Putin Needs To Be Stopped In His Terror Campaign In Ukraine!

Putin should be praised for the humanitarian special military operation he used to liberate the ethnic Russian people in the Donbas region and expose Zelensky's criminal government.
You mean the Russian people he moved in when the Russian supported separatists started killing the ukrainians. We know how this all works and then having a sham vote at gunpoint in the occupied good zones. It would be laughable if it weren't so serious of crime
Is 90% of the belarusians are against Junior Russia in fighting the Ukraine maybe they should reconsider their position and fight with the Ukraine against Russia because they are most likely going to be the next Ones Russia is going to overtake.
Belarus will strike Moscow horde in the heart (Smalensk which is Belarusian city, - Moscow) with the fresh forces , the position is to very similar to 1916-1918 , but this time Moscow has no frineds , no demography and without chances

map from 1918

You mean the Russian people he moved in when the Russian supported separatists started killing the ukrainians. We know how this all works and then having a sham vote at gunpoint in the occupied good zones. It would be laughable if it weren't so serious of crime

maskali speak "we are
Belarus will strike Moscow horde in the heart (Smalensk which is Belarusian city, - Moscow) with the fresh forces , the position is to very similar to 1916-1918 , but this time Moscow has no frineds , no demography and without chances

map from 1918

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I hope you're right, and no time is better than right now, before Russia does the same thing to Belarus.
I hope you're right, and no time is better than right now, before Russia does the same thing to Belarus.
the right time will be the spring, in February oil-gas sanctions fireball hit Moscow horde , rasputitsa, Moscow runs out of ammunition. and dont forget Japan , Chechenia , Finland and many others who were victimized by Moscow in very ugly way, they all will take revenge on dying Moscow horde

‘We’re meat here’: Moscow occupiers save ammunition, while their artillery fire at their troops​

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the right time will be the spring, in February oil-gas sanctions fireball hit Moscow horde , rasputitsa, Moscow runs out of ammunition. and dont forget Japan , Chechenia , Finland and many others who were victimized by Moscow in very ugly way, they all will take revenge on dying Moscow horde

‘We’re meat here’: Moscow occupiers save ammunition, while their artillery fire at their troops​

As long as the retaliation is directed at the military and the elite oligarchy of the country, I'm fine with that. The Russian people have once again been used as ponds by putin and his ilk.
The Russian people have once again been used as ponds by putin and his ilk.

Ukraine has a Russia problem not a Putin problem

https://www.atlanticcouncil.org › blogs › ukraine-has-a-...

4 days ago — Modern Russia has no credible national democratic movement and lacks the pluralistic political traditions that made it possible for democracy to ...


there is the only one solution for this badly outdated empire


Ukraine has a Russia problem not a Putin problem

https://www.atlanticcouncil.org › blogs › ukraine-has-a-...

4 days ago — Modern Russia has no credible national democratic movement and lacks the pluralistic political traditions that made it possible for democracy to ...

View attachment 713586

there is the only one solution for this badly outdated empire

View attachment 713587
Who's to say that when Russia breaks up it doesn't create a whole bunch of little crazy Russians. Hopefully more good will come out of it than bad.
Who's to say that when Russia breaks up it doesn't create a whole bunch of little crazy Russians. Hopefully more good will come out of it than bad.
Would hate to see more minor players with nuclear weapons.
Who's to say that when Russia breaks up it doesn't create a whole bunch of little crazy Russians
we have been there in 1991, did we get any big problem back then ? do you agree that Muscovy is an empire which fights many colonial wars around the globe ?
The Free World has to do more to stop Vladimir Putin and the Russian army’s campaign against civilian and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. What is currently going on in Ukraine is like one would see in a science fiction movie with aliens invading earth and just indiscriminately killing civilians. It is a bad normal that the Free World is allowing to be established here. The standard is being set that in war it is okay to use terror to kill civilians and this should be alarming because future wars that is future conventional wars will become more lethal the norm will be the use of high speed missiles, Russia used them a couple of times in this war, and these missiles traveling eight hundred plus miles per hour simple physics indicate will have a more destructive effect than today's missiles. On Monday October 10th 2022 the Russian military fired over eighty missiles into Ukraine per CNN killing at least fourteen people and wounding ninety-seven. Almost every day now Russia is using these Iranian drones in Ukraine enabling Russia to kill civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure; Russia is intending to acquire another two thousand two hundred of these drones from Iran, how much Ukrainian civilian lives and infrastructure will be lost from Russia use of these weapons. Another important aspect of this issue not focused on in the media beside the immoral taking of human life is the long-term infrastructure damage in Ukraine! The stark reality is that the world will only be able to give Ukraine so much concrete, steel, workman, etc. per year to rebuild their country; as of today it will take decades to rebuild Ukraine from an infrastructure standpoint. Practically every two months that goes by in this war with Russia’s heavy bombing of civilian infrastructure means that Ukraine’s recovery from this war from an infrastructure standpoint will be extended out like a year, the Free World should not let this go on!

