Progressive Government Fails


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Just look at the lies, farrago, and missteps associated with the ObamaCare mess, and it is simple to connect same with the political philosophy responsible.

For those of us a bit slower on the uptake.....Daniel Henninger explains it.

1. " ...Obama is running out of human shields. With the father of ObamaCare unavailable to explain the greatest fiasco of his presidency to Congress, the American people had to settle Wednesday for his surrogate, Kathleen Sebelius.

2. .... not merely the failure of a federal website or a software program or Ms. Sebelius's management skills. This is the failure of the very idea of progressive government. Not liberal government. Progressive government.

3. ....what is happening this week to ObamaCare and the political class that created it is historic. Forty years from now, the millennials who in 2008 and 2012 believed in and voted for the progressive ideal—limitless, mandated, state-led goodness—can tell their grandchildren they watched it fall apart in 2013.

4. ....the American left, ... rebranded itself in the U.S. as the "progressive movement." Teddy Roosevelt invokes cheerier memories than Leon Trotsky....American progressives saw their win with Mr. Obama as the overthrowing of the postwar Democratic liberalism that culminated with the Clintons, a liberalism willing most of the time to coexist with markets, property and private enterprise.

5. What made [ObamaCare] peculiarly progressive were the mandates. And not just the law's individual and business mandates to purchase their insurance. The essence of modern Democratic progressivism is: "You will participate in what we have created for you, and you will comply with the law's demands."

[The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.” Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198]

a. If this White House and its progressive ecosystem have a political motto, it's this: Get over it..... politics by cramdown.

[And those with the slave mentality still support it.]

b. .... the 20,000 inner-city parents and students who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest obliteration of their charter schools by New York's progressive mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio.

6..... it has become impossible not to recognize that the Affordable Care Act is an offensive ideological exercise, not merely an entitlement program. By Mr. Obama's own admission, this law is the way he wants the world to work in the U.S.—whether in health, education, energy, infrastructure or finance.

7. Most Republican politicians aren't particularly comfortable doing ideology. But the left revels in it. Mr. Obama bellows it in every speech. And absent someone shouting that the progressive emperor suddenly isn't wearing any clothes, they will win with it again.

8. Barack Obama may have spent a lifetime failing up, but eventually it's just failure. He has presided over five years of sickly economic growth, inadequate job creation, a doubling of the food stamp population and now this—ObamaCare.

9. Progressive government has failed in the U.S

10. Most fascinating to behold will be whether the Democratic presidential candidate who follows this meltdown will embrace it, fake it or move on."
Daniel Henninger: Progressive Government Fails -

The American People Get the Government They Deserve
Just look at the lies, farrago, and missteps associated with the ObamaCare mess, and it is simple to connect same with the political philosophy responsible.

For those of us a bit slower on the uptake.....Daniel Henninger explains it.

1. " ...Obama is running out of human shields. With the father of ObamaCare unavailable to explain the greatest fiasco of his presidency to Congress, the American people had to settle Wednesday for his surrogate, Kathleen Sebelius.

2. .... not merely the failure of a federal website or a software program or Ms. Sebelius's management skills. This is the failure of the very idea of progressive government. Not liberal government. Progressive government.

3. ....what is happening this week to ObamaCare and the political class that created it is historic. Forty years from now, the millennials who in 2008 and 2012 believed in and voted for the progressive ideal—limitless, mandated, state-led goodness—can tell their grandchildren they watched it fall apart in 2013.

4. ....the American left, ... rebranded itself in the U.S. as the "progressive movement." Teddy Roosevelt invokes cheerier memories than Leon Trotsky....American progressives saw their win with Mr. Obama as the overthrowing of the postwar Democratic liberalism that culminated with the Clintons, a liberalism willing most of the time to coexist with markets, property and private enterprise.

5. What made [ObamaCare] peculiarly progressive were the mandates. And not just the law's individual and business mandates to purchase their insurance. The essence of modern Democratic progressivism is: "You will participate in what we have created for you, and you will comply with the law's demands."

