President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

/——-/ I buy what I want when I want.

So do I, yet you and your fellow statist are trying to use the Govt to make that harder and more expensive for me.

Your venom should be aimed at Apple for making phones in China. I would prefer to buthie in USA and in fact I it costs more. What I complain about is China dumping their stuff here while placing high tariffs on IS made goods. Geeeeze it’s not that complicated

My venemom for for anyone that favors a trade war and agree with Trump that they are "easy to win".
/——-/ I buy what I want when I want.

So do I, yet you and your fellow statist are trying to use the Govt to make that harder and more expensive for me.

Your venom should be aimed at Apple for making phones in China. I would prefer to buthie in USA and in fact I it costs more. What I complain about is China dumping their stuff here while placing high tariffs on IS made goods. Geeeeze it’s not that complicated

My venemom for for anyone that favors a trade war and agree with Trump that they are "easy to win".
No your not............your trying to protect your money in the Markets...........

It's simple...............Stop manipulating the system China or there will be a response................

We aren't the only country doing so......................

But you aren't looking.
/——-/ I buy what I want when I want.

So do I, yet you and your fellow statist are trying to use the Govt to make that harder and more expensive for me.

Your venom should be aimed at Apple for making phones in China. I would prefer to buthie in USA and in fact I it costs more. What I complain about is China dumping their stuff here while placing high tariffs on IS made goods. Geeeeze it’s not that complicated

My venemom for for anyone that favors a trade war and agree with Trump that they are "easy to win".
one more point.................who the hell said it would be easy..........

The other voices in your head.
/——-/ I buy what I want when I want.

So do I, yet you and your fellow statist are trying to use the Govt to make that harder and more expensive for me.

Your venom should be aimed at Apple for making phones in China. I would prefer to buthie in USA and in fact I it costs more. What I complain about is China dumping their stuff here while placing high tariffs on IS made goods. Geeeeze it’s not that complicated

My venemom for for anyone that favors a trade war and agree with Trump that they are "easy to win".

Actually I assert that they are easy to win, as long as you are in Americas position with a 500B+ annual trade deficit with them. The hard part is for Americans to temper their desire for cheap, trash that China offers.

The technical spying China is doing and their long term objective to bring America to its knees via this drive for a massive technical advantage cannot be overstated. This is their goal, buying junk from China helps them achieve this. Deciding to choose the savings of a couple of bucks over your nations liberty and sustainability.

If China were a true free market, with a floating currency and equal tariffs, not 25% for U.S cars while you charge them 2.5%, unfair trade barriers, they would be viewed differently. They are absolutely stealing your Intellectual Property in ways I cannot believe America has allowed. Their Communist government forcing U.S companies to "partner" with state owned Chinese businesses when they use their technology in China. What in the f? How do shareholders even allow this?

F Chinas government, F communists. Take their best and brightest citizens and work towards crushing their government.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
/——-/ Breaking: @realDonaldTrump The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year, and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!

only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/-----/ Do you factor Lost Leaders into your stupid, meaningless analogy? Do you factor in cents off coupons in your stupid, meaningless analogy? I was a sales rep for Fortune 50 Companies that sold wholesale to grocers. Your knowledge of the grocery industry can't fill a thimble.
What Are Loss Leaders In Grocery Stores? -

You are correct, I have little knowledge about the grocery industry, and I am ok with that fact.

Though those 2 years I spent as a WalMart shift manager I learned a shit ton about loss leaders, as WalMart is the king of that tactic.

But as usual, the point went flying over your head.

I could use your grocery store, your BestBuy, or Walmart or any other place that you give money to in exchange for goods or have a trade deficit with each and everyone of them. When you worked for you Fortune 50 company, they had a trade deficit with you, they gave you money and you never once gave them any money back, just your time and effort.
/----/ I place a value on my time and effort, so it was an even exchange of an intangible (my work) and tangible (a box of Tide that was a net loss for the store plus an additional discount from a cents off manufacturer's coupon.)
As an example, the store bought a box of Tide detergent for $5.25 plus another 10 cents for labor and transportation from their warehouse then marked it down to $4.99 as a lost leader. (they lose 36 cents on each box) I took the money I earned and bought the Tide. I used a $1 off manufacturer's coupon to reduce my cost to $3.99 that the store paid $5.35 for. So is that a trade deficit or surplus using your stupid, meaningless analogy?

You just gave a micro example of what happens on a macro level in international trade.

You did this same basic thing when bought your cellphone that was made in China. Then you whine about China selling their shit here?
You missed it Sarah, we want it built here. Need equal parameters followed to do that. I know, I know, you don’t get it
But these guys said our soybean markets are screwed..................How can this be.................

Soybean prices tumbled by as much as 5 percent after China threatened to levy extra duties on U.S. shipments, though the market ultimately ended the week down about 1 percent.

