President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

12 eerie photos of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people

Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: people.

These mysterious — and almost completely empty — cities are a part of China's larger plan to move up to 300 million citizens currently living in rural areas into urban locations. Places like the Kangbashi District of Ordos are already prepped and ready to be occupied.

Photographer Kai Caemmerer became fascinated with these urban plans, and in 2015 he traveled to China to explore and document them. His series, "Unborn Cities," depicts a completely new type of urban development. "Unlike in the US, where cities often begin as small developments and grow in accordance to the local industries, these new Chinese cities are built to the point of near completion before introducing people," he told Business Insider.

/----/ Liberals would love to corral Americans like this to better control us.

This from the statist wanting the Govt to control the economy! HA Do not look in the mirror much do you!

Trade policy is a valid government function.

A Lot of things are a valid government function, the question is how much control does the Govt get over them? Do you favor freedom or Govt control?

The more you have of the latter the less you have of the former, the two are constantly in competition.

Did you approve of the Govt telling you that you had to buy health insurance?

Did you approve of the Govt telling you what kind of light bulb to buy?
There are places for government. People should make that decision . Not government dictating or mandating
Yes because they are cheaply made, don’t have the same regulations, don’t have to pay minimum wages, and didn’t have to pay Americans a tariff.
American companies have regulations, insurance, minimum wages, and have to pay China tariffs.
What’s fair about this way of competition, please explain

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

"Fair" is a child's concept, nothing in life is "fair". The question to ask is it mutually beneficial. They make things we want, that is why we have a trade deficit with them, plain and simple. It is no different than the trade deficit you have with your local grocery store.

The idea that we can just tariff everything till it cost the same as it would if we made it here is ridiculous and one that will hurt most of the country. Not everybody is swimming in money as you seem to be and cannot afford for the goods they buy to go up by 15 to 50 percent.

I was against it when the Govt tried to tell me what kind of light bulb to buy, what kind of car to buy and now I am against it when the Govt tries to force me to buy based on where something is made. Only a statist can approve of such actions.

You take one drive though the Rust Belt, and you can see our current trade balance is not beneficial to US.

Our current trade situation is not mutually beneficial.

It is benefiting our trading partners at our expense.

Nothing is beneficial to the entire country, there are always winners and losers. Also, the Rust Belt started decaying long before China was even a player. If you want to attack the real culprit of the rust belt's demise, go after unions, they priced themselves right out of business.

Our country is in the midst of the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country. We have basically full employment, wages are rising, we had a record setting financial market till the trade war started. None of those things would be possible if China was fucking us as badly as Trump tells you they are.

Them mean old unions fighting for better wages, benefits and working conditions . Had nothing to do with the companies not even trying to upgrade their own facilities. Nah couldn't be that.

As with most things in life, things happen for a multitude of reasons. That I did not list them all does not mean it was not part of the problem.
This from the statist wanting the Govt to control the economy! HA Do not look in the mirror much do you!

Trade policy is a valid government function.

A Lot of things are a valid government function, the question is how much control does the Govt get over them? Do you favor freedom or Govt control?

The more you have of the latter the less you have of the former, the two are constantly in competition.

Did you approve of the Govt telling you that you had to buy health insurance?

Did you approve of the Govt telling you what kind of light bulb to buy?

1. Good, so you will drop all the arguments based on implying that trade policy is not a valid government function. I will hold you to that.

2. No to health insurance. NO to light bulb. Yes to Trade policy to protect American workers.

1. Never claimed it was not, again it comes down to if you want capitalism or socialism as the engine driving your economy. You are choosing the latter.
Funny, I thought this was about fair trade. Hmmmm

Fair trade is a child's view. The world is not fair, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be
Nobody is advocating loss of jobs to illegals and Trump's trade war with China is only a good idea if you wish to see the US enter another recession soon.
Sure the democrats are advocating for illegals to take citizens jobs. They’re better people. I watch news interviews weekly and read! You should try it

I am sure that Rush and Sean tell you that pretty much every day. When you only get one side of the story, it will always sound true.
Nope don’t listen to them. I watch democrats being interviewed and read internet interviews and those telll me that. Hahahaha as I said you should read

Feel free to provide the links then so that I can read them as well. I have never once heard anyone say that illegals should take jobs away from citizens. But since you hear it all the time, you should have a crap ton of links for me.

I will waiting so I can read them...thanks in advance.
Hahahaha go enter that in google and read. I’m not your teacher

Do Democrats even want an immigration deal?

In other words you just made that shit up. Thanks for clarifying.
If protectionism doesn't work...........Why is China using it..................And if it fails..........why are they the largest economic growth country in the world............

boogles the mind.

Let's try your "logic" with this and see if you still find it compelling?

