President Trump Warns Biden and the Deep State

I believe I remember trump falling once or twice. We' re all only human, even though trump compared himself to Jesus.
But you loons even questioned Trump holding a bottle of water with two hands. Biden cannot walk across a flat stage without busting his ass, or walking down stairs. Heck multiple times he has to be shown how to get off stage. No, comparison.
"the seal is broken.". Now retribution is coming

You want Democrats punished because Trump was indicted by a grand jury for misc felonies including having nuclear secrets stored at his resort?

Trump humpers are a weird bunch.

I hope Trump doesn't decide to rob a bank or you will be even madder at Democrats.
Wrong, I said no such thing; that's how you interpreted/perceived it. What I'm saying is that while I agree that he leaves the justice system with no choice but to prosecute this as a criminal matter, it's awful that it's gotten to this point. I fully support his prosecution (and imprisonment), but he remains a viable political force and that's the sad part. American democracy is looking more and more like a fragile democracy in South America. Voters seem angry, confused, apathetic all at once. This is not what a healthy republic looks like.

LOL You don't even remember what you wrote? You do realize that I can pull out your quote right? Here ya go...
There's really nothing fun about any of this. It has to be done, but it's not a good sign. This is what dying democratic republics look like. They descend into lawlessness.

And no... holding people responsible for their actions does not make us a fragile democracy in South America. It actually makes us stronger. It tells the world that no one - however high or rich - will escape the long arms of justice. No one is above the law.

That is what a true democracy is. A country ruled by law and order.
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LOL You don't even remember what you wrote? You do realize that I can pull out your quote right? Here ya go...

And no... holding people responsible for their actions does not make us a fragile democracy in South America. It actually makes us stronger. It tells the world that no one - however high or rich - will escape the long arms of justice. No one is above the law.

That is what a true democracy is. A country ruled by law and order.

You're dense
and these paid trollboys for the DNC like him,bodecaa,Care4all idiot4all. sealybobo err smellybozo,,Dragonlady dragonidiot rightwinger WRONGwinger Unkotare Penelope Billo_Really and so many others live in a fantasyland and try to tell us the FBI themselves have not said the handwriting is legit and from her and has not been forged,they like to tell pretend the FBI has not said that,anything to own up to admitting they have been wrong on biden that he,obama and clinton are traiterous commie loving sellouts to Americans,they will kill themselves first before owning up to that.:auiqs.jpg:

Typical of you sealybobo smellybozo you do what your handlers at the dnc instruct you to,when you can’t counter facts,post laughing smileys knowing you were checkmated. :rofl:
LOL. I love how retards get upset when they are called to defend their posts.

Next time, think before posting. Or, you will be called out. Class dismissed. :itsok:
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Stupid fucker doesn't seem to realize I basically agree with him.

Some fools like arguing for the sake of it. Someone must have pissed in his cornflakes right good.
LOL In other words, I should be grateful that you "basically agree with me"? You fucking idiot.

Do you get that you negated your own posts by babbling stupid shit? Maybe not. If you did, you wouldn't be a retard, now, would you? :itsok:
You think you're smart, don't you?
Actually, I do. And I think you are a retard that is posing as some sort of wise far-seeing philosopher.

And you are mad that I called you out on it. As I said, next time, think before posting. Take this as a lesson and move on. Or not. Your choice.
LOL In other words, I should be grateful that you "basically agree with me"?

Not what I said. Again, your perceptions. I can't control how your fucked up mind interprets what I write in plain English, you fatuous, yeast-infected cvnt.

No, the point is, when someone agrees with you but adds some nuance, you should shut the fuck up. The problem is you're too fucking thick to see that we're basically in agreement. You argue anyway because, again, you 'see' messages in my writings that aren't actually expressed. Dipfuck.

You fucking idiot.


Do you get that you negated your own posts by babbling stupid shit? Maybe not. If you did, you wouldn't be a retard, now, would you? :itsok:

Oh look, mommy! I can use big words like "retard".
Not what I said. Again, your perceptions. I can't control how your fucked up mind interprets what I write in plain English, you fatuous, yeast-infected cvnt.

No, the point is, when someone agrees with you but adds some nuance, you should shut the fuck up. The problem is you're too fucking thick to see that we're basically in agreement. You argue anyway because, again, you 'see' messages in my writings that aren't actually expressed. Dipfuck.

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Oh look, mommy! I can use big words like "retard".
LOL Nuance? Now, who's using big words?

Listen up, you fucking idiot. What does it matter that you think Trump is guilty? What does it matter that you agree with me when in the same sentence you say something idiotic like - the republic will fall tumbling down because we charged someone politically important...

Don't you see that this is basically what the other side is saying? That somehow our democracy is so fragile that we shouldn't hold someone important to the same standards we hold everyone else?

Are you really that fucking stupid? I even gently brought it up a few times and yet, you dug in your heels and now you are all whiny like the other right-wing retards because I hurt your liddle feelings?

Man up. Learn to think. You are allowed to make mistakes but when someone points it out don't accuse back that you didn't post those words. Because I will fucking hold you accountable.

Get it now?
I know they're going to throw the book at trump. Biden is small fish in comparison.
Must be why leaks only come from Trump's special prosecutor's investigation and not Biden's.....
Any chance you could explain this?

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