Dropped immediately..........hmmmmm...........

Did the weather wipe out the crops to make it drop.................was it locusts............

Just speculating...................hmmmmm.............wonder how that works......

Bottom buyers were found...............we weren't dependent on China.............Good news..........

China is just killing us..............You works both ways and they have more to lose than us.......but hey.......they can buy from Brazil.................

Things like soybeans are priced not unlike stocks, by speculatores. No weather did not wipe out any crops in the US as pretty much nobody has planted yet, soybeans do not get planted in the main producing states for another month or two. Right now corn is not being planted either due to the prolonged winter, which means in the end more people will plant beans than had planned on it, which means not only are we losing a big customers, we will have a glut at the end of the year.

Would you like to speculate on what that will do to the prices?

If you do not think that farmers and the Ag industry is not worried about Trump's trade wars it is because you have no knowledge of the industry.
Commodities country just threatens and the MARKETS lose .............BOOM.............

Seems like the supply and demand, weather, and crops should be all that matter.

Perhaps you should go to Las Vegas and Gamble there instead.

To use your phrase it is mind boggling that you cannot see that a country threatening not to buy affects demand.
How you figure? Product just became available for another customer! Maybe at a higher price!
Soybean prices tumbled by as much as 5 percent after China threatened to levy extra duties on U.S. shipments, though the market ultimately ended the week down about 1 percent.

Dropped immediately..........hmmmmm...........

Did the weather wipe out the crops to make it drop.................was it locusts............

Just speculating...................hmmmmm.............wonder how that works......

Bottom buyers were found...............we weren't dependent on China.............Good news..........

China is just killing us..............You works both ways and they have more to lose than us.......but hey.......they can buy from Brazil.................

Things like soybeans are priced not unlike stocks, by speculatores. No weather did not wipe out any crops in the US as pretty much nobody has planted yet, soybeans do not get planted in the main producing states for another month or two. Right now corn is not being planted either due to the prolonged winter, which means in the end more people will plant beans than had planned on it, which means not only are we losing a big customers, we will have a glut at the end of the year.

Would you like to speculate on what that will do to the prices?

If you do not think that farmers and the Ag industry is not worried about Trump's trade wars it is because you have no knowledge of the industry.
Commodities country just threatens and the MARKETS lose .............BOOM.............

Seems like the supply and demand, weather, and crops should be all that matter.

Perhaps you should go to Las Vegas and Gamble there instead.

To use your phrase it is mind boggling that you cannot see that a country threatening not to buy affects demand.
How you figure? Product just became available for another customer! Maybe at a higher price!
We are ALL GOING TO DIE..............BOO HOO....................China is a MONSTER..................

Better not try and make them play fair.............they will kill us.........

Got a dang tissue.
Morons unite. The dear leader leads his lemmings over the cliff. The only question is how many hundreds of thousands of American jobs will be lost.
Not quite as bad as Obama care though.

Another conservative that can't defend Trump so tosses out a Red Herring. But, but, someone else!

You voted for an ass that you can't defend. Says more about those that voted for him than it does about the ass yeah.
Morons unite. The dear leader leads his lemmings over the cliff. The only question is how many hundreds of thousands of American jobs will be lost.
Not quite as bad as Obama care though.

Another conservative that can't defend Trump so tosses out a Red Herring. But, but, someone else!

You voted for an ass that you can't defend. Says more about those that voted for him than it does about the ass yeah.
We voted for a genius
Morons unite. The dear leader leads his lemmings over the cliff. The only question is how many hundreds of thousands of American jobs will be lost.
Not quite as bad as Obama care though.

Another conservative that can't defend Trump so tosses out a Red Herring. But, but, someone else!

You voted for an ass that you can't defend. Says more about those that voted for him than it does about the ass yeah.
He'll come out smelling like a rose.
We are ALL GOING TO DIE..............BOO HOO....................China is a MONSTER..................


Got a dang tissue.

Yep, this pretty much covers yours and your fellow Trump zealots position on this.
Soybean prices tumbled by as much as 5 percent after China threatened to levy extra duties on U.S. shipments, though the market ultimately ended the week down about 1 percent.

Dropped immediately..........hmmmmm...........

Did the weather wipe out the crops to make it drop.................was it locusts............

Just speculating...................hmmmmm.............wonder how that works......

Bottom buyers were found...............we weren't dependent on China.............Good news..........

China is just killing us..............You works both ways and they have more to lose than us.......but hey.......they can buy from Brazil.................

Things like soybeans are priced not unlike stocks, by speculatores. No weather did not wipe out any crops in the US as pretty much nobody has planted yet, soybeans do not get planted in the main producing states for another month or two. Right now corn is not being planted either due to the prolonged winter, which means in the end more people will plant beans than had planned on it, which means not only are we losing a big customers, we will have a glut at the end of the year.

