President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

he just likes to post Trump's an idiot time after time, like we care.
OK jcc I give up Trump is really very very smart ,,,,all those 50-54 dummies who have been fired or left the WH and his cabinet prove well as keeping the thief Pruitt on
That’s what business does when people don’t do their jobs or get caught doing things they aren’t allowed.

1. So what happened to the drain the swamp?
2. Only hired the best?
3. Actually most of those people resigned because of Trump ineptness.
4. He cannot even find lawyers to defend him. Pretty soon he need public defender.
5. After 15 months in the job. There are hundreds of vacancies because of chaotic and toxic administration. He cannot even find an ambassador for South Korea because no one is applying.

Mike Pompeo even mentioned that during his confirmation hearing yesterday that vacancies are demoralizing employees.

There is nothing there to like about Trump. Just admit it dude Trump is more than a MORON.
A Moron that sure beat your asses now didn't he.................A Moron that even while being under attack since the primaries is still keeping promises.......

I imagine he really gives a damn what you think...............Or what you call him.............I know I don't.
trump behaving like a 6th grader having a tantrum,is an idiot under attack because he doesn't have the first clue how a president should conduct himself Dignity honor mean a lot. Republicans have neither
he knows much more than you. so you have no idea. he's the one with secret service following him.
he just likes to post Trump's an idiot time after time, like we care.
OK jcc I give up Trump is really very very smart ,,,,all those 50-54 dummies who have been fired or left the WH and his cabinet prove well as keeping the thief Pruitt on

That’s what business does when people don’t do their jobs or get caught doing things they aren’t allowed.

1. So what happened to the drain the swamp?
2. Only hired the best?
3. Actually most of those people resigned because of Trump ineptness.
4. He cannot even find lawyers to defend him. Pretty soon he need public defender.
5. After 15 months in the job. There are hundreds of vacancies because of chaotic and toxic administration. He cannot even find an ambassador for South Korea because no one is applying.

Mike Pompeo even mentioned that during his confirmation hearing yesterday that vacancies are demoralizing employees.

There is nothing there to like about Trump. Just admit it dude Trump is more than a MORON.
A Moron that sure beat your asses now didn't he.................A Moron that even while being under attack since the primaries is still keeping promises.......

I imagine he really gives a damn what you think...............Or what you call him.............I know I don't.
trump behaving like a 6th grader having a tantrum,is an idiot under attack because he doesn't have the first clue how a president should conduct himself Dignity honor mean a lot. Republicans have neither
/——-/ Trump should take bowing and scraping lessons from Obama. How dare Trump believe we’re a super power?
Fear tactics. Give me guarantees which are just opinions.

Which part of their trade abuses don't you get?

Which part of they are potential enemies Don't you get?

Which part of not being dependent on other countries dontd you get?
he just likes to post Trump's an idiot time after time, like we care.
OK jcc I give up Trump is really very very smart ,,,,all those 50-54 dummies who have been fired or left the WH and his cabinet prove well as keeping the thief Pruitt on
That’s what business does when people don’t do their jobs or get caught doing things they aren’t allowed.

1. So what happened to the drain the swamp?
2. Only hired the best?
3. Actually most of those people resigned because of Trump ineptness.
4. He cannot even find lawyers to defend him. Pretty soon he need public defender.
5. After 15 months in the job. There are hundreds of vacancies because of chaotic and toxic administration. He cannot even find an ambassador for South Korea because no one is applying.

Mike Pompeo even mentioned that during his confirmation hearing yesterday that vacancies are demoralizing employees.

There is nothing there to like about Trump. Just admit it dude Trump is more than a MORON.
sure vacancies are demoralizing. why isn't congress filling all the vacancies?

That’s a very big difference when there’s no one is applying for the jobs for Trump. He cannot even hire a lawyer to protect him from this Russia’s investigation. Pretty soon he need a public defender.
You couldn't make this president up.
He is giving Putin everything he wants. Trump shut an embassy for show, and talks sanctions, but does next to nothing. The cost to Russia for interference, past present and future, is nil. Trump then announces his plan (OMG! Just like his enemy Obama) to pull the American presence out of Syria, handing that sorry mess to Russia, and announces his plan to in effect give Raqqa back to ISIS, after all their televised murders.

