Proof of Obamunists 'WireTapping' Trump

Do you know how I knew and when I knew that The Whole Russian Collusion Ruse, was a HOAX?

I work in IT, and the moment it was announced that there was....

"suspicious activity on a Trump Tower Server between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower"......,

I got suspicious.

This was "The Narrative" being pushed at the time:

Was a Trump computer server connected to Russia?

I immediately did some digging, and found out that this was not "Discovered By The FBI", no, this was a TIP, given the FBI by a "Group of IT Experts"

Now, digging, what I found was that this Group was headed by This Woman:


L Jean Camp

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Profile : All People: Home: Indiana University


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

L. Jean Camp is a Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She joined Indiana after eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School where her courses were also listed in Harvard Law, Harvard Business, and the Engineering Systems Division of MIT. She spent the year after earning her doctorate from Carnegie Mellon as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She began her career as an engineer at Catawba Nuclear Station with a MSEE at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on the intersection of human and technical trust, leveraging economic models and human-centered design to create safe, secure systems. Her early contributions in the interdisciplines of economics of security, user-centered security, risk communication, and online trust underlie her applied research in the domains of IoT, authentication, secure networking, ecrime, public policy, ethics in computer science, and a few works on applied cryptography. Full text and details on her publications can be found at their disciplinary homes, meaning that there is no complete overlap between Research Gate, DBLP , SSRN, and Google Scholar. Works sorted by domain and discipline are also available at L Jean Camp.

Now, let's take this a bit further:

It was Dr, L. Jean Camp that said She and Her Colleagues told THE FBI that there was SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON A TRUMP TOWER SERVER and A RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK SERVER

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

She now has a go Fund Me Page, because she is being sued. And why is she being sued? Because she defamed Russian Alpha Bank, and also published all of their IP Data. Below is a summary of her Go Fund Me Page.

L Jean Camp, an Indiana University professor and security researcher, has received a letter from Alfa Bank, a Russian financial organization, threatening her with prosecution under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act for posting WHOIS data and DNS records to her personal website.

You can see the letter here:

And the story on CNN here: Russian bank sends threatening letter to computer scientist who called for Trump investigation - CNNPolitics

If Alfa Bank pursues this threat, Dr. Camp could face significant legal costs to defend herself. Fortunately, Indiana University is ready to vigorously defend Professor Camp and her security research, and she has retained Zeitgeist Law's Marcia Hofmann and Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley, who have agreed to represent her pro bono. To help defray her legal costs and reimburse her lawyers for their donated time, let's band together and help a fellow security researcher and friend.

Any funds that Dr Camp does not need for her legal defense will be donated to the EFF.

Now, here is what THE MEDIA didn't want to talk about. Unlike Hillary Clinton and THE DNC who did not want anyone to look at their servers, and in the case of CLINTON's Server, she BLEACH BITTED 33,000 Government Emails in violation of two federal court orders to preserve all data on that server with the consent of JAMES COMEY.

She deleted all of that Evidence from her Hidden Unauthorized Private State Department Server, & despite this, and even then, they still found evidence of criminal wrong doing, and mishandling of classified information, which Comey Exonerated her for.

In Contrast to Clinton's and The DNC's Total Lack of Transparency, Both Trump Tower, and RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK allowed the FBI to examine their Servers. No RUSSIAN BANK or Corporation has EVER ALLOWED THIS. Alpha Bank and Trump Tower had nothing to hide.

What was found was that these were PLANTED False Beacon PINGS whose only purpose was to draw attention to themselves, and they were placed between the two servers to make it appear as though there were illicit activities taking place between the two servers, and Trump Tower & Russian Alpha Bank.

This was done to give legitimacy to the Russia, Russia Russia Narrative and give The FBI leverage to Wiretap Trump Tower. This was not something that was "accidentally discovered" by a group of "Internet Researchers and Cyber Security Experts." This was done as a Campaign Ploy by The Clinton Campaign.

Now WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT, and Why is the Group and Person who reported this, Important?

Back to Dr. Camp.

Who is Dr. L. Jean Camp? Not only was she a DONOR to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN, but she was A CLINTON CAMPAIGN "CONSULTANT".

Now I ask you this: Why does The CLINTON CAMPAIGN need a Cyber Security and ECrime PHD on their staff? Furthermore, WHY DID THE DNC, need a Group of PAKISTANI HACKERS with KNOWN CRIMINAL RECORDS working for THEM and ON HILLARY CLINTON's STAFF?

You need such people because you are hacking in to things, like Congressional File Servers, and Russia's Alpha Bank. You need such people to help manufacture fake evidence, try to conceal financial transactions, and try to obscure communications with people like Christopher Steele, Sid Blumenthal, Shearer, John Kerry, John McCain, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Operatives at The Ukrainian Embassy, and Former KGB Agents, who were passing along communications between each other, Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and people at THE DNC.

Yet, NO MARXIST LEFT TARD or Main Stream Media Organization, Robert Mueller, The FBI, DOJ, NOR ANYONE will look in to this YET or touch it with a 10 foot pole.


BTW, why has not one Government Intelligence Organization Inspected The DNC SERVER? I thought they were big on "CORROBORATION"? That still remains a mystery to me.
Last edited:
I did not mean to deal such a Heavy Blow to Leftard Fantasies of Russian Collusion that my comments end up being a thread closer.


Isn't one Marxist Lefty going to offer even a weak attempt to debate the facts I posted above?
I did not mean to deal such a Heavy Blow to Leftard Fantasies of Russian Collusion that my comments end up being a thread closer.


Isn't one Marxist Lefty going to offer even a weak attempt to debate the facts I posted above?

It appears that even those who, for months, have hung their hopes on one fantasy after another.....are off licking their wounds and failed aspirations.

Did you see Trump approval up to 50%?
I did not mean to deal such a Heavy Blow to Leftard Fantasies of Russian Collusion that my comments end up being a thread closer.


Isn't one Marxist Lefty going to offer even a weak attempt to debate the facts I posted above?

It appears that even those who, for months, have hung their hopes on one fantasy after another.....are off licking their wounds and failed aspirations.

Did you see Trump approval up to 50%?

Yes, and he is doing a good job, and this is despite all of the forces arrayed against him. Churchill had to fight against people in his own party and government and had to fight The Nazis too. Notice that when you elect a Grass Roots Person to office who is not beholden to PACs, and Lobbyists, and The Monied Elite Class, how The System, The Establishment will attempt to array themselves in opposition to them. This is exactly what we are witnessing.
Do you know how I knew and when I knew that The Whole Russian Collusion Ruse, was a HOAX?

