Pulitzer Prize Journalist:The Osama binLaden raid was a work of fiction, Hussein Obama should resign

Should Obama stand trial for this heinous crime?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 14 58.3%

  • Total voters
You must think we have a bunch of navy seals who are all fucking liars.

IN case you didn't get the memo, those seals are dead. Convenient huh?

If everybody who is so certain Osama is dead had been on the boat and saw the corpse then the boat would be lying on the bottom of the ocean due to overloading.

Odn't forget how many Navy Seals involved with killing bin Laden have suddenly managed to die.

That would be how many?

Sick, very sick. You're very sick.
No, you are the sick one for talking out of your ass with some half baked conspiracy theory made for people who have mental problems. How come Rob O'Neill et al didn't mention how some of his platoon mates were "suddenly killed" and how "convenient" it was?

Where did the Alex Jones ass licker go?
If you ever notice; many of these 'gung ho' types who act like they are 'in the know', never served one day in the military, not as a cook or an 'operator', driver, infantryman, etc.
I'm willing to bet that the 'genius' was referring to a Chinook that had members of ST-6 that was tragically shot down. His problem is that he doesn't know how the 'Teams' are structured and that within the Teams are ........ platoons.
Obama is a gangster from Chicago and everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

Osama's killing by Obama is another of his lies.


You're a scum sucking, lyin idiot.

Prove it.

Prove bin Laden is still alive.

Prove our military and Seal Team Six lied.

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Its just stunning to think that any American would say our president should "stand trial for the heinous crime" of killing our enemy. bin Laden was responsible for more than 3000 American deaths on 9/11 and you assholes say killing him was a crime, that he's not dead, that our military lied.

Many of you worship the dictators of Russia, China, N Korea but you hide out here in the US.

I really do wish you RW traitors would get the hell out of my country.
Its just stunning to think that any American would say our president should "stand trial for the heinous crime" of killing our enemy. bin Laden was responsible for more than 3000 American deaths on 9/11 and you assholes say killing him was a crime, that he's not dead, that our military lied.

Many of you worship the dictators of Russia, China, N Korea but you hide out here in the US.

I really do wish you RW traitors would get the hell out of my country.
Did anyone say that? No. No one said that. Only you said that. Maybe it was the voices in your head.
I think we should all hope that this isn't true.

You hope that the Pakistani didn't help us?

OR .....You hope that we didn't try to cover up their help, so to protect them from the Osama bin Laden lovers in their Nation AND think the USA military and President should have RATTED them out for their HELP??

Or did you want them to tell the Muslim world that Navy seals cut up Osamas body and threw it out of the aircraft as Hersh Claims?


I would not have expected anything less than disinformation on it, for National and Intel Reasons.
I think we should all hope that this isn't true.

You hope that the Pakistani didn't help us?

OR .....You hope that we didn't try to cover up their help, so to protect them from the Osama bin Laden lovers in their Nation AND think the USA military and President should have RATTED them out for their HELP??

Or did you want them to tell the Muslim world that Navy seals cut up Osamas body and threw it out of the aircraft as Hersh Claims?


I would not have expected anything less than disinformation on it, for National and Intel Reasons.
I hope that our President didn't lie to us. I hope this story is wrong.

Is that not a reasonable hope, regardless of that President's party affiliation?

I think we should all hope that this isn't true.

You hope that the Pakistani didn't help us?

OR .....You hope that we didn't try to cover up their help, so to protect them from the Osama bin Laden lovers in their Nation AND think the USA military and President should have RATTED them out for their HELP??

Or did you want them to tell the Muslim world that Navy seals cut up Osamas body and threw it out of the aircraft as Hersh Claims?


I would not have expected anything less than disinformation on it, for National and Intel Reasons.
I hope that our President didn't lie to us. I hope this story is wrong.

Is that not a reasonable hope, regardless of that President's party affiliation?


He's lied to you numerous times...that's what gives this story legs
[ Nobody ESPECIALLY RWers are allowed to know the truth. What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. so suck it biatches.

All I want or need to know is that he, Bin Ladin, is dead. All you get to know is not a fuyckin thing.

Can everyone screen shot this for all USMB history?

Huggy is a tad confused and looks to be under the impression only left loons count
I think we should all hope that this isn't true.

You hope that the Pakistani didn't help us?

OR .....You hope that we didn't try to cover up their help, so to protect them from the Osama bin Laden lovers in their Nation AND think the USA military and President should have RATTED them out for their HELP??

Or did you want them to tell the Muslim world that Navy seals cut up Osamas body and threw it out of the aircraft as Hersh Claims?


I would not have expected anything less than disinformation on it, for National and Intel Reasons.
I hope that our President didn't lie to us. I hope this story is wrong.

Is that not a reasonable hope, regardless of that President's party affiliation?


He's lied to you numerous times...that's what gives this story legs
Thats the problem. It's absolutely consistent with this administration's handling of everything. The IRS (not a smidgen of corruption), the VA, Bergdahl, Obamacare (voters are stupid!), the Iran Nuclear Treaty (oops, it's an EO!). Now this. The administration's response isnt building confidence either.
You must think we have a bunch of navy seals who are all fucking liars.

IN case you didn't get the mom, those seals are dead. Convenient huh?

No they aren't. You are freakishly gullible. How many of the team that went on the mission that killed Bin Laden are now dead?

The answer should be a number.

A number and a credible link...
You dont deserve a number.
Never fails, when a lib is flummoxed they start screaming BBbbbuuuuutttttttt Booooooosh!!!!!!!!! Everytime

SassyIrishLass S.J.

Vote in the poll quickly before the mods can move this extremely well documented thread that is even being covered by the MSM "conspiracy theory" forum.

Oh, so you realize this should be in the "conspiracy theory" section.

It's in mainstream news. The goal was to establish the thread long before some Obama worshiping admin could ninja-move it to a dead corner of the forum.
You must think we have a bunch of navy seals who are all fucking liars.

IN case you didn't get the mom, those seals are dead. Convenient huh?

No they aren't. You are freakishly gullible. How many of the team that went on the mission that killed Bin Laden are now dead?

The answer should be a number.

A number and a credible link...

Are you claiming Seal Team 6 members haven't been dying in bizarre circumstances since Osama's death?
You must think we have a bunch of navy seals who are all fucking liars.

IN case you didn't get the mom, those seals are dead. Convenient huh?

No they aren't. You are freakishly gullible. How many of the team that went on the mission that killed Bin Laden are now dead?

The answer should be a number.

A number and a credible link...

Are you claiming Seal Team 6 members haven't been dying in bizarre circumstances since Osama's death?
Why don't you back up your half assed claims with some examples and links.

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