President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

Uh , we don’t get to sell much their anyway, and if ALL AMERICANS STOP buying their products who is gonna break first, they rely on us buying their products. Maybe they break and it’s better for us, if they don’t then we do business somewhere else, some countries would love to provide all the junky products y’all liberals must have!

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Mr. Shangles, y'all that believe that levying tariffs upon basic materials from China is not to our own disadvantage, then youze guys just don't get it.

Tariffs upon basic materials rather than upon all goods or all finished goods are particularly net detrimental to their own nation. Only prices of USA produced products with steel and/or aluminum parts are to be increased.
You correctly contend that tariffs upon only China, means that we'll import goods from some other lower-wage nations; but we continue to experience our chronic annual trade deficits of goods.
The policy described within Wikipedia's “Import Certificates” article would, if adopted by the USA, significantly if not entirely eliminate USA's chronic annual trade deficits of goods in a superior (to any other trade policies') manner. Import Certificate policy would more than otherwise increase our GDP and numbers of jobs.
Respectfully, Supposn
/——-/ Breaking: @realDonaldTrump The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year, and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!

only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/——-/ I’m not following you down that idiotic rabbit hole.

Of course you are not, the GOP talking points did not give you an answer for this.

I understand you love Trump but I really HATE to tell you this but YOU and I are the buggiest LOSER.
This has a big impact to our economy. Don’t complain a year from now when these trade wars start affecting your job and wallets. Guarantee ( in my parents grave) 100% YOU will suffer. Then don’t complain when you cannot find a job.

I’m not sure how old are you or financially stable you are and your kids as a regular laborer. YOU WILL SUFFER THE BIGGEST IMPACT OF THIS TRADE WAR BECAUSE OF AN IMMATURE LUNATIC PRESIDENT.

Yesterday China just retaliated $50 billions against US goods. That is just the start. Good fucking job Trump.

Try to keep these in mind the ripple effect of this nonsense trade wars...... Other commodities will also skyrocketed from your dishwasher soap all the way to the groceries to school tuition fees to car maintenance to ALL ACCROS OF OUR DAILY LIVES EXPENSES.

Prices will never come back down.


Uh , we don’t get to sell much their anyway, and if ALL AMERICANS STOP buying their products who is gonna break first, they rely on us buying their products. Maybe they break and it’s better for us, if they don’t then we do business somewhere else, some countries would love to provide all the junky products y’all liberals must have!

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I just love all these Trump zealots calling out people for using Chinese products...and doing so using a phone made in China!

It is a damn shame that irony is lost on the ignorant.

I understand you love Trump but I really HATE to tell you this but YOU and I are the buggiest LOSER.
This has a big impact to our economy. Don’t complain a year from now when these trade wars start affecting your job and wallets. Guarantee ( in my parents grave) 100% YOU will suffer. Then don’t complain when you cannot find a job.

I’m not sure how old are you or financially stable you are and your kids as a regular laborer. YOU WILL SUFFER THE BIGGEST IMPACT OF THIS TRADE WAR BECAUSE OF AN IMMATURE LUNATIC PRESIDENT.

Yesterday China just retaliated $50 billions against US goods. That is just the start. Good fucking job Trump.

Try to keep these in mind the ripple effect of this nonsense trade wars...... Other commodities will also skyrocketed from your dishwasher soap all the way to the groceries to school tuition fees to car maintenance to ALL ACCROS OF OUR DAILY LIVES EXPENSES.

Prices will never come back down.


Uh , we don’t get to sell much their anyway, and if ALL AMERICANS STOP buying their products who is gonna break first, they rely on us buying their products. Maybe they break and it’s better for us, if they don’t then we do business somewhere else, some countries would love to provide all the junky products y’all liberals must have!

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I just love all these Trump zealots calling out people for using Chinese products...and doing so using a phone made in China!

It is a damn shame that irony is lost on the ignorant.

It's a damn shame you don't have the balls to stand up against China on their trade abuses................

Lets finish off the rest of the Jobs long as your stock's rise..........right bro......

to hell with the workers losing their jobs............right..................oh they would have lost them anyway.........

Oh LOOK I made more money on my stocks..............yippie.............