I work in IT, and the moment it was announced that there was....

"suspicious activity on a Trump Tower Server between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower"......,

I got suspicious.

This was "The Narrative" being pushed at the time:

Was a Trump computer server connected to Russia?

I immediately did some digging, and found out that this was not "Discovered By The FBI", no, this was a TIP, given the FBI by a "Group of IT Experts"

Now, digging, what I found was that this Group was headed by This Woman:


L Jean Camp

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Profile : All People: Home: Indiana University


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

L. Jean Camp is a Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She joined Indiana after eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School where her courses were also listed in Harvard Law, Harvard Business, and the Engineering Systems Division of MIT. She spent the year after earning her doctorate from Carnegie Mellon as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She began her career as an engineer at Catawba Nuclear Station with a MSEE at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on the intersection of human and technical trust, leveraging economic models and human-centered design to create safe, secure systems. Her early contributions in the interdisciplines of economics of security, user-centered security, risk communication, and online trust underlie her applied research in the domains of IoT, authentication, secure networking, ecrime, public policy, ethics in computer science, and a few works on applied cryptography. Full text and details on her publications can be found at their disciplinary homes, meaning that there is no complete overlap between Research Gate, DBLP , SSRN, and Google Scholar. Works sorted by domain and discipline are also available at L Jean Camp.

Now, let's take this a bit further:

It was Dr, L. Jean Camp that said She and Her Colleagues told THE FBI that there was SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON A TRUMP TOWER SERVER and A RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK SERVER

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

She now has a go Fund Me Page, because she is being sued. And why is she being sued? Because she defamed Russian Alpha Bank, and also published all of their IP Data. Below is a summary of her Go Fund Me Page.

L Jean Camp, an Indiana University professor and security researcher, has received a letter from Alfa Bank, a Russian financial organization, threatening her with prosecution under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act for posting WHOIS data and DNS records to her personal website.

You can see the letter here:

And the story on CNN here: Russian bank sends threatening letter to computer scientist who called for Trump investigation - CNNPolitics

If Alfa Bank pursues this threat, Dr. Camp could face significant legal costs to defend herself. Fortunately, Indiana University is ready to vigorously defend Professor Camp and her security research, and she has retained Zeitgeist Law's Marcia Hofmann and Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley, who have agreed to represent her pro bono. To help defray her legal costs and reimburse her lawyers for their donated time, let's band together and help a fellow security researcher and friend.

Any funds that Dr Camp does not need for her legal defense will be donated to the EFF.

Now, here is what THE MEDIA didn't want to talk about. Unlike Hillary Clinton and THE DNC who did not want anyone to look at their servers, and in the case of CLINTON's Server, she BLEACH BITTED 33,000 Government Emails in violation of two federal court orders to preserve all data on that server with the consent of JAMES COMEY.

She deleted all of that Evidence from her Hidden Unauthorized Private State Department Server, & despite this, and even then, they still found evidence of criminal wrong doing, and mishandling of classified information, which Comey Exonerated her for.

In Contrast to Clinton's and The DNC's Total Lack of Transparency, Both Trump Tower, and RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK allowed the FBI to examine their Servers. No RUSSIAN BANK or Corporation has EVER ALLOWED THIS. Alpha Bank and Trump Tower had nothing to hide.

What was found was that these were PLANTED False Beacon PINGS whose only purpose was to draw attention to themselves, and they were placed between the two servers to make it appear as though there were illicit activities taking place between the two servers, and Trump Tower & Russian Alpha Bank.

This was done to give legitimacy to the Russia, Russia Russia Narrative and give The FBI leverage to Wiretap Trump Tower. This was not something that was "accidentally discovered" by a group of "Internet Researchers and Cyber Security Experts." This was done as a Campaign Ploy by The Clinton Campaign.

Now WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT, and Why is the Group and Person who reported this, Important?

Back to Dr. Camp.

Who is Dr. L. Jean Camp? Not only was she a DONOR to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN, but she was A CLINTON CAMPAIGN "CONSULTANT".

Now I ask you this: Why does The CLINTON CAMPAIGN need a Cyber Security and ECrime PHD on their staff? Furthermore, WHY DID THE DNC, need a Group of PAKISTANI HACKERS with KNOWN CRIMINAL RECORDS working for THEM and ON HILLARY CLINTON's STAFF?

You need such people because you are hacking in to things, like Congressional File Servers, and Russia's Alpha Bank. You need such people to help manufacture fake evidence, try to conceal financial transactions, and try to obscure communications with people like Christopher Steele, Sid Blumenthal, Shearer, John Kerry, John McCain, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Operatives at The Ukrainian Embassy, and Former KGB Agents, who were passing along communications between each other, Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and people at THE DNC.

Yet, NO MARXIST LEFT TARD or Main Stream Media Organization, Robert Mueller, The FBI, DOJ, NOR ANYONE will look in to this YET or touch it with a 10 foot pole.


BTW, why has not one Government Intelligence Organization Inspected The DNC SERVER? I thought they were big on "CORROBORATION"? That still remains a mystery to me.

Is this the latest lie you’re pushing?

The FBI Investigation started when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Foreign Service staffer that Russia was preparing to release thousands of DNC emails to help the Trump campaign.

And Carter Page wasn’t wire tapped until AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

No matter how much you Russian trolls continue to deflect and deny the collusion, Mueller keeps coming after you idiots.
Do you know how I knew and when I knew that The Whole Russian Collusion Ruse, was a HOAX?

I work in IT, and the moment it was announced that there was....

"suspicious activity on a Trump Tower Server between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower"......,

I got suspicious.

This was "The Narrative" being pushed at the time:

Was a Trump computer server connected to Russia?

I immediately did some digging, and found out that this was not "Discovered By The FBI", no, this was a TIP, given the FBI by a "Group of IT Experts"

Now, digging, what I found was that this Group was headed by This Woman:


L Jean Camp

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Profile : All People: Home: Indiana University


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

L. Jean Camp is a Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She joined Indiana after eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School where her courses were also listed in Harvard Law, Harvard Business, and the Engineering Systems Division of MIT. She spent the year after earning her doctorate from Carnegie Mellon as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She began her career as an engineer at Catawba Nuclear Station with a MSEE at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on the intersection of human and technical trust, leveraging economic models and human-centered design to create safe, secure systems. Her early contributions in the interdisciplines of economics of security, user-centered security, risk communication, and online trust underlie her applied research in the domains of IoT, authentication, secure networking, ecrime, public policy, ethics in computer science, and a few works on applied cryptography. Full text and details on her publications can be found at their disciplinary homes, meaning that there is no complete overlap between Research Gate, DBLP , SSRN, and Google Scholar. Works sorted by domain and discipline are also available at L Jean Camp.

