Problem With the Black Community

Did you listen to the NPR story? The problem is kids from broken homes. Lots of good black families who raise good kids. Most of the criminals come from 1 parent homes. It's a trend that has to stop. Glad you weren't a statistic but also remember you needed welfare once.

Social safety nets are good. Interesting I'm for them but never needed them and you've needed them but are against them.

We all know having a strong family makes all the difference.
The problem is breaking the cycle and what that would entail.
Liberals would go nuts on what they would call draconian measures...if they knew what draconian meant.
I suggest iud's for women on welfare and jroc suggests I'm talking about sterilization. Ok I did suggest that initially but hey, if you want government cheese you gotta make choices.

What the fuck should we just have to bail out every woman after she has 1 2 3 4 should he be able to keep going?

Then for those American fucking mouches to justify their welfare because foreigners come here and get welfare? If that isn't the most loser thing I've ever heard someone actually say. And he was a God damn Republican.

Bobo want to take care of foreign kids as he's wants American kids aborted :uhh:

I don't want to take care of foreign kids or you. Do you think because you were an american kid that us Republicans want to pay for you? We worked for our money. Why should we help your family? Help yourself.

You are the worst Republican ever

Actually i'm the best, I've seen both sides.. you? your're a fraud someone who claims to be a Detroiter, but left when you where a small child. A union guy, who no doubt relied on the union to help you get where you are. A person who claims to not be a racist, but wants all poor kids aborted, those kids would be mostly minority kids. You're a hell of a guy, leftist are pathetic actually.

A. I do give credit for the incredible lifestyle my family was able to afford because of the unions. God damn right. Jealous? You should be. I've never been in a union myself but understand a rising tide lifts all boats.

B. You relied on welfare to get you where you are.

C. I want all poor people to have abortions. Or don't get pregnant in the first place. And if you get prego, feed your own little bastards. Don't ask me for welfare. I work hard for my money. Why should I put food in your mouth? But the fact is Jroc we gave your family welfare so why do you begrudge others for getting it? Oh it's ok as long as they are white Americans like you?

D. Every time you do work for someone in a union you rely on the unions for your fucking income. They have money so they buy your shit.

A. Vote more. They faught [sic] for the right now don't exercise it [sic]......

Holy shit... :rolleyes: Fish are supposed to swim in schools. You must have gotten separated.
I'm trying to fix or solve the problem. ...

No you're not. You are just venting ignorant, racist nonsense, fish.
Is the black woman who wrote the book racist? No she is not. She's trying to solve this problem you stupid bastard who offers no one anything.

Let’s explore the emotional consequences when mom is the only one around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. The majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household. If we can get this generation an opportunity to purge themselves of this trauma, I think there are some greatness that can begin.

I care about what happens to men, but I'm equally or maybe even more concerned about what's happening to women because when we look at what's happening in society, the people who are actually rearing children and taking care of the families, are the women. And so if you have women who are wounded and you have generation to generation of wounded women, then you're sure to have generation after generation of wounded men and a society that is definitely dysfunctional.

But could part of the issue here be that women are the ones who perpetuate this by continuing to and choosing to - in some cases choosing to -have children without fathers who are reliable, without men who they know they can rely upon? And I have to ask if that's part of the issue?

Crime linked to absent fathers
You leftist quit making victims out of people and let real Americans unleash our economy and create jobs for Americans. Why do you liberals support foreign born kids being shipped to this country?:dunno:
We gave bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert 6 years and in 8 the economy collapsed.

Snyder has the Michigan house and senate run by Republicans. Detroit was taken over by emergency financial manager and Dan Gilbert, etc. Is this it? Detroit could use a lot more investment from business.

Detroit was in great shape before Snyder?..WTF?:slap:

Absolutely! So great Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick could take time off to go to the slammer.

BOBO's favorite Democrat

Let’s explore the emotional consequences when mom is the only one around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. The majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household. If we can get this generation an opportunity to purge themselves of this trauma, I think there are some greatness that can begin.

I care about what happens to men, but I'm equally or maybe even more concerned about what's happening to women because when we look at what's happening in society, the people who are actually rearing children and taking care of the families, are the women. And so if you have women who are wounded and you have generation to generation of wounded women, then you're sure to have generation after generation of wounded men and a society that is definitely dysfunctional.

But could part of the issue here be that women are the ones who perpetuate this by continuing to and choosing to - in some cases choosing to -have children without fathers who are reliable, without men who they know they can rely upon? And I have to ask if that's part of the issue?

Crime linked to absent fathers

You leftist, moral equivalency, nutjobs, helped cause this problem. Now it is acceptable for non married women to go out and get pregnant. they aren't stigmatized anymore, they are given baby showers
We all know having a strong family makes all the difference.
The problem is breaking the cycle and what that would entail.
Liberals would go nuts on what they would call draconian measures...if they knew what draconian meant.
I suggest iud's for women on welfare and jroc suggests I'm talking about sterilization. Ok I did suggest that initially but hey, if you want government cheese you gotta make choices.