Besides the moral and international security implications of allowing this extreme terror to go on at Russia hands the Free World should step up and stop this because any rationale for this being allowed to continue is gone. The consensus of military exports is that the trajectory of this war is that Russia loses and it is not possible for Russia to reverse this because Russia needs to rebuild its army to reverse this trajectory and it neither has the time or resources to accomplish this task. Retired General David Petraeus America’s most accomplished living General, having won the Iraq war for America and its allies, recently said exactly this! The point being if Russia militarily doesn’t have the capacity to win this war and with its heretofore terror campaign against Ukrainian civilians which has been so severe it will take at least twenty plus years for the Ukrainians to rebuild and this terror campaign has not broken the will of the Ukrainian people to repel the Russian invasion and fight for their country there is no legitimate argument Russia can make to continue this terror campaign.

Therefore Nato, the European Union and the G7 should come out and say to Vladimir Putin that if you don't stop this deliberate targeting of civilian, nonmilitary targets in this Russian Invasion of Ukraine War we as a collective body will not rest until you are prosecuted for War crimes. This includes even after the war non only keeping key sanctions that block you from purchasing weapons but also stop the import of dual use products that would be of key help for Russia in building weapons and security capacity including microchips, manufacturing equipment, camera technology, etc.. Not only will the sanctions leverage be used but it will be pursued removing the Russian Federation from the Security Council of the Untied Nation until Vladimir Putin is no longer in power in Russia and is turned over to the Hague for prosecution of war crimes have this seat on the Security Council filled by the General Assembly the same way they fill the non-permanent seats on the Security Council. The United States should come out to Putin and say unless you stop your campaign to kill civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure we are going to give the Ukrainian government the long range missiles and drones to target the bases inside Russia that are responsible for launching these weapons targeting civilian and civilian infrastructure.

Another danger in this war in Ukraine is that the country of Belarus seems to be contemplating getting into it on the side of Putin to help Russian forces, this would be a disaster for Ukraine and the Free World for this could bring forty thousand plus fresh Putin troops into the war and could again threaten Kyiv! The United States should tell Alexander Lukashenko President of Belarus that if he invades Ukraine to help Putin the United states will give 200 mile range missiles to the Ukrainian government and allow those and the fifty mile missiles already supplied to Ukraine to be fired into Belarus with the request and promise to President Volodymyr Zelensky to target key Belarusian infrastructure like the Belarus President's offices and the Belarus Capitol building and that those fired missiles will be replenished quickly! Further, the United States should tell the Belarussian President if he invades Ukraine the United States will not instigate an insurgency in Belarus “but” if any insurgency does rise up America's Foreign Intelligence service the CIA will provide “outstanding” help to that insurgency!