Now, let's take this a bit further:

It was Dr, L. Jean Camp that said She and Her Colleagues told THE FBI that there was SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON A TRUMP TOWER SERVER and A RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK SERVER

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

She now has a go Fund Me Page, because she is being sued. And why is she being sued? Because she defamed Russian Alpha Bank, and also published all of their IP Data. Below is a summary of her Go Fund Me Page.

L Jean Camp, an Indiana University professor and security researcher, has received a letter from Alfa Bank, a Russian financial organization, threatening her with prosecution under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act for posting WHOIS data and DNS records to her personal website.

You can see the letter here:

And the story on CNN here: Russian bank sends threatening letter to computer scientist who called for Trump investigation - CNNPolitics

If Alfa Bank pursues this threat, Dr. Camp could face significant legal costs to defend herself. Fortunately, Indiana University is ready to vigorously defend Professor Camp and her security research, and she has retained Zeitgeist Law's Marcia Hofmann and Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley, who have agreed to represent her pro bono. To help defray her legal costs and reimburse her lawyers for their donated time, let's band together and help a fellow security researcher and friend.

Any funds that Dr Camp does not need for her legal defense will be donated to the EFF.

Now, here is what THE MEDIA didn't want to talk about. Unlike Hillary Clinton and THE DNC who did not want anyone to look at their servers, and in the case of CLINTON's Server, she BLEACH BITTED 33,000 Government Emails in violation of two federal court orders to preserve all data on that server with the consent of JAMES COMEY.

She deleted all of that Evidence from her Hidden Unauthorized Private State Department Server, & despite this, and even then, they still found evidence of criminal wrong doing, and mishandling of classified information, which Comey Exonerated her for.

In Contrast to Clinton's and The DNC's Total Lack of Transparency, Both Trump Tower, and RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK allowed the FBI to examine their Servers. No RUSSIAN BANK or Corporation has EVER ALLOWED THIS. Alpha Bank and Trump Tower had nothing to hide.

What was found was that these were PLANTED False Beacon PINGS whose only purpose was to draw attention to themselves, and they were placed between the two servers to make it appear as though there were illicit activities taking place between the two servers, and Trump Tower & Russian Alpha Bank.

This was done to give legitimacy to the Russia, Russia Russia Narrative and give The FBI leverage to Wiretap Trump Tower. This was not something that was "accidentally discovered" by a group of "Internet Researchers and Cyber Security Experts." This was done as a Campaign Ploy by The Clinton Campaign.

Now WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT, and Why is the Group and Person who reported this, Important?

Back to Dr. Camp.

Who is Dr. L. Jean Camp? Not only was she a DONOR to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN, but she was A CLINTON CAMPAIGN "CONSULTANT".

Now I ask you this: Why does The CLINTON CAMPAIGN need a Cyber Security and ECrime PHD on their staff? Furthermore, WHY DID THE DNC, need a Group of PAKISTANI HACKERS with KNOWN CRIMINAL RECORDS working for THEM and ON HILLARY CLINTON's STAFF?

You need such people because you are hacking in to things, like Congressional File Servers, and Russia's Alpha Bank. You need such people to help manufacture fake evidence, try to conceal financial transactions, and try to obscure communications with people like Christopher Steele, Sid Blumenthal, Shearer, John Kerry, John McCain, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Operatives at The Ukrainian Embassy, and Former KGB Agents, who were passing along communications between each other, Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and people at THE DNC.

Yet, NO MARXIST LEFT TARD or Main Stream Media Organization, Robert Mueller, The FBI, DOJ, NOR ANYONE will look in to this YET or touch it with a 10 foot pole.


BTW, why has not one Government Intelligence Organization Inspected The DNC SERVER? I thought they were big on "CORROBORATION"? That still remains a mystery to me.

Is this the latest lie you’re pushing?

The FBI Investigation started when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Foreign Service staffer that Russia was preparing to release thousands of DNC emails to help the Trump campaign.

And Carter Page wasn’t wire tapped until AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

No matter how much you Russian trolls continue to deflect and deny the collusion, Mueller keeps coming after you idiots.

Let's see how long it takes to smash this custard pie in your kisser.....

"Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

The Australian diplomat whose tip in 2016 prompted the Russia-Trump investigation previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable efforts, documents show.

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Downer, now Australia’s ambassador to London, provided the account of a conversation with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos at a London bar in 2016 that became the official reason the FBI opened the Russia counterintelligence probe.

But lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier.

“The Clintons’ tentacles go everywhere. So, that’s why it’s important,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) chairman of a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that has been taking an increasingly visible role defending the Trump administration in the Russia probe. “We continue to get new information every week it seems that sort of underscores the fact that the FBI hasn’t been square with us.”

Spokesman for the FBI and Russia special counsel Robert Mueller declined comment.

…. lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier."

Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons
....and leaking illegally obtained information to their condottieri in the media.

"UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
...Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.

....significant admissions she was making about the Obama administration spying on Donald Trump’s team and generating classified intelligence for Ms. Farkas (and others) to spread to Capitol Hill politicians.

'I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].'

...Farkas outs herself as the key source for a New York Times report which discussed President Obama officials leaking classified information to media."
UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…

Trump correct again: Obama turned America into a Banana Republic swamp.

Chicy em-bare-asses herself again.

That tape aired almost a month ago.


That in no way makes it invalid.
Do you know how I knew and when I knew that The Whole Russian Collusion Ruse, was a HOAX?

I work in IT, and the moment it was announced that there was....

"suspicious activity on a Trump Tower Server between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower"......,

I got suspicious.

This was "The Narrative" being pushed at the time:

Was a Trump computer server connected to Russia?

I immediately did some digging, and found out that this was not "Discovered By The FBI", no, this was a TIP, given the FBI by a "Group of IT Experts"

Now, digging, what I found was that this Group was headed by This Woman:


L Jean Camp

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Profile : All People: Home: Indiana University


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

L. Jean Camp is a Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She joined Indiana after eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School where her courses were also listed in Harvard Law, Harvard Business, and the Engineering Systems Division of MIT. She spent the year after earning her doctorate from Carnegie Mellon as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She began her career as an engineer at Catawba Nuclear Station with a MSEE at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on the intersection of human and technical trust, leveraging economic models and human-centered design to create safe, secure systems. Her early contributions in the interdisciplines of economics of security, user-centered security, risk communication, and online trust underlie her applied research in the domains of IoT, authentication, secure networking, ecrime, public policy, ethics in computer science, and a few works on applied cryptography. Full text and details on her publications can be found at their disciplinary homes, meaning that there is no complete overlap between Research Gate, DBLP , SSRN, and Google Scholar. Works sorted by domain and discipline are also available at L Jean Camp.

