Protestors tell Obama they will vote for him even though he is just like Bush

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
$5,000.00 a plate, Obama talking, and entertainment.

YouTube - - Where's Our Change Video

Dear Mr. President, we honor you today, sir.
Each of us brought you $5,000.
It takes a lot of Benjamins to run a campaign.
I paid my dues, where’s our change?
We’ll vote for you in 2012, yes that’s true.
Look at the Republicans — what else can we do?
Even though we don’t know if we’ll retain our liberties
In what you seem content to call a free society.
Yes, it’s true that Terry Jones is legally free
To burn a people’s holy book in shameful effigy.
But at another location in this country
Alone in a 6 x 12 cell sits Bradley,
23 hours a day and night.
The 5th and 8th Amendments say this kind of thing ain’t right,
We paid our dues, where’s our change?
The hardcore (and shelling out 5 grand to see that windbag is hardcore) will always vote for Obama. It is the independents who put him in office.
And they're not having any of it.
Obama will lose 2012. As I said, he is the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century.
The hardcore (and shelling out 5 grand to see that windbag is hardcore) will always vote for Obama. It is the independents who put him in office.
And they're not having any of it.
Obama will lose 2012. As I said, he is the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century.

To who?

Obama's supposedly the worst President in history, yet not one Republican beats him in a hypothetical match-up.. :eusa_eh:
The hardcore (and shelling out 5 grand to see that windbag is hardcore) will always vote for Obama. It is the independents who put him in office.
And they're not having any of it.
Obama will lose 2012. As I said, he is the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century.

To who?

Obama's supposedly the worst President in history, yet not one Republican beats him in a hypothetical match-up.. :eusa_eh:

Uh, wrong.
Browse > Home / Featured, National, National Poll Archive, Politics / 4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama’s Re-election Chances
4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama’s Re-election Chances

April 20, 2011 by Marist Poll
Filed under Featured, National, National Poll Archive, Politics

President Barack Obama has officially announced that he will seek re-election next year, but he faces an electorate that still needs convincing. According to this McClatchy-Marist Poll, a plurality of registered voters nationwide — 44% — say they definitely plan to vote against Mr. Obama in 2012. 37% report they definitely plan to vote for him, and 18% are unsure.
flag over white house


Click Here for Complete April 20, 2011 USA McClatchy-Marist Poll Release and Tables

Despite the president’s transition into campaign mode, little has changed on this question since McClatchy-Marist last asked it in November. At that time, 48% of voters said they will not support the president in his re-election bid while 36% thought they would. 16%, at the time, were unsure.

“The president is hoping lightning strikes in the same place twice,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “If there is a silver lining for his re-election, it’s the lack of clarity in the GOP field.”

The president continues to struggle with those all-important independent voters. 47% of these voters say they don’t plan on casting their ballot for Obama while 32% do. 21% are unsure. In the fall, half — 50% — believed they would back another candidate while three in ten — 30% — reported they would support the incumbent president. 20% were unsure.

Table: Definitely Vote For or Against President Obama in 2012

Romney and Huckabee Close the Gap with Obama… Palin and Trump Trail Far Behind

How do some of the most talked about potential GOP candidates fare against the president? When given the choice between former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and the president, voters divide. 46% of registered voters say they would back the president while 45% say they would cast their ballot for Romney. Nine percent are undecided.

When McClatchy-Marist last reported this question in January, Mr. Obama had a 13 percentage point lead over Romney. At that time, a slim majority — 51% — said they would vote for the president while 38% thought they would back Romney. 11% were undecided.

The president has lost ground among independent voters. Currently a plurality — 45% — back Romney while 42% support Obama. 13% are undecided. Previously, the president held a 10 percentage point lead over Romney.

When paired with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, President Obama has a slight lead. 48% of voters say they would support the president in this hypothetical contest while 43% believe they would back Huckabee. Nine percent are undecided. However, Huckabee has narrowed the gap. In McClatchy-Marist’s previous survey, 12 percentage points separated the two. In January, half of voters — 50% — said Obama was their candidate while 38% said the same about Huckabee. 12% were undecided.