What the fuck should we just have to bail out every woman after she has 1 2 3 4 should he be able to keep going?

Then for those American fucking mouches to justify their welfare because foreigners come here and get welfare? If that isn't the most loser thing I've ever heard someone actually say. And he was a God damn Republican.

Bobo want to take care of foreign kids as he's wants American kids aborted :uhh:

I don't want to take care of foreign kids or you. Do you think because you were an american kid that us Republicans want to pay for you? We worked for our money. Why should we help your family? Help yourself.

You are the worst Republican ever

Actually i'm the best, I've seen both sides.. you? your're a fraud someone who claims to be a Detroiter, but left when you where a small child. A union guy, who no doubt relied on the union to help you get where you are. A person who claims to not be a racist, but wants all poor kids aborted, those kids would be mostly minority kids. You're a hell of a guy, leftist are pathetic actually.

A. I do give credit for the incredible lifestyle my family was able to afford because of the unions. God damn right. Jealous? You should be. I've never been in a union myself but understand a rising tide lifts all boats.

B. You relied on welfare to get you where you are.

C. I want all poor people to have abortions. Or don't get pregnant in the first place. And if you get prego, feed your own little bastards. Don't ask me for welfare. I work hard for my money. Why should I put food in your mouth? But the fact is Jroc we gave your family welfare so why do you begrudge others for getting it? Oh it's ok as long as they are white Americans like you?

D. Every time you do work for someone in a union you rely on the unions for your fucking income. They have money so they buy your shit.

Welfare should be a stepping stone, not a way of life. You leftist love keeping people dependent for life. They are a big part of your base
I suggest iud's for women on welfare and jroc suggests I'm talking about sterilization. Ok I did suggest that initially but hey, if you want government cheese you gotta make choices.

What the fuck should we just have to bail out every woman after she has 1 2 3 4 should he be able to keep going?

Then for those American fucking mouches to justify their welfare because foreigners come here and get welfare? If that isn't the most loser thing I've ever heard someone actually say. And he was a God damn Republican.

Bobo want to take care of foreign kids as he's wants American kids aborted :uhh:

I don't want to take care of foreign kids or you. Do you think because you were an american kid that us Republicans want to pay for you? We worked for our money. Why should we help your family? Help yourself.

You are the worst Republican ever

Actually i'm the best, I've seen both sides.. you? your're a fraud someone who claims to be a Detroiter, but left when you where a small child. A union guy, who no doubt relied on the union to help you get where you are. A person who claims to not be a racist, but wants all poor kids aborted, those kids would be mostly minority kids. You're a hell of a guy, leftist are pathetic actually.

A. I do give credit for the incredible lifestyle my family was able to afford because of the unions. God damn right. Jealous? You should be. I've never been in a union myself but understand a rising tide lifts all boats.

B. You relied on welfare to get you where you are.

C. I want all poor people to have abortions. Or don't get pregnant in the first place. And if you get prego, feed your own little bastards. Don't ask me for welfare. I work hard for my money. Why should I put food in your mouth? But the fact is Jroc we gave your family welfare so why do you begrudge others for getting it? Oh it's ok as long as they are white Americans like you?

D. Every time you do work for someone in a union you rely on the unions for your fucking income. They have money so they buy your shit.

Welfare should be a stepping stone, not a way of life. You leftist love keeping people dependent for life. They are a big part of your base

Bullshit. Blue class working people are our base. The people you refer to don't even bother showing up to vote.

What are we asking for? Higher pay, not to extend our welfare checks.

What your party wants to do is eliminate welfare. Wouldn't have that sucked for you as a kid?

Lucky you weren't a kid in April 2015

Republican Budget Could Kick 11 Million Off Food Stamps
We gave bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert 6 years and in 8 the economy collapsed.

Snyder has the Michigan house and senate run by Republicans. Detroit was taken over by emergency financial manager and Dan Gilbert, etc. Is this it? Detroit could use a lot more investment from business.

Detroit was in great shape before Snyder?..WTF?:slap:

Absolutely! So great Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick could take time off to go to the slammer.

BOBO's favorite Democrat

Let’s explore the emotional consequences when mom is the only one around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. The majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household. If we can get this generation an opportunity to purge themselves of this trauma, I think there are some greatness that can begin.

I care about what happens to men, but I'm equally or maybe even more concerned about what's happening to women because when we look at what's happening in society, the people who are actually rearing children and taking care of the families, are the women. And so if you have women who are wounded and you have generation to generation of wounded women, then you're sure to have generation after generation of wounded men and a society that is definitely dysfunctional.

