Psaki is right! Gas price increases due to Russia...BUT this didn't contribute?

The statements from the US oil companies was that instead of investing in future capacity they were sharing profits with shareholders. Over 100 US oil companies filed bankruptcy in 2020.

Explain exactly what you think the oil companies should have done strategically going back to the beginning of the Obama administration.
GG, you are smarter than this.

Youre spinning.

To claim Biden did not hamper FF production in the US is simply untrue.

You are conflating Covid level production.

They are the levels he started his time in office with. Are you blaming him for the 2020 levles?

In the 3 years before COVID US oil production averaged 15% per year growth. 2021 saw 16% growth.

In Feb of 2017 there were 744 active wells in the US. In Jan of 2020, before the start of COVID there were 791 active wells in the US. That is a 6% increase in 3 years. A total difference of 47 wells. Since Feb of 2021 the number of new wells is 204.

You are the one spinning. Perhaps Biden wishes to hamper US oil production, but he has failed at that also if you look at the numbers without your partisan glasses on
Explain exactly what you think the oil companies should have done strategically going back to the beginning of the Obama administration.
They did fine. The ppb was high so everyone went to work and doubled US oil production. Over all oil companies do an excellent job.
Jean Psaki excuse that "the increase and the anticipated continued increase, which is what I think some of your colleagues were asking about, that that is a direct result of the invasion of Ukraine.”
And she is right. Too bad she can't seem to comprehend THIS factor also contributes to price increases, but that would point out a Biden failure.
Biden suspended new fossil-fuel leases and drilling permits on federal lands and waters for 60 days. At a “Climate Day” event the following week, he went much further, declaring an indefinite pause on new federal oil and gas leasing altogether so that his administration could “review and reset” the leasing program.

Now Biden wants to stop Russian oil imports which will increase prices.
Biden wants to buy Venezuela oil...which will increase prices,
Biden wants to buy Iranian oil...which will increase prices,
all putting the USA in a greater energy dependence!
All the while banning oil exploration on USA which had contributed to USA energy independence under Trump!

Gas prices could hit $25.00 per gallon while Democrats hold all three chambers of government, and due to their eternal narcissism, hatred of America, ignorance and gullibility, they would continue to blame anyone and everyone BUT themselves.

The solution is not to try to educate or convince them through discussion. That's already proven ineffective and a losing strategy. Look around.
You are dealing with people who literally want America destroyed. It isn't really even about fossil fuels or the climate. Those are just vessels.

It's all about spreading marxism (which they actually know nothing about) and revoking freedom. They absolutely despise the Constitution and pervert and distort it to further their goals.
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Gas prices could hit $25.00 per gallon while Democrats hold all three chambers of government, and due to their eternal narcissism, hatred of America and gullibility, they would continue to blame anyone BUT themselves.

The solution is not to try to educate or convince them through discussion. That's already proven ineffective and a losing strategy. Look around.
You are dealing with people who literally want America destroyed. It isn't really even about fossil fuels or the climate. Those are just vessels.
God, this is stupid.
Gas prices could hit $25.00 per gallon while Democrats hold all three chambers of government

and pigs could learn how to fly and unicorns could attack the white house.....both of which are more likely than gas hitting 25 dollars a gallon in the next 10 months
Gas prices could hit $25.00 per gallon while Democrats hold all three chambers of government, and due to their eternal narcissism, hatred of America, ignorance and gullibility, they would continue to blame anyone and everyone BUT themselves.

The solution is not to try to educate or convince them through discussion. That's already proven ineffective and a losing strategy. Look around.
You are dealing with people who literally want America destroyed. It isn't really even about fossil fuels or the climate. Those are just vessels.

It's all about spreading marxism (which they actually know nothing about) and revoking freedom. They absolutely despise the Constitution and pervert and distort it to further their goals.

You can laugh at my post all you wish, what you cannot do is show my numbers to be false.
I do hope all you Conservatives who spend so much time bickering with these dedicated marxists and morons on the Left are doing something meaningful along with this tremendous waste of your time.
You're asking that one to "think" ?
Good luck Jim.

Hope springs eternal.

You can laugh at my post all you wish, what you cannot do is show my numbers to be false.

I don't laugh so much as I pity you.
I no longer waste my time. You and the others can pull your numbers out of any orifice you like, still doesn't validate them. ;)

The proof is in the inflation numbers and prices at the pump etc.
All of which the Left owns yet denies.
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I don't laugh so much as I pity you.
I no longer waste my time. You and the others can pull your numbers out of any orifice you like, still doesn't validate them. ;)

I accept your surrender. You know you cannot show them to be false so you run away like the coward that you are.
Jean Psaki excuse that "the increase and the anticipated continued increase, which is what I think some of your colleagues were asking about, that that is a direct result of the invasion of Ukraine.”
And she is right. Too bad she can't seem to comprehend THIS factor also contributes to price increases, but that would point out a Biden failure.
Biden suspended new fossil-fuel leases and drilling permits on federal lands and waters for 60 days. At a “Climate Day” event the following week, he went much further, declaring an indefinite pause on new federal oil and gas leasing altogether so that his administration could “review and reset” the leasing program.

Now Biden wants to stop Russian oil imports which will increase prices.
Biden wants to buy Venezuela oil...which will increase prices,
Biden wants to buy Iranian oil...which will increase prices,
all putting the USA in a greater energy dependence!
All the while banning oil exploration on USA which had contributed to USA energy independence under Trump!
I just find it funny that the left spent four years saying that Trump would never accept responsibility for anything and yet, here we are, with the left never accepting any responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault.
I just find it funny that the left spent four years saying that Trump would never accept responsibility for anything and yet, here we are, with the left never accepting any responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault.
No president controls US oil production. Not even Trump with his incessant bragging . He bragged that he had taken Syrian oil or that he had kept Syrian oil. I laughed til my sides hurt. Syrian oil.peaked in 1996 and it's crappy crude. Syria can't meet domestic needs.
No that isn't globalism, it's just trading with your neighbors.

Essentially the "globalism" people are concerned about is global socalism.

Or climate change

most globalists tend to accept the man-made global warming doomsday hoax and want a world authority to save mother earth
No president controls US oil production. Not even Trump with his incessant bragging . He bragged that he had taken Syrian oil or that he had kept Syrian oil. I laughed til my sides hurt. Syrian oil.peaked in 1996 and it's crappy crude. Syria can't meet domestic needs.
Biden has done many things which have effected the price of oil and gas. He is anti-big oil, pro green energy, and allowed the Taliban to take over Afghanistan which, in turn, gave Russia the green light to take over Ukraine.
I just find it funny that the left spent four years saying that Trump would never accept responsibility for anything and yet, here we are, with the left never accepting any responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault.

Amazing how alike the two sides are.
Biden has done many things which have effected the price of oil and gas. He is anti-big oil, pro green energy, and allowed the Taliban to take over Afghanistan which, in turn, gave Russia the green light to take over Ukraine.
Trump gave Afghanistan to the Taliban in the spring of 2020.

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