Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

Oh, and did you hear the latest? The black guy that got shot by the black cop was in prison for six years for shooting somebody else in Texas. Not only that, but his first wife filed a restraining order on him claiming he stabbed her with a knife.

No, I didn't hear that, do you have a link?

What I saw were three video tapes, and none of them had the guy holding a gun or acting aggressively.

He shot a guy who was threatening his family. If he were white, you'd be celebrating him as a Second Amendment Hero.

Silly Darkies, Rights are For White People.
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.

It's good that you post these types of things from time to time.

Because I think we are better served by seeing inside the demented and hateful mind of the Alt Right.

If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles... Sun Tzu

Please keep us up to date on what you White Supremacy folks find troubling or difficult to swallow--like good parenting ideas.
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It's good that you post these types of things from time to time.

Because I think we are better served by seeing inside the demented and hateful mind of the Alt Right.

If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles... Sun Tzu

Please keep us up to date on what you White Supremacy folks find troubling or difficult to swallow--like good parenting ideas.

White supremacy? It's the left that promoted single-parent families since the 70's. Single parent households are directly related to poverty, and over 70% of all black children are born out of wedlock.
No, I didn't hear that, do you have a link?

What I saw were three video tapes, and none of them had the guy holding a gun or acting aggressively.

He shot a guy who was threatening his family. If he were white, you'd be celebrating him as a Second Amendment Hero.

Silly Darkies, Rights are For White People.

If he shot a guy for threatening his family, why did he go to prison? You can't shoot people because you think there was a threat unless a weapon was involved and you needed deadly force to stop the potential attack.

So you think that several police officers were yelling at him to put down a gun he didn't have? Did they also throw down the ankle holster he had too? Had his DNA on that and the gun along with his blood. Wow, these cops must work very fast.

If you read up on the story, the reason the police put aside serving a warrant is because one of the officers seen the guy rolling a blunt, and then seen him raise his gun in the car. Pot and guns don't mix which is why they tried to stop him in the first place. But I guess they made that all up because he was a darkie, huh?
It's the same with police interactions. The only time MSM shows you a story of a person getting shot by police is when the subject is black. When was the last story they put out of a white suspect getting shot by police on a national level? I can't think of any to be honest.

Uh, yeah, because it rarely happens in a case where the white person was unarmed.

In fact, even when they do have guns or knives, the cops avoid shooting white people. Let's look at this fun list.

America’s lethal Negrophobia: More than just the Charlotte police killed Keith Lamont Scott

There are many recent examples of this lethal double standard along the color line.

A white man, Gregory Rose, was wanted by police for murder and arson in Michigan. He led police on a chase and rammed them with his stolen car. He was arrested and not shot.

A white man, Brian Fitch, shot and killed a St. Paul, Minnesota, police officer. He also shot at other police. Fitch was wounded by police and taken into custody alive.

A white man and Donald Trump supporter, Austin Harrouff, killed two of his neighbors in Florida. He then attacked a third person and began eating his face. Still. the police did everything they could to avoid shooting him. Harrouff was eventually taken into custody alive.

A white man, Joseph Houseman, had a rifle and threatened to shoot police and their families in Michigan. The police negotiated with him for at least 40 minutes. He was not arrested. The police determined that he was intoxicated and confiscated his weapon. Houseman was allowed to claim his rifle the next day at the police station.

A white man, Lance Tamayo, exited his car while driving in San Diego and then proceeded to threaten children and police with a pistol. Lance Tamayo even ran toward police while pointing his weapon at them. The police negotiated with the man. They eventually shot him in the stomach. The police then continued to negotiate with Tamayo before he surrendered.

A white man, Jed Frazier, was drunk and drove his car into a ditch alongside a road in Pennsylvania. The police approached him. Frazier aimed his gun at them. The police did not kill Jed Frazier. Instead they broke his car windows and arrested him.

A white man, Leighton Marchetta, drove to a Georgia state police post and shot at two officers using a hunting rifle. He then charged at them. The troopers wounded Marchetta in the shoulder. After a manhunt, Marchetta was taken into custody. He was not killed.

A white man, Bill Jones, ambushed two Arkansas police. Jones killed one of the officers. He then barracked himself in his home. The police allowed him to surrender alive.

A white man, Derrick Thomas, went on a crime spree in New Orleans, where he robbed a home, shot at local construction workers and led police on a chase. When cornered by the police, he reportedly demanded that they drop their weapons. The police arrested Thomas without shooting him.

A white man, James Holmes, killed 12 people and wounded 70 others at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater. He was armed with multiple guns and explosives. The police took Holmes into custody unharmed.

Silly darkies! Rights are for White People!!!!

Well the weekend is upon us and it looks like rain over here. Would you like me to dig up the hundreds of stories of black suspects that didn't get shot too? What's your point here?

