PRESIDENT Trump Re-files Texas Court Case

I can’t wait to see what delusional response you’ll have when they don’t offer the relief you seek...again.
So you haven't denied that you are all for the end of American democracy. At least we established that and
to that small degree you are "honest".
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Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani

President Donald Trump’s legal team is planning on filing retooled lawsuits, his lawyer said Saturday.

“We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said during an appearance on “War Room: Pandemic.”

Texas filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan, alleging the elections there were run contrary to the Constitution. The nation’s top court rejected the suit late Friday.

Trump’s team is going to file suits or has already filed in the four states as well as Arizona and Nevada. The suits will incorporate allegations in the complaint filed by Texas.

“If the state doesn’t have standing, surely the president of the United States has standing. And certainly the electors in the states have standing. So they will be bringing those very cases right in those courts, starting today,” Giuliani said. “And let’s see what excuse they can try to use to avoid having a hearing on that.”

Courts have been using the matter of standing to dodge facing the facts, he alleged, adding, “Nobody wants to face the reality that this election was stolen.”

“Not a single court decision has had a hearing yet. They haven’t heard from a single witness. They haven’t looked at a single tape. They haven’t listened to a single recording. There are thousands of them. They haven’t even bothered to look at the tape in Atlanta, Georgia, which is dispositive. It shows an ongoing voter theft of 30,000 votes, enough to change the election.”

Plan B? More like plan Z....he's had so many cases dismissed.

At this point...I'm sure you don't really believe this nonsense. So why are you posting it?
The Hill reported it Friday.

“The case wasn’t rejected on the merits, the case was rejected on standing. So the answer to that is to bring the case now to the district court by the president, by some of the electors, alleging some of the same facts where there would be standing,” he said in a Friday interview on Newsmax.
“There’s nothing that prevents us from filing these cases immediately in the district court in which the president of course would have standing, some of the electors would have standing in that their constitutional rights have been violated,” he added.
We're not finished,” he concluded. "Believe me.”

I'm totally confused. All the states have reached the point where their election results and EC electors can't be challenged, I keep reading, but Trump's team is still filing new suits now in the states' district courts?

It can be challenged in Congress on January 6, but I doubt Trump will stoop that low........., even then he has angered many republicans for his obstinate continuation of lawsuits, that they will ignore his requests to challenge certain state electors.
Filing the briefs in ALL CAPS this time and stomping your feet harder isn't going make this case turn out any differently. I'm sorry that harsh truth hurts feels and all.
What makes you think this latest brief was filled out entirely in caps? Odd where your mind goes for refuge.
The foot stomping bit was just juvenile and idiotic.

And the last brief was rejected for a matter of jurisdiction. As if Texas, as one of the fifty states, had no interest in making sure the presidential election was not hijacked and the country was stolen (wild eye rolling).

This time actual residents of Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania are plaintiffs in the let's see how SCOTUS worms out of this dilemma. They might actually have to do something about the theft of America. Wow!
I can’t wait to see what delusional response you’ll have when they don’t offer the relief you seek...again.
that guy seems to think that individuals have standing in direct filing at scotus. not even giuliani thinks that. they claim to refile these shitshow suits in the respective states, not at scotus.
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President Donald Trump’s legal team is planning on filing retooled lawsuits, his lawyer said Saturday.

“We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said during an appearance on “War Room: Pandemic.”
The LOTUS is bringing all his business acumen to the office of the presidency...
I can’t wait to see what delusional response you’ll have when they don’t offer the relief you seek...again.
So you haven't denied that you are all for the end of American democracy. At least we established that and
to that small degree you are honest.
The courts are under no obligation to entertain your delusional hissy fits. One would think dozens of legal losses would snap you out of it, but the cult’s gripe on you is hilariously strong.
that guy seems to think that individuals have standing in direct filing at scotus. not even giuliani thinks that. they claim to refile these shitshow suits in the respective states, not at scotus.
Actually Giulianii DOES think that and so do Justices Alito and Thomas.

And the filing IS being refiled at the Supreme Court with new plaintiffs replacing Texas.

So like a real stupid a-hole you managed to get everything exactly WRONG.
And no one is surprised.
Yeah, I think preserving the democracy means going with the person who got the most votes

The most LEGAL votes!

Not the thousands of votes from 17 year olds and younger...leave it to the filth to endanger children by conning them into voting illegally!

