Progressives Killed Eric Garner

Here is a good Opinion piece.

Blame only the man who tragically decided to resist New York Post

"First, while “chokeholds” are banned by NYPD regulation, they’re not illegal under state law when used by a cop during a lawful arrest. So much for criminal charges, given that nobody seriously disputes the legitimacy of the arrest."

"Finally, there is this: There were 228,000 misdemeanor arrests in New York City in 2013, the last year for which there are audited figures, and every one of them had at least the potential to turn into an Eric Garner-like case."

None of which absolves the officer of his responsibility to obey department policy. He should be fired.

No he shouldn't. He was enforcing the laws created by moronic legislators.

I'm afraid you've strayed from reasonable argument into rhetorical nonsense.

In your opinion. I believe I am using common sense. Something Garner should have used considering his poor health. Heart disease, asthma and diabetes. The guy was halfway in the grave already. His refusal to just let himself be arrested is what caused his death. The idiotic laws created by idiotic legislators created the situation that lead to his death.

If we follow your logic perhaps the incredible stupidity you display now will eventually cause you to become completely and permanently retarded.

Typical response from someone who can not debate a point civilly. Or refute what was posted. Unfortunately it is all to common these days.
How do you know it was excessive? Have you ever tried to bring down another person. A regular sized person can put up a good struggle. A 6'3" 350lb man a major challenge.

While it is true that it is difficult to get a fat man down, it is even harder for that fat man to get up once he is down. There is no need to pile on him and choke him after he is down.

True. But how do we know he wasn't still resisting. You can not tell from the video.
Don't you sane people out there just love it when the RWnuts have to twist themselves into a mental pretzel trying to find some way to blame liberals for everything?

We get it from watching you loones blaming Bush for everything.

Call it Karma.

Another scholar weighs in.

Well, this isn't the forum for intelligent conversation, not after some of lame excuses we've heard from you guys trying to cover the Democrats' asses.
None of which absolves the officer of his responsibility to obey department policy. He should be fired.

No he shouldn't. He was enforcing the laws created by moronic legislators.

I'm afraid you've strayed from reasonable argument into rhetorical nonsense.

In your opinion. I believe I am using common sense. Something Garner should have used considering his poor health. Heart disease, asthma and diabetes. The guy was halfway in the grave already. His refusal to just let himself be arrested is what caused his death. The idiotic laws created by idiotic legislators created the situation that lead to his death.

If we follow your logic perhaps the incredible stupidity you display now will eventually cause you to become completely and permanently retarded.

Typical response from someone who can not debate a point civilly. Or refute what was posted. Unfortunately it is all to common these days.
As if further evidence of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.
Eric Garner DID commit failing to comply with the commands of the NYPD officers on the scene. At that point any negative outcome was his own fault.

I say this as an individual who truly expects to see his life end at the hands of LEOs, but when you resist an officer or fail to comply with commands, you have to expect the worst response (for you) possible.

The choke hold is clearly against NYPD policy, the officer in question should be fired.
It was not a choke hold. That is what the media refers it to....and progressives jumped on it.

A choke hold is when you hold someone to the point where they can not breathe.

The man continually said "I cant breathe"....

If one cant breathe, one can not say they cant breathe....thus the reason for the universal sign of is the only way a choking person can say they are choking.

It was not a choke hold. It was a wrestling hold commonly known as a half nelson.

The media makes the intelligent, like you, look stupid.

Maybe you just forgot to watch the video.

maybe you forgot to read my post.

As the video shows, the man is saying "I cant breathe"..

If one cant breathe, then one can not speak. Breathe is necessary to speak. That is fact.

The video clearly shows the man in a half nelson...a commonly used wresting move and a commonly used police tactic used to keep someone under their control.

Know your facts before calling for the firing of someone
Don't you sane people out there just love it when the RWnuts have to twist themselves into a mental pretzel trying to find some way to blame liberals for everything?

We get it from watching you loones blaming Bush for everything.

Call it Karma.

Another scholar weighs in.

Well, this isn't the forum for intelligent conversation, not after some of lame excuses we've heard from you guys trying to cover the Democrats' asses.
As if you would even begin to know what intelligent conversation looks like.
Eric Garner DID commit failing to comply with the commands of the NYPD officers on the scene. At that point any negative outcome was his own fault.

I say this as an individual who truly expects to see his life end at the hands of LEOs, but when you resist an officer or fail to comply with commands, you have to expect the worst response (for you) possible.