Now, let's take this a bit further:

It was Dr, L. Jean Camp that said She and Her Colleagues told THE FBI that there was SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON A TRUMP TOWER SERVER and A RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK SERVER

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

She now has a go Fund Me Page, because she is being sued. And why is she being sued? Because she defamed Russian Alpha Bank, and also published all of their IP Data. Below is a summary of her Go Fund Me Page.

L Jean Camp, an Indiana University professor and security researcher, has received a letter from Alfa Bank, a Russian financial organization, threatening her with prosecution under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act for posting WHOIS data and DNS records to her personal website.

You can see the letter here:

And the story on CNN here: Russian bank sends threatening letter to computer scientist who called for Trump investigation - CNNPolitics

If Alfa Bank pursues this threat, Dr. Camp could face significant legal costs to defend herself. Fortunately, Indiana University is ready to vigorously defend Professor Camp and her security research, and she has retained Zeitgeist Law's Marcia Hofmann and Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley, who have agreed to represent her pro bono. To help defray her legal costs and reimburse her lawyers for their donated time, let's band together and help a fellow security researcher and friend.

Any funds that Dr Camp does not need for her legal defense will be donated to the EFF.

Now, here is what THE MEDIA didn't want to talk about. Unlike Hillary Clinton and THE DNC who did not want anyone to look at their servers, and in the case of CLINTON's Server, she BLEACH BITTED 33,000 Government Emails in violation of two federal court orders to preserve all data on that server with the consent of JAMES COMEY.

She deleted all of that Evidence from her Hidden Unauthorized Private State Department Server, & despite this, and even then, they still found evidence of criminal wrong doing, and mishandling of classified information, which Comey Exonerated her for.

In Contrast to Clinton's and The DNC's Total Lack of Transparency, Both Trump Tower, and RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK allowed the FBI to examine their Servers. No RUSSIAN BANK or Corporation has EVER ALLOWED THIS. Alpha Bank and Trump Tower had nothing to hide.

What was found was that these were PLANTED False Beacon PINGS whose only purpose was to draw attention to themselves, and they were placed between the two servers to make it appear as though there were illicit activities taking place between the two servers, and Trump Tower & Russian Alpha Bank.

This was done to give legitimacy to the Russia, Russia Russia Narrative and give The FBI leverage to Wiretap Trump Tower. This was not something that was "accidentally discovered" by a group of "Internet Researchers and Cyber Security Experts." This was done as a Campaign Ploy by The Clinton Campaign.

Now WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT, and Why is the Group and Person who reported this, Important?

Back to Dr. Camp.

Who is Dr. L. Jean Camp? Not only was she a DONOR to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN, but she was A CLINTON CAMPAIGN "CONSULTANT".

Now I ask you this: Why does The CLINTON CAMPAIGN need a Cyber Security and ECrime PHD on their staff? Furthermore, WHY DID THE DNC, need a Group of PAKISTANI HACKERS with KNOWN CRIMINAL RECORDS working for THEM and ON HILLARY CLINTON's STAFF?

You need such people because you are hacking in to things, like Congressional File Servers, and Russia's Alpha Bank. You need such people to help manufacture fake evidence, try to conceal financial transactions, and try to obscure communications with people like Christopher Steele, Sid Blumenthal, Shearer, John Kerry, John McCain, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Operatives at The Ukrainian Embassy, and Former KGB Agents, who were passing along communications between each other, Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and people at THE DNC.

Yet, NO MARXIST LEFT TARD or Main Stream Media Organization, Robert Mueller, The FBI, DOJ, NOR ANYONE will look in to this YET or touch it with a 10 foot pole.


BTW, why has not one Government Intelligence Organization Inspected The DNC SERVER? I thought they were big on "CORROBORATION"? That still remains a mystery to me.

Is this the latest lie you’re pushing?

The FBI Investigation started when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Foreign Service staffer that Russia was preparing to release thousands of DNC emails to help the Trump campaign.

And Carter Page wasn’t wire tapped until AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

No matter how much you Russian trolls continue to deflect and deny the collusion, Mueller keeps coming after you idiots.

Let's see how long it takes to smash this custard pie in your kisser.....

"Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

The Australian diplomat whose tip in 2016 prompted the Russia-Trump investigation previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable efforts, documents show.

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Downer, now Australia’s ambassador to London, provided the account of a conversation with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos at a London bar in 2016 that became the official reason the FBI opened the Russia counterintelligence probe.

But lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier.

“The Clintons’ tentacles go everywhere. So, that’s why it’s important,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) chairman of a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that has been taking an increasingly visible role defending the Trump administration in the Russia probe. “We continue to get new information every week it seems that sort of underscores the fact that the FBI hasn’t been square with us.”

Spokesman for the FBI and Russia special counsel Robert Mueller declined comment.

…. lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier."

Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

Everybody in politics has ties to SOMEBODY. You can’t discount every witness or allegation because of who someone donated to or who they knew.

You go on facts and evidence. I know truth and facts aren’t your strong suit but the lies aren’t going to save your orange faced clown.
First Sentence Handed down on Mueller Probe - Alex van der Zwaan! - He gets 30 days & a $20,000 fine for lying to Mueller! :102:
Do you know how I knew and when I knew that The Whole Russian Collusion Ruse, was a HOAX?

I work in IT, and the moment it was announced that there was....

"suspicious activity on a Trump Tower Server between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower"......,

I got suspicious.

This was "The Narrative" being pushed at the time:

Was a Trump computer server connected to Russia?

I immediately did some digging, and found out that this was not "Discovered By The FBI", no, this was a TIP, given the FBI by a "Group of IT Experts"

Now, digging, what I found was that this Group was headed by This Woman:


L Jean Camp

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Profile : All People: Home: Indiana University


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

L. Jean Camp is a Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She joined Indiana after eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School where her courses were also listed in Harvard Law, Harvard Business, and the Engineering Systems Division of MIT. She spent the year after earning her doctorate from Carnegie Mellon as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She began her career as an engineer at Catawba Nuclear Station with a MSEE at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on the intersection of human and technical trust, leveraging economic models and human-centered design to create safe, secure systems. Her early contributions in the interdisciplines of economics of security, user-centered security, risk communication, and online trust underlie her applied research in the domains of IoT, authentication, secure networking, ecrime, public policy, ethics in computer science, and a few works on applied cryptography. Full text and details on her publications can be found at their disciplinary homes, meaning that there is no complete overlap between Research Gate, DBLP , SSRN, and Google Scholar. Works sorted by domain and discipline are also available at L Jean Camp.

