Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

- Read the Sermon on the Mount.

the same throughout ...

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

forgeries and fallacies on nearly every page of the christian bible ... never spoken by jesus.
the same throughout ...

forgeries and fallacies on nearly every page of the christian bible ... never spoken by jesus.
LOL. And BreezeWood has spoken, therefore it must be true. You have a high opinion of yourself. The fact of the matter is that you have no idea and our opinions are built on porous sand.
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12
Typical Catholic ignoramus.
Go pray to Mary
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12
The fact that I am into history is a great reason NOT to be a Catholic!! History does not look kindly on that church's past, while history also reveals that Jesus was anything but a Catholic!
LOL. And BreezeWood has spoken, therefore it must be true. You have a high opinion of yourself. The fact of the matter is that you have no idea and our opinions are built on porous sand.

christianity, judaism are built on forgeries and fallacies from the very beginning to the concluding scene of the 1st century, plain as day for paradisians, taught by jesus the original, spoken heavenly religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - all that is made necessary for judgement and remission to the everlasting granted to a&e as their goal passed down from that time to the present day.
christianity, judaism are built on forgeries and fallacies from the very beginning to the concluding scene of the 1st century, plain as day for paradisians, taught by jesus the original, spoken heavenly religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - all that is made necessary for judgement and remission to the everlasting granted to a&e as their goal passed down from that time to the present day.

Did you receive this revelation in fan mail from some flounder?
some were nailed to trees ...

spoken religion of antiquity, passed down from the very beginning to the present day ... as taught by jesus, no where found in the desert of servitude and denial.

LOL, you're a legend in your own mind.
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12

Did Captain Catholic run away again?
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12
The Coptics in Egypt and the handful in Turkey are original churches planted by the disciples. None of which are Catholic. The Crusades Actually wiped out most of the original Churches.
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12
There was no new church yet at the resurrection. It started right after. Israel was Gods chosen, the renting of the banner the moment Jesus died cut Israel off of being Gods chosen.
The fact that I am into history is a great reason NOT to be a Catholic!! History does not look kindly on that church's past, while history also reveals that Jesus was anything but a Catholic!
I guess Protestants killing Catholic priests during the "reformation" doesn't bother you or any other Protestant?
There was no new church yet at the resurrection. It started right after. Israel was Gods chosen, the renting of the banner the moment Jesus died cut Israel off of being Gods chosen.
the Church began with Jesus. I don't know what the RCC has always taught about exactly WHEN in Jesus's life the Church began but I believe it was at the Resurrection. Or it was when the Holy Spirit descended on the 12/Mary in the Upper Room.
The Sermon on the Mount is about coping with all of mankind throughout all ages and it especially addresses how we deal with evil. It's a timeless message that isn't shackled to a specific time period or evil regime.

It's about the Roman occupation.

The Sermon on the Mount is about the Roman occupation of Israel, and Jesus' teachings in Matthew 5-7 have influenced cultures for centuries. The sermon is about the problems and pitfalls of Israel in Jesus' day, and Jesus speaks directly to his disciples and crowds about them. For example, Jesus calls upon his hearers to do what is required of them, and then some. For example, if someone sues you and wants your shirt, give them your coat. If you live without a 2000 years ago and a Roman soldier wants you to carry his gear for one mile, carry it for two miles.
That's because anyone who studies history knows that the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back that far.

As someone once said, "To be deep in history is to cease being a Protestant"

The followers of Joseph Smith will tell you that he ws a legitimate leader even though he didn't come on the scene until the 1800s

Other folks tell you it was some other person / group

But none of them can be traced back to Christ and the 12

The Orthodox church goes back to the time of Jesus, too.
The Coptics in Egypt and the handful in Turkey are original churches planted by the disciples. None of which are Catholic. The Crusades Actually wiped out most of the original Churches.
not true

But you can do the same research I've done. I have studied Church history. I dare say most posters here have not. They don't want to be disabused of their tightly-held notions, esp RE the Catholic Church

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