Psaki, Democrats, and "Kitchen Table Issues"

Vichy Mac, wishing we had two Republican Parties... as if one isn't doing enough damage.

Except no one is defunding the police. Police spending has increased. We throw 2 million people in prison, we have 7 million on probation or parole, we have 100 million with a police record. We aren't any safer for it, that's the point. But don't you dare suggest MAYBE we should put funds elsewhere like drug or mental health treatment. Nope, just let the mentally ill wander the street, and maybe a cop will be there later to write it up when they push someone in front of a train.

I love when Mac shows his subtle racism, don't you? Besides the fact we have 3.6% unemployment, white unemployment is ALWAYS lower than those of people of color. But don't tell that to Mac and his white grievance politics.

View attachment 627684

Um, yeah, how dare we make businesses obey the law. Hey, how about getting rid of those sanitation codes, too! How dare government tell people how to run their business.

I guess, if you spend your whole life worried about stuff like that.

Or you could try not being a jerk at work and being professional! You're still butthurt over that funny joke that didn't amuse H R, aren't you?

Again, try being a decent person, that won't be an issue.

Yes, we should be totally free to teach our kids to be bigots when they grow up.

You keep repeating this lie, Mac, but Trump didn't do any better in 2016 than Mitt Romney did in terms of percentages. Trump 'won' because too many people in swing states decided to vote third party because they thought Hillary was a bitch. White people are going to be awful no matter what the Democrats say or do, and pandering to their awfulness isn't the way "Forward".
We are looking for a Republican party. It is clear that there is subterfuge in people pushed for Republican political positions voted on by citizens. They are promoted in areas where it should be more red with hidden agendas or views that are even more to the left when important legislation or people are voted on by them.
As I watch the undeniable rise of the GQP, while watching Jen Psaki and the Dems saying we "should concentrate on kitchen table issues", my simple desire for a viable third party only grows stronger.

Hey Jen, let me point a couple of things out. Whether you're willing to admit to them or not:
  1. Hearing things like "defund the police" is "a kitchen table issue".
  2. Not getting a job because the other person's skin color is preferred is "a kitchen table issue".
  3. Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".
  4. The thought of a man in a dress going into a public restroom while your five-year old daughter is in there is "a kitchen table issue".
  5. Worrying that you'll get fired because someone at work somehow decided you had "offended" them is "a kitchen table issue".
  6. Being verbally assaulted in public because someone decided you had attacked their chosen Certified Victim Group is "a kitchen table issue".
  7. Finding out that your elementary school child is taught things about sexuality that aggressively contradict your beliefs is "a kitchen table issue".
I've been saying since I've been on this board that the hardcore Left's relentless push on cultural issues was hurting them. Whether you'll admit it or not, it played a huge role in the 2016 elections. Whether you admit it or not, it makes the Left an easy target for your opponents, right now, today. And now, at this critical moment in this country's history, it's all coming home to roost.

Great timing, Jen. Really great. And you'll deny all of the above, or you'll dismiss it as not being relevant.


Democrats are merely pandering to minorities? They really don't care about them?

Or are you the racist?

Yes, that must be it.

BTW, the GOP is not rising. They can't even build a border wall when in power.

it's just the DNC sinking into oblivion.

As for the party thingy, the Left will just infiltrate and take over like they do corporate America, our schools, our churches, etc.

The issue is centralized unchecked power that is corrupt. That is the problem and not the facade of changing a party name

I mean, look at liberals who later changed their name to Progressives once they trashed the term liberal. Changing names does not change the person, just like changing genital parts does not change a person.

My only hope is the Article V movement which seeks to have states reclaim much of their power they have surrendered over the years to the Federal behemoth.

And no, I don't look to Trump for any measure of hope? What, is he going to win again only to get impeached every week or something?

Well good, then you agree. Their values are whatever the fuck get them power right here and right now. If that means “doing the opposite of every single thing the Democrats do” then they will do that. If that means “obstruct Supreme Court justices” then they will do that. If that means “gerrymander until it is impossible to lose” then they will do that.

They stand for nothing other than unadulterated power, and the pursuit of it
You could simply change out a couple words in that post, and you would describe YOUR party as well.
One day, MAYBE, you partisans will grow up and dump those corrupt assholes. Doubtful but maybe.. who knows.
He is only sane when he bashes Trump, otherwise he is a racist... probably sexist and loves Putin.

Naw, Mac has always been pompous and full of himself.

joe how come mac never replies to your posts?.....i know he doesnt do well when he gets criticized.......
Mac's had me on ignore after I bitch slapped one of his silly premises with numbers.

The problem is, he gets these assertations, like 'White people fled to Trump because of Political COrrectness" and then gets upset when you point out that same percentage of white folks have been voting Republican since Tricky Dick.
Mac's got the sads because he has realized Trump is going to be the 47th president... He's got to pretend to be a moderate again to attempt to influence Republicans.