In 2015, the police fatally shot 36 unarmed black males, according to The Washington Post’s typology, and 31 unarmed white males. The Post’s classification of victims as “unarmed” is literally accurate but sometimes misleading. The label can fail to convey the charged situation facing the officer who used deadly force.

At least five “unarmed” black victims had tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. One had the officer on the ground and was beating him on the head so violently, breaking bones and causing other injuries, as to risk the officer’s loss of consciousness. And one individual included in the Post’s “unarmed black male victim” category was a bystander unintentionally struck by an officer’s bullet after an illegal-gun trafficker opened fire at the officer and the officer shot back. If a victim was not the intended target of a police shooting, race could have had no possible role in his death.

Police shootings and race
If he shot a guy for threatening his family, why did he go to prison? You can't shoot people because you think there was a threat unless a weapon was involved and you needed deadly force to stop the potential attack.

again, you're so cute when you try to pretend Black folks get the same kind of justice white folks get.. it's ADORABLE!!!!

So you think that several police officers were yelling at him to put down a gun he didn't have? Did they also throw down the ankle holster he had too? Had his DNA on that and the gun along with his blood. Wow, these cops must work very fast.

They sure do. So if he had a gun, how did none of them get it on film?

If you read up on the story, the reason the police put aside serving a warrant is because one of the officers seen the guy rolling a blunt, and then seen him raise his gun in the car. Pot and guns don't mix which is why they tried to stop him in the first place. But I guess they made that all up because he was a darkie, huh?

Too bad none of their video backs up that story. I mean, shit, they could claim he was a space alien....
If he shot a guy for threatening his family, why did he go to prison? You can't shoot people because you think there was a threat unless a weapon was involved and you needed deadly force to stop the potential attack.

again, you're so cute when you try to pretend Black folks get the same kind of justice white folks get.. it's ADORABLE!!!!

So you think that several police officers were yelling at him to put down a gun he didn't have? Did they also throw down the ankle holster he had too? Had his DNA on that and the gun along with his blood. Wow, these cops must work very fast.

They sure do. So if he had a gun, how did none of them get it on film?

If you read up on the story, the reason the police put aside serving a warrant is because one of the officers seen the guy rolling a blunt, and then seen him raise his gun in the car. Pot and guns don't mix which is why they tried to stop him in the first place. But I guess they made that all up because he was a darkie, huh?

Too bad none of their video backs up that story. I mean, shit, they could claim he was a space alien....

They sure do. So if he had a gun, how did none of them get it on film?

They weren't making a movie, they were doing their job. What do you think, that when officers realize a threat, they start positioning cameras around to make their case? They have body cams and police cams now, they don't hire videographers. This wasn't a wedding, this is a police shooting.

Too bad none of their video backs up that story. I mean, shit, they could claim he was a space alien....

They could if they provide evidence that he was a space alien just like they provided the evidence of his gun and ankle holster with his DNA and blood on both. This maniacal story of yours consists of several police officers involved in a conspiracy, the shooting officer being black himself, on several videos not knowing what the cameras captured or didn't capture, with several witnesses around, and it was all an entire setup because this is the way your mind works and nobody seen a thing. Give me a break.
They weren't making a movie, they were doing their job. What do you think, that when officers realize a threat, they start positioning cameras around to make their case? They have body cams and police cams now, they don't hire videographers. This wasn't a wedding, this is a police shooting.

Funny, the camera did just fine in Chicago showing that guy blowing the shit out of Laquan MacDonald...
This maniacal story of yours consists of several police officers involved in a conspiracy,

No it doesn't. It consists of one officer showing crappy judgement, and others covering up for him after the fact.

There's a reason why police departments call Internal Affairs "The Rat Squad".
No it doesn't. It consists of one officer showing crappy judgement, and others covering up for him after the fact.

There's a reason why police departments call Internal Affairs "The Rat Squad".

You watch too many old movies and are confusing that with reality. You meant to tell me that you actually believe that several officers seen a police officer shoot an unarmed criminal, watched him place a loaded gun by him, somehow get his blood and DNA on the gun, and then the officer reached (wherever) and pull out an ankle holster, get his DNA and blood on that too, and nobody said a thing to their superiors? All involved were willing to not only risk their career, but going to prison as well? In front of witnesses?????

My suggestion to you is sell your television set immediately. You are losing track of reality.
You watch too many old movies and are confusing that with reality. You meant to tell me that you actually believe that several officers seen a police officer shoot an unarmed criminal, watched him place a loaded gun by him, somehow get his blood and DNA on the gun, and then the officer reached (wherever) and pull out an ankle holster, get his DNA and blood on that too, and nobody said a thing to their superiors? All involved were willing to not only risk their career, but going to prison as well? In front of witnesses?????