If socialism doesn't work...........Why is China using it..................And if it fails..........why are they the largest economic growth country in the world............
only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/——-/ I’m not following you down that idiotic rabbit hole.

Of course you are not, the GOP talking points did not give you an answer for this.
/----/ It's a stupid, meaningless analogy.

A trade deficit is a trade deficit, whether it is between us and China or you and your grocery story. We have a trade deficit with China because you and 300 million other people buy things from China, the exact same reason there is one with your grocery store.
You keep using this and it is in accurate . I don’t trade. I buy. They don’t buy from me. It’s one way. Look up one way flow

Sometimes reading your post just make me embarrassed for you.

Buying is simple the act of trading money for a good/service.

We do not trade our soybean to China for the phones. We send our soybeans and they buy them. They send us their phones and we buy them, we do not trade pigs for them.

And you are right, your grocery store does not buy from you, that means they are raping you even worse than you think China is raping us. You give them money and all they give you is goods and a service.

And you are raping your employer worse than you say China is raping us. They give you money every pay period and you have never given them a single dollar in return. How is that a fair trade?
Trade policy is a valid government function.

A Lot of things are a valid government function, the question is how much control does the Govt get over them? Do you favor freedom or Govt control?

The more you have of the latter the less you have of the former, the two are constantly in competition.

Did you approve of the Govt telling you that you had to buy health insurance?

Did you approve of the Govt telling you what kind of light bulb to buy?

1. Good, so you will drop all the arguments based on implying that trade policy is not a valid government function. I will hold you to that.

2. No to health insurance. NO to light bulb. Yes to Trade policy to protect American workers.

1. Never claimed it was not, again it comes down to if you want capitalism or socialism as the engine driving your economy. You are choosing the latter.
Funny, I thought this was about fair trade. Hmmmm

Fair trade is a child's view. The world is not fair, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be

If it does not benefit US, why should we do it?
/——-/ Breaking: @realDonaldTrump The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year, and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!

only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/-----/ Do you factor Lost Leaders into your stupid, meaningless analogy? Do you factor in cents off coupons in your stupid, meaningless analogy? I was a sales rep for Fortune 50 Companies that sold wholesale to grocers. Your knowledge of the grocery industry can't fill a thimble.
What Are Loss Leaders In Grocery Stores? -
Yes because they are cheaply made, don’t have the same regulations, don’t have to pay minimum wages, and didn’t have to pay Americans a tariff.
American companies have regulations, insurance, minimum wages, and have to pay China tariffs.
What’s fair about this way of competition, please explain

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

"Fair" is a child's concept, nothing in life is "fair". The question to ask is it mutually beneficial. They make things we want, that is why we have a trade deficit with them, plain and simple. It is no different than the trade deficit you have with your local grocery store.

The idea that we can just tariff everything till it cost the same as it would if we made it here is ridiculous and one that will hurt most of the country. Not everybody is swimming in money as you seem to be and cannot afford for the goods they buy to go up by 15 to 50 percent.

I was against it when the Govt tried to tell me what kind of light bulb to buy, what kind of car to buy and now I am against it when the Govt tries to force me to buy based on where something is made. Only a statist can approve of such actions.

You take one drive though the Rust Belt, and you can see our current trade balance is not beneficial to US.

Our current trade situation is not mutually beneficial.

It is benefiting our trading partners at our expense.

Nothing is beneficial to the entire country, there are always winners and losers. Also, the Rust Belt started decaying long before China was even a player. If you want to attack the real culprit of the rust belt's demise, go after unions, they priced themselves right out of business.

Our country is in the midst of the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country. We have basically full employment, wages are rising, we had a record setting financial market till the trade war started. None of those things would be possible if China was fucking us as badly as Trump tells you they are.

Them mean old unions fighting for better wages, benefits and working conditions . Had nothing to do with the companies not even trying to upgrade their own facilities. Nah couldn't be that.

As with most things in life, things happen for a multitude of reasons. That I did not list them all does not mean it was not part of the problem.

Fair enough, but to single out unions is patently wrong and lazy.
Sure the democrats are advocating for illegals to take citizens jobs. They’re better people. I watch news interviews weekly and read! You should try it

I am sure that Rush and Sean tell you that pretty much every day. When you only get one side of the story, it will always sound true.
Nope don’t listen to them. I watch democrats being interviewed and read internet interviews and those telll me that. Hahahaha as I said you should read

Feel free to provide the links then so that I can read them as well. I have never once heard anyone say that illegals should take jobs away from citizens. But since you hear it all the time, you should have a crap ton of links for me.

I will waiting so I can read them...thanks in advance.
Hahahaha go enter that in google and read. I’m not your teacher

Do Democrats even want an immigration deal?

