President Trump's immigration policy

What could anyone possibly see as racist in Trumps immigration policy?

We could also compare Trumps treatment of Puerto Rico to that of Houston

Trump never went to Houston and said.......Do you know what this is going to cost?

The issue is ILLEGAL racist dumbass pig.

Puerto Ricans are legal immigrants.......we call them citizens

The island of Puerto Rico has suffered from decades of Democrat leadership. That is why their island was already falling apart BEFORE the hurricane.
More than 100 corporate leaders called on Congress on Wednesday to act immediately to provide legal relief for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants.

“We write to urge Congress to act immediately and pass a permanent bipartisan legislative solution to enable Dreamers who are currently living, working, and contributing to our communities to continue doing so,” the letter states. “The imminent termination of the DACA program is creating an impending crisis for workforces across the country.” (Read the full letter below.)

Hundreds of CEOs tell Congress: Bipartisan DACA fix needed ‘immediately’

Tell the Democrats to get off their ass! Stop obstructing at every opportunity.
What could anyone possibly see as racist in Trumps immigration policy?

We could also compare Trumps treatment of Puerto Rico to that of Houston

Trump never went to Houston and said.......Do you know what this is going to cost?

The issue is ILLEGAL racist dumbass pig.

Puerto Ricans are legal immigrants.......we call them citizens

Do try to make a point. Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States...dumbass.

Ghana is a shithole. Why do you think he no longer lives there? Liberals are so fucking stupid that if you leave them alone long enough they will disprove their own talking points!

Also, he "emigrated from Ghana". He is an "immigrant" to the United States. I taught these concepts in my 7th grade World Civilization classes. You can only immigrate to a location and you can only emigrate from a location.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter the morning after a terrorist attack in New York City to criticize a green card lottery which he blamed for allowing the alleged driver into the country.

But the facts are a lot more complicated than Trump’s tweets suggest.

What President Trump Got Wrong About the New York City Attacker

The green card lottery was created on a bipartisan basis

In a tweet Wednesday morning, Trump referred to “Democrat Lottery Systems,” an apparent reference to the the green card lottery, also known as the Diversity Visa Lottery program.

But the Diversity Visa Lottery program was created by Congress in 1990 in a bill that passed on bipartisan votes and was signed into law by a Republican president.

Congress created the program as part of the Immigration Act of 1990, and it went into effect in 1995. Under the program, the State Department offers 50,000 visas each year to immigrants from parts of the world where relatively few people have recently immigrated from.

The bill was a bipartisan effort, passing the Senate in an 89-8 vote, with 38 Republicans voting for it, including current Sens. Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell. President George H.W. Bush, a Republican, signed the bill into law.

Because skin color has defined this country since its founding

So you don't actually believe in judging someone by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.

Well, at least you finally admit it.

By the way, I've never been defined by my skin color. Speak for yourself.
The angry left wants open borders and unrestricted immigration from countries that support terrorism and hate America. Are they crazy? Why would anyone think that?

"Visa applicants must undergo background checks, security screenings and interviews before coming to the United States.
Diversity visa program and application vetting

The State Department administers the diversity immigrant visa program, created through a bill signed into law by former President George H. W. Bush in November 1990.

An annual random lottery system, which began in 1995, selects applicants from countries that had low levels of immigration in the previous five years. Millions of people apply each year, but only up to 50,000 are granted visas annually.

Entries chosen in the lottery do not automatically get a visa, they only become eligible to apply and must meet "simple but strict eligibility requirements," according to the State Department.