But could part of the issue here be that women are the ones who perpetuate this by continuing to and choosing to - in some cases choosing to -have children without fathers who are reliable, without men who they know they can rely upon? And I have to ask if that's part of the issue?

Crime linked to absent fathers

You leftist, moral equivalency, nutjobs, helped cause this problem. Now it is acceptable for non married women to go out and get pregnant. they aren't stigmatized anymore, they are given baby showers

Do you agree with not stigmatizing single mothers? I think it should go back to being a stigma so less young ladies do it. And go after the dads relentlessly for the money.

I still don't know why a rich person should have to pay taxes that go towards feeding you and your family. Can you explain that to me? They worked hard for that money. It's their money. So why give your family any of it? Please Mr. Republican, explain it to me so I can get how you were not a taker and how it was wrong for you to have asked for help and it was wrong for us to have given it to you.
If a rich person wants to put food in your mouth Jroc, it should be their choice not the governments. The government should have let you starve. You should have gone to a church or charity but not to Uncle Sam. YOU Jroc are what's wrong with America.

Also, after the social safety net saved your sorry ass, you want to deny others the same net your family fell into? Again, YOU Jroc are what is wrong with America and Americans.
Bobo want to take care of foreign kids as he's wants American kids aborted :uhh:

I don't want to take care of foreign kids or you. Do you think because you were an american kid that us Republicans want to pay for you? We worked for our money. Why should we help your family? Help yourself.

You are the worst Republican ever

Actually i'm the best, I've seen both sides.. you? your're a fraud someone who claims to be a Detroiter, but left when you where a small child. A union guy, who no doubt relied on the union to help you get where you are. A person who claims to not be a racist, but wants all poor kids aborted, those kids would be mostly minority kids. You're a hell of a guy, leftist are pathetic actually.

A. I do give credit for the incredible lifestyle my family was able to afford because of the unions. God damn right. Jealous? You should be. I've never been in a union myself but understand a rising tide lifts all boats.

B. You relied on welfare to get you where you are.

C. I want all poor people to have abortions. Or don't get pregnant in the first place. And if you get prego, feed your own little bastards. Don't ask me for welfare. I work hard for my money. Why should I put food in your mouth? But the fact is Jroc we gave your family welfare so why do you begrudge others for getting it? Oh it's ok as long as they are white Americans like you?

D. Every time you do work for someone in a union you rely on the unions for your fucking income. They have money so they buy your shit.

Welfare should be a stepping stone, not a way of life. You leftist love keeping people dependent for life. They are a big part of your base

Bullshit. Blue class working people are our base. The people you refer to don't even bother showing up to vote.

What are we asking for? Higher pay, not to extend our welfare checks.

What your party wants to do is eliminate welfare. Wouldn't have that sucked for you as a kid?

Lucky you weren't a kid in April 2015

Republican Budget Could Kick 11 Million Off Food Stamps

Yeah ok.

In 1996, Congress enacted welfare reform legislation that included three main elements, the most important being the work requirement. As a result of this reform, welfare caseloads dropped by half and employment rates among welfare recipients soared. Nonetheless, this sparked significant liberal opposition, which has increased over the years even though the vast majority of Americans favor work requirements. Unable to roll back workfare legislatively, liberals are employing an illegal bureaucratic tactic to gut the work requirements in the original legislation. The Obama Administration has declared the work provisions null and void and has granted itself unlimited authority to re-craft the work standards in any manner it chooses.

Obama’s End Run on Welfare Reform, Part One: Understanding Workfare
If a rich person wants to put food in your mouth Jroc, it should be their choice not the governments. The government should have let you starve. You should have gone to a church or charity but not to Uncle Sam. YOU Jroc are what's wrong with America.

Also, after the social safety net saved your sorry ass, you want to deny others the same net your family fell into? Again, YOU Jroc are what is wrong with America and Americans.

Talk to your leftist buddies boy, and the crony capitalist RINOS

I don't want to take care of foreign kids or you. Do you think because you were an american kid that us Republicans want to pay for you? We worked for our money. Why should we help your family? Help yourself.

You are the worst Republican ever

Actually i'm the best, I've seen both sides.. you? your're a fraud someone who claims to be a Detroiter, but left when you where a small child. A union guy, who no doubt relied on the union to help you get where you are. A person who claims to not be a racist, but wants all poor kids aborted, those kids would be mostly minority kids. You're a hell of a guy, leftist are pathetic actually.
A. I do give credit for the incredible lifestyle my family was able to afford because of the unions. God damn right. Jealous? You should be. I've never been in a union myself but understand a rising tide lifts all boats.