But keep telling yourself that. I love it when Dems misunderestimate the GOP.
Protestors tell Obama they will vote for him even though he is just like Bush

Then they are STUPID.
The hardcore (and shelling out 5 grand to see that windbag is hardcore) will always vote for Obama. It is the independents who put him in office.
And they're not having any of it.
Obama will lose 2012. As I said, he is the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century.

To who?

Obama's supposedly the worst President in history, yet not one Republican beats him in a hypothetical match-up.. :eusa_eh:

Uh, wrong.
Browse > Home / Featured, National, National Poll Archive, Politics / 4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama’s Re-election Chances
4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama’s Re-election Chances

April 20, 2011 by Marist Poll
Filed under Featured, National, National Poll Archive, Politics

President Barack Obama has officially announced that he will seek re-election next year, but he faces an electorate that still needs convincing. According to this McClatchy-Marist Poll, a plurality of registered voters nationwide — 44% — say they definitely plan to vote against Mr. Obama in 2012. 37% report they definitely plan to vote for him, and 18% are unsure.
flag over white house


Click Here for Complete April 20, 2011 USA McClatchy-Marist Poll Release and Tables

Despite the president’s transition into campaign mode, little has changed on this question since McClatchy-Marist last asked it in November. At that time, 48% of voters said they will not support the president in his re-election bid while 36% thought they would. 16%, at the time, were unsure.

“The president is hoping lightning strikes in the same place twice,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “If there is a silver lining for his re-election, it’s the lack of clarity in the GOP field.”

The president continues to struggle with those all-important independent voters. 47% of these voters say they don’t plan on casting their ballot for Obama while 32% do. 21% are unsure. In the fall, half — 50% — believed they would back another candidate while three in ten — 30% — reported they would support the incumbent president. 20% were unsure.

Table: Definitely Vote For or Against President Obama in 2012

Romney and Huckabee Close the Gap with Obama… Palin and Trump Trail Far Behind

How do some of the most talked about potential GOP candidates fare against the president? When given the choice between former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and the president, voters divide. 46% of registered voters say they would back the president while 45% say they would cast their ballot for Romney. Nine percent are undecided.

When McClatchy-Marist last reported this question in January, Mr. Obama had a 13 percentage point lead over Romney. At that time, a slim majority — 51% — said they would vote for the president while 38% thought they would back Romney. 11% were undecided.

The president has lost ground among independent voters. Currently a plurality — 45% — back Romney while 42% support Obama. 13% are undecided. Previously, the president held a 10 percentage point lead over Romney.

When paired with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, President Obama has a slight lead. 48% of voters say they would support the president in this hypothetical contest while 43% believe they would back Huckabee. Nine percent are undecided. However, Huckabee has narrowed the gap. In McClatchy-Marist’s previous survey, 12 percentage points separated the two. In January, half of voters — 50% — said Obama was their candidate while 38% said the same about Huckabee. 12% were undecided.

But keep telling yourself that. I love it when Dems misunderestimate the GOP.

Are you retarded? The poll you just posted shows that none of the potential GOP candidates beat Obama in a general election.

BTW, "misunderestimate" is not a word, George Bush.
To who?

Obama's supposedly the worst President in history, yet not one Republican beats him in a hypothetical match-up.. :eusa_eh:

Uh, wrong.
Browse > Home / Featured, National, National Poll Archive, Politics / 4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama’s Re-election Chances
4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama’s Re-election Chances

April 20, 2011 by Marist Poll
Filed under Featured, National, National Poll Archive, Politics

President Barack Obama has officially announced that he will seek re-election next year, but he faces an electorate that still needs convincing. According to this McClatchy-Marist Poll, a plurality of registered voters nationwide — 44% — say they definitely plan to vote against Mr. Obama in 2012. 37% report they definitely plan to vote for him, and 18% are unsure.
flag over white house


Click Here for Complete April 20, 2011 USA McClatchy-Marist Poll Release and Tables

Despite the president’s transition into campaign mode, little has changed on this question since McClatchy-Marist last asked it in November. At that time, 48% of voters said they will not support the president in his re-election bid while 36% thought they would. 16%, at the time, were unsure.