Information reviewed includes passport, police and medical records, photographs, English translations of documents, and education or work experience credentials."
yet trump and his sycophant parrots make it sound like they won they powerball lottery and then we just blindly let them in :uhoh3: :eusa_liar:
What a Judge’s DACA Ruling Means for Trump, and for Dreamers

Just hours before the judge issued his ruling Tuesday, Trump hosted lawmakers at the White House for a bizarre public negotiating session. For ninety minutes, and with television cameras in the room, the President played the role of conciliator, telling Democrats and Republicans that it was time to pass “a bill of love” and that he could help. “I’ll take the heat. I don’t care,” he said, in reference to the pressures lawmakers felt from their constituents. “I’ll take all the heat you want to give me, and I’ll take the heat off both the Democrats and the Republicans. My whole life has been heat. I like heat, in a certain way.” Trump then made a string of confusing and contradictory statements, backing Democrats’ calls for a plan to protect Dreamers one moment, then attacking “chain migration” and touting the promise of a “border wall” in solidarity with Republicans the next.

At one point, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat, asked Trump if he would support a so-called clean version of the DREAM Act—a bill that would protect Dreamers without making concessions to Republican demands for increased border measures. “Yeah, I would like to do it,” he said.


Afterward, when the White House released a transcript of the meeting, his response was omitted, and within hours he was walking back his words on Twitter. “As I made very clear today,” he tweeted, “our country needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval.” (In another tweet, he referred to the California Democrat as “Sneaky Dianne Feinstein.”)

^ pity sneaky donald trump just couldn't handle the heat! :eusa_clap:
Trump Is a Racist. Period.

I find nothing more useless than debating the existence of racism, particularly when you are surrounded by evidence of its existence. It feels to me like a way to keep you fighting against the water until you drown.

The debates themselves, I believe, render a simple concept impossibly complex, making the very meaning of “racism” frustratingly murky.

So, let’s strip that away here. Let’s be honest and forthright.

Racism is simply the belief that race is an inherent and determining factor in a person’s or a people’s character and capabilities, rendering some inferior and others superior. These beliefs are racial prejudices.

The history of America is one in which white people used racism and white supremacy to develop a racial caste system that advantaged them and disadvantaged others.

Understanding this, it is not a stretch to understand that Donald Trump’s words and deeds over the course of his life have demonstrated a pattern of expressing racial prejudices that demean people who are black and brown and that play to the racial hostilities of other white people.

It is not a stretch to say that Trump is racist. It’s not a stretch to say that he is a white supremacist. It’s not a stretch to say that Trump is a bigot.

Those are just facts, supported by the proof of the words that keep coming directly from him. And, when he is called out for his racism, his response is never to ameliorate his rhetoric, but to double down on it.

I know of no point during his entire life where he has apologized for, repented of, or sought absolution for any of his racist actions or comments.

Instead, he either denies, deflects or amps up the attack.

Trump is a racist. We can put that baby to bed.

“Racism” and “racist” are simply words that have definitions, and Trump comfortably and unambiguously meets those definitions.

Trump Is a Racist. Period.

And at no point in there do you offer ANY action or word by Trump to support your accusations.

The entire post is unsupported opinion and slander.

Strongly stating your opinion, over and over again, is not really an argument.

It is propaganda.

YOu are a liar.

"Visa applicants must undergo background checks, security screenings and interviews before coming to the United States.
Diversity visa program and application vetting

The State Department administers the diversity immigrant visa program, created through a bill signed into law by former President George H. W. Bush in November 1990.

An annual random lottery system, which began in 1995, selects applicants from countries that had low levels of immigration in the previous five years. Millions of people apply each year, but only up to 50,000 are granted visas annually.

Entries chosen in the lottery do not automatically get a visa, they only become eligible to apply and must meet "simple but strict eligibility requirements," according to the State Department.

Information reviewed includes passport, police and medical records, photographs, English translations of documents, and education or work experience credentials."

And then the can Chain Immigrate in their whole village.
1. No Muslims
2. No people from shithole black countries
3. Build a wall to keep out Mexicans
4. Encourage immigration from white nations like Norway

Trump a racist?
Why would anyone think that?

You are so fucking stupid, you don’t even realize that you made that shit up. You are actually punking yourself.

Too funny.

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