B. You relied on welfare to get you where you are.

C. I want all poor people to have abortions. Or don't get pregnant in the first place. And if you get prego, feed your own little bastards. Don't ask me for welfare. I work hard for my money. Why should I put food in your mouth? But the fact is Jroc we gave your family welfare so why do you begrudge others for getting it? Oh it's ok as long as they are white Americans like you?

D. Every time you do work for someone in a union you rely on the unions for your fucking income. They have money so they buy your shit.
Welfare should be a stepping stone, not a way of life. You leftist love keeping people dependent for life. They are a big part of your base
Bullshit. Blue class working people are our base. The people you refer to don't even bother showing up to vote.

What are we asking for? Higher pay, not to extend our welfare checks.

What your party wants to do is eliminate welfare. Wouldn't have that sucked for you as a kid?

Lucky you weren't a kid in April 2015

Republican Budget Could Kick 11 Million Off Food Stamps

Yeah ok.

In 1996, Congress enacted welfare reform legislation that included three main elements, the most important being the work requirement. As a result of this reform, welfare caseloads dropped by half and employment rates among welfare recipients soared. Nonetheless, this sparked significant liberal opposition, which has increased over the years even though the vast majority of Americans favor work requirements. Unable to roll back workfare legislatively, liberals are employing an illegal bureaucratic tactic to gut the work requirements in the original legislation. The Obama Administration has declared the work provisions null and void and has granted itself unlimited authority to re-craft the work standards in any manner it chooses.

Obama’s End Run on Welfare Reform, Part One: Understanding Workfare

The Heritage Foundation is an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Heritage has since continued to have a significant influence in U.S. public policy making. (So maybe if you don't like how America's going, maybe they are to blame. Keep in mind they are doing splendedly. Aren't you? Then what the fuck are you doing voting GOP dummy?)

President George W. Bush visited Heritage

In 1973, businessman Joseph Coors contributed $250,000 to establish The Heritage Foundation and continued to fund it through the Adolph Coors Foundation.[74][75] In 1973, it had trustees from Chase Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical, General Motors, Pfizer, Sears and Mobil

Stop being a brainwashed fool Jroc.

After discussing the international shift toward a market-based economic system and Heritage Foundation's Economic Freedom Index, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, produced by McGraw-Hill Education, states, "given that the Heritage Foundation has a political agenda, its work should be viewed with caution.

Don't like NAFTA? Blame Heritage. They pushed for it.
Actually i'm the best, I've seen both sides.. you? your're a fraud someone who claims to be a Detroiter, but left when you where a small child. A union guy, who no doubt relied on the union to help you get where you are. A person who claims to not be a racist, but wants all poor kids aborted, those kids would be mostly minority kids. You're a hell of a guy, leftist are pathetic actually.
A. I do give credit for the incredible lifestyle my family was able to afford because of the unions. God damn right. Jealous? You should be. I've never been in a union myself but understand a rising tide lifts all boats.

B. You relied on welfare to get you where you are.

C. I want all poor people to have abortions. Or don't get pregnant in the first place. And if you get prego, feed your own little bastards. Don't ask me for welfare. I work hard for my money. Why should I put food in your mouth? But the fact is Jroc we gave your family welfare so why do you begrudge others for getting it? Oh it's ok as long as they are white Americans like you?

D. Every time you do work for someone in a union you rely on the unions for your fucking income. They have money so they buy your shit.
Welfare should be a stepping stone, not a way of life. You leftist love keeping people dependent for life. They are a big part of your base
Bullshit. Blue class working people are our base. The people you refer to don't even bother showing up to vote.

What are we asking for? Higher pay, not to extend our welfare checks.

What your party wants to do is eliminate welfare. Wouldn't have that sucked for you as a kid?

Lucky you weren't a kid in April 2015

Republican Budget Could Kick 11 Million Off Food Stamps

Yeah ok.

In 1996, Congress enacted welfare reform legislation that included three main elements, the most important being the work requirement. As a result of this reform, welfare caseloads dropped by half and employment rates among welfare recipients soared. Nonetheless, this sparked significant liberal opposition, which has increased over the years even though the vast majority of Americans favor work requirements. Unable to roll back workfare legislatively, liberals are employing an illegal bureaucratic tactic to gut the work requirements in the original legislation. The Obama Administration has declared the work provisions null and void and has granted itself unlimited authority to re-craft the work standards in any manner it chooses.

Obama’s End Run on Welfare Reform, Part One: Understanding Workfare

The Heritage Foundation is an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Heritage has since continued to have a significant influence in U.S. public policy making. (So maybe if you don't like how America's going, maybe they are to blame. Keep in mind they are doing splendedly. Aren't you? Then what the fuck are you doing voting GOP dummy?)

President George W. Bush visited Heritage

In 1973, businessman Joseph Coors contributed $250,000 to establish The Heritage Foundation and continued to fund it through the Adolph Coors Foundation.[74][75] In 1973, it had trustees from Chase Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical, General Motors, Pfizer, Sears and Mobil

Stop being a brainwashed fool Jroc.

