

I blame the Afghan People.

Our job was not to ship over a democracy and help them un-box it, out job was to buy them some time to figure one out for themselves.

20 years later and they were still squabbling among themselves with so much corruption that the smartest among them fled like rats leaving an ill-fated Russian scow the minute we decided that enough was enough.

Now there is no one left to defend the defenseless over there. Very sad. Almost as sad as our wasted 20 year attempt to help.

The exit was NOT pretty, but I'm glad we are out.
I want to thank Ron DeSantis and his legislative puppets for spending The Peoples Time and trea$ure on removing all discussion of sex and politics from our schools, as well as making all of the stupid women who find themselves with unwanted spawn go North for medical care....

NOT!!! :uhh:

The Culture Warriors here in Florida forgot their responsibility to The People of Florida and now, among the many other inconveniences laid on us, me and 56,000 of my neighbors are scrambling to replace the one underwriter who just bailed on us... Multiply that by the number of underwriters who're fleeing the state or using the lack of regulation to "reorganize" (read: Cancel Policies) - add to that the frightened teachers and women who're pondering their options, and The Florida Republicans have fucked The People of FL pretty thoroughly. They should offer us a smoke, but I'll bet one of the next items on their agenda is shooting themselves in the tax-collecting foot by pushing millions of us back on to illegal weed. :smoke:

The only good news is that the bankers are going to have to work a little harder to protect their mortgage loan business and money is still the base Republican motivator here so they are, in theory, working on it right now.

I just hope they are working at least as hard at their tax-payer funded job as I am trying at to find a quote I can afford. So far, I can't even find a quote, so I'm glad a more liberal thinking FL Government in the past created Citizen's Florida. In theory they have to take everyone the for-profit insurance bureaucracies won't, and offer a reasonable rate. The paperwork is a project of course, even the private bureaucracies need the t's dotted..... Fingers crossed 🤞

** SIGH **

What is more ironic:

The fact that The Republican Party was birthed by Lincoln back in the day to prosecute a bloody Civil War, asking American soldiers to shoot Americans, all to give the duly elected Federal Government absolute authority over the duly elected Stated Governments when the two disagreed on a personal freedom or a regulation or what not....



I dunno Kids... Considering how Mitch McConnell just used the G.O.P. to push everything from abortion to contraception to slavery back to The States, that there is pretty fucking ironic if you ask me....

What is more ironic:

The fact that The Republican Party was birthed by Lincoln back in the day to prosecute a bloody Civil War, asking American soldiers to shoot Americans, all to give the duly elected Federal Government absolute authority over the duly elected Stated Governments when the two disagreed on a personal freedom or a regulation or what not....



I dunno Kids... Considering how Mitch McConnell just used the G.O.P. to push everything from abortion to contraception to slavery back to The States, that there is pretty fucking ironic if you ask me....
I thought he used the court.

What is more ironic:

The fact that The Republican Party was birthed by Lincoln back in the day to prosecute a bloody Civil War, asking American soldiers to shoot Americans, all to give the duly elected Federal Government absolute authority over the duly elected Stated Governments when the two disagreed on a personal freedom or a regulation or what not....



I dunno Kids... Considering how Mitch McConnell just used the G.O.P. to push everything from abortion to contraception to slavery back to The States, that there is pretty fucking ironic if you ask me....

Yeah…the democrat party starting the Civil War so they could keep black people as their slaves….no reason to remember that little bit of history….right?
If the American Evangelicals don't feel used by Mitch, they should.

Not saying it was good or bad... just a textbook example of being used for a political agenda.
Yeah…the democrat party starting the Civil War so they could keep black people as their slaves….no reason to remember that little bit of history….right?
The Democrats did not start the Civil War.

They quit The Union and Lincoln decided to kill 'em if that was the only way to keep 'em.

The Americans under The Republican Party and President Lincoln took the first shots.

And Lincoln and The Republicans remain the only American President to order the killing of Americans.
Didn't pack shit, just put Americans on the court instead of communist traitor filth.

Merrick Garland is a commie

McConnell is a clever political operative who chose to make it his life's work to pack the court and take Kentucky back to 1845 when his boy Bork got borked.

Even if I hate the man and his warped goals, I can admire his success.

Merrick Garland is a commie

McConnell is a clever political operative who chose to make it his life's work to pack the court and take Kentucky back to 1845 when his boy Bork got borked.

Even if I hate the man and his warped goals, I can admire his success.
Lol, you guys never can keep your shit straight in your hatred of America. Who put Garland in power? Lol, not any American.

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