Would you like to speculate on what that will do to the prices?

If you do not think that farmers and the Ag industry is not worried about Trump's trade wars it is because you have no knowledge of the industry.
Commodities country just threatens and the MARKETS lose .............BOOM.............

Seems like the supply and demand, weather, and crops should be all that matter.

Perhaps you should go to Las Vegas and Gamble there instead.

To use your phrase it is mind boggling that you cannot see that a country threatening not to buy affects demand.
How you figure? Product just became available for another customer! Maybe at a higher price!

Hmmmm...let me think...if there was another customer willing to pay more, perhaps that is who they would have been selling it to to start with?

You must really think these people are as stupid as you are.
You missed it Sarah, we want it built here. Need equal parameters followed to do that. I know, I know, you don’t get it

If you need equal parameters then either we will have to adjust our wages and regulations to match China's or they will have to change theirs to match ours.

Since China is not going to, what you are suggesting is that we need to offer the same wages and working conditions to our citizens as China has.

Try and get that one past the unions! :21::21:
/——-/ I buy what I want when I want.

So do I, yet you and your fellow statist are trying to use the Govt to make that harder and more expensive for me.

Your venom should be aimed at Apple for making phones in China. I would prefer to buthie in USA and in fact I it costs more. What I complain about is China dumping their stuff here while placing high tariffs on IS made goods. Geeeeze it’s not that complicated

My venemom for for anyone that favors a trade war and agree with Trump that they are "easy to win".

Actually I assert that they are easy to win, as long as you are in Americas position with a 500B+ annual trade deficit with them. The hard part is for Americans to temper their desire for cheap, trash that China offers.

The technical spying China is doing and their long term objective to bring America to its knees via this drive for a massive technical advantage cannot be overstated. This is their goal, buying junk from China helps them achieve this. Deciding to choose the savings of a couple of bucks over your nations liberty and sustainability.

If China were a true free market, with a floating currency and equal tariffs, not 25% for U.S cars while you charge them 2.5%, unfair trade barriers, they would be viewed differently. They are absolutely stealing your Intellectual Property in ways I cannot believe America has allowed. Their Communist government forcing U.S companies to "partner" with state owned Chinese businesses when they use their technology in China. What in the f? How do shareholders even allow this?

F Chinas government, F communists. Take their best and brightest citizens and work towards crushing their government.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!

I am pretty sure I do not give a shit what a Canadian thinks. Do you see me coming to your country and telling you how to run it?
Will liberals and/or free-trading neocons ever deign to explain how tariffs can be so bad when China has become an economic super power behind the protection of its long-standing high tariffs and other trade restrictions? Will they ever deign to explain how American rose to be an economic colossus and an industrial giant from the 1880s through the 1950s with an ardently protectionist high-tariff trade policy?
We are ALL GOING TO DIE..............BOO HOO....................China is a MONSTER..................


Got a dang tissue.

Yep, this pretty much covers yours and your fellow Trump zealots position on this.
Really...............your the one always saying how China is gonna kick our asses................

Your a hoot.
We are ALL GOING TO DIE..............BOO HOO....................China is a MONSTER..................


Got a dang tissue.

Yep, this pretty much covers yours and your fellow Trump zealots position on this.
Really...............your the one always saying how China is gonna kick our asses................

Your a hoot.

I am saying there is no winner in a trade war, if to you that means China is gonna kick our asses, well I do not know what to tell you.
Will liberals and/or free-trading neocons ever deign to explain how tariffs can be so bad when China has become an economic super power behind the protection of its long-standing high tariffs and other trade restrictions?

I will be sure to answer that as soon as you tell me how can socialism be so bad when China has become an economic super power behind a socialist market economy.

Just to stop the morons now, I am not saying socialism is good, I am pointing out the weakness of the argument that what works in China will work here.
We are ALL GOING TO DIE..............BOO HOO....................China is a MONSTER..................


Got a dang tissue.

Yep, this pretty much covers yours and your fellow Trump zealots position on this.
Really...............your the one always saying how China is gonna kick our asses................

Your a hoot.

I am saying there is no winner in a trade war, if to you that means China is gonna kick our asses, well I do not know what to tell you.
/----/ BS, of course there are winners and losers in trade wars.
We are ALL GOING TO DIE..............BOO HOO....................China is a MONSTER..................


Got a dang tissue.

Yep, this pretty much covers yours and your fellow Trump zealots position on this.
Really...............your the one always saying how China is gonna kick our asses................

Your a hoot.

I am saying there is no winner in a trade war, if to you that means China is gonna kick our asses, well I do not know what to tell you.
/----/ BS, of course there are winners and losers in trade wars.

Well, both sides will say they won...but in the end both will be hurt by it

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