“The president is hoping lightning strikes in the same place twice,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “If there is a silver lining for his re-election, it’s the lack of clarity in the GOP field.”

The president continues to struggle with those all-important independent voters. 47% of these voters say they don’t plan on casting their ballot for Obama while 32% do. 21% are unsure. In the fall, half — 50% — believed they would back another candidate while three in ten — 30% — reported they would support the incumbent president. 20% were unsure.

Table: Definitely Vote For or Against President Obama in 2012

Romney and Huckabee Close the Gap with Obama… Palin and Trump Trail Far Behind

How do some of the most talked about potential GOP candidates fare against the president? When given the choice between former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and the president, voters divide. 46% of registered voters say they would back the president while 45% say they would cast their ballot for Romney. Nine percent are undecided.

When McClatchy-Marist last reported this question in January, Mr. Obama had a 13 percentage point lead over Romney. At that time, a slim majority — 51% — said they would vote for the president while 38% thought they would back Romney. 11% were undecided.

The president has lost ground among independent voters. Currently a plurality — 45% — back Romney while 42% support Obama. 13% are undecided. Previously, the president held a 10 percentage point lead over Romney.

When paired with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, President Obama has a slight lead. 48% of voters say they would support the president in this hypothetical contest while 43% believe they would back Huckabee. Nine percent are undecided. However, Huckabee has narrowed the gap. In McClatchy-Marist’s previous survey, 12 percentage points separated the two. In January, half of voters — 50% — said Obama was their candidate while 38% said the same about Huckabee. 12% were undecided.

But keep telling yourself that. I love it when Dems misunderestimate the GOP.

Are you retarded? The poll you just posted shows that none of the potential GOP candidates beat Obama in a general election.

BTW, "misunderestimate" is not a word, George Bush.

Do YOU belive every POLL that you see? YOU must be quite the TWO-DIMENSIONAL character.
Uh, wrong.

But keep telling yourself that. I love it when Dems misunderestimate the GOP.

Are you retarded? The poll you just posted shows that none of the potential GOP candidates beat Obama in a general election.

BTW, "misunderestimate" is not a word, George Bush.

Do YOU belive every POLL that you see? YOU must be quite the TWO-DIMENSIONAL character.

I voted for Obama because it was him or McCain. He wasn't my first choice. Kucinich was.

I will vote for Obama again regardless of who his Republican opponent is because the Republican Party is in the pocket of an emerging plutocracy and their agenda will destroy America as we've known it.

I would like the DNC to put up someone in Obama's place because I don't trust him. He has shown that we can't believe anything he says. But at his worst he is still a better choice than any Republican.

If I'm allowed to have a political fantasy it is Bernie Sanders for President, Sheldon Whitehouse for vice-President, Alan Grayson for Chief of Staff, Dennis Kucinich for Attorney General and Robert Reich for Economic Advisor.

There would be a political bloodbath and America would be restored.
I voted for Obama because it was him or McCain. He wasn't my first choice. Kucinich was.

There would be a political bloodbath and America would be restored.

Knowing what you know today, do you still think Obama was a wise choice? If so, what policies has he enacted that you are happy with?
The hardcore (and shelling out 5 grand to see that windbag is hardcore) will always vote for Obama. It is the independents who put him in office.
And they're not having any of it.
Obama will lose 2012. As I said, he is the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century.

Actually, $5,000 a plate is nothing, he had a dinner where people paid $35,000 a plate earlier the same day.
The hardcore (and shelling out 5 grand to see that windbag is hardcore) will always vote for Obama. It is the independents who put him in office.
And they're not having any of it.
Obama will lose 2012. As I said, he is the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century.

Actually, $5,000 a plate is nothing, he had a dinner where people paid $35,000 a plate earlier the same day.

Just like Obama and so many POLITICIANS before him...claim to be for the little GUY...and LOOK whom he spends real time with?

He's just as BIG a fucking phoney.
I voted for Obama because it was him or McCain. He wasn't my first choice. Kucinich was.

There would be a political bloodbath and America would be restored.

Knowing what you know today, do you still think Obama was a wise choice? If so, what policies has he enacted that you are happy with?
I never expected him to do very much so my focus hasn't been as much on what he's done but what he hasn't done, such as carry out the Republican agenda, which is total destruction of the American middle class.