[The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.” Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198]

a. If this White House and its progressive ecosystem have a political motto, it's this: Get over it..... politics by cramdown.

[And those with the slave mentality still support it.]

b. .... the 20,000 inner-city parents and students who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest obliteration of their charter schools by New York's progressive mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio.

6..... it has become impossible not to recognize that the Affordable Care Act is an offensive ideological exercise, not merely an entitlement program. By Mr. Obama's own admission, this law is the way he wants the world to work in the U.S.—whether in health, education, energy, infrastructure or finance.

7. Most Republican politicians aren't particularly comfortable doing ideology. But the left revels in it. Mr. Obama bellows it in every speech. And absent someone shouting that the progressive emperor suddenly isn't wearing any clothes, they will win with it again.

8. Barack Obama may have spent a lifetime failing up, but eventually it's just failure. He has presided over five years of sickly economic growth, inadequate job creation, a doubling of the food stamp population and now this—ObamaCare.

9. Progressive government has failed in the U.S

10. Most fascinating to behold will be whether the Democratic presidential candidate who follows this meltdown will embrace it, fake it or move on."
Daniel Henninger: Progressive Government Fails -

The American People Get the Government They Deserve

Speaking of "greatest fiasco" and "offensive ideological exercises" how did that government shutdown/debt ceiling freeze work out for you, PC? ;)
Just look at the lies, farrago, and missteps associated with the ObamaCare mess, and it is simple to connect same with the political philosophy responsible.

For those of us a bit slower on the uptake.....Daniel Henninger explains it.

1. " ...Obama is running out of human shields. With the father of ObamaCare unavailable to explain the greatest fiasco of his presidency to Congress, the American people had to settle Wednesday for his surrogate, Kathleen Sebelius.

2. .... not merely the failure of a federal website or a software program or Ms. Sebelius's management skills. This is the failure of the very idea of progressive government. Not liberal government. Progressive government.

3. ....what is happening this week to ObamaCare and the political class that created it is historic. Forty years from now, the millennials who in 2008 and 2012 believed in and voted for the progressive ideal—limitless, mandated, state-led goodness—can tell their grandchildren they watched it fall apart in 2013.

4. ....the American left, ... rebranded itself in the U.S. as the "progressive movement." Teddy Roosevelt invokes cheerier memories than Leon Trotsky....American progressives saw their win with Mr. Obama as the overthrowing of the postwar Democratic liberalism that culminated with the Clintons, a liberalism willing most of the time to coexist with markets, property and private enterprise.

5. What made [ObamaCare] peculiarly progressive were the mandates. And not just the law's individual and business mandates to purchase their insurance. The essence of modern Democratic progressivism is: "You will participate in what we have created for you, and you will comply with the law's demands."

[The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.” Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198]

a. If this White House and its progressive ecosystem have a political motto, it's this: Get over it..... politics by cramdown.

[And those with the slave mentality still support it.]

b. .... the 20,000 inner-city parents and students who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest obliteration of their charter schools by New York's progressive mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio.

6..... it has become impossible not to recognize that the Affordable Care Act is an offensive ideological exercise, not merely an entitlement program. By Mr. Obama's own admission, this law is the way he wants the world to work in the U.S.—whether in health, education, energy, infrastructure or finance.

7. Most Republican politicians aren't particularly comfortable doing ideology. But the left revels in it. Mr. Obama bellows it in every speech. And absent someone shouting that the progressive emperor suddenly isn't wearing any clothes, they will win with it again.

8. Barack Obama may have spent a lifetime failing up, but eventually it's just failure. He has presided over five years of sickly economic growth, inadequate job creation, a doubling of the food stamp population and now this—ObamaCare.

