praying during schools hour in US Public Schools


That's not the same thing as supplying a separate room and excusing people from classes to pray is it?

Anyone can say a prayer in their head anytime they want no special treatment needed

They are being provided a place to do that.

So then your argument is that anyone who pays taxes should be able to use any public building for any reason.

Your faith is a private issue and the government is not responsible for providing you a place to conduct your rituals
How many people out there agree that US Public Schools should provide accommodations for muslims students to pray during school hours. Accommodations like an empty room for them to pray and permission for them to leave the class to go pray. in some cases even to leave the school grounds to go pray. I support religious freedom but this is going to far. This is immigrants trying to impose their will on the USA.

You should be free to believe in any religion you want. That's a given.

But schools should not be required to provide people special exceptions for religion. Nor should work places. You're there on someone else's time and you're part of a larger group.

It's lose lose either way. Either the school has to accommodate someone else or that someone else has to accommodate the school. In that instance the minority should have to accommodate the majority because that's only fair. Until the majority of Americans are Muslim when it comes to Muslim practices they should have to do their practices on their time.

If the students and parents don't agree then they can home school them or send them to a private school that makes accomodations. They have other options.

School isn't saying you can't be Muslim, they are just saying they don't allow practices that disrupt classes for the few over the many.

That's not the same thing as supplying a separate room and excusing people from classes to pray is it?

Anyone can say a prayer in their head anytime they want no special treatment needed

Anyone except Muslims.

Oh, and Catholics.

But nice try.

I truly don't understand the wanting of "Special Time" for prayer in public school.

If a student wants to 'pray' for any reason, on their own time, while at school, I see NO problem with that. But "Special Time". No.

Takes away from the 4 core, and of course the 'grooming and indoctrination' time. Green Font means sarcasm. Needs to be discussed.
Religion and religious practices have no place in public buildings. They can practice their religion at home or in some other privately owned place.

Sorry to inform you of this, but I pray at school every day. Not with kids. But the govt can't stop me. That is freedom of religion. OH, and I often wear Christian jewelry too, and have a Bible verse posted on my computer.
You should be free to believe in any religion you want. That's a given.

But schools should not be required to provide people special exceptions for religion. Nor should work places. You're there on someone else's time and you're part of a larger group.

It's lose lose either way. Either the school has to accommodate someone else or that someone else has to accommodate the school. In that instance the minority should have to accommodate the majority because that's only fair. Until the majority of Americans are Muslim when it comes to Muslim practices they should have to do their practices on their time.

If the students and parents don't agree then they can home school them or send them to a private school that makes accomodations. They have other options.

School isn't saying you can't be Muslim, they are just saying they don't allow practices that disrupt classes for the few over the many.

There is some truth to this. There's a video circulating from Florida where a teacher was let go from a private school for being upset at Muslims for praying.

What is often missed is...they were praying in her office, clearly without her prior knowledge or consent.
If a student wants to pray let them pray. Good grief people get all wound up over shit that in no way effects them
Sorry to inform you of this, but I pray at school every day. Not with kids. But the govt can't stop me. That is freedom of religion. OH, and I often wear Christian jewelry too, and have a Bible verse posted on my computer.
What you do in your own head is your business.

Are you asking the school to provide you a place to pray and to be excused from your classes to do so?

That is what the OP is all about.

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