Now, let's take this a bit further:

It was Dr, L. Jean Camp that said She and Her Colleagues told THE FBI that there was SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON A TRUMP TOWER SERVER and A RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK SERVER

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

She now has a go Fund Me Page, because she is being sued. And why is she being sued? Because she defamed Russian Alpha Bank, and also published all of their IP Data. Below is a summary of her Go Fund Me Page.

L Jean Camp, an Indiana University professor and security researcher, has received a letter from Alfa Bank, a Russian financial organization, threatening her with prosecution under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act for posting WHOIS data and DNS records to her personal website.

You can see the letter here:

And the story on CNN here: Russian bank sends threatening letter to computer scientist who called for Trump investigation - CNNPolitics

If Alfa Bank pursues this threat, Dr. Camp could face significant legal costs to defend herself. Fortunately, Indiana University is ready to vigorously defend Professor Camp and her security research, and she has retained Zeitgeist Law's Marcia Hofmann and Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley, who have agreed to represent her pro bono. To help defray her legal costs and reimburse her lawyers for their donated time, let's band together and help a fellow security researcher and friend.

Any funds that Dr Camp does not need for her legal defense will be donated to the EFF.

Now, here is what THE MEDIA didn't want to talk about. Unlike Hillary Clinton and THE DNC who did not want anyone to look at their servers, and in the case of CLINTON's Server, she BLEACH BITTED 33,000 Government Emails in violation of two federal court orders to preserve all data on that server with the consent of JAMES COMEY.

She deleted all of that Evidence from her Hidden Unauthorized Private State Department Server, & despite this, and even then, they still found evidence of criminal wrong doing, and mishandling of classified information, which Comey Exonerated her for.

In Contrast to Clinton's and The DNC's Total Lack of Transparency, Both Trump Tower, and RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK allowed the FBI to examine their Servers. No RUSSIAN BANK or Corporation has EVER ALLOWED THIS. Alpha Bank and Trump Tower had nothing to hide.

What was found was that these were PLANTED False Beacon PINGS whose only purpose was to draw attention to themselves, and they were placed between the two servers to make it appear as though there were illicit activities taking place between the two servers, and Trump Tower & Russian Alpha Bank.

This was done to give legitimacy to the Russia, Russia Russia Narrative and give The FBI leverage to Wiretap Trump Tower. This was not something that was "accidentally discovered" by a group of "Internet Researchers and Cyber Security Experts." This was done as a Campaign Ploy by The Clinton Campaign.

Now WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT, and Why is the Group and Person who reported this, Important?

Back to Dr. Camp.

Who is Dr. L. Jean Camp? Not only was she a DONOR to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN, but she was A CLINTON CAMPAIGN "CONSULTANT".

Now I ask you this: Why does The CLINTON CAMPAIGN need a Cyber Security and ECrime PHD on their staff? Furthermore, WHY DID THE DNC, need a Group of PAKISTANI HACKERS with KNOWN CRIMINAL RECORDS working for THEM and ON HILLARY CLINTON's STAFF?

You need such people because you are hacking in to things, like Congressional File Servers, and Russia's Alpha Bank. You need such people to help manufacture fake evidence, try to conceal financial transactions, and try to obscure communications with people like Christopher Steele, Sid Blumenthal, Shearer, John Kerry, John McCain, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Operatives at The Ukrainian Embassy, and Former KGB Agents, who were passing along communications between each other, Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and people at THE DNC.

Yet, NO MARXIST LEFT TARD or Main Stream Media Organization, Robert Mueller, The FBI, DOJ, NOR ANYONE will look in to this YET or touch it with a 10 foot pole.


BTW, why has not one Government Intelligence Organization Inspected The DNC SERVER? I thought they were big on "CORROBORATION"? That still remains a mystery to me.

Is this the latest lie you’re pushing?

The FBI Investigation started when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Foreign Service staffer that Russia was preparing to release thousands of DNC emails to help the Trump campaign.

And Carter Page wasn’t wire tapped until AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

No matter how much you Russian trolls continue to deflect and deny the collusion, Mueller keeps coming after you idiots.

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”

Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'
Do you know how I knew and when I knew that The Whole Russian Collusion Ruse, was a HOAX?

I work in IT, and the moment it was announced that there was....

"suspicious activity on a Trump Tower Server between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower"......,

I got suspicious.

This was "The Narrative" being pushed at the time:

Was a Trump computer server connected to Russia?

I immediately did some digging, and found out that this was not "Discovered By The FBI", no, this was a TIP, given the FBI by a "Group of IT Experts"

Now, digging, what I found was that this Group was headed by This Woman:


L Jean Camp

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Profile : All People: Home: Indiana University


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

L. Jean Camp is a Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She joined Indiana after eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School where her courses were also listed in Harvard Law, Harvard Business, and the Engineering Systems Division of MIT. She spent the year after earning her doctorate from Carnegie Mellon as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She began her career as an engineer at Catawba Nuclear Station with a MSEE at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on the intersection of human and technical trust, leveraging economic models and human-centered design to create safe, secure systems. Her early contributions in the interdisciplines of economics of security, user-centered security, risk communication, and online trust underlie her applied research in the domains of IoT, authentication, secure networking, ecrime, public policy, ethics in computer science, and a few works on applied cryptography. Full text and details on her publications can be found at their disciplinary homes, meaning that there is no complete overlap between Research Gate, DBLP , SSRN, and Google Scholar. Works sorted by domain and discipline are also available at L Jean Camp.

Now, let's take this a bit further:

It was Dr, L. Jean Camp that said She and Her Colleagues told THE FBI that there was SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON A TRUMP TOWER SERVER and A RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK SERVER

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

She now has a go Fund Me Page, because she is being sued. And why is she being sued? Because she defamed Russian Alpha Bank, and also published all of their IP Data. Below is a summary of her Go Fund Me Page.

L Jean Camp, an Indiana University professor and security researcher, has received a letter from Alfa Bank, a Russian financial organization, threatening her with prosecution under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act for posting WHOIS data and DNS records to her personal website.

You can see the letter here:

And the story on CNN here: Russian bank sends threatening letter to computer scientist who called for Trump investigation - CNNPolitics

If Alfa Bank pursues this threat, Dr. Camp could face significant legal costs to defend herself. Fortunately, Indiana University is ready to vigorously defend Professor Camp and her security research, and she has retained Zeitgeist Law's Marcia Hofmann and Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley, who have agreed to represent her pro bono. To help defray her legal costs and reimburse her lawyers for their donated time, let's band together and help a fellow security researcher and friend.