In other words you just made that shit up. Thanks for clarifying.
Or not
Trade policy is a valid government function.

A Lot of things are a valid government function, the question is how much control does the Govt get over them? Do you favor freedom or Govt control?

The more you have of the latter the less you have of the former, the two are constantly in competition.

Did you approve of the Govt telling you that you had to buy health insurance?

Did you approve of the Govt telling you what kind of light bulb to buy?

1. Good, so you will drop all the arguments based on implying that trade policy is not a valid government function. I will hold you to that.

2. No to health insurance. NO to light bulb. Yes to Trade policy to protect American workers.

1. Never claimed it was not, again it comes down to if you want capitalism or socialism as the engine driving your economy. You are choosing the latter.
Funny, I thought this was about fair trade. Hmmmm

Fair trade is a child's view. The world is not fair, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be
Yep, been unfair for fifty years! Trump is working to redirect that. And you’re against it! I get it. You like free stuff at the expense of others
A Lot of things are a valid government function, the question is how much control does the Govt get over them? Do you favor freedom or Govt control?

The more you have of the latter the less you have of the former, the two are constantly in competition.

Did you approve of the Govt telling you that you had to buy health insurance?

Did you approve of the Govt telling you what kind of light bulb to buy?

1. Good, so you will drop all the arguments based on implying that trade policy is not a valid government function. I will hold you to that.

2. No to health insurance. NO to light bulb. Yes to Trade policy to protect American workers.

1. Never claimed it was not, again it comes down to if you want capitalism or socialism as the engine driving your economy. You are choosing the latter.
Funny, I thought this was about fair trade. Hmmmm

Fair trade is a child's view. The world is not fair, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be

If it does not benefit US, why should we do it?

There is no compelling argument that the US has not benefited. All you can point to is one single part of the economy and say it has not benefited that one sector.

As I have said 100 times, we are in the midst of the 2nd longest (and the longest since the great depression) period of economic expansion in the history of our country. Unemployment is stable and close to historically low, wages are raising and corporate profits are through the roof.
/——-/ Breaking: @realDonaldTrump The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year, and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!

only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/-----/ Do you factor Lost Leaders into your stupid, meaningless analogy? Do you factor in cents off coupons in your stupid, meaningless analogy? I was a sales rep for Fortune 50 Companies that sold wholesale to grocers. Your knowledge of the grocery industry can't fill a thimble.
What Are Loss Leaders In Grocery Stores? -

You are correct, I have little knowledge about the grocery industry, and I am ok with that fact.

Though those 2 years I spent as a WalMart shift manager I learned a shit ton about loss leaders, as WalMart is the king of that tactic.

But as usual, the point went flying over your head.

I could use your grocery store, your BestBuy, or Walmart or any other place that you give money to in exchange for goods or have a trade deficit with each and everyone of them. When you worked for you Fortune 50 company, they had a trade deficit with you, they gave you money and you never once gave them any money back, just your time and effort.
1. Good, so you will drop all the arguments based on implying that trade policy is not a valid government function. I will hold you to that.

2. No to health insurance. NO to light bulb. Yes to Trade policy to protect American workers.

1. Never claimed it was not, again it comes down to if you want capitalism or socialism as the engine driving your economy. You are choosing the latter.
Funny, I thought this was about fair trade. Hmmmm

Fair trade is a child's view. The world is not fair, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be

If it does not benefit US, why should we do it?

There is no compelling argument that the US has not benefited. All you can point to is one single part of the economy and say it has not benefited that one sector.

As I have said 100 times, we are in the midst of the 2nd longest (and the longest since the great depression) period of economic expansion in the history of our country. Unemployment is stable and close to historically low, wages are raising and corporate profits are through the roof.
At the expense of wages that don’t provide funds enough to support a family
A Lot of things are a valid government function, the question is how much control does the Govt get over them? Do you favor freedom or Govt control?

The more you have of the latter the less you have of the former, the two are constantly in competition.

Did you approve of the Govt telling you that you had to buy health insurance?

Did you approve of the Govt telling you what kind of light bulb to buy?

1. Good, so you will drop all the arguments based on implying that trade policy is not a valid government function. I will hold you to that.

2. No to health insurance. NO to light bulb. Yes to Trade policy to protect American workers.

1. Never claimed it was not, again it comes down to if you want capitalism or socialism as the engine driving your economy. You are choosing the latter.
Funny, I thought this was about fair trade. Hmmmm

Fair trade is a child's view. The world is not fair, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be
Yep, been unfair for fifty years! Trump is working to redirect that. And you’re against it! I get it. You like free stuff at the expense of others

Fair does not exist, it is just something we tell our children to make them feel good. By the time they are adults most people figured out that fair is fairy tale and they move on. I do not hold out much hope for you, you tend to live in a alternate reality.
1. Never claimed it was not, again it comes down to if you want capitalism or socialism as the engine driving your economy. You are choosing the latter.
Funny, I thought this was about fair trade. Hmmmm

Fair trade is a child's view. The world is not fair, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be

If it does not benefit US, why should we do it?