Meantime, he picks up a Fox story about a caravan of about 1200 Honduran kids who never intended to illegally invade the USA and turns it into hundreds of thousands of hardened rapists intent on violating our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters while stealing our jobs and/or living off our largesse. He calls lies truth and truth lies. He lies about Amazon because of a personal grudge, he thinks he can browbeat China into not retaliating his tariffs, and under it all is his low-IQ belief that a wall will protect us from the made-up monsters he creates. I'm amazed at the number of Americans who just eat that crap up and ask for more.
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
/----/ We tried the LIbtard Moonbat way of dropping our pants, grabbing our ankles and taking it up the poop shoot so commie dictators will like us and it hasn't worked. Trump is fighting for America and China is rolling back the import duties on American built cars.

That is what this lying hypocrite Trump is telling you. I’m sure you also believed him that he cannot find janitors, cook and waiters in Florida for his Maralago golf club.
Dude this president is FUCKING LIAR big time.

1. Look at the booming economy. Does it looks like we are hurting?
2. Look at his economic adviser that quit because of this stupidity. And 100 of the GOPs that sent him a letter that this is dumb.
3. Let say China remove all these barriers against US products. The truth of the matter products from US are extremely very expensive overseas. Even if you remove the taxes and the shipping transportation.
4. We also applied barriers to their products and produce from all over the world.
he just likes to post Trump's an idiot time after time, like we care.
OK jcc I give up Trump is really very very smart ,,,,all those 50-54 dummies who have been fired or left the WH and his cabinet prove well as keeping the thief Pruitt on
That’s what business does when people don’t do their jobs or get caught doing things they aren’t allowed.

1. So what happened to the drain the swamp?
2. Only hired the best?
3. Actually most of those people resigned because of Trump ineptness.
4. He cannot even find lawyers to defend him. Pretty soon he need public defender.
5. After 15 months in the job. There are hundreds of vacancies because of chaotic and toxic administration. He cannot even find an ambassador for South Korea because no one is applying.

Mike Pompeo even mentioned that during his confirmation hearing yesterday that vacancies are demoralizing employees.

There is nothing there to like about Trump. Just admit it dude Trump is more than a MORON.
sure vacancies are demoralizing. why isn't congress filling all the vacancies?

That’s a very big difference when there’s no one is applying for the jobs for Trump. He cannot even hire a lawyer to protect him from this Russia’s investigation. Pretty soon he need a public defender.
sure there are, your news network would rather tell you stories about stormies va jay jay.
Last edited:
He is giving Putin everything he wants. Trump shut an embassy for show, and talks sanctions, but does next to nothing. The cost to Russia for interference, past present and future, is nil. Trump then announces his plan (OMG! Just like his enemy Obama) to pull the American presence out of Syria, handing that sorry mess to Russia, and announces his plan to in effect give Raqqa back to ISIS, after all their televised murders.

Meantime, he picks up a Fox story about a caravan of about 1200 Honduran kids who never intended to illegally invade the USA and turns it into hundreds of thousands of hardened rapists intent on violating our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters while stealing our jobs and/or living off our largesse. He calls lies truth and truth lies. He lies about Amazon because of a personal grudge, he thinks he can browbeat China into not retaliating his tariffs, and under it all is his low-IQ belief that a wall will protect us from the made-up monsters he creates. I'm amazed at the number of Americans who just eat that crap up and ask for more.
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
/----/ We tried the LIbtard Moonbat way of dropping our pants, grabbing our ankles and taking it up the poop shoot so commie dictators will like us and it hasn't worked. Trump is fighting for America and China is rolling back the import duties on American built cars.

That is what this lying hypocrite Trump is telling you. I’m sure you also believed him that he cannot find janitors, cook and waiters in Florida for his Maralago golf club.
Dude this president is FUCKING LIAR big time.