Yeah.......I understand you well.
Yes because they are cheaply made, don’t have the same regulations, don’t have to pay minimum wages, and didn’t have to pay Americans a tariff.
American companies have regulations, insurance, minimum wages, and have to pay China tariffs.
What’s fair about this way of competition, please explain

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"Fair" is a child's concept, nothing in life is "fair". The question to ask is it mutually beneficial. They make things we want, that is why we have a trade deficit with them, plain and simple. It is no different than the trade deficit you have with your local grocery store.

The idea that we can just tariff everything till it cost the same as it would if we made it here is ridiculous and one that will hurt most of the country. Not everybody is swimming in money as you seem to be and cannot afford for the goods they buy to go up by 15 to 50 percent.

I was against it when the Govt tried to tell me what kind of light bulb to buy, what kind of car to buy and now I am against it when the Govt tries to force me to buy based on where something is made. Only a statist can approve of such actions.

I understand you love Trump but I really HATE to tell you this but YOU and I are the buggiest LOSER.
This has a big impact to our economy. Don’t complain a year from now when these trade wars start affecting your job and wallets. Guarantee ( in my parents grave) 100% YOU will suffer. Then don’t complain when you cannot find a job.

I’m not sure how old are you or financially stable you are and your kids as a regular laborer. YOU WILL SUFFER THE BIGGEST IMPACT OF THIS TRADE WAR BECAUSE OF AN IMMATURE LUNATIC PRESIDENT.

Yesterday China just retaliated $50 billions against US goods. That is just the start. Good fucking job Trump.

Try to keep these in mind the ripple effect of this nonsense trade wars...... Other commodities will also skyrocketed from your dishwasher soap all the way to the groceries to school tuition fees to car maintenance to ALL ACCROS OF OUR DAILY LIVES EXPENSES.

Prices will never come back down.


Uh , we don’t get to sell much their anyway, and if ALL AMERICANS STOP buying their products who is gonna break first, they rely on us buying their products. Maybe they break and it’s better for us, if they don’t then we do business somewhere else, some countries would love to provide all the junky products y’all liberals must have!

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I just love all these Trump zealots calling out people for using Chinese products...and doing so using a phone made in China!

It is a damn shame that irony is lost on the ignorant.

It's a damn shame you don't have the balls to stand up against China on their trade abuses................

Lets finish off the rest of the Jobs long as your stock's rise..........right bro......

to hell with the workers losing their jobs............right..................oh they would have lost them anyway.........

Oh LOOK I made more money on my stocks..............yippie.............

Yeah.......I understand you well.

Losing their jobs? You might not have noticed but we as a country are pretty much at full employment, some even say it is historically low unemployment. We are also in the midst of the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country and the longest one since the Great Depression.

Get your head out of Trump's ass and look around you.
Yes, all those things seem true if you are a far right partisan.
Or someone who lives here

Yes, anyone that lives in your fantasy land would find those things to be true. Some of us choose reality
You believe trump and Russia? Really? Give me your evidence

No, I have never believed Trump himself worked with Russia on the election, I have stated that 100 times on this forum.
Then what the fk was your previous statement about?

Nobody is advocating loss of jobs to illegals and Trump's trade war with China is only a good idea if you wish to see the US enter another recession soon.

I understand you love Trump but I really HATE to tell you this but YOU and I are the buggiest LOSER.
This has a big impact to our economy. Don’t complain a year from now when these trade wars start affecting your job and wallets. Guarantee ( in my parents grave) 100% YOU will suffer. Then don’t complain when you cannot find a job.

I’m not sure how old are you or financially stable you are and your kids as a regular laborer. YOU WILL SUFFER THE BIGGEST IMPACT OF THIS TRADE WAR BECAUSE OF AN IMMATURE LUNATIC PRESIDENT.

Yesterday China just retaliated $50 billions against US goods. That is just the start. Good fucking job Trump.

Try to keep these in mind the ripple effect of this nonsense trade wars...... Other commodities will also skyrocketed from your dishwasher soap all the way to the groceries to school tuition fees to car maintenance to ALL ACCROS OF OUR DAILY LIVES EXPENSES.

Prices will never come back down.