9. Progressive government has failed in the U.S

10. Most fascinating to behold will be whether the Democratic presidential candidate who follows this meltdown will embrace it, fake it or move on."
Daniel Henninger: Progressive Government Fails -

The American People Get the Government They Deserve

Speaking of "greatest fiasco" and "offensive ideological exercises" how did that government shutdown/debt ceiling freeze work out for you, PC? ;)

You mean the one where Obama agreed to delay ObamaCare anyway?
Just look at the lies, farrago, and missteps associated with the ObamaCare mess, and it is simple to connect same with the political philosophy responsible.

For those of us a bit slower on the uptake.....Daniel Henninger explains it.

1. " ...Obama is running out of human shields. With the father of ObamaCare unavailable to explain the greatest fiasco of his presidency to Congress, the American people had to settle Wednesday for his surrogate, Kathleen Sebelius.

2. .... not merely the failure of a federal website or a software program or Ms. Sebelius's management skills. This is the failure of the very idea of progressive government. Not liberal government. Progressive government.

3. ....what is happening this week to ObamaCare and the political class that created it is historic. Forty years from now, the millennials who in 2008 and 2012 believed in and voted for the progressive ideal—limitless, mandated, state-led goodness—can tell their grandchildren they watched it fall apart in 2013.

4. ....the American left, ... rebranded itself in the U.S. as the "progressive movement." Teddy Roosevelt invokes cheerier memories than Leon Trotsky....American progressives saw their win with Mr. Obama as the overthrowing of the postwar Democratic liberalism that culminated with the Clintons, a liberalism willing most of the time to coexist with markets, property and private enterprise.

5. What made [ObamaCare] peculiarly progressive were the mandates. And not just the law's individual and business mandates to purchase their insurance. The essence of modern Democratic progressivism is: "You will participate in what we have created for you, and you will comply with the law's demands."

[The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.” Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198]

a. If this White House and its progressive ecosystem have a political motto, it's this: Get over it..... politics by cramdown.

[And those with the slave mentality still support it.]

b. .... the 20,000 inner-city parents and students who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest obliteration of their charter schools by New York's progressive mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio.

6..... it has become impossible not to recognize that the Affordable Care Act is an offensive ideological exercise, not merely an entitlement program. By Mr. Obama's own admission, this law is the way he wants the world to work in the U.S.—whether in health, education, energy, infrastructure or finance.

7. Most Republican politicians aren't particularly comfortable doing ideology. But the left revels in it. Mr. Obama bellows it in every speech. And absent someone shouting that the progressive emperor suddenly isn't wearing any clothes, they will win with it again.

8. Barack Obama may have spent a lifetime failing up, but eventually it's just failure. He has presided over five years of sickly economic growth, inadequate job creation, a doubling of the food stamp population and now this—ObamaCare.

9. Progressive government has failed in the U.S

10. Most fascinating to behold will be whether the Democratic presidential candidate who follows this meltdown will embrace it, fake it or move on."
Daniel Henninger: Progressive Government Fails -

The American People Get the Government They Deserve

Speaking of "greatest fiasco" and "offensive ideological exercises" how did that government shutdown/debt ceiling freeze work out for you, PC? ;)

You mean the one where Obama agreed to delay ObamaCare anyway?

Care to provide a link proving that Obamacare has been "delayed for an entire year" as was demanded by the Tea Party during the government shutdown debacle?
Progressive economic ideas come with a 100% Guaranteed Fail rate

The Conservative "free market deregulation" dogma was such a resounding success in 2008. :eek: Taken until now for Obama to set a new record for the DOW. :lol:

Deregulation? LOL! Seriously??


Bush made a half-hearted attempt to reign in F&F beofre they collapsed the housing market, remember??

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis, -- Democrats 2008
What's an example of a conservative government that is successful in your opinion? Let's see the shining examples that I'm sure you have plenty of.
What's an example of a conservative government that is successful in your opinion? Let's see the shining examples that I'm sure you have plenty of.

Geez, there are so many it's hard to know where to start.
There's Britain in the 18th and 19th centuries.
There's Hong Kong in the 20th.
There's the eastern bloc former Soviet Union countries in the 90s
There's the U.S. in the 1980s.