Furthermore, Belarus President Lukashenko has been waving around the threat of using nuclear weapons if his country is attacked and if Belarus does invade Ukraine understandably Ukraine would fire weapons into Belarus to take out weapon depots, command centers and to disrupt Belarussian supply lines which raises the question whether Belarus President Lukashenko would consider this a violation of his set forth condition triggering Belarus to use nuclear weapons. The United States should tell the Belarus President Lukashenko that if he crosses this line, the line on the use of nuclear weapons, which only a leader not in his right mind would cross, the United States will immediately commence and air bombing campaign that will be daily and go on for months that will not only destroy every military base in Belarus and target every significant size Belarus military unit it can find in Belarus but it will also target and destroy every significant and important government building in Belarus including for security and finance ministries. Further, the United States will push hard to see that Mr. Lukashenko is taken into custody and tried for war crimes over this use of a nuclear weapon including offering a $200 million reward for that individual or individuals that bring about his apprehension and his turning over to international authorities for prosecution of war crimes. Further if Belarus fires the nuclear missile into a Nato country the United States will be pushing for NATO to send in ground troops into Belarus and permanently remove the Lukashenko government from power!
well what is going on? Isn't ukraine wining the war. Every day there are news of Ukrainian units destroying russian military units with no loses to Ukraine..
The Free World has to do more to stop Vladimir Putin and the Russian army’s campaign against civilian and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. What is currently going on in Ukraine is like one would see in a science fiction movie with aliens invading earth and just indiscriminately killing civilians. It is a bad normal that the Free World is allowing to be established here. The standard is being set that in war it is okay to use terror to kill civilians and this should be alarming because future wars that is future conventional wars will become more lethal the norm will be the use of high speed missiles, Russia used them a couple of times in this war, and these missiles traveling eight hundred plus miles per hour simple physics indicate will have a more destructive effect than today's missiles. On Monday October 10th 2022 the Russian military fired over eighty missiles into Ukraine per CNN killing at least fourteen people and wounding ninety-seven. Almost every day now Russia is using these Iranian drones in Ukraine enabling Russia to kill civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure; Russia is intending to acquire another two thousand two hundred of these drones from Iran, how much Ukrainian civilian lives and infrastructure will be lost from Russia use of these weapons. Another important aspect of this issue not focused on in the media beside the immoral taking of human life is the long-term infrastructure damage in Ukraine! The stark reality is that the world will only be able to give Ukraine so much concrete, steel, workman, etc. per year to rebuild their country; as of today it will take decades to rebuild Ukraine from an infrastructure standpoint. Practically every two months that goes by in this war with Russia’s heavy bombing of civilian infrastructure means that Ukraine’s recovery from this war from an infrastructure standpoint will be extended out like a year, the Free World should not let this go on!

Besides the moral and international security implications of allowing this extreme terror to go on at Russia hands the Free World should step up and stop this because any rationale for this being allowed to continue is gone. The consensus of military exports is that the trajectory of this war is that Russia loses and it is not possible for Russia to reverse this because Russia needs to rebuild its army to reverse this trajectory and it neither has the time or resources to accomplish this task. Retired General David Petraeus America’s most accomplished living General, having won the Iraq war for America and its allies, recently said exactly this! The point being if Russia militarily doesn’t have the capacity to win this war and with its heretofore terror campaign against Ukrainian civilians which has been so severe it will take at least twenty plus years for the Ukrainians to rebuild and this terror campaign has not broken the will of the Ukrainian people to repel the Russian invasion and fight for their country there is no legitimate argument Russia can make to continue this terror campaign.

Therefore Nato, the European Union and the G7 should come out and say to Vladimir Putin that if you don't stop this deliberate targeting of civilian, nonmilitary targets in this Russian Invasion of Ukraine War we as a collective body will not rest until you are prosecuted for War crimes. This includes even after the war non only keeping key sanctions that block you from purchasing weapons but also stop the import of dual use products that would be of key help for Russia in building weapons and security capacity including microchips, manufacturing equipment, camera technology, etc.. Not only will the sanctions leverage be used but it will be pursued removing the Russian Federation from the Security Council of the Untied Nation until Vladimir Putin is no longer in power in Russia and is turned over to the Hague for prosecution of war crimes have this seat on the Security Council filled by the General Assembly the same way they fill the non-permanent seats on the Security Council. The United States should come out to Putin and say unless you stop your campaign to kill civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure we are going to give the Ukrainian government the long range missiles and drones to target the bases inside Russia that are responsible for launching these weapons targeting civilian and civilian infrastructure.

