Promises made, promises kept

Build that wall! And who's going to pay for that wall? Mexico!

How's that working out?

Drain the swamp! I'll get the best people!

Where are his people? Under indictment, resigned or on trial.

Where are the best people? How dry is the swamp?
Are you retarded?
He is building the wall. he has the prototypes and have replaced some existing wall with the new one. But your boys are preventing it...and it will hurt you. And the wall WILL BE BUILT.
and his people are far better than Obama's. Eric holder is a criminal. And Tim Guitner was a tax evader.
Sing the ethical praises of Trump appointees and Chris Conley of New York!

Saints! There are saints among us today!
It's Collins you dipshit....try at least getting facts correct.
Trump's cabinet is awesome. Way better than Obama's.
Veteran's Affairs, Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection, Hoising and Urban Development, Education, Narional Security Advisor. Those are just a few of the scandal plagued federal departments we have endured in 18 months of the best people and draining the swamp. Congratulations.
Build that wall! And who's going to pay for that wall? Mexico!

How's that working out?

Drain the swamp! I'll get the best people!

Where are his people? Under indictment, resigned or on trial.

Where are the best people? How dry is the swamp?
Are you retarded?
He is building the wall. he has the prototypes and have replaced some existing wall with the new one. But your boys are preventing it...and it will hurt you. And the wall WILL BE BUILT.
and his people are far better than Obama's. Eric holder is a criminal. And Tim Guitner was a tax evader.
Sing the ethical praises of Trump appointees and Chris Conley of New York!

Saints! There are saints among us today!
It's Collins you dipshit....try at least getting facts correct.
Trump's cabinet is awesome. Way better than Obama's.
Veteran's Affairs, Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection, Hoising and Urban Development, Education, Narional Security Advisor. Those are just a few of the scandal plagued federal departments we have endured in 18 months of the best people and draining the swamp. Congratulations.

LOL, scandals in government, oh no.....
and he fires them. unlike Obama who collaborated with his.
Trumps main promises:

build the wall

Mexico will pay for the wall

you’ll get cheaper and better health care

Manufacturing is flooding back into the country

I think the only promises that trumps made that he’s actually kept has been to put more corrupt judges in office. And he couldn’t of done that without help from the Grim Reaper, Moscow Mitch.
Build that wall! And who's going to pay for that wall? Mexico!

How's that working out?

Drain the swamp! I'll get the best people!

Where are his people? Under indictment, resigned or on trial.

Where are the best people? How dry is the swamp?
Are you retarded?
He is building the wall. he has the prototypes and have replaced some existing wall with the new one. But your boys are preventing it...and it will hurt you. And the wall WILL BE BUILT.
and his people are far better than Obama's. Eric holder is a criminal. And Tim Guitner was a tax evader.
Sing the ethical praises of Trump appointees and Chris Conley of New York!

Saints! There are saints among us today!
It's Collins you dipshit....try at least getting facts correct.
Trump's cabinet is awesome. Way better than Obama's.
Veteran's Affairs, Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection, Hoising and Urban Development, Education, Narional Security Advisor. Those are just a few of the scandal plagued federal departments we have endured in 18 months of the best people and draining the swamp. Congratulations.

LOL, scandals in government, oh no.....
and he fires them. unlike Obama who collaborated with his.
More uncorroborated BS about POTUS Obama.
And here is your Orange Mammon Gods swamp, swimming in and then out of the WH.

Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta is out — here are all the casualties of the Trump administration so far

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