Putin Needs To Be Stopped In His Terror Campaign In Ukraine!

Comrad JimofPennsylva, in His lead post is as deluded as anyone on the subject;
1. USA has caused vastly more harm world wide over the last 122 years than Tsar Putin is even accused of doing.
2. USA, HATO and various bribed European officials started the whole Ukraine thing;
3. And the EU officials et. al. are working desperately to arrange mass deaths from exposure and starvation by blocking Russia's past generous and crucial help to European countries, even though they sided against Russia on Yugoslavia, Serbia, Syria, Libya, Chechnya, and other things such as the shoot down of the USA hijacked Malay airliner over Ukraine.

Litwin in his rage accuses Tsar Putin as "Mongol IVAN GO HOME" Either Litwn is immensely deluded or He is allied with mongrel Edom. In either case, Tsar Putin must have Himself in proper order with the King of kings.
I block poootin humpers.
You, AZtrailwhale are way off the ball with your worship of the criminal Churchill, and Roosevelt was also guilty.
It was the UK & USA who conducted a holocaust on the Heroic Aryan Christian Israelite Nation of Germany by murdering millions of Israelite Yehudeans (judeans) of all ages and sex via firebombing whole cities of their Anglo-Saxon relatives, Both America & UK earned Curses for their Criminal behavior towards the Heroic Germans who attempted to Save Russia from Stalin and his murdering, torturing communst gangs.
IF the American people actually knew how that money gets robbed and raped and sent back to congress critters though many layered illicit business deals Jan 6 would look like a kindergarten pic-nic......

Wow, is this another trump lie, or just one I haven't heard before.

JimH52....... Enjoy Your delusions while You can.​

As for Comrad Stann: All of America's wars have been engineered and carried out with fraud, murder, torture and robbery as the main motive for at least 122 years so far. In Yankee democracy, no one gets to vote against Yankee wars.
Says who? Get it into your stupid head that Russia has never lost. Uks have no industry, have no money of their own, have no electric power in half of the country, have lost most of their combat-fit manpower, have no willpower to fight, other then when your valiant "Azov" friends have your backs in their crosshairs and it's still winning??? Rich! I'm telling you start getting used to the thought that what's going to remain of Ukraine might be its western demiliterized and denazified part and rump Ukraine, conditioned likewise. The rest returns to its senses and consequently to Mother Russia.
And you say all of this as the Russian army continues to retreat from the Ukrainian army. The Russian missile attacks against Ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastructure have no military value, and it is clear that no one in the Russian military or the Russian government has any idea how to defeat the Ukrainian military.

Ukraine has 700,000 soldiers under arms and they not only outnumber the Russian soldiers but they are better equipped than the rag tag conscripts Putin in dumping in Ukraine without equipment and without orders. While Ukraine has no trouble replacing casualties with new volunteers, Russia has to hunt down new conscripts and has already lost 90,000 soldiers dead and irrecoverably wounded.

There is no rational basis for believing Russia can win this war; the only question to be answered is when Russia will concede.
And you say all of this as the Russian army continues to retreat from the Ukrainian army. The Russian missile attacks against Ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastructure have no military value, and it is clear that no one in the Russian military or the Russian government has any idea how to defeat the Ukrainian military.

Ukraine has 700,000 soldiers under arms and they not only outnumber the Russian soldiers but they are better equipped than the rag tag conscripts Putin in dumping in Ukraine without equipment and without orders. While Ukraine has no trouble replacing casualties with new volunteers, Russia has to hunt down new conscripts and has already lost 90,000 soldiers dead and irrecoverably wounded.

