Prosecute me Lynch, I DARE YOU.

When someone could take up the mantle of that rhetoric as justification for violence.

Or when the rhetoric incites violence
Inciting and 'edging toward' are not the same at all. Can you show me an example of 'edging toward' since you seem to be in support of this, therefore you must understand it. Thanks
I think it's clear that she meant inciting in that quote
'Edging toward' is not the same as committing an act. How are the enforcers going to determine who has 'edged toward' and at what point they have done so? The terminology is so vague it gives carte Blanche for those enforcing it to make it up as they go along. Why are you happy with that?
She is talking about speech that edges, or moves towards violence -that's incitement.

She is not talking about speech that 'edges' towards incitement
So, at what point does speech 'edge toward' violence?
Lynch only said that those who did would be prosecuted, so what's the beef? Where's the overstep?

So, why weren't some BLM members arrested and charged after directly calling for the killing of cops and whites? As usual, the administration is being selective.

Who did that? I think you are exhibiting the typical nutbag tendency to treat rumor and bullshit as fact.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

sure the mobs that chanted

"fuck the police
Lynch only said that those who did would be prosecuted, so what's the beef? Where's the overstep?

So, why weren't some BLM members arrested and charged after directly calling for the killing of cops and whites? As usual, the administration is being selective.

Who did that? I think you are exhibiting the typical nutbag tendency to treat rumor and bullshit as fact.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

Yep, farrakhan was also sending out the message to kill whites. Amazingly, nothing was said about that at the justice dept.
Lynch only said that those who did would be prosecuted, so what's the beef? Where's the overstep?

So, why weren't some BLM members arrested and charged after directly calling for the killing of cops and whites? As usual, the administration is being selective.

Who did that? I think you are exhibiting the typical nutbag tendency to treat rumor and bullshit as fact.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops
Absolutely that guy should be prosecuted
She must have been asleep through the entire BLM movement
Can you show specific rhetoric you would want prosecuted?

How about calling for the murder of police?
Let's see it

See what? The BLM crowd calling for the death of police officers?
Thats been confirmed many times already on this board.
Cite it. Show it. Should be easy for you
Quite easy, actually.
Cite it. Show it. Should be easy for you

Where have you been for the last 6 months?
Are you going to try and tell me you missed all the posts on the subject?
I wont play your little's become tiresome since all you liberals play it.
Can't do it, can you?

Oh sure I can. But I'm not going to do it because you already know the truth and this is just another leftist bullshit tactic that we see everyday on this board.
You get handed your ass and two months later you pretend it never happened and you want to waste time rehashing the same old shit over and over.
I'll pass...
Lol. You fail.

No that would be you....I refuse to play your little game,you lose.
My little game of asking you to back up your claims. How dare i ask that your musings be based on some facts
Inciting and 'edging toward' are not the same at all. Can you show me an example of 'edging toward' since you seem to be in support of this, therefore you must understand it. Thanks
I think it's clear that she meant inciting in that quote
'Edging toward' is not the same as committing an act. How are the enforcers going to determine who has 'edged toward' and at what point they have done so? The terminology is so vague it gives carte Blanche for those enforcing it to make it up as they go along. Why are you happy with that?
She is talking about speech that edges, or moves towards violence -that's incitement.

She is not talking about speech that 'edges' towards incitement
So, at what point does speech 'edge toward' violence?

Nope, you're wrong. The founders included hate speech as protected speech. It becomes subjective when one tries to pinpoint an area of speech that they don't like. The founders knew this. Bigoted racist people such as lynch dont like it when people speak out.
I think it's clear that she meant inciting in that quote
'Edging toward' is not the same as committing an act. How are the enforcers going to determine who has 'edged toward' and at what point they have done so? The terminology is so vague it gives carte Blanche for those enforcing it to make it up as they go along. Why are you happy with that?
She is talking about speech that edges, or moves towards violence -that's incitement.

She is not talking about speech that 'edges' towards incitement
So, at what point does speech 'edge toward' violence?