1. Look at the booming economy. Does it looks like we are hurting?
2. Look at his economic adviser that quit because of this stupidity. And 100 of the GOPs that sent him a letter that this is dumb.
3. Let say China remove all these barriers against US products. The truth of the matter products from US are extremely very expensive overseas. Even if you remove the taxes and the shipping transportation.
4. We also applied barriers to their products and produce from all over the world.
oh shut up. your hate is noted. got anything for the discussion that you think you actually know besides trump hate syndrome? he isn't going anywhere. your daily assault on the president is old now.

BTW, you're just another leftist loser upset you lost. I won, so leave my guy alone with the slander k?
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
/----/ We tried the LIbtard Moonbat way of dropping our pants, grabbing our ankles and taking it up the poop shoot so commie dictators will like us and it hasn't worked. Trump is fighting for America and China is rolling back the import duties on American built cars.

That is what this lying hypocrite Trump is telling you. I’m sure you also believed him that he cannot find janitors, cook and waiters in Florida for his Maralago golf club.
Dude this president is FUCKING LIAR big time.

1. Look at the booming economy. Does it looks like we are hurting?
2. Look at his economic adviser that quit because of this stupidity. And 100 of the GOPs that sent him a letter that this is dumb.
3. Let say China remove all these barriers against US products. The truth of the matter products from US are extremely very expensive overseas. Even if you remove the taxes and the shipping transportation.
4. We also applied barriers to their products and produce from all over the world.
oh shut up. your hate is noted. got anything for the discussion that you think you actually know besides trump hate syndrome? he isn't going anywhere. your daily assault on the president is old now.

BTW, you're just another leftist loser upset you lost. I won, so leave my guy alone with the slander k?
jc I see you've pledged your loyalty to Trump
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
/----/ We tried the LIbtard Moonbat way of dropping our pants, grabbing our ankles and taking it up the poop shoot so commie dictators will like us and it hasn't worked. Trump is fighting for America and China is rolling back the import duties on American built cars.

That is what this lying hypocrite Trump is telling you. I’m sure you also believed him that he cannot find janitors, cook and waiters in Florida for his Maralago golf club.
Dude this president is FUCKING LIAR big time.

1. Look at the booming economy. Does it looks like we are hurting?
2. Look at his economic adviser that quit because of this stupidity. And 100 of the GOPs that sent him a letter that this is dumb.
3. Let say China remove all these barriers against US products. The truth of the matter products from US are extremely very expensive overseas. Even if you remove the taxes and the shipping transportation.
4. We also applied barriers to their products and produce from all over the world.
oh shut up. your hate is noted. got anything for the discussion that you think you actually know besides trump hate syndrome? he isn't going anywhere. your daily assault on the president is old now.

BTW, you're just another leftist loser upset you lost. I won, so leave my guy alone with the slander k?

Instead of applying your regular nonsense antics.
Why don’t you prove to me where I’m wrong?

Just admit it. Trump is like a stupid moron little kid always doing something stupid.
No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
/----/ We tried the LIbtard Moonbat way of dropping our pants, grabbing our ankles and taking it up the poop shoot so commie dictators will like us and it hasn't worked. Trump is fighting for America and China is rolling back the import duties on American built cars.

That is what this lying hypocrite Trump is telling you. I’m sure you also believed him that he cannot find janitors, cook and waiters in Florida for his Maralago golf club.
Dude this president is FUCKING LIAR big time.

1. Look at the booming economy. Does it looks like we are hurting?
2. Look at his economic adviser that quit because of this stupidity. And 100 of the GOPs that sent him a letter that this is dumb.
3. Let say China remove all these barriers against US products. The truth of the matter products from US are extremely very expensive overseas. Even if you remove the taxes and the shipping transportation.
4. We also applied barriers to their products and produce from all over the world.
oh shut up. your hate is noted. got anything for the discussion that you think you actually know besides trump hate syndrome? he isn't going anywhere. your daily assault on the president is old now.

BTW, you're just another leftist loser upset you lost. I won, so leave my guy alone with the slander k?

Instead of applying your regular nonsense antics.
Why don’t you prove to me where I’m wrong?

Just admit it. Trump is like a stupid moron little kid always doing something stupid.
Trump will visit some one in a hospital and complain what a bad day hes having

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