There is no compelling argument that the US has not benefited. All you can point to is one single part of the economy and say it has not benefited that one sector.

As I have said 100 times, we are in the midst of the 2nd longest (and the longest since the great depression) period of economic expansion in the history of our country. Unemployment is stable and close to historically low, wages are raising and corporate profits are through the roof.
At the expense of wages that don’t provide funds enough to support a family

So, you want the Govt to step in and force companies to pay a wage that provides funds enough to support a family?
/——-/ Breaking: @realDonaldTrump The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year, and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!

only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/-----/ Do you factor Lost Leaders into your stupid, meaningless analogy? Do you factor in cents off coupons in your stupid, meaningless analogy? I was a sales rep for Fortune 50 Companies that sold wholesale to grocers. Your knowledge of the grocery industry can't fill a thimble.
What Are Loss Leaders In Grocery Stores? -

You are correct, I have little knowledge about the grocery industry, and I am ok with that fact.

Though those 2 years I spent as a WalMart shift manager I learned a shit ton about loss leaders, as WalMart is the king of that tactic.

But as usual, the point went flying over your head.

I could use your grocery store, your BestBuy, or Walmart or any other place that you give money to in exchange for goods or have a trade deficit with each and everyone of them. When you worked for you Fortune 50 company, they had a trade deficit with you, they gave you money and you never once gave them any money back, just your time and effort.
What mumbo jumbo! Hahahaha
/——-/ Breaking: @realDonaldTrump The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year, and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!

only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/-----/ Do you factor Lost Leaders into your stupid, meaningless analogy? Do you factor in cents off coupons in your stupid, meaningless analogy? I was a sales rep for Fortune 50 Companies that sold wholesale to grocers. Your knowledge of the grocery industry can't fill a thimble.
What Are Loss Leaders In Grocery Stores? -

You are correct, I have little knowledge about the grocery industry, and I am ok with that fact.

Though those 2 years I spent as a WalMart shift manager I learned a shit ton about loss leaders, as WalMart is the king of that tactic.

But as usual, the point went flying over your head.

I could use your grocery store, your BestBuy, or Walmart or any other place that you give money to in exchange for goods or have a trade deficit with each and everyone of them. When you worked for you Fortune 50 company, they had a trade deficit with you, they gave you money and you never once gave them any money back, just your time and effort.
What mumbo jumbo! Hahahaha

Yes, I understand it is a bit too complicated for your little mind. that is why you choose to live in your own reality.
Funny, I thought this was about fair trade. Hmmmm

Fair trade is a child's view. The world is not fair, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be

If it does not benefit US, why should we do it?

There is no compelling argument that the US has not benefited. All you can point to is one single part of the economy and say it has not benefited that one sector.

As I have said 100 times, we are in the midst of the 2nd longest (and the longest since the great depression) period of economic expansion in the history of our country. Unemployment is stable and close to historically low, wages are raising and corporate profits are through the roof.
At the expense of wages that don’t provide funds enough to support a family

So, you want the Govt to step in and force companies to pay a wage that provides funds enough to support a family?
Not at all. I want the same trade rates between countries! I don’t want dump and sell products like China, Japan and Europe use undercutting american made product. We work under regulations so should those countries. Child labor use should be abandoned. Sweatshops they use to call em!
/——-/ Breaking: @realDonaldTrump The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year, and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!

only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/-----/ Do you factor Lost Leaders into your stupid, meaningless analogy? Do you factor in cents off coupons in your stupid, meaningless analogy? I was a sales rep for Fortune 50 Companies that sold wholesale to grocers. Your knowledge of the grocery industry can't fill a thimble.
What Are Loss Leaders In Grocery Stores? -

You are correct, I have little knowledge about the grocery industry, and I am ok with that fact.

Though those 2 years I spent as a WalMart shift manager I learned a shit ton about loss leaders, as WalMart is the king of that tactic.

But as usual, the point went flying over your head.

I could use your grocery store, your BestBuy, or Walmart or any other place that you give money to in exchange for goods or have a trade deficit with each and everyone of them. When you worked for you Fortune 50 company, they had a trade deficit with you, they gave you money and you never once gave them any money back, just your time and effort.
What mumbo jumbo! Hahahaha

Yes, I understand it is a bit too complicated for your little mind. that is why you choose to live in your own reality.
Yeah, I avoid crazy people who spew garbage!

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