After discussing the international shift toward a market-based economic system and Heritage Foundation's Economic Freedom Index, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, produced by McGraw-Hill Education, states, "given that the Heritage Foundation has a political agenda, its work should be viewed with caution.

Don't like NAFTA? Blame Heritage. They pushed for it.
You don't like welfare to work either? You and Obama are on the same page
If a rich person wants to put food in your mouth Jroc, it should be their choice not the governments. The government should have let you starve. You should have gone to a church or charity but not to Uncle Sam. YOU Jroc are what's wrong with America.

Also, after the social safety net saved your sorry ass, you want to deny others the same net your family fell into? Again, YOU Jroc are what is wrong with America and Americans.

Talk to your leftist buddies boy, and the crony capitalist RINOS

I know at least 5 hypocrite Republicans like you who think they are Republicans but if they were to be honest with themselves they have benefited from liberal progressive democratic policies.

Did you know that labor unions made the following 36 things possible?
  1. Weekends without work
  2. All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  3. Paid vacation
  4. Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  5. Sick leave
  6. Social Security
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  9. 8-hour work day
  10. Overtime pay
  11. Child labor laws
  12. Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  13. 40-hour work week
  14. Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  15. Unemployment insurance
  16. Pensions
  17. Workplace safety standards and regulations
  18. Employer health care insurance
  19. Collective bargaining rights for employees
  20. Wrongful termination laws
  21. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  22. Whistleblower protection laws
  23. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  24. Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  25. Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  26. Sexual harassment laws
  27. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  28. Holiday pay
  29. Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  30. Privacy rights
  31. Pregnancy and parental leave
  32. Military leave
  33. The right to strike
  34. Public education for children
  35. Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  36. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States
Actually i'm the best, I've seen both sides.. you? your're a fraud someone who claims to be a Detroiter, but left when you where a small child. A union guy, who no doubt relied on the union to help you get where you are. A person who claims to not be a racist, but wants all poor kids aborted, those kids would be mostly minority kids. You're a hell of a guy, leftist are pathetic actually.
A. I do give credit for the incredible lifestyle my family was able to afford because of the unions. God damn right. Jealous? You should be. I've never been in a union myself but understand a rising tide lifts all boats.

B. You relied on welfare to get you where you are.

C. I want all poor people to have abortions. Or don't get pregnant in the first place. And if you get prego, feed your own little bastards. Don't ask me for welfare. I work hard for my money. Why should I put food in your mouth? But the fact is Jroc we gave your family welfare so why do you begrudge others for getting it? Oh it's ok as long as they are white Americans like you?

D. Every time you do work for someone in a union you rely on the unions for your fucking income. They have money so they buy your shit.
Welfare should be a stepping stone, not a way of life. You leftist love keeping people dependent for life. They are a big part of your base
Bullshit. Blue class working people are our base. The people you refer to don't even bother showing up to vote.

What are we asking for? Higher pay, not to extend our welfare checks.

What your party wants to do is eliminate welfare. Wouldn't have that sucked for you as a kid?

Lucky you weren't a kid in April 2015

Republican Budget Could Kick 11 Million Off Food Stamps

Yeah ok.

In 1996, Congress enacted welfare reform legislation that included three main elements, the most important being the work requirement. As a result of this reform, welfare caseloads dropped by half and employment rates among welfare recipients soared. Nonetheless, this sparked significant liberal opposition, which has increased over the years even though the vast majority of Americans favor work requirements. Unable to roll back workfare legislatively, liberals are employing an illegal bureaucratic tactic to gut the work requirements in the original legislation. The Obama Administration has declared the work provisions null and void and has granted itself unlimited authority to re-craft the work standards in any manner it chooses.

Obama’s End Run on Welfare Reform, Part One: Understanding Workfare

The Heritage Foundation is an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Heritage has since continued to have a significant influence in U.S. public policy making. (So maybe if you don't like how America's going, maybe they are to blame. Keep in mind they are doing splendedly. Aren't you? Then what the fuck are you doing voting GOP dummy?)

President George W. Bush visited Heritage

In 1973, businessman Joseph Coors contributed $250,000 to establish The Heritage Foundation and continued to fund it through the Adolph Coors Foundation.[74][75] In 1973, it had trustees from Chase Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical, General Motors, Pfizer, Sears and Mobil

Stop being a brainwashed fool Jroc.

After discussing the international shift toward a market-based economic system and Heritage Foundation's Economic Freedom Index, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, produced by McGraw-Hill Education, states, "given that the Heritage Foundation has a political agenda, its work should be viewed with caution.

Don't like NAFTA? Blame Heritage. They pushed for it.