Any funds that Dr Camp does not need for her legal defense will be donated to the EFF.

Now, here is what THE MEDIA didn't want to talk about. Unlike Hillary Clinton and THE DNC who did not want anyone to look at their servers, and in the case of CLINTON's Server, she BLEACH BITTED 33,000 Government Emails in violation of two federal court orders to preserve all data on that server with the consent of JAMES COMEY.

She deleted all of that Evidence from her Hidden Unauthorized Private State Department Server, & despite this, and even then, they still found evidence of criminal wrong doing, and mishandling of classified information, which Comey Exonerated her for.

In Contrast to Clinton's and The DNC's Total Lack of Transparency, Both Trump Tower, and RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK allowed the FBI to examine their Servers. No RUSSIAN BANK or Corporation has EVER ALLOWED THIS. Alpha Bank and Trump Tower had nothing to hide.

What was found was that these were PLANTED False Beacon PINGS whose only purpose was to draw attention to themselves, and they were placed between the two servers to make it appear as though there were illicit activities taking place between the two servers, and Trump Tower & Russian Alpha Bank.

This was done to give legitimacy to the Russia, Russia Russia Narrative and give The FBI leverage to Wiretap Trump Tower. This was not something that was "accidentally discovered" by a group of "Internet Researchers and Cyber Security Experts." This was done as a Campaign Ploy by The Clinton Campaign.

Now WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT, and Why is the Group and Person who reported this, Important?

Back to Dr. Camp.

Who is Dr. L. Jean Camp? Not only was she a DONOR to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN, but she was A CLINTON CAMPAIGN "CONSULTANT".

Now I ask you this: Why does The CLINTON CAMPAIGN need a Cyber Security and ECrime PHD on their staff? Furthermore, WHY DID THE DNC, need a Group of PAKISTANI HACKERS with KNOWN CRIMINAL RECORDS working for THEM and ON HILLARY CLINTON's STAFF?

You need such people because you are hacking in to things, like Congressional File Servers, and Russia's Alpha Bank. You need such people to help manufacture fake evidence, try to conceal financial transactions, and try to obscure communications with people like Christopher Steele, Sid Blumenthal, Shearer, John Kerry, John McCain, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Operatives at The Ukrainian Embassy, and Former KGB Agents, who were passing along communications between each other, Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and people at THE DNC.

Yet, NO MARXIST LEFT TARD or Main Stream Media Organization, Robert Mueller, The FBI, DOJ, NOR ANYONE will look in to this YET or touch it with a 10 foot pole.


BTW, why has not one Government Intelligence Organization Inspected The DNC SERVER? I thought they were big on "CORROBORATION"? That still remains a mystery to me.

Is this the latest lie you’re pushing?

The FBI Investigation started when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Foreign Service staffer that Russia was preparing to release thousands of DNC emails to help the Trump campaign.

And Carter Page wasn’t wire tapped until AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

No matter how much you Russian trolls continue to deflect and deny the collusion, Mueller keeps coming after you idiots.

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”

Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'
Mark Penn has a vendetta against Hillary after she fired him for secretly working against her.
Penn has no clue how investigations work. With Nixon, it to 2 and half years. But we already have guilty pleas from Trump's campaign.
Do you know how I knew and when I knew that The Whole Russian Collusion Ruse, was a HOAX?

I work in IT, and the moment it was announced that there was....

"suspicious activity on a Trump Tower Server between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower"......,

I got suspicious.

This was "The Narrative" being pushed at the time:

Was a Trump computer server connected to Russia?

I immediately did some digging, and found out that this was not "Discovered By The FBI", no, this was a TIP, given the FBI by a "Group of IT Experts"

Now, digging, what I found was that this Group was headed by This Woman:


L Jean Camp

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Profile : All People: Home: Indiana University


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

L. Jean Camp is a Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She joined Indiana after eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School where her courses were also listed in Harvard Law, Harvard Business, and the Engineering Systems Division of MIT. She spent the year after earning her doctorate from Carnegie Mellon as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She began her career as an engineer at Catawba Nuclear Station with a MSEE at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on the intersection of human and technical trust, leveraging economic models and human-centered design to create safe, secure systems. Her early contributions in the interdisciplines of economics of security, user-centered security, risk communication, and online trust underlie her applied research in the domains of IoT, authentication, secure networking, ecrime, public policy, ethics in computer science, and a few works on applied cryptography. Full text and details on her publications can be found at their disciplinary homes, meaning that there is no complete overlap between Research Gate, DBLP , SSRN, and Google Scholar. Works sorted by domain and discipline are also available at L Jean Camp.

Now, let's take this a bit further:

It was Dr, L. Jean Camp that said She and Her Colleagues told THE FBI that there was SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON A TRUMP TOWER SERVER and A RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK SERVER

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

She now has a go Fund Me Page, because she is being sued. And why is she being sued? Because she defamed Russian Alpha Bank, and also published all of their IP Data. Below is a summary of her Go Fund Me Page.

L Jean Camp, an Indiana University professor and security researcher, has received a letter from Alfa Bank, a Russian financial organization, threatening her with prosecution under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act for posting WHOIS data and DNS records to her personal website.

You can see the letter here:

And the story on CNN here: Russian bank sends threatening letter to computer scientist who called for Trump investigation - CNNPolitics

If Alfa Bank pursues this threat, Dr. Camp could face significant legal costs to defend herself. Fortunately, Indiana University is ready to vigorously defend Professor Camp and her security research, and she has retained Zeitgeist Law's Marcia Hofmann and Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley, who have agreed to represent her pro bono. To help defray her legal costs and reimburse her lawyers for their donated time, let's band together and help a fellow security researcher and friend.

Any funds that Dr Camp does not need for her legal defense will be donated to the EFF.

Now, here is what THE MEDIA didn't want to talk about. Unlike Hillary Clinton and THE DNC who did not want anyone to look at their servers, and in the case of CLINTON's Server, she BLEACH BITTED 33,000 Government Emails in violation of two federal court orders to preserve all data on that server with the consent of JAMES COMEY.

She deleted all of that Evidence from her Hidden Unauthorized Private State Department Server, & despite this, and even then, they still found evidence of criminal wrong doing, and mishandling of classified information, which Comey Exonerated her for.

In Contrast to Clinton's and The DNC's Total Lack of Transparency, Both Trump Tower, and RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK allowed the FBI to examine their Servers. No RUSSIAN BANK or Corporation has EVER ALLOWED THIS. Alpha Bank and Trump Tower had nothing to hide.