My impression of Obama is that of a slick-talking bullshit artist whose primary concern is his own interests. He is a young man who has many years ahead of him and even if he wins a second term he will still be young when he leaves Office, so he has no intention of alienating any individuals or entities who or which could vindictively impede his future endeavors.

What he's doing now is campaigning. He is putting forth the same effort and image that got him elected and I have no doubt it will work as well for him in 2012 as it did in 2008. But I don't trust him. I don't believe anything he says and I expect there will be some trap door in everything he does that appears to serve the common people. Obama is as tricky as any slippery Broadway hustler with a dozen phony Rolex watches up his sleeve.

But when compared with any Republican he is the lesser of two evils if only because of partisan constraints. And for that reason I will vote for him again.
To who?

Obama's supposedly the worst President in history, yet not one Republican beats him in a hypothetical match-up.. :eusa_eh:

Uh, wrong.
Browse > Home / Featured, National, National Poll Archive, Politics / 4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama’s Re-election Chances
4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama’s Re-election Chances

April 20, 2011 by Marist Poll
Filed under Featured, National, National Poll Archive, Politics

President Barack Obama has officially announced that he will seek re-election next year, but he faces an electorate that still needs convincing. According to this McClatchy-Marist Poll, a plurality of registered voters nationwide — 44% — say they definitely plan to vote against Mr. Obama in 2012. 37% report they definitely plan to vote for him, and 18% are unsure.
flag over white house


Click Here for Complete April 20, 2011 USA McClatchy-Marist Poll Release and Tables

Despite the president’s transition into campaign mode, little has changed on this question since McClatchy-Marist last asked it in November. At that time, 48% of voters said they will not support the president in his re-election bid while 36% thought they would. 16%, at the time, were unsure.

“The president is hoping lightning strikes in the same place twice,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “If there is a silver lining for his re-election, it’s the lack of clarity in the GOP field.”

The president continues to struggle with those all-important independent voters. 47% of these voters say they don’t plan on casting their ballot for Obama while 32% do. 21% are unsure. In the fall, half — 50% — believed they would back another candidate while three in ten — 30% — reported they would support the incumbent president. 20% were unsure.

Table: Definitely Vote For or Against President Obama in 2012

Romney and Huckabee Close the Gap with Obama… Palin and Trump Trail Far Behind

How do some of the most talked about potential GOP candidates fare against the president? When given the choice between former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and the president, voters divide. 46% of registered voters say they would back the president while 45% say they would cast their ballot for Romney. Nine percent are undecided.

When McClatchy-Marist last reported this question in January, Mr. Obama had a 13 percentage point lead over Romney. At that time, a slim majority — 51% — said they would vote for the president while 38% thought they would back Romney. 11% were undecided.

The president has lost ground among independent voters. Currently a plurality — 45% — back Romney while 42% support Obama. 13% are undecided. Previously, the president held a 10 percentage point lead over Romney.

When paired with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, President Obama has a slight lead. 48% of voters say they would support the president in this hypothetical contest while 43% believe they would back Huckabee. Nine percent are undecided. However, Huckabee has narrowed the gap. In McClatchy-Marist’s previous survey, 12 percentage points separated the two. In January, half of voters — 50% — said Obama was their candidate while 38% said the same about Huckabee. 12% were undecided.

But keep telling yourself that. I love it when Dems misunderestimate the GOP.

Are you retarded? The poll you just posted shows that none of the potential GOP candidates beat Obama in a general election.

BTW, "misunderestimate" is not a word, George Bush.

I am obviously dealing with a mental midget here.
If the poll shows someone within 1 point, that is within the margin of error and Romney would probably win.
But you are too stupid to understand this. In fact you are too fucking dumb to bother with anymore. Buh-bye.
I don't give a damn who they vote for, it'll be another trash 4 years of Obama or 4 new years of a republican doing exactly what Obama would do.

I'm just glad they recognize that Obama is exactly like Bush, shows a good grasp of reality that so few possess. (if the video is actually showing that)
if he was exactly like Bush we would not have an economy in recovery.