Every one of them marked by high GDP growth, low unemployment and low inflation.

Remind me of examples of progressive success:
East Germany
Sweden in the 1980s
North Korea

Every one of them marked by high unemployment, stagnating growth and high inflation.

Just look at the lies, farrago, and missteps associated with the ObamaCare mess, and it is simple to connect same with the political philosophy responsible.

For those of us a bit slower on the uptake.....Daniel Henninger explains it.

1. " ...Obama is running out of human shields. With the father of ObamaCare unavailable to explain the greatest fiasco of his presidency to Congress, the American people had to settle Wednesday for his surrogate, Kathleen Sebelius.

2. .... not merely the failure of a federal website or a software program or Ms. Sebelius's management skills. This is the failure of the very idea of progressive government. Not liberal government. Progressive government.

3. ....what is happening this week to ObamaCare and the political class that created it is historic. Forty years from now, the millennials who in 2008 and 2012 believed in and voted for the progressive ideal—limitless, mandated, state-led goodness—can tell their grandchildren they watched it fall apart in 2013.

4. ....the American left, ... rebranded itself in the U.S. as the "progressive movement." Teddy Roosevelt invokes cheerier memories than Leon Trotsky....American progressives saw their win with Mr. Obama as the overthrowing of the postwar Democratic liberalism that culminated with the Clintons, a liberalism willing most of the time to coexist with markets, property and private enterprise.

5. What made [ObamaCare] peculiarly progressive were the mandates. And not just the law's individual and business mandates to purchase their insurance. The essence of modern Democratic progressivism is: "You will participate in what we have created for you, and you will comply with the law's demands."

[The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.” Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198]

a. If this White House and its progressive ecosystem have a political motto, it's this: Get over it..... politics by cramdown.

[And those with the slave mentality still support it.]

b. .... the 20,000 inner-city parents and students who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest obliteration of their charter schools by New York's progressive mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio.

6..... it has become impossible not to recognize that the Affordable Care Act is an offensive ideological exercise, not merely an entitlement program. By Mr. Obama's own admission, this law is the way he wants the world to work in the U.S.—whether in health, education, energy, infrastructure or finance.

7. Most Republican politicians aren't particularly comfortable doing ideology. But the left revels in it. Mr. Obama bellows it in every speech. And absent someone shouting that the progressive emperor suddenly isn't wearing any clothes, they will win with it again.

8. Barack Obama may have spent a lifetime failing up, but eventually it's just failure. He has presided over five years of sickly economic growth, inadequate job creation, a doubling of the food stamp population and now this—ObamaCare.

9. Progressive government has failed in the U.S

10. Most fascinating to behold will be whether the Democratic presidential candidate who follows this meltdown will embrace it, fake it or move on."
Daniel Henninger: Progressive Government Fails -

The American People Get the Government They Deserve

Speaking of "greatest fiasco" and "offensive ideological exercises" how did that government shutdown/debt ceiling freeze work out for you, PC? ;)

Lead balloon.
Just look at the lies, farrago, and missteps associated with the ObamaCare mess, and it is simple to connect same with the political philosophy responsible.

For those of us a bit slower on the uptake.....Daniel Henninger explains it.

1. " ...Obama is running out of human shields. With the father of ObamaCare unavailable to explain the greatest fiasco of his presidency to Congress, the American people had to settle Wednesday for his surrogate, Kathleen Sebelius.

2. .... not merely the failure of a federal website or a software program or Ms. Sebelius's management skills. This is the failure of the very idea of progressive government. Not liberal government. Progressive government.

3. ....what is happening this week to ObamaCare and the political class that created it is historic. Forty years from now, the millennials who in 2008 and 2012 believed in and voted for the progressive ideal—limitless, mandated, state-led goodness—can tell their grandchildren they watched it fall apart in 2013.