What was found was that these were PLANTED False Beacon PINGS whose only purpose was to draw attention to themselves, and they were placed between the two servers to make it appear as though there were illicit activities taking place between the two servers, and Trump Tower & Russian Alpha Bank.

This was done to give legitimacy to the Russia, Russia Russia Narrative and give The FBI leverage to Wiretap Trump Tower. This was not something that was "accidentally discovered" by a group of "Internet Researchers and Cyber Security Experts." This was done as a Campaign Ploy by The Clinton Campaign.

Now WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT, and Why is the Group and Person who reported this, Important?

Back to Dr. Camp.

Who is Dr. L. Jean Camp? Not only was she a DONOR to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN, but she was A CLINTON CAMPAIGN "CONSULTANT".

Now I ask you this: Why does The CLINTON CAMPAIGN need a Cyber Security and ECrime PHD on their staff? Furthermore, WHY DID THE DNC, need a Group of PAKISTANI HACKERS with KNOWN CRIMINAL RECORDS working for THEM and ON HILLARY CLINTON's STAFF?

You need such people because you are hacking in to things, like Congressional File Servers, and Russia's Alpha Bank. You need such people to help manufacture fake evidence, try to conceal financial transactions, and try to obscure communications with people like Christopher Steele, Sid Blumenthal, Shearer, John Kerry, John McCain, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Operatives at The Ukrainian Embassy, and Former KGB Agents, who were passing along communications between each other, Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and people at THE DNC.

Yet, NO MARXIST LEFT TARD or Main Stream Media Organization, Robert Mueller, The FBI, DOJ, NOR ANYONE will look in to this YET or touch it with a 10 foot pole.


BTW, why has not one Government Intelligence Organization Inspected The DNC SERVER? I thought they were big on "CORROBORATION"? That still remains a mystery to me.

Is this the latest lie you’re pushing?

The FBI Investigation started when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Foreign Service staffer that Russia was preparing to release thousands of DNC emails to help the Trump campaign.

And Carter Page wasn’t wire tapped until AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

No matter how much you Russian trolls continue to deflect and deny the collusion, Mueller keeps coming after you idiots.

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”

Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'
Mark Penn has a vendetta against Hillary after she fired him for secretly working against her.
Penn has no clue how investigations work. With Nixon, it to 2 and half years. But we already have guilty pleas from Trump's campaign.

Clearly you have no way to respond to Penn's well thought out assertions.

Seems to be a pattern with you.
Do you know how I knew and when I knew that The Whole Russian Collusion Ruse, was a HOAX?

I work in IT, and the moment it was announced that there was....

"suspicious activity on a Trump Tower Server between Russian Alpha Bank and Trump Tower"......,

I got suspicious.

This was "The Narrative" being pushed at the time:

Was a Trump computer server connected to Russia?

I immediately did some digging, and found out that this was not "Discovered By The FBI", no, this was a TIP, given the FBI by a "Group of IT Experts"

Now, digging, what I found was that this Group was headed by This Woman:


L Jean Camp

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Profile : All People: Home: Indiana University


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

L. Jean Camp is a Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She joined Indiana after eight years at Harvard’s Kennedy School where her courses were also listed in Harvard Law, Harvard Business, and the Engineering Systems Division of MIT. She spent the year after earning her doctorate from Carnegie Mellon as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. She began her career as an engineer at Catawba Nuclear Station with a MSEE at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research focuses on the intersection of human and technical trust, leveraging economic models and human-centered design to create safe, secure systems. Her early contributions in the interdisciplines of economics of security, user-centered security, risk communication, and online trust underlie her applied research in the domains of IoT, authentication, secure networking, ecrime, public policy, ethics in computer science, and a few works on applied cryptography. Full text and details on her publications can be found at their disciplinary homes, meaning that there is no complete overlap between Research Gate, DBLP , SSRN, and Google Scholar. Works sorted by domain and discipline are also available at L Jean Camp.

Now, let's take this a bit further:

It was Dr, L. Jean Camp that said She and Her Colleagues told THE FBI that there was SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ON A TRUMP TOWER SERVER and A RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK SERVER

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

She now has a go Fund Me Page, because she is being sued. And why is she being sued? Because she defamed Russian Alpha Bank, and also published all of their IP Data. Below is a summary of her Go Fund Me Page.

L Jean Camp, an Indiana University professor and security researcher, has received a letter from Alfa Bank, a Russian financial organization, threatening her with prosecution under the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act for posting WHOIS data and DNS records to her personal website.

You can see the letter here:

And the story on CNN here: Russian bank sends threatening letter to computer scientist who called for Trump investigation - CNNPolitics

If Alfa Bank pursues this threat, Dr. Camp could face significant legal costs to defend herself. Fortunately, Indiana University is ready to vigorously defend Professor Camp and her security research, and she has retained Zeitgeist Law's Marcia Hofmann and Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley, who have agreed to represent her pro bono. To help defray her legal costs and reimburse her lawyers for their donated time, let's band together and help a fellow security researcher and friend.

Any funds that Dr Camp does not need for her legal defense will be donated to the EFF.

Now, here is what THE MEDIA didn't want to talk about. Unlike Hillary Clinton and THE DNC who did not want anyone to look at their servers, and in the case of CLINTON's Server, she BLEACH BITTED 33,000 Government Emails in violation of two federal court orders to preserve all data on that server with the consent of JAMES COMEY.

She deleted all of that Evidence from her Hidden Unauthorized Private State Department Server, & despite this, and even then, they still found evidence of criminal wrong doing, and mishandling of classified information, which Comey Exonerated her for.

In Contrast to Clinton's and The DNC's Total Lack of Transparency, Both Trump Tower, and RUSSIAN ALPHA BANK allowed the FBI to examine their Servers. No RUSSIAN BANK or Corporation has EVER ALLOWED THIS. Alpha Bank and Trump Tower had nothing to hide.

What was found was that these were PLANTED False Beacon PINGS whose only purpose was to draw attention to themselves, and they were placed between the two servers to make it appear as though there were illicit activities taking place between the two servers, and Trump Tower & Russian Alpha Bank.

This was done to give legitimacy to the Russia, Russia Russia Narrative and give The FBI leverage to Wiretap Trump Tower. This was not something that was "accidentally discovered" by a group of "Internet Researchers and Cyber Security Experts." This was done as a Campaign Ploy by The Clinton Campaign.

Now WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT, and Why is the Group and Person who reported this, Important?

Back to Dr. Camp.

Who is Dr. L. Jean Camp? Not only was she a DONOR to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN, but she was A CLINTON CAMPAIGN "CONSULTANT".