Sorry Big Mac... That ship has sailed far, far away.
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As I watch the undeniable rise of the GQP, while watching Jen Psaki and the Dems saying we "should concentrate on kitchen table issues", my simple desire for a viable third party only grows stronger.

Hey Jen, let me point a couple of things out. Whether you're willing to admit to them or not:
  1. Hearing things like "defund the police" is "a kitchen table issue".
  2. Not getting a job because the other person's skin color is preferred is "a kitchen table issue".
  3. Watching your neighbor's business being destroyed because they don't want to bake a cake, and wondering if you're next, is "a kitchen table issue".
  4. The thought of a man in a dress going into a public restroom while your five-year old daughter is in there is "a kitchen table issue".
  5. Worrying that you'll get fired because someone at work somehow decided you had "offended" them is "a kitchen table issue".
  6. Being verbally assaulted in public because someone decided you had attacked their chosen Certified Victim Group is "a kitchen table issue".
  7. Finding out that your elementary school child is taught things about sexuality that aggressively contradict your beliefs is "a kitchen table issue".
I've been saying since I've been on this board that the hardcore Left's relentless push on cultural issues was hurting them. Whether you'll admit it or not, it played a huge role in the 2016 elections. Whether you admit it or not, it makes the Left an easy target for your opponents, right now, today. And now, at this critical moment in this country's history, it's all coming home to roost.

Great timing, Jen. Really great. And you'll deny all of the above, or you'll dismiss it as not being relevant.

Centrist Democrats used to keep the far left in line, now the Dem party is run by the far left.
There's a difference between whether Democrats think these should be kitchen-table issues, and whether they are.

That's something I think the party doesn't understand. And plenty of Independents think they are important issues, too.

Different people have different life experiences and perspectives. That they differ from yours doesn't make them "wrong".

Not coincidentally, I say the same thing to Trumpsters.
The Left just doesn't get it. They are victims of their own actions. They are seen as the liars today, and it is being seen in public as the media helped them. It doesn't make it true, or untrue; but it is perceived that way by most of the American public. Americans see them as untrustworthy.

Look Leftists, without a knee jerk reaction, consider these things----------->

A. When Trump said that gas would go to 6 bucks or more a gallon if Biden was elected, do we think he had a crystal ball and knew this? OF COURSE not, it was election rhetoric! But, it came to pass, didn't it!

B. When all the Democrats were up there during primary season proclaiming the evils of fossil fuel, do you think they knew then that Russia was going to invade Ukraine, or that we were going to have a pandemic? HELL NO! And yet, those words have come back to haunt them putting the target squarely on their backs.

C. When almost every Democrat proclaimed we should defund the police by different amounts, does anyone believe they knew the carnage they were going to unleash? HECK NO! They were playing to their base, and yet, that to comes back to bite them.

D. Who devised us leaving Afghanistan? Now Trump says------------>he could have done it a whole lot better. Is that true? Probably, possibly, maybe not, but we will never know because Biden was at the wheel. So the perception is the Democrats screwed the pooch, and the GOP would not have. Is that TRUE? We do not know, but Americans THINK they know.

E. The laptop, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that laptop. Did the DNC and media COLLUDE to cover up that story? GOP says yes, DNC says no. But CNN got caught talking about how they were working to get Trump defeated on tape. Now, what do you think the American perception would be with that bit of information? Add to that, you have Zuckerberg being shown to give 400 million to help the Democrats! Forget what is real, or not real, but what is the PERCEPTION of reality when you start adding these tidbits together?

I am NOT here to tell any Leftist what to believe, or what not to believe. What I tried to show you is------------->why not many go along with your take, or more accurately----------->why by a large percentage, most Americans don't!

Remember Russia-Russia-Russia? Do we all know that at the height of this early on, most Americans believed it was highly probable? It was incumbent upon the GOP and whomever else, to prove it was NOT! He hadn't been convicted of anything, and yet American perception was-------------> high probability of being true.

Now the roles are reversed. Want to win? It is incumbent upon you that all of what we said, or most anyway, is seen by the American public as true, so you must produce evidence that it is not.

Unfair you say! Isn't how America is supposed to work! That is what we said too, so join the club. American perception is a brutal thing, and it swings elections faster than most facts can, like it or not!
The Left just doesn't get it. They are victims of their own actions. They are seen as the liars today, and it is being seen in public as the media helped them. It doesn't make it true, or untrue; but it is perceived that way by most of the American public. Americans see them as untrustworthy.

Look Leftists, without a knee jerk reaction, consider these things----------->

A. When Trump said that gas would go to 6 bucks or more a gallon if Biden was elected, do we think he had a crystal ball and knew this? OF COURSE not, it was election rhetoric! But, it came to pass, didn't it!