4. ....the American left, ... rebranded itself in the U.S. as the "progressive movement." Teddy Roosevelt invokes cheerier memories than Leon Trotsky....American progressives saw their win with Mr. Obama as the overthrowing of the postwar Democratic liberalism that culminated with the Clintons, a liberalism willing most of the time to coexist with markets, property and private enterprise.

5. What made [ObamaCare] peculiarly progressive were the mandates. And not just the law's individual and business mandates to purchase their insurance. The essence of modern Democratic progressivism is: "You will participate in what we have created for you, and you will comply with the law's demands."

[The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.” Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198]

a. If this White House and its progressive ecosystem have a political motto, it's this: Get over it..... politics by cramdown.

[And those with the slave mentality still support it.]

b. .... the 20,000 inner-city parents and students who marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest obliteration of their charter schools by New York's progressive mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio.

6..... it has become impossible not to recognize that the Affordable Care Act is an offensive ideological exercise, not merely an entitlement program. By Mr. Obama's own admission, this law is the way he wants the world to work in the U.S.—whether in health, education, energy, infrastructure or finance.

7. Most Republican politicians aren't particularly comfortable doing ideology. But the left revels in it. Mr. Obama bellows it in every speech. And absent someone shouting that the progressive emperor suddenly isn't wearing any clothes, they will win with it again.

8. Barack Obama may have spent a lifetime failing up, but eventually it's just failure. He has presided over five years of sickly economic growth, inadequate job creation, a doubling of the food stamp population and now this—ObamaCare.

9. Progressive government has failed in the U.S

10. Most fascinating to behold will be whether the Democratic presidential candidate who follows this meltdown will embrace it, fake it or move on."
Daniel Henninger: Progressive Government Fails -

The American People Get the Government They Deserve

Speaking of "greatest fiasco" and "offensive ideological exercises" how did that government shutdown/debt ceiling freeze work out for you, PC? ;)

Lead balloon.

At least we both agree that it was, PC! :smiliehug:
Progressive economic ideas come with a 100% Guaranteed Fail rate

The Conservative "free market deregulation" dogma was such a resounding success in 2008. :eek: Taken until now for Obama to set a new record for the DOW. :lol:

Wait, is the stock market good today? You approve of the Fed putting the American people in debt an additional $85B/month to help the 1% fatcats?
Thanks for proving my point.

Your point is that conservative governance leads to more successful outcomes? Then you're right.

My point is that you idiots are living in the past and have to stretch to find examples of anything remotely worthy of what you would consider conservative government success stories.


Well....then there is today:

"The latest data on incomes shows that since the end of the recession in June, 2009 incomes for black heads of households have plunged by 10.9%. Incomes for those under age 25 have plummeted by 9.6%. Incomes for workers with a high school diploma or less have dived by 8%. Single women have suffered an income decline of 7%. Incomes for Hispanic heads of households have declined by 4.5%.

....the whole point of a recovery is that incomes of workers reverse course and begin to rise with renewed economic growth. As in the Reagan recovery starting late in 1982, which reversed a decline in real median incomes of 10% from 1978 to 1982. Real per capita disposable income boomed by 18% from 1982 to 1989, meaning the American standard of living increased by almost 20%, in just 7 years.

But after more than 4 years of the alleged Obama recovery, incomes for blacks, Hispanics, single women, young workers, and less educated, lower income workers have continued to drop sharply. Incomes for the middle class, which Obama has touted as the “North Star” of his economic policies, have also declined continuously throughout Obama’s misnamed ‘recovery.’"
'Hope And Change' Means Punishingly Slow Growth For Obama's Biggest Supporters - Forbes


Looks like those so defined are the ones who voted for this windbag.
What's an example of a conservative government that is successful in your opinion? Let's see the shining examples that I'm sure you have plenty of.

Harding/Coolidge USA 1920's

Thanks for proving my point.

What "point"? You couldn't even find an unemployed person when Coolidge left office!!

The country was getting wired up with electricity and mass production was making life for the middle easier and more opulent

What the Hell are you talking about?

Black unemployment was non-existent in the 20's

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