Now I ask you this: Why does The CLINTON CAMPAIGN need a Cyber Security and ECrime PHD on their staff? Furthermore, WHY DID THE DNC, need a Group of PAKISTANI HACKERS with KNOWN CRIMINAL RECORDS working for THEM and ON HILLARY CLINTON's STAFF?

You need such people because you are hacking in to things, like Congressional File Servers, and Russia's Alpha Bank. You need such people to help manufacture fake evidence, try to conceal financial transactions, and try to obscure communications with people like Christopher Steele, Sid Blumenthal, Shearer, John Kerry, John McCain, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Operatives at The Ukrainian Embassy, and Former KGB Agents, who were passing along communications between each other, Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and people at THE DNC.

Yet, NO MARXIST LEFT TARD or Main Stream Media Organization, Robert Mueller, The FBI, DOJ, NOR ANYONE will look in to this YET or touch it with a 10 foot pole.


BTW, why has not one Government Intelligence Organization Inspected The DNC SERVER? I thought they were big on "CORROBORATION"? That still remains a mystery to me.

Is this the latest lie you’re pushing?

The FBI Investigation started when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Foreign Service staffer that Russia was preparing to release thousands of DNC emails to help the Trump campaign.

And Carter Page wasn’t wire tapped until AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

No matter how much you Russian trolls continue to deflect and deny the collusion, Mueller keeps coming after you idiots.

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”

Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'
Mark Penn has a vendetta against Hillary after she fired him for secretly working against her.
Penn has no clue how investigations work. With Nixon, it to 2 and half years. But we already have guilty pleas from Trump's campaign.

Clearly you have no way to respond to Penn's well thought out assertions.

Seems to be a pattern with you.
Any article mentioning "deep state" like that isnt worth much, if anything at all.
They are misusing the term.
Mueller has actually found real crimes.
For more info on Penn: Why is a former Clinton pollster writing iffy poll analysis that panders to Trump supporters?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Is this the latest lie you’re pushing?

The FBI Investigation started when Papadopolous bragged to an Australian Foreign Service staffer that Russia was preparing to release thousands of DNC emails to help the Trump campaign.

And Carter Page wasn’t wire tapped until AFTER he left the Trump campaign.

No matter how much you Russian trolls continue to deflect and deny the collusion, Mueller keeps coming after you idiots.

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”

Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'
Mark Penn has a vendetta against Hillary after she fired him for secretly working against her.
Penn has no clue how investigations work. With Nixon, it to 2 and half years. But we already have guilty pleas from Trump's campaign.

Clearly you have no way to respond to Penn's well thought out assertions.

Seems to be a pattern with you.
Any article mentioning "deep state" like that isnt worth much, if anything at all.
They are misusing the term.
Mueller has actually found real crimes.
For more info on Penn: Why is a former Clinton pollster writing iffy poll analysis that panders to Trump supporters?
Name them and the statutes they are covered under.
huh? why? its already been covered:

Within a month of his appointment, Mueller began looking into the question of whether Trump obstructed justice.

On Oct. 30, 2017, Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates — two former senior officials with the Trump campaign — were indicted on 12 counts related to their political consulting business, including money laundering. Also on that day, George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign aide, pled guilty to making false statements to the FBI.

On Dec. 1, 2017, Flynn pled guilty to making false statements to the FBI about conversations he’d had with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

On Feb. 16, 2018, Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities on charges related to the 2016 election.

Days later, Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan pled guilty for lying to the FBI about his dealings with Gates and another unnamed person. He was later sentenced to 30 days in prison.

On Feb. 22, Mueller upped the ante against Manafort and Gates with 32 new financial charges. Within days, Gates pled guilty to conspiracy and lying to the FBI. Manafort, however, has continued to fight his charges.

Beyond these official acts, the Mueller investigation has publicly announced little about what it is doing, and leaks from its own ranks have been scarce to nonexistent. So its activities remain largely hidden.
“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”

Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'
Mark Penn has a vendetta against Hillary after she fired him for secretly working against her.
Penn has no clue how investigations work. With Nixon, it to 2 and half years. But we already have guilty pleas from Trump's campaign.

Clearly you have no way to respond to Penn's well thought out assertions.

Seems to be a pattern with you.
Any article mentioning "deep state" like that isnt worth much, if anything at all.
They are misusing the term.
Mueller has actually found real crimes.
For more info on Penn: Why is a former Clinton pollster writing iffy poll analysis that panders to Trump supporters?
Name them and the statutes they are covered under.
huh? why? its already been covered:

Within a month of his appointment, Mueller began looking into the question of whether Trump obstructed justice.

On Oct. 30, 2017, Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates — two former senior officials with the Trump campaign — were indicted on 12 counts related to their political consulting business, including money laundering. Also on that day, George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign aide, pled guilty to making false statements to the FBI.

On Dec. 1, 2017, Flynn pled guilty to making false statements to the FBI about conversations he’d had with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

On Feb. 16, 2018, Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities on charges related to the 2016 election.

Days later, Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan pled guilty for lying to the FBI about his dealings with Gates and another unnamed person. He was later sentenced to 30 days in prison.

On Feb. 22, Mueller upped the ante against Manafort and Gates with 32 new financial charges. Within days, Gates pled guilty to conspiracy and lying to the FBI. Manafort, however, has continued to fight his charges.

Beyond these official acts, the Mueller investigation has publicly announced little about what it is doing, and leaks from its own ranks have been scarce to nonexistent. So its activities remain largely hidden.
Lying to the FBI is not a description of the lie. It could have been something as innocuous as saying 5 instead of 4 regarding how many times a person talked to a Russian...that happening when Mueller already knew the correct answer was 4.

Indicting 13 Russians in US courts is useless as they are not obligated to even acknowledge being indicted much less show up for trial. All that shit is just fodder for the MSM to use in pumping up the Trump haters by making them think he has actually got something on the Trump campaign.

Mueller is running a dog and pony show and you idiotic liberals are sucking it up like jello.
It's little bit off topic, but partially related... Here is the video from Florida rally few days before the election that shows Barry definitely knew Hillary was in deep shit.

They knew how deep they're in the shit, otherwise... if they did nothing wrong, why would Hillary said something like...


Any article mentioning "deep state" like that isn't worth much, if anything at all.
They are misusing the term.
Mueller has actually found real crimes.
For more info on Penn: Why is a former Clinton pollster writing iffy poll analysis that panders to Trump supporters?
Name them, the statutes they are covered under, and specifically who committed them.

Trump's 'crime' was beating the career criminal, and winning the election.

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