President Trump's immigration policy

it's an editorial from the NY times, you friggin' dumbo ^

Then it was fucking stupid opinion that as I pointed out, did not offer one shred of proof of it's conclusion from Trump's words or actions.
1. No Muslims
2. No people from shithole black countries
3. Build a wall to keep out Mexicans
4. Encourage immigration from white nations like Norway

Trump a racist?
Why would anyone think that?

You are so fucking stupid, you don’t even realize that you made that shit up. You are actually punking yourself.

Too funny.
Donald Trumps Immigration Policy

Darkies need not apply
Conservatives will not admit Trump is a racist until he gets a swastika tattooed on his butt

Will you admit BO is a racist?
He is not even close

But your...

<sob>. But....but.....what about OBAMA???
Was amusing

It’s amazing that his spiritual leader for years can be so racist, yet he somehow is not........or at least the blind liberals don’t see it.

Rev Wright fought in the Marines and was a civil rights activist
Fighting for the oppressed is not racism
1. No Muslims
2. No people from shithole black countries
3. Build a wall to keep out Mexicans
4. Encourage immigration from white nations like Norway

Trump a racist?
Why would anyone think that?

You are so fucking stupid, you don’t even realize that you made that shit up. You are actually punking yourself.

Too funny.
Donald Trumps Immigration Policy

Darkies need not apply

There it is folks, you can't make this shit up.
Conservatives will not admit Trump is a racist until he gets a swastika tattooed on his butt

Will you admit BO is a racist?
He is not even close

But your...

<sob>. But....but.....what about OBAMA???
Was amusing

It’s amazing that his spiritual leader for years can be so racist, yet he somehow is not........or at least the blind liberals don’t see it.

Rev Wright fought in the Marines and was a civil rights activist
Fighting for the oppressed is not racism

God bless America, NO, GODDAMN AMERICA. He is like many of the black leaders. They get their wealth, power and influence by exploiting innocent black people. MLK advanced the cause, but J, Jackson, Wright, Louis Farrakhan and BO have taken the torch, and used it to advance themselves rather than the people they claim to represent. Shameful!
"Muslim" is not a race. The country with the most Muslims is Indonesia. Have you heard Trump say ANYTHING about Indonesians coming to the U.S.? There are hundreds of millions of caucasian Muslims.

The list of "shithole" countries includes countries that are predominantly "black," but also countries that are predominantly Asian, and Native American/Hispanic. The point is not their "race" but the corruption, disease, poverty, ignorance, and culture.

Although The Wall would be on our southern border (supplementing the wall that has been there for many years already), it would, if built, keep out illegals from a whole host of shithole countries.

Trump's standard - "like Norway" - also includes developed countries like Japan, Korea, China, and India, none of which are usually considered "white."

The Left has concluded that Our Exalted President is a racist. As with any mindless prejudice, virtually everything he says and does is viewed by Leftists through these racist lenses, and then tend to "prove" - to them at least - that their slander is accurate. But to those of us not living in that particular echo chamber, it is all vile nonsense, justifying the results of the last presidential election. God help us if another Leftist like Soetoro is elected again.
The left wants Trump to be a racist because they can easily campaign against that to their own benefit. Unfortunately, Trump keeps giving them ammunition with his crass/non-PC language. Trump is Trumpist, not Racist.
1. No Muslims
2. No people from shithole black countries
3. Build a wall to keep out Mexicans
4. Encourage immigration from white nations like Norway

Trump a racist?
Why would anyone think that?

You are so fucking stupid, you don’t even realize that you made that shit up. You are actually punking yourself.

Too funny.
Donald Trumps Immigration Policy

Darkies need not apply

Page nine and still just talking shit, without any links to any actual polices.

You have turned into a troll.
Trump’s immigration policy is predicated on an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, and the bigotry and racism Trump shares with his supporters.

What was most outrageous about Trumps tirade last week was how a meeting about DACA turned into a profane tirade against black countries

His comments about Norway sealed it

How so? What did he say that was offensive about Norwegians?

BTW, the no longer hunt seals in Norway.

Let's see

Black countries? NO
Muslim countries? NO
Mexicans? NO

Norwegians? Why don't we get more people from Norway to immigrate?

Black countries? Shitholes
Muslim countries? Shitholes.
Mexicans? Not as much of a shithole.
Norwegians? Not a shithole.

I translated your post for you.

Let;s face it it! Your liberal lenses that you see things through distorts what you say and what you mean.

He said nothing offensive about Norwegians, but you are too stupid to realize that.

The fact that he used Norway as an example of countries he finds acceptable was offensive
So? Go pound sand; you'll feel better. Maybe.

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