Actually i'm the best, I've seen both sides.. you? your're a fraud someone who claims to be a Detroiter, but left when you where a small child. A union guy, who no doubt relied on the union to help you get where you are. A person who claims to not be a racist, but wants all poor kids aborted, those kids would be mostly minority kids. You're a hell of a guy, leftist are pathetic actually.
A. I do give credit for the incredible lifestyle my family was able to afford because of the unions. God damn right. Jealous? You should be. I've never been in a union myself but understand a rising tide lifts all boats.

B. You relied on welfare to get you where you are.

C. I want all poor people to have abortions. Or don't get pregnant in the first place. And if you get prego, feed your own little bastards. Don't ask me for welfare. I work hard for my money. Why should I put food in your mouth? But the fact is Jroc we gave your family welfare so why do you begrudge others for getting it? Oh it's ok as long as they are white Americans like you?

D. Every time you do work for someone in a union you rely on the unions for your fucking income. They have money so they buy your shit.
Welfare should be a stepping stone, not a way of life. You leftist love keeping people dependent for life. They are a big part of your base
Bullshit. Blue class working people are our base. The people you refer to don't even bother showing up to vote.

What are we asking for? Higher pay, not to extend our welfare checks.

What your party wants to do is eliminate welfare. Wouldn't have that sucked for you as a kid?

Lucky you weren't a kid in April 2015

Republican Budget Could Kick 11 Million Off Food Stamps

Yeah ok.

In 1996, Congress enacted welfare reform legislation that included three main elements, the most important being the work requirement. As a result of this reform, welfare caseloads dropped by half and employment rates among welfare recipients soared. Nonetheless, this sparked significant liberal opposition, which has increased over the years even though the vast majority of Americans favor work requirements. Unable to roll back workfare legislatively, liberals are employing an illegal bureaucratic tactic to gut the work requirements in the original legislation. The Obama Administration has declared the work provisions null and void and has granted itself unlimited authority to re-craft the work standards in any manner it chooses.

Obama’s End Run on Welfare Reform, Part One: Understanding Workfare

The Heritage Foundation is an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Heritage has since continued to have a significant influence in U.S. public policy making. (So maybe if you don't like how America's going, maybe they are to blame. Keep in mind they are doing splendedly. Aren't you? Then what the fuck are you doing voting GOP dummy?)

President George W. Bush visited Heritage

In 1973, businessman Joseph Coors contributed $250,000 to establish The Heritage Foundation and continued to fund it through the Adolph Coors Foundation.[74][75] In 1973, it had trustees from Chase Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical, General Motors, Pfizer, Sears and Mobil

Stop being a brainwashed fool Jroc.

After discussing the international shift toward a market-based economic system and Heritage Foundation's Economic Freedom Index, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, produced by McGraw-Hill Education, states, "given that the Heritage Foundation has a political agenda, its work should be viewed with caution.

Don't like NAFTA? Blame Heritage. They pushed for it.

Big government and the crony capitalist are the problem ...Koch agrees

Charles Koch Agrees With Sanders: System Rigged to Help the Rich
If a rich person wants to put food in your mouth Jroc, it should be their choice not the governments. The government should have let you starve. You should have gone to a church or charity but not to Uncle Sam. YOU Jroc are what's wrong with America.

Also, after the social safety net saved your sorry ass, you want to deny others the same net your family fell into? Again, YOU Jroc are what is wrong with America and Americans.

Talk to your leftist buddies boy, and the crony capitalist RINOS

I know at least 5 hypocrite Republicans like you who think they are Republicans but if they were to be honest with themselves they have benefited from liberal progressive democratic policies.

Did you know that labor unions made the following 36 things possible?
  1. Weekends without work
  2. All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  3. Paid vacation
  4. Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  5. Sick leave
  6. Social Security
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  9. 8-hour work day
  10. Overtime pay
  11. Child labor laws
  12. Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  13. 40-hour work week
  14. Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  15. Unemployment insurance
  16. Pensions
  17. Workplace safety standards and regulations
  18. Employer health care insurance
  19. Collective bargaining rights for employees
  20. Wrongful termination laws
  21. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  22. Whistleblower protection laws
  23. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  24. Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  25. Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  26. Sexual harassment laws
  27. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  28. Holiday pay
  29. Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  30. Privacy rights
  31. Pregnancy and parental leave
  32. Military leave
  33. The right to strike
  34. Public education for children
  35. Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  36. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

Government unions steal money from working people. Private unions should survive on their own merit.... Government unions should be abolished
If a rich person wants to put food in your mouth Jroc, it should be their choice not the governments. The government should have let you starve. You should have gone to a church or charity but not to Uncle Sam. YOU Jroc are what's wrong with America.

Also, after the social safety net saved your sorry ass, you want to deny others the same net your family fell into? Again, YOU Jroc are what is wrong with America and Americans.