He is not all we hoped, the power of the monied interests must already have the country buy the nuts.

I have no idea if they own Obamas.

I know they own the entire right in this country.
I don't give a damn who they vote for, it'll be another trash 4 years of Obama or 4 new years of a republican doing exactly what Obama would do.

I'm just glad they recognize that Obama is exactly like Bush, shows a good grasp of reality that so few possess. (if the video is actually showing that)

Obama is exactly like Bush? What planet do you live on again?
Bush did not propose a massive gov't take over of health care.
Bush did not randomly go to war and then assign responsibility to NATO.
Bush did not engage in such gimmicks as cash for clunkers.
Bush did not take over the student load system.
Bush did not push global warming/carbon tax.
Bush did not shut out the Dems in negotiations (who wrote No Child Left Behind again?)

I could go on and on. Yes Obama figured out once in office that Bush's moves in the WOT actually made sense and were the only reasonable ones. I'll wait for the apology.
$5,000.00 a plate, Obama talking, and entertainment.

YouTube - - Where's Our Change Video

Dear Mr. President, we honor you today, sir.
Each of us brought you $5,000.
It takes a lot of Benjamins to run a campaign.
I paid my dues, where’s our change?
We’ll vote for you in 2012, yes that’s true.
Look at the Republicans — what else can we do?
Even though we don’t know if we’ll retain our liberties
In what you seem content to call a free society.
Yes, it’s true that Terry Jones is legally free
To burn a people’s holy book in shameful effigy.
But at another location in this country
Alone in a 6 x 12 cell sits Bradley,
23 hours a day and night.
The 5th and 8th Amendments say this kind of thing ain’t right,
We paid our dues, where’s our change?

Ahh like the Republicans in 2008 voting for McSame?
I don't give a damn who they vote for, it'll be another trash 4 years of Obama or 4 new years of a republican doing exactly what Obama would do.

I'm just glad they recognize that Obama is exactly like Bush, shows a good grasp of reality that so few possess. (if the video is actually showing that)

Obama is exactly like Bush? What planet do you live on again?
Bush did not propose a massive gov't take over of health care.
Bush did not randomly go to war and then assign responsibility to NATO.
Bush did not engage in such gimmicks as cash for clunkers.
Bush did not take over the student load system.
Bush did not push global warming/carbon tax.
Bush did not shut out the Dems in negotiations (who wrote No Child Left Behind again?)

I could go on and on. Yes Obama figured out once in office that Bush's moves in the WOT actually made sense and were the only reasonable ones. I'll wait for the apology.

1.) Bush did increase government involvement in healthcare.
2.) See #1
3.) He did randomly go to war.
4.) Bush did throw taxpayer money at handpicked favorite companies like Obama has.
5.) Not overly aware of the student loan situation, seems the same as it was before.
6.) Had the same stupid carbon credits system under Bush.
7.) Both sides don't have much to negotiate, they agree on 99% of things, just look at the budget, the big issue was over 1% of it.

Write this down, save it in your favorites, put in on your refrigerator, this is a personal guarantee;


Remember the last time we heard this song and dance about how we needed to elect a republican president to be more fiscally conservative than the last liberal spending democrat president?

Takes a real short memory to be a party line voting, straight ticket democrat or republican these days.
$5,000.00 a plate, Obama talking, and entertainment.

YouTube - - Where's Our Change Video

Dear Mr. President, we honor you today, sir.
Each of us brought you $5,000.
It takes a lot of Benjamins to run a campaign.
I paid my dues, where’s our change?
We’ll vote for you in 2012, yes that’s true.
Look at the Republicans — what else can we do?
Even though we don’t know if we’ll retain our liberties
In what you seem content to call a free society.
Yes, it’s true that Terry Jones is legally free
To burn a people’s holy book in shameful effigy.
But at another location in this country
Alone in a 6 x 12 cell sits Bradley,
23 hours a day and night.
The 5th and 8th Amendments say this kind of thing ain’t right,
We paid our dues, where’s our change?

Ahh like the Republicans in 2008 voting for McSame?

So you're saying that it's OK when Dems do it but not OK when GOP does it?

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