Thousands of votes from children -
Do you have a link for this from The Epoch Times?
Or did they maybe vote for a class president who promised to end the scourge of Mystery Mash and Beanie Weenie Days in the cafeteria?? :laugh:

This means TX can file the complaint ... see where it says "grant the motion to file" ... that means TX can file ... "looks like" it would be dismissed under the standing argument ... but that remains to be seen ...
You’re only quoting from the opinion of Alito and Thomas. These two have long standing belief that all complaints in the original jurisdiction docket should be allowed to file.
But since they’re only two out of the nine, their opinions do not matter.
The 7 stated there was no standing and therefore there is no standing to even file. Therefore, the request to file the lawsuit is not allowed.

Justice Alito is assigned circuit duties for TX (and PA by coincidence) ... TX applied to file a complaint to Justice Alito ... Alito is the gatekeeper to get in ... he's said no, and only his opinion matters at this point in the process ... Justice Thomas added that Alito's decision is wrong ... as "a wink and a nudge" for TX to ask permission of the whole court, the next step in the process ...

Which is what this thread is about ... and how the complaint will be re-tooled to address the standing issue when it is submitted again ...
Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani

President Donald Trump’s legal team is planning on filing retooled lawsuits, his lawyer said Saturday.

“We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said during an appearance on “War Room: Pandemic.”

Texas filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan, alleging the elections there were run contrary to the Constitution. The nation’s top court rejected the suit late Friday.

Trump’s team is going to file suits or has already filed in the four states as well as Arizona and Nevada. The suits will incorporate allegations in the complaint filed by Texas.

“If the state doesn’t have standing, surely the president of the United States has standing. And certainly the electors in the states have standing. So they will be bringing those very cases right in those courts, starting today,” Giuliani said. “And let’s see what excuse they can try to use to avoid having a hearing on that.”

Courts have been using the matter of standing to dodge facing the facts, he alleged, adding, “Nobody wants to face the reality that this election was stolen.”

“Not a single court decision has had a hearing yet. They haven’t heard from a single witness. They haven’t looked at a single tape. They haven’t listened to a single recording. There are thousands of them. They haven’t even bothered to look at the tape in Atlanta, Georgia, which is dispositive. It shows an ongoing voter theft of 30,000 votes, enough to change the election.”

Plan B? More like plan Z....he's had so many cases dismissed.

At this point...I'm sure you don't really believe this nonsense. So why are you posting it?
The Hill reported it Friday.

“The case wasn’t rejected on the merits, the case was rejected on standing. So the answer to that is to bring the case now to the district court by the president, by some of the electors, alleging some of the same facts where there would be standing,” he said in a Friday interview on Newsmax.
“There’s nothing that prevents us from filing these cases immediately in the district court in which the president of course would have standing, some of the electors would have standing in that their constitutional rights have been violated,” he added.
We're not finished,” he concluded. "Believe me.”

I'm totally confused. All the states have reached the point where their election results and EC electors can't be challenged, I keep reading, but Trump's team is still filing new suits now in the states' district courts?

So Rudy channeled Dear Leader and actually said "Believe Me" ?? Too funny!
that guy seems to think that individuals have standing in direct filing at scotus. not even giuliani thinks that. they claim to refile these shitshow suits in the respective states, not at scotus.
Actually Giulianii DOES think that and so do Justices Alito and Thomas.

And the filing IS being refiled at the Supreme Court with new plaintiffs replacing Texas.

So like a real stupid a-hole you managed to get everything exactly WRONG.
And no one is surprised.
read the op, dumbass. or support your bullshit.
that guy seems to think that individuals have standing in direct filing at scotus. not even giuliani thinks that. they claim to refile these shitshow suits in the respective states, not at scotus.
Actually Giulianii DOES think that and so do Justices Alito and Thomas.

And the filing IS being refiled at the Supreme Court with new plaintiffs replacing Texas.

So like a real stupid a-hole you managed to get everything exactly WRONG.
And no one is surprised.

What make you think it will succeed this time?

I see another waste of time, since they have had around 55 FAILED lawsuits to brag about.......
The courts are under no obligation to entertain your delusional hissy fits. One would think dozens of legal losses would snap you out of it, but the cult’s gripe on you hilariously strong.
The courts are under no obligation to take ANY case they don't want to.

Most rational objective adults would consider the continuation of our democratic and peaceful transfer of power from one party to the next to be an outstanding feature of this nation and well worth the Supreme Court preserving.

But then there are childish, irrational people like you that don't seem to care if an election is stolen or not.
This is how we devolve into dictatorships and then anarchy.

