President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)
exactly bring it on. I love it. Trump will win and none of that will happen. watch and see. don't put your cart in front of your mouse.
You live in one of those tariff states??? This is cracking me up and btw that 800 billion a year in the hole is BS
prove my number in error.

The overall United States trade deficit in goods and services with the world widened 12.1 percent to $566 billion last year,

U.S.-China Trade Deficit Hits Record, Fueling Trade Fight
BUT Trump said that was China's number
The gap between Chinese goods imported to the United States and American goods exported to China rose to $375.2 billion last year, up from $347 billion the prior year, data released Tuesday morning by the Commerce Department showed.
I love this response, it's basically an answer to China who hit America with tariffs on $3B, which were strategically placed on GOP candidates areas.

"Oh yeah ya little Intellectual Property thieving sob's? I will see your $3B and hit you with $50B more, AND a complaint with the toothless WTO just for kicks".

Let see who gets hit most, China who has a $500B a year fleecing of America, or the U.S.

The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.

The "rape of our citizens"...

We are in the midst of the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country with historically low unemployment and raising wages...and in the mind of a statist, that constitutes rape.

Well, let's just say that you and I have a very different idea of what rape is.
just as I stated it. trade ifference in dollars is 800 billion, but what they fk do you care, you enjoy rape.

Does your grocery store rape you since you have a trade deficit with them?

Are you raping your employer since they have a trade deficit with you?

I think you throw around the word rape a bit too easily.
I don't care what you think. LOL. Yes, and I shop at lower priced grocery stores after I visit one that wants to rape me. Again China raping me, but alas china took our Engineering jobs. and I have to feed a family, so until I retire in two years I am taking their rape. I wish I didn't need the money. but. where I can stop the rape I do so. you on the other hand don't care about others getting raped. I know.
I love this response, it's basically an answer to China who hit America with tariffs on $3B, which were strategically placed on GOP candidates areas.

"Oh yeah ya little Intellectual Property thieving sob's? I will see your $3B and hit you with $50B more, AND a complaint with the toothless WTO just for kicks".

Let see who gets hit most, China who has a $500B a year fleecing of America, or the U.S.

The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
Be still my heart lol
I love this response, it's basically an answer to China who hit America with tariffs on $3B, which were strategically placed on GOP candidates areas.

"Oh yeah ya little Intellectual Property thieving sob's? I will see your $3B and hit you with $50B more, AND a complaint with the toothless WTO just for kicks".

Let see who gets hit most, China who has a $500B a year fleecing of America, or the U.S.

The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.
The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.

The "rape of our citizens"...

We are in the midst of the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country with historically low unemployment and raising wages...and in the mind of a statist, that constitutes rape.

Well, let's just say that you and I have a very different idea of what rape is.
just as I stated it. trade ifference in dollars is 800 billion, but what they fk do you care, you enjoy rape.

Does your grocery store rape you since you have a trade deficit with them?

Are you raping your employer since they have a trade deficit with you?

I think you throw around the word rape a bit too easily.
I don't care what you think. LOL. Yes, and I shop at lower priced grocery stores after I visit one that wants to rape me. Again China raping me, but alas china took our Engineering jobs. and I have to feed a family, so until I retire in two years I am taking their rape. I wish I didn't need the money. but. where I can stop the rape I do so. you on the other hand don't care about others getting raped. I know.
Don't fight it jcc It won't hurt so much
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.

The "rape of our citizens"...

We are in the midst of the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country with historically low unemployment and raising wages...and in the mind of a statist, that constitutes rape.

Well, let's just say that you and I have a very different idea of what rape is.
just as I stated it. trade ifference in dollars is 800 billion, but what they fk do you care, you enjoy rape.

Does your grocery store rape you since you have a trade deficit with them?

Are you raping your employer since they have a trade deficit with you?