Why would they do that? Shit, dude, prosecutors almost never prosecute bad cops! Thta's the problem. YOu pretty much have to catch them on videotape doing what they did.

The Laquan McDonald Case was a great example. Six other cops filed false police reports, they went to a nearby Burger King and erased survellience tapes, and they spent a year hiding what actually happened to this kid (who was shot 16 times, 15 of those when he was on the ground.)
Why would they do that? Shit, dude, prosecutors almost never prosecute bad cops! Thta's the problem. YOu pretty much have to catch them on videotape doing what they did.

The Laquan McDonald Case was a great example. Six other cops filed false police reports, they went to a nearby Burger King and erased survellience tapes, and they spent a year hiding what actually happened to this kid (who was shot 16 times, 15 of those when he was on the ground.)

There you go proving my point once again: if the MSM doesn't tell you about it, it didn't happen.

Here in Cleveland alone, we have several officers being charged with wrongdoing these past few weeks. Prosecutors go after cops who break the law all the time, it's just that you don't read up on it because it's not national news. Just do a Google search of "police officer prosecuted" and you'll find loads of stories.

I was listening to our local radio show host talking about the Scott case. He was interviewing a forensic scientist very familiar with the case. According to him, police found that his gun was indeed stolen. They traced the gun back to the guy who stole the gun, and he admitted he sold Scott that gun. If interested, they have pod casts on all their shows. The hosts name is Bob Frantz. You can listen to the interview there.
There you go proving my point once again: if the MSM doesn't tell you about it, it didn't happen.

Here in Cleveland alone, we have several officers being charged with wrongdoing these past few weeks. Prosecutors go after cops who break the law all the time, it's just that you don't read up on it because it's not national news. Just do a Google search of "police officer prosecuted" and you'll find loads of stories.

Yes, when there is blatant evidence of wrongdoing, they kind of have to do their jobs I guess? This is your point?

I was listening to our local radio show host talking about the Scott case. He was interviewing a forensic scientist very familiar with the case. According to him, police found that his gun was indeed stolen. They traced the gun back to the guy who stole the gun, and he admitted he sold Scott that gun. If interested, they have pod casts on all their shows. The hosts name is Bob Frantz. You can listen to the interview there.

So what? Scott didn't steal the gun, he bought it from the guy who did (supposedly. Or it was a drop piece some cop helped himself to, more likely.)

Point was- THREE VIDEOS. None show him holding a gun. None show him aiming it at cops.
There you go proving my point once again: if the MSM doesn't tell you about it, it didn't happen.

Here in Cleveland alone, we have several officers being charged with wrongdoing these past few weeks. Prosecutors go after cops who break the law all the time, it's just that you don't read up on it because it's not national news. Just do a Google search of "police officer prosecuted" and you'll find loads of stories.

Yes, when there is blatant evidence of wrongdoing, they kind of have to do their jobs I guess? This is your point?

I was listening to our local radio show host talking about the Scott case. He was interviewing a forensic scientist very familiar with the case. According to him, police found that his gun was indeed stolen. They traced the gun back to the guy who stole the gun, and he admitted he sold Scott that gun. If interested, they have pod casts on all their shows. The hosts name is Bob Frantz. You can listen to the interview there.

So what? Scott didn't steal the gun, he bought it from the guy who did (supposedly. Or it was a drop piece some cop helped himself to, more likely.)

Point was- THREE VIDEOS. None show him holding a gun. None show him aiming it at cops.

Yes, when there is blatant evidence of wrongdoing, they kind of have to do their jobs I guess? This is your point?

No, the point is your claim that prosecutors are on the side of police all the time is false. The other point is prosecutors can't make up law because of something they didn't like or the public didn't like. Prosecutors can only bring charges when a law was broken. In the cases we've been talking about, not one law was broken.

If a prosecutor does bring charges against people who broke no laws, they face the same scrutiny, penalties and even lawsuits that are going on now in Baltimore and what happened in the Duke Lacrosse case. They can even lose their license to practice law in that state like Bill Clinton. This is why they prefer to leave it to a grand jury. It relieves them of the personal and professional liability.

So what? Scott didn't steal the gun, he bought it from the guy who did (supposedly. Or it was a drop piece some cop helped himself to, more likely.)

Point was- THREE VIDEOS. None show him holding a gun. None show him aiming it at cops.

So what is the fact the cops didn't plant the gun. It was his gun. It was in his hand. He refused to drop the gun on the multiple orders of police. Again, there is no law that the police can only shoot when a gun is pointed at them. It takes a fraction of a second to raise a gun to shoot it. As long as a criminal has a gun in his hand and refusing to obey orders, he is indeed a threat to police officers.
Pulling a gun on the police is a good reason. Sorry, but that's the way they are trained

Except there's no evidence the child did that. His hands were in his pockets.

