Prepping for whats coming....

I have to ask.
Do democrats really believe that nothing is going to happen as far as food shortages?
I mean seriously,there are all kinds of indicators that should shock everyone as far as shortages are concerned.
Food plants are burning to the ground, no fertilizer being shipped,no shipping of food in general.
I mean really,when are dems going to be alarmed about whats happening?
Do they think all of the things going on are fake?

I'd really like to hear from dems who believe it's all bullshit.
Yes, it looks like we will be facing worldwide food shortages for many many reasons. And you missed an avian flu spreading that is causing farmers to kill off their turkeys and chickens.

There is nothing that can be done about it, to change the upcoming situation.

Some of us more aware of world affairs democrats, and those of us with extra room and a little extra money each month, are simply just prepping for it.... Shoot, my sister, a democrat, has been preparing for a Shit hits the fan situation, since she lived thru Hurricane Andrew! And Lord have mercy, is she seriously prepared at this point!!! I'm not too too far behind her!
Yes, it looks like we will be facing worldwide food shortages for many many reasons. And you missed an avian flu spreading that is causing farmers to kill off their turkeys and chickens.

There is nothing that can be done about it, to change the upcoming situation.

Some of us more aware of world affairs democrats, and those of us with extra room and a little extra money each month, are simply just prepping for it.... Shoot, my sister, a democrat, has been preparing for a Shit hits the fan situation, since she lived thru Hurricane Andrew! And Lord have mercy, is she seriously prepared at this point!!! I'm not too too far behind her!

Shoot your sister? Okay but thats on you.
I haven't missed a damn thing. You on the other hand have done nothing but put the laugh emoji on posts that say we're in for some rough times.
More aware? LOL you dont know jackshit about anything,in fact you've cheered this shit on.
I dont give a flying fuck what your sister has done,you obviously havent done shit. It's just like you to rely on your sister rather than yourself.
How many months can you survive without help? Do you have the firearms to protect what little you have? I highly doubt it and I highly doubt you've saved or stocked up on anything.
How many gallons of water have you saved,and can you purify water from a creek or lake? I highly doubt it.
Can you acquire food from anywhere besides the grocery store? Not likely....
If the shit really hits the fan you'll be dead in a matter of months and thats a stretch.
Personally I've spent thousands on my preps and I can go as long as I need to without any assistance from anyone.
I'd bet my dogs are more ready than you are.
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I have to ask.
Do democrats really believe that nothing is going to happen as far as food shortages?
I mean seriously,there are all kinds of indicators that should shock everyone as far as shortages are concerned.
Food plants are burning to the ground, no fertilizer being shipped,no shipping of food in general.
I mean really,when are dems going to be alarmed about whats happening?
Do they think all of the things going on are fake?

I'd really like to hear from dems who believe it's all bullshit.
Part of the problem is drought.
For most democrats it's self inflicted ignorance, they chose not to consider reprocussions of actions. So they are like goldfish and only know the current second they live in and the second they just left. It makes it easier to be a sheeple and just keep following marching orders and keep repeating the same mantras. All they care about is "being right", even when they are wrong. Self imposed willful ignorance makes everything easier when you don't want to face reality.

The writing is on the wall, they just chose to keep their backs to the wall.
For most democrats it's self inflicted ignorance, they chose not to consider reprocussions of actions. So they are like goldfish and only know the current second they live in and the second they just left. It makes it easier to be a sheeple and just keep following marching orders and keep repeating the same mantras. All they care about is "being right", even when they are wrong. Self imposed willful ignorance makes everything easier when you don't want to face reality.

The writing is on the wall, they just chose to keep their backs to the wall.
And on these boards when using a cattle prod on them their TRUE COLORS COME OUT.............They are emotional creatures.........never allow them to attack.....don't defend.........use their tactics ON THEM.........They implode...

This is why Trump exposed them...........He went straight at them.
Shoot your sister? Okay but thats on you.
I haven't missed a damn thing. You on the other hand have done nothing but put the laugh emoji on posts that say we're in for some rough times.
More aware? LOL you dont know jackshit about anything,in fact you've cheered this shit on.
I dont give a flying fuck what your sister has done,you obviously havent done shit. It's just like you to rely on your sister rather than yourself.
How many months can you survive without help? Do you have the firearms to protect what little you have? I highly doubt it and I highly doubt you've saved or stocked up on anything.
How many gallons of water have you saved,and can you purify water from a creek or lake? I highly doubt it.
Can you acquire food from anywhere besides the grocery store? Not likely....
If the shit really hits the fan you'll be dead in a matter of months and thats a stretch.
Personally I've spent thousands on my preps and I can go as long as I need to without any assistance from anyone.
I'd bet my dogs are more ready than you are.
WOW! Where the heck did that rant come from?

YOU ARE SO FILLED WITH couldn't even respond to what I actually said! I am prepared, dufus! My sister is prepared, dufus! We are democrats, dufus!

What is wrong with you? Seek some Psychological help.... Your deep seeded hatred will destroy you, long before you starve!!!!
WOW! Where the heck did that rant come from?

YOU ARE SO FILLED WITH couldn't even respond to what I actually said! I am prepared, dufus! My sister is prepared, dufus! We are democrats, dufus!

What is wrong with you? Seek some Psychological help.... Your deep seeded hatred will destroy you, long before you starve!!!!

Whats the matter?
Does the truth hurt?
You've done nothing but ridicule those of us who are prepared so you'll have to excuse me for doubting you're prepared for anything more then a few days without power.
Lived through a hurricane that only lasts a couple days at most,color me not impressed.
I've lived through at least six hurricanes in my days and the required stocks for those is minimal at best.

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