I think you throw around the word rape a bit too easily.
I don't care what you think. LOL. Yes, and I shop at lower priced grocery stores after I visit one that wants to rape me. Again China raping me, but alas china took our Engineering jobs. and I have to feed a family, so until I retire in two years I am taking their rape. I wish I didn't need the money. but. where I can stop the rape I do so. you on the other hand don't care about others getting raped. I know.
Don't fight it jcc It won't hurt so much
you can sit back and enjoy it. always remember that.
I love this response, it's basically an answer to China who hit America with tariffs on $3B, which were strategically placed on GOP candidates areas.

"Oh yeah ya little Intellectual Property thieving sob's? I will see your $3B and hit you with $50B more, AND a complaint with the toothless WTO just for kicks".

Let see who gets hit most, China who has a $500B a year fleecing of America, or the U.S.

The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.
You think they can't go to Europe or elsewhere for those beans ? It's not rape but since they are our bankers they can fuck us royally us and drumph
The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.
You think they can't go to Europe or elsewhere for those beans ? It's not rape but since they are our bankers they can fuck us royally us and drumph
yes they can if we let them. is that really what you want to be a china bitch?
The Chinese need us WAY more than we need a thread a few days ago I pointed out all we need to import from the rest of the world are coffee and bananas.....both of which we could do without....well, maybe not coffee. So I say let's see who blinks first. And if neither side blinks, on our side there will be howling, dire predictions, a stock market on a rollercoaster, and especially MSM FAKE NEWS that supports China over ourselves...that's how those rodents roll. Nobody has stood up to China like Trump is and don't think their side will have any less gyrations and pleas to concede ground....we just won't hear about it. It's us and them...Russia is barely above third-world status despite Pooty's boasting. Keep in mind that the wealth you see in China is mostly OUR MONEY....things wear out and they could end up looking like Cuba in ten years if we lock the door on em.
I love this response, it's basically an answer to China who hit America with tariffs on $3B, which were strategically placed on GOP candidates areas.

"Oh yeah ya little Intellectual Property thieving sob's? I will see your $3B and hit you with $50B more, AND a complaint with the toothless WTO just for kicks".

Let see who gets hit most, China who has a $500B a year fleecing of America, or the U.S.

The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

Not that much of it. The more that switch to corn, the more that is grown and the less that they get paid for it. Goes low enough they do not even make back what they spent to grow it.
The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.

The "rape of our citizens"...

We are in the midst of the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country with historically low unemployment and raising wages...and in the mind of a statist, that constitutes rape.

Well, let's just say that you and I have a very different idea of what rape is.
just as I stated it. trade ifference in dollars is 800 billion, but what they fk do you care, you enjoy rape.

Does your grocery store rape you since you have a trade deficit with them?

Are you raping your employer since they have a trade deficit with you?

I think you throw around the word rape a bit too easily.
I don't care what you think. LOL. Yes, and I shop at lower priced grocery stores after I visit one that wants to rape me. Again China raping me, but alas china took our Engineering jobs. and I have to feed a family, so until I retire in two years I am taking their rape. I wish I didn't need the money. but. where I can stop the rape I do so. you on the other hand don't care about others getting raped. I know.

Whatever store you shop at you have a trade deficit with them, does not matter if it is cheap or not, you have a 100% trade deficit with them.

Whoever is paying you to do a job, they have a 100% deficit with you, they give you cash and all you ever give them is your time and effort, why are you raping your employer?

I am not getting raped, I am thriving and I buy goods from all around the world because they make the best of what I want to buy at the price I want to pay. It is called being financially secure.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.
You think they can't go to Europe or elsewhere for those beans ? It's not rape but since they are our bankers they can fuck us royally us and drumph
yes they can if we let them. is that really what you want to be a china bitch?
definitely not but until we get a president who is not a lame brain and knows how to speak to people we are fked
The Chinese need us WAY more than we need a thread a few days ago I pointed out all we need to import from the rest of the world are coffee and bananas.....both of which we could do without....well, maybe not coffee. So I say let's see who blinks first. And if neither side blinks, on our side there will be howling, dire predictions, a stock market on a rollercoaster, and especially MSM FAKE NEWS that supports China over ourselves...that's how those rodents roll. Nobody has stood up to China like Trump is and don't think their side will have any less gyrations and pleas to concede ground....we just won't hear about it. It's us and them...Russia is barely above third-world status despite Pooty's boasting. Keep in mind that the wealth you see in China is mostly OUR MONEY....things wear out and they could end up looking like Cuba in ten years if we lock the door on em.