Well I'll tell you what, why don't you write to the Cleveland police and tell them from now on, they should ask for an ID before they shoot somebody.

Naw, here's a better idea. You murder a black child, you go to jail. We throw your ass in the general population and if you get sodomized or shanked by the brothers, too fucking bad. We make sure all your cop buddies know about it when it happens so they think twice about pulling out their guns and randomly shooting people.

You know. Like they think twice before shooting a white person.

Naw, here's a better idea. You murder a black child, you go to jail. We throw your ass in the general population and if you get sodomized or shanked by the brothers, too fucking bad. We make sure all your cop buddies know about it when it happens so they think twice about pulling out their guns and randomly shooting people.

You know. Like they think twice before shooting a white person.

This is why liberals shouldn't live in a civilized society. A jungle perhaps would be better.

In a civilized society, we have laws. The laws are created by our representatives, and we all follow them. We don't make them up willy nilly because there was something we didn't like.

We also have terms such as murder. Murder is unlawfully taking another life of a human being, not self defense. Our laws also include taking orders from the police. When people don't listen to police and bad things happen, you don't blame the police.

In a civilized society, we have responsibilities--particularly with children. Parents are expected to watch over their children, not allow them to take a realistic looking gun into the park where citizens get very concerned and have to call the police. If they do and bad things happen, it's supposed to be the fault of the parent and they should be punished, not rewarded by turning them into an instant millionaire the way liberals do.

Except there's no evidence the child did that. His hands were in his pockets.

Says who, the person that Momma Rice hired? Why do video experts agree with the police?
Dude, give up. Joey is a Stalinist...not to mention a full-bore psychopath.
Yeah, funny only the black ones "have" to get shot, isn't it?

Nope, more white people get shot by police every year than blacks.

The problem with you leftists is your mind is being controlled by the MSM.

If the MSM only showed stories of how Bank America gets robbed, and no other bank robberies, you would be convinced that the only time bank robberies occur is at Bank America. You wouldn't want to go there, do business there, or even be associated with Bank America because the MSM has controlled you that way.

It's the same with police interactions. The only time MSM shows you a story of a person getting shot by police is when the subject is black. When was the last story they put out of a white suspect getting shot by police on a national level? I can't think of any to be honest.

Oh, and did you hear the latest? The black guy that got shot by the black cop was in prison for six years for shooting somebody else in Texas. Not only that, but his first wife filed a restraining order on him claiming he stabbed her with a knife.

Funny how they don't put out these things until after a riot, isn't it?

She also claimed (on the restraining order paperwork) that he had a gun...a "black 9mm".
No, the point is your claim that prosecutors are on the side of police all the time is false. The other point is prosecutors can't make up law because of something they didn't like or the public didn't like. Prosecutors can only bring charges when a law was broken. In the cases we've been talking about, not one law was broken.

Wow, you like to pretend that the cops and prosecutors aren't corrupts... that's ADORABLE!!!!

Real world. they are corrupt as shit.

If a prosecutor does bring charges against people who broke no laws, they face the same scrutiny, penalties and even lawsuits that are going on now in Baltimore and what happened in the Duke Lacrosse case. They can even lose their license to practice law in that state like Bill Clinton. This is why they prefer to leave it to a grand jury. It relieves them of the personal and professional liability.

Again, when Cleveland was faced with a real jury hearing this case, it folded like a cheap suit.

I wonder if the Grand Jury heard that Officer McShooty has been fired for losing his shit on the gun range, or that Officer McChokey had cost the city $100,000 because he and his former partner beat the shit out of some poor woman.
Again, when Cleveland was faced with a real jury hearing this case, it folded like a cheap suit.

I wonder if the Grand Jury heard that Officer McShooty has been fired for losing his shit on the gun range, or that Officer McChokey had cost the city $100,000 because he and his former partner beat the shit out of some poor woman.

No because you only bring what's pertinent to the case. You don't bring in opinions, history not related to the case, or bias. You simply present all the evidence to the jury and they decide if a law was broken or not. There was no law broken in the Rice case. The only caving that went on is when the city paid the little heathens mother with millions of dollars.
No because you only bring what's pertinent to the case. You don't bring in opinions, history not related to the case, or bias. You simply present all the evidence to the jury and they decide if a law was broken or not. There was no law broken in the Rice case. The only caving that went on is when the city paid the little heathens mother with millions of dollars.

I agree, the city caved because they knew the minute they put Officer McShooty's former superior on the stand, they were done!!!!

Seriously, the guy was fucking CRYING ON THE GUN RANGE!!!! And the city unleashed this mutant on the citizens....

A child died.

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