Proof dinosaurs and human coexisted?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
A while back, Marianne posted that this was proof that dinos and humans coexisted. When I picked myself up off the floor and could stop laughing, I did some reading. So, here it is. What do you all think?

The first link is a bible/religion site.

Second and third are not.

For some reason, the first will not hot-link so the link is just below the c/p from the site.

Dinosaurs in ancient Cambodian templeAmazing evidence that dinosaurs and humans coexisted.

The magnificent jungle temples of Cambodia were produced by the Khmer civilization, beginning as early as the eighth and extending through the fourteenth century A.D. One of, if not the greatest monarchs and monument builders of this empire was Jayavarman VII, crowned supreme king in 1181. Portrait statues, depicting him meditating in the fashion of Buddha, have been found throughout the region.

Dinosaurs in ancient Cambodian temple



Stegosaurus Carving on a Cambodian Temple?

Young earth creationists Don Patton, Carl Baugh, and some of their associates and followers have argued that a stone carving on the wall of the Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia was based on a live Stegosaurus dinosaur seen by the artist. There are problems with this interpretation, even aside from extensive evidence that humans did not appear on earth until at least 60 million years after non-avian dinosaurs* went extinct. First, the image in question differs in several significant ways from actual stegosaurs. Second, the main evidence for the Stegosaurus interpretation consists of a row of lobes along the back of the carving animal. Although superficially resembling the bony back plates of stegosaurs, there are a number of alternate explanations, including the possibility that they merely represent background vegetation or decorative flourishes, similar to many others on and around other carvings on the temple. The lobes may also represent exaggerated dorsal spines of a chameleon or other lizard. When all features and factors are considered, the carving is at least as compatible with a rhinoceros or chameleon as a stegosaur. Moreover, even if it represents a stegosaur, the carving could have been based on fossil remains rather than the artist seeing a live stegosaur.

A number of alternative explanations exist for the carving in question. Although it is difficult to identify the animal with certainty, when all features and factors are considered, it appears that the most likely candidate is a rhinocerous, with the next most likely being a cameleon. Even if it represented a stegosaur, it could be based on fossils rather a live stegosaur. Those insisting that the carver saw a recently living stegosaur have failed to adequately consider contrary features and alternate explanations, let alone the extensive geologic evidence against human and dinosaur cohabitation.

Stegosaurus, Rhinoceros, or Hoax?

It is not known precisely when the carving was first noticed, but during the past several years, creationist groups have been a-twitter about a supposed carving of a Stegosaurus on the popular Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia. (The story recently reappeared on the " All News Web" site, an internet tabloid that specializes in tales of UFOs and other humbugs.) Since the temple was built around the end of the 12th century, some take this bas relief to suggest that Stegosaurus, or something Stegosaurus-like, survived until a few hundred years ago. While certainly not proving their view that dinosaurs and humans were created together less than 10,000 years ago, it is consistent with their beliefs and is a favorite piece of evidence among creationists.

There is a substantial problem, however. Not only does creationism distort nature to fit a narrow theological view, there is no evidence that the carving in question is of a dinosaur. If you look at the carving quickly and at an angle, yes, it does superficially look like a Stegosaurus that a kindergartener made out of play-doh. As anyone who has spent time watching the clouds go by knows, though, an active imagination can turn something plain into something fantastic. If viewed directly, the carving hardly looks Stegosaurus-like at all. The head is large and appears to have large ears and a horn. The "plates" along the back more closely resemble leaves, and the sculpture is a better match for a boar or rhinoceros against a leafy background.

Even so, the sculpture only vaguely looks like a rhino or boar. We can be certain that it is not a representation of a living Stegosaurus, but could it be a more recent attempt at depicting a dinosaur? Indeed, it is quite possible that this carving has been fabricated. There are many sculptures at the temple, and the origin of the carving in question is unknown. There are rumors that it was created recently, perhaps by a visiting movie crew (the temple is a favorite locale for filmmakers), and it is possible that someone created something Stegosaurus-like during the past few years as a joke.

Either way, the temple carving can in no way be used as evidence that humans and non-avian dinosaurs coexisted.
In a million years when the human race is gone, maybe our successors will find our own images of dinosaurs and think that we must have lived together with them too!

Imagine if one of them finds a Godzilla DVD, that should get people terrified enough that he could start his own religion, and make millions!
In a million years when the human race is gone, maybe our successors will find our own images of dinosaurs and think that we must have lived together with them too!

Imagine if one of them finds a Godzilla DVD, that should get people terrified enough that he could start his own religion, and make millions!


Wont' need that.

The Flintstones will still be in reruns.
There is much we still do not know about planet earth. On the other hand, what if the ancients found skeletons like we have, and put them together to form what we THINK dinosaurs looked like? Or better yet..what if a few survived and were hidden in the jungles or whatnot? Who knows?
Interesting concept, though.
If we still have alligators, crocodiles and komodo dragons living among us,
that's good enough for me.

If you want to count all the mythical tales of dragons as dinosaurs coexisting with humans, in the days of yore,
that's fine with me, too. With all the Giants, and Titans that represent precreation stages, whatever those things mean.
All the nephalim, angels, demons or Thetans from Scientology, etc. all mixed in one primordial soup. Sure, that's cool.

I'm even okay with the idea that the reason humans only occupy the last tiny slice of the spectrum of life on the planet,
while dinosaurs and other creatures dominated for eons,
is that even God went through his "dinosaur" phase and wanted to keep playing with those silly things forever and ever.
Thought they were more fun than humans, and wouldn't put them away. But kept playing and playing and playing.
I'd believe that, too! Wouldn't you do the same thing?
If flying dragons existed, I would want to be a dragon rider.
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I can't remember that big assed fish thought to be long gone...but ain't. Anywho...who is to say humans did not "get along" with dinosaurs?
In a million years when the human race is gone, maybe our successors will find our own images of dinosaurs and think that we must have lived together with them too!

Imagine if one of them finds a Godzilla DVD, that should get people terrified enough that he could start his own religion, and make millions!
They find pictures of Hillary they might swear Dino's and humans mated.
Doesn't matter or not. If you are atheist or creationist and did a good job in the work place and did run your mouth off about it, who cares?
Here is some food for thought

What if these people found bones and came up with the image of this particular dino on their own? I think that is more plausible likely than dinos living the 8th cent. A.D.

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