The choke hold is clearly against NYPD policy, the officer in question should be fired.
It was not a choke hold. That is what the media refers it to....and progressives jumped on it.

A choke hold is when you hold someone to the point where they can not breathe.

The man continually said "I cant breathe"....

If one cant breathe, one can not say they cant breathe....thus the reason for the universal sign of is the only way a choking person can say they are choking.

It was not a choke hold. It was a wrestling hold commonly known as a half nelson.

The media makes the intelligent, like you, look stupid.

Maybe you just forgot to watch the video.

maybe you forgot to read my post.

As the video shows, the man is saying "I cant breathe"..

If one cant breathe, then one can not speak. Breathe is necessary to speak. That is fact.

The video clearly shows the man in a half nelson...a commonly used wresting move and a commonly used police tactic used to keep someone under their control.

Know your facts before calling for the firing of someone

Don't believe your eyes then, just keep lying.
Eric Garner DID commit failing to comply with the commands of the NYPD officers on the scene. At that point any negative outcome was his own fault.

I say this as an individual who truly expects to see his life end at the hands of LEOs, but when you resist an officer or fail to comply with commands, you have to expect the worst response (for you) possible.

The choke hold is clearly against NYPD policy, the officer in question should be fired.
It was not a choke hold. That is what the media refers it to....and progressives jumped on it.

A choke hold is when you hold someone to the point where they can not breathe.

The man continually said "I cant breathe"....

If one cant breathe, one can not say they cant breathe....thus the reason for the universal sign of is the only way a choking person can say they are choking.

It was not a choke hold. It was a wrestling hold commonly known as a half nelson.

The media makes the intelligent, like you, look stupid.

He had asthma, as do I. Physical exertion will make it difficult to breath with asthma. Add his weight and other health issues it is safe to assume it he wasn't being choked.
So, a police officer uses excessive force to investigate a meaninglessly minor offense, and it's the victim's fault that he died?

Statist fucks like you are what's destroying this country.

If you resist you get what you deserve. Don't give the cops a reason to bother you.

Like I said, you're the type of statist fuck that is destroying this country. There is no evidence that Garner was doing anything wrong. He was confronted by police, he told them he didn't want to talk to them an wanted to be left alone. The whole thing should have ended there. The police had no right to arrest Garner. What you call "resisting" is what everyone else calls "having rights."
Eric Garner DID commit failing to comply with the commands of the NYPD officers on the scene. At that point any negative outcome was his own fault.

I say this as an individual who truly expects to see his life end at the hands of LEOs, but when you resist an officer or fail to comply with commands, you have to expect the worst response (for you) possible.

The choke hold is clearly against NYPD policy, the officer in question should be fired.
It was not a choke hold. That is what the media refers it to....and progressives jumped on it.

A choke hold is when you hold someone to the point where they can not breathe.

The man continually said "I cant breathe"....

If one cant breathe, one can not say they cant breathe....thus the reason for the universal sign of is the only way a choking person can say they are choking.

It was not a choke hold. It was a wrestling hold commonly known as a half nelson.

The media makes the intelligent, like you, look stupid.

Maybe you just forgot to watch the video.

maybe you forgot to read my post.

As the video shows, the man is saying "I cant breathe"..

If one cant breathe, then one can not speak. Breathe is necessary to speak. That is fact.

The video clearly shows the man in a half nelson...a commonly used wresting move and a commonly used police tactic used to keep someone under their control.

Know your facts before calling for the firing of someone

Don't believe your eyes then, just keep lying.

is it that you do not know how to read or is it that you do not wish to address the facts.

The man is breathing or he would not be able to say "I cant breathe"...

When a half nelson hold blocks the airway it is a choke hold....and no longer a half nelson.

If it doesn't block the airway, as in this case, it is a half nelson....commonly taught to and used by most PD's.

What is it that you don't get?
No he shouldn't. He was enforcing the laws created by moronic legislators.

I'm afraid you've strayed from reasonable argument into rhetorical nonsense.

In your opinion. I believe I am using common sense. Something Garner should have used considering his poor health. Heart disease, asthma and diabetes. The guy was halfway in the grave already. His refusal to just let himself be arrested is what caused his death. The idiotic laws created by idiotic legislators created the situation that lead to his death.

If we follow your logic perhaps the incredible stupidity you display now will eventually cause you to become completely and permanently retarded.