Continuing references to "delusional hissy fits" only reinforces what a petulant moron you are.
The courts are under no obligation to entertain your delusional hissy fits. One would think dozens of legal losses would snap you out of it, but the cult’s gripe on you hilariously strong.
The courts are under no obligation to take ANY case they don't want to.

Most rational objective adults would consider the continuation of our democratic and peaceful transfer of power from one party to the next to be an outstanding feature of this nation and well worth preserving.

But then there are childish, irrational people like you that don't seem to care if an election is stolen or not.
This is how we devolve into dictatorships and then anarchy.

Continuing references to "delusional hissy fits" only reinforces what a petulant moron you are.
The election wasn’t stolen. You simply lost. You don’t like that fact, but those don’t care about your feelings. Take your L like a man.
What make you think it will succeed this time?

I see another waste of time, since they have had around 55 FAILED lawsuits to brag about.......
A-Partisan lower courts are anxious to line up and kick at Trump, regardless of the context.
B-This is the Supreme Court we are talking about. And the matters put before them have not
yet been considered.

Try thinking before you post.
The courts are under no obligation to entertain your delusional hissy fits. One would think dozens of legal losses would snap you out of it, but the cult’s gripe on you hilariously strong.
The courts are under no obligation to take ANY case they don't want to.

Most rational objective adults would consider the continuation of our democratic and peaceful transfer of power from one party to the next to be an outstanding feature of this nation and well worth the Supreme Court preserving.

But then there are childish, irrational people like you that don't seem to care if an election is stolen or not.
This is how we devolve into dictatorships and then anarchy.

Continuing references to "delusional hissy fits" only reinforces what a petulant moron you are.

You realize the courts have already accepted around 55 lawsuits?

They have all failed, when is enough failure, is enough for YOU to stop supporting more lawsuits to be filed?
Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani

President Donald Trump’s legal team is planning on filing retooled lawsuits, his lawyer said Saturday.

“We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said during an appearance on “War Room: Pandemic.”

Texas filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan, alleging the elections there were run contrary to the Constitution. The nation’s top court rejected the suit late Friday.

Trump’s team is going to file suits or has already filed in the four states as well as Arizona and Nevada. The suits will incorporate allegations in the complaint filed by Texas.

“If the state doesn’t have standing, surely the president of the United States has standing. And certainly the electors in the states have standing. So they will be bringing those very cases right in those courts, starting today,” Giuliani said. “And let’s see what excuse they can try to use to avoid having a hearing on that.”

Courts have been using the matter of standing to dodge facing the facts, he alleged, adding, “Nobody wants to face the reality that this election was stolen.”

“Not a single court decision has had a hearing yet. They haven’t heard from a single witness. They haven’t looked at a single tape. They haven’t listened to a single recording. There are thousands of them. They haven’t even bothered to look at the tape in Atlanta, Georgia, which is dispositive. It shows an ongoing voter theft of 30,000 votes, enough to change the election.”


The SCOTUS has already bowed to terrorism and will cower to the democrat Brown Shirts of ANTIFA.

The rule of law in America is over. The Constitution is over. There is no reason for a Supreme Court anymore, there is no law in this land.
Yeah, what good is a conservative packed Supreme Court if they won’t rubber stamp whatever Trump throws their way.
The election wasn’t stolen. You simply lost. You don’t like that fact, but those don’t care about your feelings. Take your L like a man.
That's just partisan bullshit and I suspect you know better, if you watch or read anything not filtered through
Newsweak, Yahoo or any of the other legacy media.

You aren't smart at all. Just a greedy little partisan goblin with a tiny bit of power to hide your identity
so you can make all the Baghdad Bob-like comments you care to make.

You're pitiful.
The courts are under no obligation to entertain your delusional hissy fits. One would think dozens of legal losses would snap you out of it, but the cult’s gripe on you hilariously strong.
The courts are under no obligation to take ANY case they don't want to.

Most rational objective adults would consider the continuation of our democratic and peaceful transfer of power from one party to the next to be an outstanding feature of this nation and well worth preserving.

But then there are childish, irrational people like you that don't seem to care if an election is stolen or not.
This is how we devolve into dictatorships and then anarchy.

Continuing references to "delusional hissy fits" only reinforces what a petulant moron you are.
The election wasn’t stolen. You simply lost. You don’t like that fact, but those don’t care about your feelings. Take your L like a man.
I wouldn't hold my breath on that. For any of them.
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You realize the courts have already accepted around 55 lawsuits?

They have all failed, when is enough failure, is enough for YOU to stop supporting more lawsuits to be filed?
Courts have not yet considered the abundant evidence of fraud. It's that simple.

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