There is no rational basis for believing Russia can win this war; the only question to be answered is when Russia will concede.
You've got the wrong variables in the equation. Change the channel, I say.
Is beautress your mother, sister, a girlfriend or father maybe? Who knows how it is with you lot these days? She seems to be reading the same history books and crying as heavy a crocodile tear over Hohols "killed" by Stalin as you are. When are you morons gonna learn that there was a universal famine then and everybody suffered from it, Ukrainiens, Russians, Kazakhs or whoever. It didn't discriminate it just killed.
There was a famine, but on top of that Stalin confiscated so much Ukrainian grain that millions of Ukrainians died. Perhaps you don't know who Stalin was. He was the psychopath who started WWII by partnering with Hitler to invade Poland and then provoked the German attack on Russia by trying to take over Polish land he had agreed would to Germany, so he was not only a psychopath but a very stupid psychopath like Putin.
Putin is a great leader and a man to be admired.
He puts your hero Biden to shame and runs circles around him.
Hey you low blower!

Don’t ever accuse me of being a Brandon supporter. I’m not remotely liberal even.

Do some homework, you moron.

And your hero, Putin, is a murderous bitch.
There was a famine, but on top of that Stalin confiscated so much Ukrainian grain that millions of Ukrainians died. Perhaps you don't know who Stalin was. He was the psychopath who started WWII by partnering with Hitler to invade Poland and then provoked the German attack on Russia by trying to take over Polish land he had agreed would to Germany, so he was not only a psychopath but a very stupid psychopath like Putin.
She certainly is. No doubt now.
There was a famine, but on top of that Stalin confiscated so much Ukrainian grain that millions of Ukrainians died. Perhaps you don't know who Stalin was. He was the psychopath who started WWII by partnering with Hitler to invade Poland and then provoked the German attack on Russia by trying to take over Polish land he had agreed would to Germany, so he was not only a psychopath but a very stupid psychopath.
That's an addition of my knowledge on the subject; And it was stupid deluded Americans who followed war crazies Churchill & Roosevelt in destroyiing the Heroic German People who were rescuing Russia from Stalin and his torturing, murdering Jewish Communsts.
And you say all of this as the Russian army continues to retreat from the Ukrainian army. The Russian missile attacks against Ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastructure have no military value, and it is clear that no one in the Russian military or the Russian government has any idea how to defeat the Ukrainian military.

Ukraine has 700,000 soldiers under arms and they not only outnumber the Russian soldiers but they are better equipped than the rag tag conscripts Putin in dumping in Ukraine without equipment and without orders. While Ukraine has no trouble replacing casualties with new volunteers, Russia has to hunt down new conscripts and has already lost 90,000 soldiers dead and irrecoverably wounded.

There is no rational basis for believing Russia can win this war; the only question to be answered is when Russia will concede.
And if Poootin uses chemical or nuclear....NATO will destroy him and his rag tag army. Poootin hasn't way out.
That's an addition of my knowledge on the subject; And it was stupid deluded Americans who followed war crazies Churchill & Roosevelt in destroyiing the Heroic German People who were rescuing Russia from Stalin and his torturing, murdering Jewish Communsts.
So the pro Putin posters aren't the only fruitcakes on this board.
At the end of WWll general Patton lamented that America had fought against the wrong enemy.
That we should have allied with Germany and fought against the communist Soviet Russia.
And if Poootin uses chemical or nuclear....NATO will destroy him and his rag tag army. Poootin hasn't way out.

yeah right! :rolleyes:

At the end of WWll general Patton lamented that America had fought against the wrong enemy.
That we should have allied with Germany and fought against the communist Soviet Russia.
Patton did not say the US should have allied itself with Germany but he did say the US should have continued the war to also defeat Russia, and in hindsight that makes a lot of sense today.
At the end of WWll general Patton lamented that America had fought against the wrong enemy.
That we should have allied with Germany and fought against the communist Soviet Russia.
Yeah...we all saw the friging movie...
Patton did not say the US should have allied itself with Germany but he did say the US should have continued the war to also defeat Russia, and in hindsight that makes a lot of sense today.
After the Berlin wall fell...Russia could have been on the way to democr. Then along came a former KGB agent named Poootin.
Future historians will be unanimous in saying that Putin was the greatest leader of this century,

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