Typical response from someone who can not debate a point civilly. Or refute what was posted. Unfortunately it is all to common these days.
As if further evidence of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

The choke hold is clearly against NYPD policy, the officer in question should be fired.
It was not a choke hold. That is what the media refers it to....and progressives jumped on it.

A choke hold is when you hold someone to the point where they can not breathe.

The man continually said "I cant breathe"....

If one cant breathe, one can not say they cant breathe....thus the reason for the universal sign of is the only way a choking person can say they are choking.

It was not a choke hold. It was a wrestling hold commonly known as a half nelson.

The media makes the intelligent, like you, look stupid.

Maybe you just forgot to watch the video.

maybe you forgot to read my post.

As the video shows, the man is saying "I cant breathe"..

If one cant breathe, then one can not speak. Breathe is necessary to speak. That is fact.

The video clearly shows the man in a half nelson...a commonly used wresting move and a commonly used police tactic used to keep someone under their control.

Know your facts before calling for the firing of someone

Don't believe your eyes then, just keep lying.

is it that you do not know how to read or is it that you do not wish to address the facts.

The man is breathing or he would not be able to say "I cant breathe"...

When a half nelson hold blocks the airway it is a choke hold....and no longer a half nelson.

If it doesn't block the airway, as in this case, it is a half nelson....commonly taught to and used by most PD's.

What is it that you don't get?

Why do you have to lie all the time? Don't your so called arguments stand on their own merits? Apparently not. You're not even a good liar.....just plain stupid.
Here is a good Opinion piece.

Blame only the man who tragically decided to resist New York Post

"First, while “chokeholds” are banned by NYPD regulation, they’re not illegal under state law when used by a cop during a lawful arrest. So much for criminal charges, given that nobody seriously disputes the legitimacy of the arrest."

"Finally, there is this: There were 228,000 misdemeanor arrests in New York City in 2013, the last year for which there are audited figures, and every one of them had at least the potential to turn into an Eric Garner-like case."

The unnecessary use of force can be a criminal offense, no matter what the means is.
It's true.
What was the "root cause" of police approaching Garner? He was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.
Now, NY has raised taxes on cigarettes, a favored progressive cause, to unbelievable levels. And of course that invites activity to skirt the tax in any way. The simplest is to load up a van in NC, where the tax is low, drive the cigs to NY, where the tax is high, and sell them. They are like arbitragers.
Garner was simply responding to incentives put out by progressives and their insane tax policies and selling cigs to earn a living. But the result was an unforutnate encounter and his death. Better tax policies in NY would have left this man alive.

I couldn't agree more. We have Big Government trying to micro-manage and tax every aspect of Civil Society, and turning banal activities into crimes. No wonder the police are out of control. And Obama's solution is to give them more military grade weapons and equipment.

The Progs complain about the police brutality their Big Government policies enable.
Here is a good Opinion piece.

Blame only the man who tragically decided to resist New York Post

"First, while “chokeholds” are banned by NYPD regulation, they’re not illegal under state law when used by a cop during a lawful arrest. So much for criminal charges, given that nobody seriously disputes the legitimacy of the arrest."

"Finally, there is this: There were 228,000 misdemeanor arrests in New York City in 2013, the last year for which there are audited figures, and every one of them had at least the potential to turn into an Eric Garner-like case."

The unnecessary use of force can be a criminal offense, no matter what the means is.

If it was unnecessary. It looked to me like it was the only way to control the man when he refused to let himself be arrested.
Don't you sane people out there just love it when the RWnuts have to twist themselves into a mental pretzel trying to find some way to blame liberals for everything?
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said. But I hate it anyway, so I'll ignore the details, call it names, attack the messenger, and call them names too. And maybe I can get somebody to believe me instead.

There's nothing that merits refuting in the OP. Blaming this on liberals is like claiming the moon is made of green cheese.
Here is a good Opinion piece.

Blame only the man who tragically decided to resist New York Post

"First, while “chokeholds” are banned by NYPD regulation, they’re not illegal under state law when used by a cop during a lawful arrest. So much for criminal charges, given that nobody seriously disputes the legitimacy of the arrest."

"Finally, there is this: There were 228,000 misdemeanor arrests in New York City in 2013, the last year for which there are audited figures, and every one of them had at least the potential to turn into an Eric Garner-like case."

The unnecessary use of force can be a criminal offense, no matter what the means is.

If it was unnecessary. It looked to me like it was the only way to control the man when he refused to let himself be arrested.

Since he's dead, you'd have to prove it was necessary to use lethal force.

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