Uh , we don’t get to sell much their anyway, and if ALL AMERICANS STOP buying their products who is gonna break first, they rely on us buying their products. Maybe they break and it’s better for us, if they don’t then we do business somewhere else, some countries would love to provide all the junky products y’all liberals must have!

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I just love all these Trump zealots calling out people for using Chinese products...and doing so using a phone made in China!

It is a damn shame that irony is lost on the ignorant.

It's a damn shame you don't have the balls to stand up against China on their trade abuses................

Lets finish off the rest of the Jobs long as your stock's rise..........right bro......

to hell with the workers losing their jobs............right..................oh they would have lost them anyway.........

Oh LOOK I made more money on my stocks..............yippie.............

Yeah.......I understand you well.

Losing their jobs? You might not have noticed but we as a country are pretty much at full employment, some even say it is historically low unemployment. We are also in the midst of the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country and the longest one since the Great Depression.

Get your head out of Trump's ass and look around you.

With middle class good paying jobs...............or do you want a burger with those fries bro..........

Manufacturing is coming back..............slowly but areas of abuse have been taking abuse since China entered the WTO..............

Should we continue to allow the Chinese Market Advantages with their manipulation of trade...................or should we force them to stop their nonsense...........

Is it in our NATIONAL INTEREST to help China become a Economic Super Power...............I think not............
Or someone who lives here

Yes, anyone that lives in your fantasy land would find those things to be true. Some of us choose reality
You believe trump and Russia? Really? Give me your evidence

No, I have never believed Trump himself worked with Russia on the election, I have stated that 100 times on this forum.
Then what the fk was your previous statement about?

Nobody is advocating loss of jobs to illegals and Trump's trade war with China is only a good idea if you wish to see the US enter another recession soon.
Doesn't have to be a Trade War..............China can play by the rules for a change.............stop their BS.............if not.........fuck them.....
/——-/ Breaking: @realDonaldTrump The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years. They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion a year, and has been losing Billions of Dollars for decades. Cannot continue!

only a fucking 3rd grader would think the fact we do not have a surplus means it is unfair. Tell me cellblock, do you have a deficit or a surplus with your local grocery store? I am betting you have a 100% deficit with them.
/——-/ I’m not following you down that idiotic rabbit hole.

Of course you are not, the GOP talking points did not give you an answer for this.
/----/ It's a stupid, meaningless analogy.
12 eerie photos of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people

Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: people.

These mysterious — and almost completely empty — cities are a part of China's larger plan to move up to 300 million citizens currently living in rural areas into urban locations. Places like the Kangbashi District of Ordos are already prepped and ready to be occupied.

Photographer Kai Caemmerer became fascinated with these urban plans, and in 2015 he traveled to China to explore and document them. His series, "Unborn Cities," depicts a completely new type of urban development. "Unlike in the US, where cities often begin as small developments and grow in accordance to the local industries, these new Chinese cities are built to the point of near completion before introducing people," he told Business Insider.

Yes because they are cheaply made, don’t have the same regulations, don’t have to pay minimum wages, and didn’t have to pay Americans a tariff.
American companies have regulations, insurance, minimum wages, and have to pay China tariffs.
What’s fair about this way of competition, please explain

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"Fair" is a child's concept, nothing in life is "fair". The question to ask is it mutually beneficial. They make things we want, that is why we have a trade deficit with them, plain and simple. It is no different than the trade deficit you have with your local grocery store.

The idea that we can just tariff everything till it cost the same as it would if we made it here is ridiculous and one that will hurt most of the country. Not everybody is swimming in money as you seem to be and cannot afford for the goods they buy to go up by 15 to 50 percent.

I was against it when the Govt tried to tell me what kind of light bulb to buy, what kind of car to buy and now I am against it when the Govt tries to force me to buy based on where something is made. Only a statist can approve of such actions.

You take one drive though the Rust Belt, and you can see our current trade balance is not beneficial to US.

Our current trade situation is not mutually beneficial.

It is benefiting our trading partners at our expense.
Has nothing to do with Trade..........but they used their massive labor forces to build cities with NO ONE THERE.......................

The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.

So we should just keep going with the 500billion deficit they have on us, that sounds like a great plan.
We can use that 500 billion to help with things in our country.