Another danger in this war in Ukraine is that the country of Belarus seems to be contemplating getting into it on the side of Putin to help Russian forces, this would be a disaster for Ukraine and the Free World for this could bring forty thousand plus fresh Putin troops into the war and could again threaten Kyiv! The United States should tell Alexander Lukashenko President of Belarus that if he invades Ukraine to help Putin the United states will give 200 mile range missiles to the Ukrainian government and allow those and the fifty mile missiles already supplied to Ukraine to be fired into Belarus with the request and promise to President Volodymyr Zelensky to target key Belarusian infrastructure like the Belarus President's offices and the Belarus Capitol building and that those fired missiles will be replenished quickly! Further, the United States should tell the Belarussian President if he invades Ukraine the United States will not instigate an insurgency in Belarus “but” if any insurgency does rise up America's Foreign Intelligence service the CIA will provide “outstanding” help to that insurgency!

Furthermore, Belarus President Lukashenko has been waving around the threat of using nuclear weapons if his country is attacked and if Belarus does invade Ukraine understandably Ukraine would fire weapons into Belarus to take out weapon depots, command centers and to disrupt Belarussian supply lines which raises the question whether Belarus President Lukashenko would consider this a violation of his set forth condition triggering Belarus to use nuclear weapons. The United States should tell the Belarus President Lukashenko that if he crosses this line, the line on the use of nuclear weapons, which only a leader not in his right mind would cross, the United States will immediately commence and air bombing campaign that will be daily and go on for months that will not only destroy every military base in Belarus and target every significant size Belarus military unit it can find in Belarus but it will also target and destroy every significant and important government building in Belarus including for security and finance ministries. Further, the United States will push hard to see that Mr. Lukashenko is taken into custody and tried for war crimes over this use of a nuclear weapon including offering a $200 million reward for that individual or individuals that bring about his apprehension and his turning over to international authorities for prosecution of war crimes. Further if Belarus fires the nuclear missile into a Nato country the United States will be pushing for NATO to send in ground troops into Belarus and permanently remove the Lukashenko government from power!
A couple of weeks ago, I saw in the news that Russia had fired 83 missiles, mostly Kh-55 or Kh-101 cruise misses which Ukraine forces claimed they shot down 43. We know approximated 28 hit civilian targets killing at least a dozen civilians. The cost of these missiles ranges for 8 to 13 million each.

Doing the math, it cost Russia $665 million to $1.1 billion dollars to kill a dozen civilians that's about 55 million to 90 million per civilian death. Of course there is also property damage but this doesn't make sense to me. The purpose of killing civilians to weaken the enemies will to fight but in Ukraine, that seems to be having the opposite effect. One has to wonder how long can Putin can keep this up.
well what is going on? Isn't ukraine wining the war. Every day there are news of Ukrainian units destroying russian military units with no loses to Ukraine..
I think you have to take that news with a grain of salt. Russia now occupies 20% of Ukrainian land. Remember Russia spent 13 years in Afghanistan so don't expect them to ride back to Moscow anytime soon. One way or another, Putin is going to claim a great victory, even if it takes 10 years and even if it's only 25% of Ukraine.
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The Free World has to do more to stop Vladimir Putin

F Off. We are already in way too deep. It's a LOCAL war involving a small country of no strategic interest to us. Time for the LOCALS to handle it.

I'm tired of fighting wars we get absolutely nothing out of.
One has to wonder how long can Putin can keep this up.

Russia and China are already talking about leaving the Dollar for another currency. All Russia needs now is for China, Iran, Korea and others to step in and start helping Russia as we and NATO are helping Ukraine.

Game over.
the right time will be the spring, in February oil-gas sanctions fireball hit Moscow horde , rasputitsa, Moscow runs out of ammunition. and dont forget Japan , Chechenia , Finland and many others who were victimized by Moscow in very ugly way, they all will take revenge on dying Moscow horde

‘We’re meat here’: Moscow occupiers save ammunition, while their artillery fire at their troops​

You overlooked one detail.if the Poootin loving MAGA repubs gain power...they will cut funding to Ukraine...they want Poootin to win.

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