As is par for you, you could not be more wrong.
I love this response, it's basically an answer to China who hit America with tariffs on $3B, which were strategically placed on GOP candidates areas.

"Oh yeah ya little Intellectual Property thieving sob's? I will see your $3B and hit you with $50B more, AND a complaint with the toothless WTO just for kicks".

Let see who gets hit most, China who has a $500B a year fleecing of America, or the U.S.

The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

You are right, they can. They will get them from Brazil or other places and a large portion of our agricultural sector will go bankrupt.
The US will as the price of everything goes up and that tax cuts gets eaten up and then some.

What happens when they throw a tariff on our soybeans and the grain farmers now have no market. In the US this year there is for only the 3 time in history more soybeans planned to be planted than corn. Going to suck hard when the floor drops out of the market.
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

You are right, they can. They will get them from Brazil or other places and a large portion of our agricultural sector will go bankrupt.
The truth is if Trump doesn't beg forgiveness his red states and his base are fuked The question is if people like jcc lose their pants will they still support the moron?
The Chinese need us WAY more than we need a thread a few days ago I pointed out all we need to import from the rest of the world are coffee and bananas.....both of which we could do without....well, maybe not coffee. So I say let's see who blinks first. And if neither side blinks, on our side there will be howling, dire predictions, a stock market on a rollercoaster, and especially MSM FAKE NEWS that supports China over ourselves...that's how those rodents roll. Nobody has stood up to China like Trump is and don't think their side will have any less gyrations and pleas to concede ground....we just won't hear about it. It's us and them...Russia is barely above third-world status despite Pooty's boasting. Keep in mind that the wealth you see in China is mostly OUR MONEY....things wear out and they could end up looking like Cuba in ten years if we lock the door on em.

As is par for you, you could not be more wrong.
Horn want
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China tariffs amount to 0.3% of US GDP. A nothing burger
Fake News Look at the stock Market Futures in Meltdown Mode LOL


Dow Jones mini

8:25 AM Jun 2018 23,443.00 -541.00 23,981.00 23,986.00 23,361.00
/——/ What do you mean? The Dow is up 230 points. Snicker
Because Kudlow down played the tariffs You like fing with your banker ?? That's what trump is doing
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China tariffs amount to 0.3% of US GDP. A nothing burger
Fake News Look at the stock Market Futures in Meltdown Mode LOL


Dow Jones mini

8:25 AM Jun 2018 23,443.00 -541.00 23,981.00 23,986.00 23,361.00
/——/ What do you mean? The Dow is up 230 points. Snicker

Just imagine where it could have been had it not started so far in the red.

And the market is still down just shy of 2000 points since Trump announced his first tariff, even with the gain today.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China tariffs amount to 0.3% of US GDP. A nothing burger
Fake News Look at the stock Market Futures in Meltdown Mode LOL


Dow Jones mini

8:25 AM Jun 2018 23,443.00 -541.00 23,981.00 23,986.00 23,361.00
/——/ What do you mean? The Dow is up 230 points. Snicker

Just imagine where it could have been had it not started so far in the red.

And the market is still down just shy of 2000 points since Trump announced his first tariff, even with the gain today.
/——/ You understand the stock market the way a pig understands the designated hitter rule.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China tariffs amount to 0.3% of US GDP. A nothing burger
Fake News Look at the stock Market Futures in Meltdown Mode LOL


Dow Jones mini

8:25 AM Jun 2018 23,443.00 -541.00 23,981.00 23,986.00 23,361.00
/——/ What do you mean? The Dow is up 230 points. Snicker

Just imagine where it could have been had it not started so far in the red.

And the market is still down just shy of 2000 points since Trump announced his first tariff, even with the gain today.
/——/ You understand the stock market the way a pig understands the designated hitter rule.
Thank god for Kudlow talking the bs trump tariffs down

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