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I wonder if you can see the irony of you sending this post from an Iphone made in China! :21::21:

We have a trade deficit with them because they have things we want, the same reason I have a trade deficit with my local grocery store and Best Buy.
/——-/ I have an iPhone because it’s a great product, I can’t control where it’s made. When I was a kid, Motorola and RCA made the best electronics in the world. Now they come out of the Pacific rim. What chased them away? US taxes, enviro and labor laws? Is your phone American made?

Nope my phone is not nor are my TVs, computers, sound bar, tablet, or one of my cars. But I am not the one whining about China screwing us.

We have a trade deficit with China because we the American people have chosen to buy what they make.

Yes because they are cheaply made, don’t have the same regulations, don’t have to pay minimum wages, and didn’t have to pay Americans a tariff.
American companies have regulations, insurance, minimum wages, and have to pay China tariffs.
What’s fair about this way of competition, please explain

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We’re supposed to ignore that and take it like good bitches. Fk our country men and their families
Yes because they are cheaply made, don’t have the same regulations, don’t have to pay minimum wages, and didn’t have to pay Americans a tariff.
American companies have regulations, insurance, minimum wages, and have to pay China tariffs.
What’s fair about this way of competition, please explain

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"Fair" is a child's concept, nothing in life is "fair". The question to ask is it mutually beneficial. They make things we want, that is why we have a trade deficit with them, plain and simple. It is no different than the trade deficit you have with your local grocery store.

The idea that we can just tariff everything till it cost the same as it would if we made it here is ridiculous and one that will hurt most of the country. Not everybody is swimming in money as you seem to be and cannot afford for the goods they buy to go up by 15 to 50 percent.

I was against it when the Govt tried to tell me what kind of light bulb to buy, what kind of car to buy and now I am against it when the Govt tries to force me to buy based on where something is made. Only a statist can approve of such actions.

You take one drive though the Rust Belt, and you can see our current trade balance is not beneficial to US.

Our current trade situation is not mutually beneficial.

It is benefiting our trading partners at our expense.
Shh, she doesn’t care
Or someone who lives here

Yes, anyone that lives in your fantasy land would find those things to be true. Some of us choose reality
You believe trump and Russia? Really? Give me your evidence

No, I have never believed Trump himself worked with Russia on the election, I have stated that 100 times on this forum.
Then what the fk was your previous statement about?

Nobody is advocating loss of jobs to illegals and Trump's trade war with China is only a good idea if you wish to see the US enter another recession soon.
Sure the democrats are advocating for illegals to take citizens jobs. They’re better people. I watch news interviews weekly and read! You should try it
12 eerie photos of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people

Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: people.

These mysterious — and almost completely empty — cities are a part of China's larger plan to move up to 300 million citizens currently living in rural areas into urban locations. Places like the Kangbashi District of Ordos are already prepped and ready to be occupied.

Photographer Kai Caemmerer became fascinated with these urban plans, and in 2015 he traveled to China to explore and document them. His series, "Unborn Cities," depicts a completely new type of urban development. "Unlike in the US, where cities often begin as small developments and grow in accordance to the local industries, these new Chinese cities are built to the point of near completion before introducing people," he told Business Insider.

/----/ Liberals would love to corral Americans like this to better control us.
Has nothing to do with Trade..........but they used their massive labor forces to build cities with NO ONE THERE.......................


They are preparing for the future as more and more of their citizens move to the cities. It happens with every country as they progress
12 eerie photos of enormous Chinese cities completely empty of people

Throughout China, there are hundreds of cities that have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: people.

These mysterious — and almost completely empty — cities are a part of China's larger plan to move up to 300 million citizens currently living in rural areas into urban locations. Places like the Kangbashi District of Ordos are already prepped and ready to be occupied.

Photographer Kai Caemmerer became fascinated with these urban plans, and in 2015 he traveled to China to explore and document them. His series, "Unborn Cities," depicts a completely new type of urban development. "Unlike in the US, where cities often begin as small developments and grow in accordance to the local industries, these new Chinese cities are built to the point of near completion before introducing people," he told Business Insider.

/----/ Liberals would love to corral Americans like this to better control us.

This from the statist wanting the Govt to control the economy! HA Do not look in the mirror much do you!

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