B. When all the Democrats were up there during primary season proclaiming the evils of fossil fuel, do you think they knew then that Russia was going to invade Ukraine, or that we were going to have a pandemic? HELL NO! And yet, those words have come back to haunt them putting the target squarely on their backs.

C. When almost every Democrat proclaimed we should defund the police by different amounts, does anyone believe they knew the carnage they were going to unleash? HECK NO! They were playing to their base, and yet, that to comes back to bite them.

D. Who devised us leaving Afghanistan? Now Trump says------------>he could have done it a whole lot better. Is that true? Probably, possibly, maybe not, but we will never know because Biden was at the wheel. So the perception is the Democrats screwed the pooch, and the GOP would not have. Is that TRUE? We do not know, but Americans THINK they know.

E. The laptop, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that laptop. Did the DNC and media COLLUDE to cover up that story? GOP says yes, DNC says no. But CNN got caught talking about how they were working to get Trump defeated on tape. Now, what do you think the American perception would be with that bit of information? Add to that, you have Zuckerberg being shown to give 400 million to help the Democrats! Forget what is real, or not real, but what is the PERCEPTION of reality when you start adding these tidbits together?

I am NOT here to tell any Leftist what to believe, or what not to believe. What I tried to show you is------------->why not many go along with your take, or more accurately----------->why by a large percentage, most Americans don't!

Remember Russia-Russia-Russia? Do we all know that at the height of this early on, most Americans believed it was highly probable? It was incumbent upon the GOP and whomever else, to prove it was NOT! He hadn't been convicted of anything, and yet American perception was-------------> high probability of being true.

Now the roles are reversed. Want to win? It is incumbent upon you that all of what we said, or most anyway, is seen by the American public as true, so you must produce evidence that it is not.

Unfair you say! Isn't how America is supposed to work! That is what we said too, so join the club. American perception is a brutal thing, and it swings elections faster than most facts can, like it or not!

Oh, so essentially, you admit that American stupidity keeps the GOP alive.

We already knew that.

The point about the laptop is even Fox News avoided that bullshit story at the time. And no one noticed Trump sold us out in Afghanistan because they were too focused on the stuff he was fucking up on THIS side of the planet.
Oh, so essentially, you admit that American stupidity keeps the GOP alive.

We already knew that.

The point about the laptop is even Fox News avoided that bullshit story at the time. And no one noticed Trump sold us out in Afghanistan because they were too focused on the stuff he was fucking up on THIS side of the planet.
American stupidity keeps both parties alive....
Oh, so essentially, you admit that American stupidity keeps the GOP alive.

We already knew that.

The point about the laptop is even Fox News avoided that bullshit story at the time. And no one noticed Trump sold us out in Afghanistan because they were too focused on the stuff he was fucking up on THIS side of the planet.

No, that is NOT what I said, or meant. Taking a stand on controversial issues is laudable. But, when unseen forces make you look foolish because you had no idea what would happen in the future through no fault of your own, you have left yourself open for condemnation. It is the way of politics.
The right wing social agenda is aimed directly at every bit of progress made in the 70 years. They are looking to set back the clock. While I'll acknowledge the left spends a lot of political capital fighting these mainly defensive actions they are battles that must be fought.

how so?
Vichy Mac, wishing we had two Republican Parties... as if one isn't doing enough damage.

Except no one is defunding the police. Police spending has increased. We throw 2 million people in prison, we have 7 million on probation or parole, we have 100 million with a police record. We aren't any safer for it, that's the point. But don't you dare suggest MAYBE we should put funds elsewhere like drug or mental health treatment. Nope, just let the mentally ill wander the street, and maybe a cop will be there later to write it up when they push someone in front of a train.

I love when Mac shows his subtle racism, don't you? Besides the fact we have 3.6% unemployment, white unemployment is ALWAYS lower than those of people of color. But don't tell that to Mac and his white grievance politics.

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Um, yeah, how dare we make businesses obey the law. Hey, how about getting rid of those sanitation codes, too! How dare government tell people how to run their business.

I guess, if you spend your whole life worried about stuff like that.

Or you could try not being a jerk at work and being professional! You're still butthurt over that funny joke that didn't amuse H R, aren't you?

Again, try being a decent person, that won't be an issue.

Yes, we should be totally free to teach our kids to be bigots when they grow up.

You keep repeating this lie, Mac, but Trump didn't do any better in 2016 than Mitt Romney did in terms of percentages. Trump 'won' because too many people in swing states decided to vote third party because they thought Hillary was a bitch. White people are going to be awful no matter what the Democrats say or do, and pandering to their awfulness isn't the way "Forward".

You and macs fervent dreams of frolicking in a field with public servants who want to serve the people is a laugher. We're moving quickly towards a one world government.

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