Talk to your leftist buddies boy, and the crony capitalist RINOS

I know at least 5 hypocrite Republicans like you who think they are Republicans but if they were to be honest with themselves they have benefited from liberal progressive democratic policies.

Did you know that labor unions made the following 36 things possible?
  1. Weekends without work
  2. All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  3. Paid vacation
  4. Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  5. Sick leave
  6. Social Security
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  9. 8-hour work day
  10. Overtime pay
  11. Child labor laws
  12. Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  13. 40-hour work week
  14. Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  15. Unemployment insurance
  16. Pensions
  17. Workplace safety standards and regulations
  18. Employer health care insurance
  19. Collective bargaining rights for employees
  20. Wrongful termination laws
  21. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  22. Whistleblower protection laws
  23. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  24. Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  25. Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  26. Sexual harassment laws
  27. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  28. Holiday pay
  29. Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  30. Privacy rights
  31. Pregnancy and parental leave
  32. Military leave
  33. The right to strike
  34. Public education for children
  35. Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  36. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

Government unions steal money from working people. Private unions should survive on their own merit.... Government unions should be abolished

I agree. No police unions.
If a rich person wants to put food in your mouth Jroc, it should be their choice not the governments. The government should have let you starve. You should have gone to a church or charity but not to Uncle Sam. YOU Jroc are what's wrong with America.

Also, after the social safety net saved your sorry ass, you want to deny others the same net your family fell into? Again, YOU Jroc are what is wrong with America and Americans.

Talk to your leftist buddies boy, and the crony capitalist RINOS

I know at least 5 hypocrite Republicans like you who think they are Republicans but if they were to be honest with themselves they have benefited from liberal progressive democratic policies.

Did you know that labor unions made the following 36 things possible?
  1. Weekends without work
  2. All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  3. Paid vacation
  4. Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  5. Sick leave
  6. Social Security
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  9. 8-hour work day
  10. Overtime pay
  11. Child labor laws
  12. Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  13. 40-hour work week
  14. Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  15. Unemployment insurance
  16. Pensions
  17. Workplace safety standards and regulations
  18. Employer health care insurance
  19. Collective bargaining rights for employees
  20. Wrongful termination laws
  21. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  22. Whistleblower protection laws
  23. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  24. Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  25. Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  26. Sexual harassment laws
  27. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  28. Holiday pay
  29. Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  30. Privacy rights
  31. Pregnancy and parental leave
  32. Military leave
  33. The right to strike
  34. Public education for children
  35. Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  36. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

Government unions steal money from working people. Private unions should survive on their own merit.... Government unions should be abolished

I agree. No police unions.

Police and fire unions are fine the rest should be eliminated.. Why do you hate police? Is that a requirement to be a leftist?
If a rich person wants to put food in your mouth Jroc, it should be their choice not the governments. The government should have let you starve. You should have gone to a church or charity but not to Uncle Sam. YOU Jroc are what's wrong with America.

Also, after the social safety net saved your sorry ass, you want to deny others the same net your family fell into? Again, YOU Jroc are what is wrong with America and Americans.

Talk to your leftist buddies boy, and the crony capitalist RINOS

I know at least 5 hypocrite Republicans like you who think they are Republicans but if they were to be honest with themselves they have benefited from liberal progressive democratic policies.

Did you know that labor unions made the following 36 things possible?
  1. Weekends without work
  2. All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  3. Paid vacation
  4. Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  5. Sick leave
  6. Social Security
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  9. 8-hour work day
  10. Overtime pay
  11. Child labor laws
  12. Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  13. 40-hour work week
  14. Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  15. Unemployment insurance
  16. Pensions
  17. Workplace safety standards and regulations
  18. Employer health care insurance
  19. Collective bargaining rights for employees
  20. Wrongful termination laws
  21. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  22. Whistleblower protection laws
  23. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  24. Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  25. Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  26. Sexual harassment laws
  27. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  28. Holiday pay
  29. Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  30. Privacy rights
  31. Pregnancy and parental leave
  32. Military leave
  33. The right to strike
  34. Public education for children
  35. Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  36. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

Government unions steal money from working people. Private unions should survive on their own merit.... Government unions should be abolished

I agree. No police unions.

Police and fire unions are fine the rest should be eliminated.. Why do you hate police? Is that a requirement to be a leftist?

No, I just knew you would be OK with police unions because your brother is a cop. You are a typical Republican. Your union and your welfare is ok, but not everyone elses. Sickening.
Talk to your leftist buddies boy, and the crony capitalist RINOS

I know at least 5 hypocrite Republicans like you who think they are Republicans but if they were to be honest with themselves they have benefited from liberal progressive democratic policies.

