Putin Needs To Be Stopped In His Terror Campaign In Ukraine!

putin is a walking Dead Man and Russia is ready to disintegrate. 23 oblasts I'm 14 independent nations are incorporated into Russia. No one likes what's going on. Putin open the door by having elections whether to come part of Russia or not in the four parts of the Ukraine. Of course that boat was illegitimate. Throughout Russia any such boat would be legal and binding.
Putin said the collapse of the Soviet Union was one of the greatest disasters of modern history. It is becoming clear that Putin's goal is rebuilt as much of Soviet Union as possible and Ukraine is the key to success.
It is becoming clear that Putin's goal is rebuilt as much of Soviet Union as possible and Ukraine is the key to success.
Putin isn't about rebuilding the old Soviet Union.
He just doesn't want Russia to be completely surrounded by hostile European countries that are controlled by the US neocon government that hates Russia.
Putin said the collapse of the Soviet Union was one of the greatest disasters of modern history. It is becoming clear that Putin's goal is rebuilt as much of Soviet Union as possible and Ukraine is the key to success.
He will not stop with Ukraine.
Putin isn't about rebuilding the old Soviet Union.
He just doesn't want Russia to be completely surrounded by hostile European countries that are controlled by the US neocon government that hates Russia.
"He just doesn't want Russia to be completely surrounded by hostile European countries that are controlled by the US neocon government that hates Russia."

Are you really so stupid that you can't see what a ridiculous and impossible statement that is?
"He just doesn't want Russia to be completely surrounded by hostile European countries that are controlled by the US neocon government that hates Russia."
Are you really so stupid that you can't see what a ridiculous and impossible statement that is?
Prove me wrong, or shut up and face the facts. ...:cool:
Look at a map and if you don't see how it is impossible for NATO to surround Russia.
NATO's long term goal is to have every European country to become a member in order to surround and isolate Russia.
Even you, with your limited brain power, knows this is a fact. ... :cool:
NATO's long term goal is to have every European country to become a member in order to surround and isolate Russia.
Even you, with your limited brain power, knows this is a fact. ... :cool:
So what you are saying is that China will join NATO in order to surround and isolate Russia.
Read my post again nitwit,
I said every European country.
Pick up a map and look at it.
China isn't located in Europe. ... :cuckoo:
Then Russia obviously can't be surrounded since Europe is to Russia's west. Is it that you don't understand what the word, surround, means?
Then Russia obviously can't be surrounded since Europe is to Russia's west.
If I wanted to also include Russia's east side, I'd have used the word "encircled".
Are you really this dumb or just pretending to be stupid so people will feel sorry for you? ... :dunno:
If I wanted to also include Russia's east side, I'd have used the word "encircled".
Are you really this dumb or just pretending to be stupid so people will feel sorry for you? ... :dunno:
Obviously Russia couldn't be surrounded by NATO and yet you claimed it was in danger of being surrounded and you still can't understand what the word, surrounded, means.

And, Shit for Brains, China is on Russia's south, not east.
The awesome Putin isn't a war criminal, far from it. ... :cool-45:
Putin is a super Hero that's almost singlehandedly fighting and defeating the Marxist globalist pukes like Biden democrats and the EU/NATO nitwits that are destroying Europe. ... :thup:
The very economic system that puts bread and butter on your table. If you're even an American. I guess you never heard the saying, " Don't bite the hand that feeds you. ".
If I wanted to also include Russia's east side, I'd have used the word "encircled".
Are you really this dumb or just pretending to be stupid so people will feel sorry for you? ... :dunno:
Actually Russia can be surrounded, remember what makes up Russia, 23 oblasrs and 14 independent republics. I'm sure they're all getting uneasy with this insanity that Putin is creating. I know one of the smallest and new independent nations that used to be part of the Soviet Union stood up to putin and demanded respect when he visited those five Asian countries. I think they're rethinking any military alliances they have with Russia.
Obviously Russia couldn't be surrounded by NATO and yet you claimed it was in danger of being surrounded and you still can't understand what the word, surrounded, means.

And, Shit for Brains, China is on Russia's south, not east.
Poootin desperately has come up with numerous excuses for his illegal invasion of Ukraine. But the actual reason is he wants to be remembered as the man who restored the old Soviet Union. Instead he will be remembered as the man who brought Russia to it's knees with this moronic invasion of a neighbor.

The Russian army is so weakened that if NATO became in involved, Russia would be helpless.
China is on Russia's south, not east.
Nitwit, the area where China and Russia share a "border" is in far eastern Russia.
Here I've even provided you with a map to look at. ...:thup:

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The very economic system that puts bread and butter on your table. If you're even an American. I guess you never heard the saying, " Don't bite the hand that feeds you. ".
Not quite sure what you're trying to say? ... :dunno:
Both the U.S. and Russia are Democracies with Capitalism as their economic system, which I have no problem being a part of; and yes, I'm an American citizen with ancestors going back to the War of Northern aggression. ... :cool:
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