Nope, you're wrong. The founders included hate speech as protected speech. It becomes subjective when one tries to pinpoint an area of speech that they don't like. The founders knew this. Bigoted racist people such as lynch dont like it when people speak out.
Inciting violence is not protected speech
See what? The BLM crowd calling for the death of police officers?
Thats been confirmed many times already on this board.
Cite it. Show it. Should be easy for you

Where have you been for the last 6 months?
Are you going to try and tell me you missed all the posts on the subject?
I wont play your little's become tiresome since all you liberals play it.
Can't do it, can you?

Oh sure I can. But I'm not going to do it because you already know the truth and this is just another leftist bullshit tactic that we see everyday on this board.
You get handed your ass and two months later you pretend it never happened and you want to waste time rehashing the same old shit over and over.
I'll pass...
Lol. You fail.
But just so you know, if you had provided even one example of incitement I'd agree that they should be prosecuted

No you wouldnt. You'd do the same thing you leftist always do...move the goal post.
A perfect example is bulldog and his insistence that the rifles used in SB were legal.
I showed him the report of high capacity magazines found at the shooting site,he then said maybe they had the magazines before the ban so they were grandfathered in.
Then I pointed out that both rifles had been modified to increase the speed of loading by circumventing the mag release button and one was tampered with in an attempt to make it fully auto.
And yet he still insists the rifles were legal.
This is why arguing with liberals is pointless....
Lynch only said that those who did would be prosecuted, so what's the beef? Where's the overstep?

So, why weren't some BLM members arrested and charged after directly calling for the killing of cops and whites? As usual, the administration is being selective.

Who did that? I think you are exhibiting the typical nutbag tendency to treat rumor and bullshit as fact.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops
Absolutely that guy should be prosecuted
So! Are you going to continue to insist BLM doesn't incite cop killing? OR would you be honest for once in your life?
Cite it. Show it. Should be easy for you

Where have you been for the last 6 months?
Are you going to try and tell me you missed all the posts on the subject?
I wont play your little's become tiresome since all you liberals play it.
Can't do it, can you?

Oh sure I can. But I'm not going to do it because you already know the truth and this is just another leftist bullshit tactic that we see everyday on this board.
You get handed your ass and two months later you pretend it never happened and you want to waste time rehashing the same old shit over and over.
I'll pass...
Lol. You fail.
But just so you know, if you had provided even one example of incitement I'd agree that they should be prosecuted

No you wouldnt. You'd do the same thing you leftist always do...move the goal post.
A perfect example is bulldog and his insistence that the rifles used in SB were legal.
I showed him the report of high capacity magazines found at the shooting site,he then said maybe they had the magazines before the ban so they were grandfathered in.
Then I pointed out that both rifles had been modified to increase the speed of loading by circumventing the mag release button and one was tampered with in an attempt to make it fully auto.
And yet he still insists the rifles were legal.
This is why arguing with liberals is pointless....

This is how utterly stupid a liberal is....

Black activist Shaun King says gun enthusiasts have small “pensises,” forgot to delete pro-gun tweet
'Edging toward' is not the same as committing an act. How are the enforcers going to determine who has 'edged toward' and at what point they have done so? The terminology is so vague it gives carte Blanche for those enforcing it to make it up as they go along. Why are you happy with that?
She is talking about speech that edges, or moves towards violence -that's incitement.

She is not talking about speech that 'edges' towards incitement
So, at what point does speech 'edge toward' violence?

Nope, you're wrong. The founders included hate speech as protected speech. It becomes subjective when one tries to pinpoint an area of speech that they don't like. The founders knew this. Bigoted racist people such as lynch dont like it when people speak out.
Inciting violence is not protected speech

If that's true, why weren't blm, Ferguson instigators, farrakhan arrested?
'Edging toward' is not the same as committing an act. How are the enforcers going to determine who has 'edged toward' and at what point they have done so? The terminology is so vague it gives carte Blanche for those enforcing it to make it up as they go along. Why are you happy with that?
She is talking about speech that edges, or moves towards violence -that's incitement.