Did you know that labor unions made the following 36 things possible?
  1. Weekends without work
  2. All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  3. Paid vacation
  4. Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  5. Sick leave
  6. Social Security
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  9. 8-hour work day
  10. Overtime pay
  11. Child labor laws
  12. Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  13. 40-hour work week
  14. Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  15. Unemployment insurance
  16. Pensions
  17. Workplace safety standards and regulations
  18. Employer health care insurance
  19. Collective bargaining rights for employees
  20. Wrongful termination laws
  21. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  22. Whistleblower protection laws
  23. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  24. Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  25. Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  26. Sexual harassment laws
  27. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  28. Holiday pay
  29. Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  30. Privacy rights
  31. Pregnancy and parental leave
  32. Military leave
  33. The right to strike
  34. Public education for children
  35. Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  36. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

Government unions steal money from working people. Private unions should survive on their own merit.... Government unions should be abolished

I agree. No police unions.

Police and fire unions are fine the rest should be eliminated.. Why do you hate police? Is that a requirement to be a leftist?

No, I just knew you would be OK with police unions because your brother is a cop. You are a typical Republican. Your union and your welfare is ok, but not everyone elses. Sickening.

Federal government unions should be outlawed genius...that's what I meant, even FDR was against them...what states and cities do is their own business, as long as we don't bail them out like Obama did with the so-called stimulus get it straight Bobo :slap:
I know at least 5 hypocrite Republicans like you who think they are Republicans but if they were to be honest with themselves they have benefited from liberal progressive democratic policies.

Did you know that labor unions made the following 36 things possible?
  1. Weekends without work
  2. All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  3. Paid vacation
  4. Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  5. Sick leave
  6. Social Security
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  9. 8-hour work day
  10. Overtime pay
  11. Child labor laws
  12. Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  13. 40-hour work week
  14. Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  15. Unemployment insurance
  16. Pensions
  17. Workplace safety standards and regulations
  18. Employer health care insurance
  19. Collective bargaining rights for employees
  20. Wrongful termination laws
  21. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  22. Whistleblower protection laws
  23. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  24. Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  25. Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  26. Sexual harassment laws
  27. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  28. Holiday pay
  29. Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  30. Privacy rights
  31. Pregnancy and parental leave
  32. Military leave
  33. The right to strike
  34. Public education for children
  35. Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  36. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

Government unions steal money from working people. Private unions should survive on their own merit.... Government unions should be abolished
I agree. No police unions.

Police and fire unions are fine the rest should be eliminated.. Why do you hate police? Is that a requirement to be a leftist?
No, I just knew you would be OK with police unions because your brother is a cop. You are a typical Republican. Your union and your welfare is ok, but not everyone elses. Sickening.

Federal government unions should be outlawed genius...that's what I meant, even FDR was against them...what states and cities do is their own business, as long as we don't bail them out like Obama did with the so-called stimulus get it straight Bobo :slap:

I'm gonna go a different route on this one, roc....

I have no beef with unions....any unions.
I feel that the Constitution covers them, as 'freedom of assembly."

It is the corrupt pols who sign off on their unjust demands that I object to.

I'm gonna suggest that we treat the situation like sports leagues.....if a union contract breaks the bank, the public fisc, or is harmful to the public, then penalize the party that signed off on it.... draft, no members of that party on the next election ballot.
I know at least 5 hypocrite Republicans like you who think they are Republicans but if they were to be honest with themselves they have benefited from liberal progressive democratic policies.

Did you know that labor unions made the following 36 things possible?
  1. Weekends without work
  2. All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  3. Paid vacation
  4. Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  5. Sick leave
  6. Social Security
  7. Minimum wage
  8. Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  9. 8-hour work day
  10. Overtime pay
  11. Child labor laws
  12. Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  13. 40-hour work week
  14. Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  15. Unemployment insurance
  16. Pensions
  17. Workplace safety standards and regulations
  18. Employer health care insurance
  19. Collective bargaining rights for employees
  20. Wrongful termination laws
  21. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  22. Whistleblower protection laws
  23. Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  24. Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  25. Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  26. Sexual harassment laws
  27. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  28. Holiday pay
  29. Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  30. Privacy rights
  31. Pregnancy and parental leave
  32. Military leave
  33. The right to strike
  34. Public education for children
  35. Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  36. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

Government unions steal money from working people. Private unions should survive on their own merit.... Government unions should be abolished
I agree. No police unions.

Police and fire unions are fine the rest should be eliminated.. Why do you hate police? Is that a requirement to be a leftist?
No, I just knew you would be OK with police unions because your brother is a cop. You are a typical Republican. Your union and your welfare is ok, but not everyone elses. Sickening.

Federal government unions should be outlawed genius...that's what I meant, even FDR was against them...what states and cities do is their own business, as long as we don't bail them out like Obama did with the so-called stimulus get it straight Bobo :slap:
Or Flint. Snyder should have never asked the Feds for $100 billion dollars.

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