Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

Confounding hates poor immigrants so where did he come from?
--------------------------------- doesn't matter but probably a Native American born in the USA Moonglow .------------------------------- anyway . sounds like a native American Moonglow .
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
the right wing is clueless and Causeless about economics.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Many immigrants come to America out of poverty through out our history.

Is there a point here?

This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?
Many immigrants come to America out of poverty through out our history.

Is there a point here?

This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?
Many immigrants come to America out of poverty through out our history.

Is there a point here?

This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?

Because the theory is that we only allow so many into our country so as to assimilate into our society. Right now, against our will, we are becoming a bilingual nation because we are so overrun by Spanish speaking immigrants legal and illegal.

It's clear we are allowing too many in.
Many immigrants come to America out of poverty through out our history.

Is there a point here?

This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

And outside of some countries in Europe, who allows more foreigners into their country than the US? Over recent years, we have averaged between 600,000 to 750,000 new citizens to join our nation.
Many immigrants come to America out of poverty through out our history.

Is there a point here?

This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?

Difficulty in vetting information, insufficient staff, poor IT tools and crappy information, access and navigation of government web sites.
Many immigrants come to America out of poverty through out our history.

Is there a point here?

This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?

Difficulty in vetting information, insufficient staff, poor IT tools and crappy information, access and navigation of government web sites.

I think it comes down to one main item - outddated and archaic methods and technology. Which encompasses all you said. I think we need to update it, and speed up the system and PRIORITIZE legal immigration. Don't blame illegals for it. Improve it.
Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

If they didn't come here for welfare, why do so many legal immigrants end up on our social programs?

They don't. Most are working - possibly the working poor - but working. Doesn't that mean anything anymore?

Do Undocumented Immigrants Overuse Government Benefits? | Econofact
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
To help the people of the world in terrible conditions that we made for them is kinda stupid. We need to quit making other nations suffer for our gain.

The population of the world is 7.5 billion people. How many of those 7.5 billion should we offer refuge in your opinion as a Blame America First citizen?
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
To help the people of the world in terrible conditions that we made for them is kinda stupid. We need to quit making other nations suffer for our gain.

The population of the world is 7.5 billion people. How many of those 7.5 billion should we offer refuge in your opinion as a Blame America First citizen?

Are you saying we have no responsibility for the countries we wrecked (thinking of Iraq here...)?
Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

If they didn't come here for welfare, why do so many legal immigrants end up on our social programs?

They don't. Most are working - possibly the working poor - but working. Doesn't that mean anything anymore?

Do Undocumented Immigrants Overuse Government Benefits? | Econofact

Working or working poor, whats the difference? The point being is that many of them end up on our social programs which are going broke by the minute.
This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?

Difficulty in vetting information, insufficient staff, poor IT tools and crappy information, access and navigation of government web sites.

I think it comes down to one main item - outddated and archaic methods and technology. Which encompasses all you said. I think we need to update it, and speed up the system and PRIORITIZE legal immigration. Don't blame illegals for it. Improve it.

I'm not blaming illegals but your saying that our system needs to be improved does not justify illegals coming into our country. Illegals should be deported, provided an application and should wait until given a visa.
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
To help the people of the world in terrible conditions that we made for them is kinda stupid. We need to quit making other nations suffer for our gain.

The population of the world is 7.5 billion people. How many of those 7.5 billion should we offer refuge in your opinion as a Blame America First citizen?

Are you saying we have no responsibility for the countries we wrecked (thinking of Iraq here...)?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. In most cases we go into those war torn nations and spend tens of billions rebuilding. That's enough as far as I'm concerned. We can't give a free pass to people where our battles are fought as an excuse to get into this country.
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
To help the people of the world in terrible conditions that we made for them is kinda stupid. We need to quit making other nations suffer for our gain.

The population of the world is 7.5 billion people. How many of those 7.5 billion should we offer refuge in your opinion as a Blame America First citizen?

Are you saying we have no responsibility for the countries we wrecked (thinking of Iraq here...)?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. In most cases we go into those war torn nations and spend tens of billions rebuilding. That's enough as far as I'm concerned. We can't give a free pass to people where our battles are fought as an excuse to get into this country.

Disagree. We invaded and destabilized a country - and not for self defense.

We have a moral obligation.
As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?

Difficulty in vetting information, insufficient staff, poor IT tools and crappy information, access and navigation of government web sites.

I think it comes down to one main item - outddated and archaic methods and technology. Which encompasses all you said. I think we need to update it, and speed up the system and PRIORITIZE legal immigration. Don't blame illegals for it. Improve it.

I'm not blaming illegals but your saying that our system needs to be improved does not justify illegals coming into our country. Illegals should be deported, provided an application and should wait until given a visa.

I'm not saying it "justifies" anything.

We are a nation of laws. As a result illegal immigration is illegal.

But we also have latititude in how and to what extent we choose to prosecute those laws. We do that with everything. We don't prosecute jaywalking the same as we do sexual assault. I would prefer to expend more resources on prosecuting crimes that are dangerous FIRST. Rapid deportation of illegals that commit violent crimes. Pursuing Meth over Marijuana. etc.

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