She is not talking about speech that 'edges' towards incitement
So, at what point does speech 'edge toward' violence?

Nope, you're wrong. The founders included hate speech as protected speech. It becomes subjective when one tries to pinpoint an area of speech that they don't like. The founders knew this. Bigoted racist people such as lynch dont like it when people speak out.
Inciting violence is not protected speech
Unless you're black. Then it's expected?
Lynch only said that those who did would be prosecuted, so what's the beef? Where's the overstep?

So, why weren't some BLM members arrested and charged after directly calling for the killing of cops and whites? As usual, the administration is being selective.

Who did that? I think you are exhibiting the typical nutbag tendency to treat rumor and bullshit as fact.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops
Absolutely that guy should be prosecuted
So! Are you going to continue to insist BLM doesn't incite cop killing? OR would you be honest for once in your life?
That's a tough one. Outside of being black what did that guy have to do with blm? Blm being a movement, not an organization it's difficult to say that he is connected to anyone else. Certainly the leaders of the blm movement have not called for death or violence.
Where have you been for the last 6 months?
Are you going to try and tell me you missed all the posts on the subject?
I wont play your little's become tiresome since all you liberals play it.
Can't do it, can you?

Oh sure I can. But I'm not going to do it because you already know the truth and this is just another leftist bullshit tactic that we see everyday on this board.
You get handed your ass and two months later you pretend it never happened and you want to waste time rehashing the same old shit over and over.
I'll pass...
Lol. You fail.

No that would be you....I refuse to play your little game,you lose.
My little game of asking you to back up your claims. How dare i ask that your musings be based on some facts

And you cant convince me you dont already know the truth as it's been posted all over this board already.
She is talking about speech that edges, or moves towards violence -that's incitement.

She is not talking about speech that 'edges' towards incitement
So, at what point does speech 'edge toward' violence?

Nope, you're wrong. The founders included hate speech as protected speech. It becomes subjective when one tries to pinpoint an area of speech that they don't like. The founders knew this. Bigoted racist people such as lynch dont like it when people speak out.
Inciting violence is not protected speech

If that's true, why weren't blm, Ferguson instigators, farrakhan arrested?
It's a tough charge to prove - a very high legal bar
Blm isnt a person. I dont care if the others are prosecuted
So, why weren't some BLM members arrested and charged after directly calling for the killing of cops and whites? As usual, the administration is being selective.

Who did that? I think you are exhibiting the typical nutbag tendency to treat rumor and bullshit as fact.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops
Absolutely that guy should be prosecuted
So! Are you going to continue to insist BLM doesn't incite cop killing? OR would you be honest for once in your life?
That's a tough one. Outside of being black what did that guy have to do with blm? Blm being a movement, not an organization it's difficult to say that he is connected to anyone else. Certainly the leaders of the blm movement have not called for death or violence.

It's not tough. It just shows that lynch is a racist.
Who did that? I think you are exhibiting the typical nutbag tendency to treat rumor and bullshit as fact.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops
Absolutely that guy should be prosecuted
So! Are you going to continue to insist BLM doesn't incite cop killing? OR would you be honest for once in your life?
That's a tough one. Outside of being black what did that guy have to do with blm? Blm being a movement, not an organization it's difficult to say that he is connected to anyone else. Certainly the leaders of the blm movement have not called for death or violence.

It's not tough. It just shows that lynch is a racist.
A few posts ago you didn't even realize that it wasn't protected speech
So, at what point does speech 'edge toward' violence?

Nope, you're wrong. The founders included hate speech as protected speech. It becomes subjective when one tries to pinpoint an area of speech that they don't like. The founders knew this. Bigoted racist people such as lynch dont like it when people speak out.
Inciting violence is not protected speech

If that's true, why weren't blm, Ferguson instigators, farrakhan arrested?
It's a tough charge to prove - a very high legal bar
Blm isnt a person. I dont care if the others are prosecuted

Of course it's tough to prove. It's subjective. It's exactly why lynch is wrong.

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