Putin made a mistake invading Ukraine

Hitler ended up committing suicide in a bunker.

Napoleon ended up poisoned to death in a British prison.

Hussein was hung.

Khaddafi was torn apart by a mob.

Putin will end in similar fashion.
April 25 (Reuters) - The Russian rouble strengthened on Monday, firming past 77 against the euro to a near two-year high, helped by tax payments that companies are due to make this week and as the market looked ahead to a central bank rate decision on Friday.

The rouble was 3% stronger against the dollar at 73.17, hovering around levels seen before Feb. 24, when Russia sent tens of thousands of troops to Ukraine.

Putin is a master strategist and statesman who planned the humanitarian mission into Ukraine for a long time..
The ruble is stronger than the dollar on the world market.
He is very popular with the people in his country.
And the Russian army is wiping the floor with the Ukrainian forces.
I don’t think any of that is true.
The Russian ruble is garbage. I would not keep one, even as a souvenier.
Pure nonsense, Ruble is propped up by sky-high interest rates that are contracting GDP and government blocking withdrawals.

Russian economy is looking at over 10% economic contraction this year with around 20% inflation.

Foreigners can't trade the ruble. They can't sell their securities. That's why it's being propped up. In the meantime, oil prices have gone up and energy transactions continue. However, Russians can't buy foreign goods. They're living in a suspended animation. It's a complete illusion.

FYI the chairman of the Bank of Russia is a pro-West liberal. She's impressive. The small regressive ethno-Nationalists like Sunni Woman would hate her.
1) His economy is collapsing
2) His soldiers are sabotaging THEIR OWN SHIT to get out of fighting
3) The world stage is watching Russia kill women and children in the fight
4) All of the West has withdrawn support for Russian oil
5) He has completely isolated his country on the world stage to all but Syria and some other shithole countries
6) And most importantly, he is LOSING the war against a shittier opponent.

Just a total clusterfuck of ineptitude and stupidity on his part. He needs to be taken out behind the barn and put down like Ole Yeller.

Totally wrong.

1) Russia's economy is better than ever, because the main drain was Russians buying western goods, like McDonalds, which they no longer can do. Russia is sell as much oil as always, but to middlers like Turkey.

2) Conscripts always try to get out of fighting, is nothing new, and has insignificant effect.

3) The Ukraine is responsible for all the deaths, and Russia has minimized civilians deaths by avoiding urban centers. It is the fascist Azov Battalion who is murdering civilians, like the ethnic Russians they murdered after the Russians had already left Bucha.

4) The west is buying as much Russian oil as always. They just to not know it.

5) Even the Pope has admitted that it was NATO who was completely responsible for this war and ALL the deaths.

6) The Ukraine has not done well at all. What has done well is entirely the $10 billion worth of US missiles and drones.
The Biden is going to get the US attacked if he does not stop this illegal weapons shipments.

And this has NOTHING at all to do with Putin.
He had no choice and any other Russian leader would have to do the same.
It is just a question of how much Moscow will tolerate before this expands to US missile and drone depots, manufacturers, etc.?
Totally wrong.

1) Russia's economy is better than ever, because the main drain was Russians buying western goods, like McDonalds, which they no longer can do. Russia is sell as much oil as always, but to middlers like Turkey.

2) Conscripts always try to get out of fighting, is nothing new, and has insignificant effect.

3) The Ukraine is responsible for all the deaths, and Russia has minimized civilians deaths by avoiding urban centers. It is the fascist Azov Battalion who is murdering civilians, like the ethnic Russians they murdered after the Russians had already left Bucha.

4) The west is buying as much Russian oil as always. They just to not know it.

5) Even the Pope has admitted that it was NATO who was completely responsible for this war and ALL the deaths.

6) The Ukraine has not done well at all. What has done well is entirely the $10 billion worth of US missiles and drones.
The Biden is going to get the US attacked if he does not stop this illegal weapons shipments.

And this has NOTHING at all to do with Putin.
He had no choice and any other Russian leader would have to do the same.
It is just a question of how much Moscow will tolerate before this expands to US missile and drone depots, manufacturers, etc.?

More Russian propaganda from the Russian troll farm.
The war is bad for everyone, but Europe is not going to lift the sanctions on Russia because they know if they allow Putin to get away with this, no European country is safe.

It was the US that started this war by taking over the Ukraine government in 2014, and then trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
Even the Pope admitted the US was at fault entirely.
Foreigners can't trade the ruble. They can't sell their securities. That's why it's being propped up. In the meantime, oil prices have gone up and energy transactions continue. However, Russians can't buy foreign goods. They're living in a suspended animation. It's a complete illusion.

FYI the chairman of the Bank of Russia is a pro-West liberal. She's impressive. The small regressive ethno-Nationalists like Sunni Woman would hate her.

Anyone can trade in Rubles.
They just can't do it through wester banks.
They can sell securities, but Russia never wants to sell securities.
Selling securities is a western gimmick to steal money from unsuspecting idiots.
The Ruble does not need to be propped up because unlike the US, they have zero national debt.
Russia not being able to buy western goods is the best thing that ever happened to the Russian economy.
The Russians will starve and then they'll realize the only way they'll eat again is to kill Putin and then they will.
Totally wrong.

1) Russia's economy is better than ever, because the main drain was Russians buying western goods, like McDonalds, which they no longer can do. Russia is sell as much oil as always, but to middlers like Turkey.

2) Conscripts always try to get out of fighting, is nothing new, and has insignificant effect.

3) The Ukraine is responsible for all the deaths, and Russia has minimized civilians deaths by avoiding urban centers. It is the fascist Azov Battalion who is murdering civilians, like the ethnic Russians they murdered after the Russians had already left Bucha.

4) The west is buying as much Russian oil as always. They just to not know it.

5) Even the Pope has admitted that it was NATO who was completely responsible for this war and ALL the deaths.

6) The Ukraine has not done well at all. What has done well is entirely the $10 billion worth of US missiles and drones.
The Biden is going to get the US attacked if he does not stop this illegal weapons shipments.

And this has NOTHING at all to do with Putin.
He had no choice and any other Russian leader would have to do the same.
It is just a question of how much Moscow will tolerate before this expands to US missile and drone depots, manufacturers, etc.?
Good work Comrade, 5 Rubles have been deposited into your account for glory and pride of Mother Russia.
The Russians will starve and then they'll realize the only way they'll eat again is to kill Putin and then they will.

That is stupid because Russia provides all of its own food without being impacted by western embargoes since 2014.
Since 2014, produce from the EU has been under Russian embargo. That simply means the common market’s farmers, fruit exporters and vegetables producers have had their wings clipped in a manner of speaking. Previously, Russia was one of its major produce buyers.

But while this is bad news for Belgian pear producers, Spanish citrus exporters and fruit & veg companies throughout Europe, it’s good news for producers elsewhere.

From Africa to South America, Asia and beyond, Russia’s import search has gone global. So where one export window has closed, another much larger door has opened.

Putin has NOTHING to do with this.
Any Russian leader would have to do the same.
The problem is the US took over Kyiv and got Kyiv to commit half a dozen acts of war, from violating treaties, to murdering ethnic Russians.

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