Putin Needs To Be Stopped In His Terror Campaign In Ukraine!

The soldiers come from the civilians.

I don't like the new guy either.....but he is much smarter than the people who have been running the show up till now.
When there are no more civilians left there will be no more soldiers either. If Zalensky gave a damn about his people
he would stop being a NATO puppet and actually do what is good for his nation. But he's too deeply in debt to NATO and the
Twisted pedophile US politicians who control NATO from a distance. If he suddenly decided to end the war and declare a Truce...he would be removed
and replaced by another NATO puppet. There was never any need for even the first day of invasion.
All of it could have been done at the table. That tells you everything you need to know.

"The soldiers come from the civilians." So the "smart" Russian strategy you are lauding is to kill so many civilians that Ukraine won't be able to raise an army; that means killing maybe 20 or 30 million people, and you call that smart. What does that make you? This would be the second Russian genocide against the Ukrainian people, and you are apparently ok with it, and can't understand why the Ukrainians don't want to be ruled by Russia.

If you had been paying attention to what has been going on in Ukraine, you would know the Ukrainian people are overwhelmingly in support of the resistance and with each new Russian atrocity this resistance grows stronger and the determination of the of the free world grows stronger. If Zelensky were to offer to give up any part of Ukraine to Russia, he would be run out of office just as Poroshenko was when he ignored the will of the people.

This war is simply unwinnable for Russia and these wanton attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure serves no military purpose.
Humanitarian war criminal? You’re ridiculous.
The awesome Putin isn't a war criminal, far from it. ... :cool-45:
Putin is a super Hero that's almost singlehandedly fighting and defeating the Marxist globalist pukes like Biden democrats and the EU/NATO nitwits that are destroying Europe. ... :thup:
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The awesome Putin isn't a war criminal, far from it. ... :cool-45:
Wrong. He orders this war and waged it largely against civilians. He is a war criminal and needs to get assassinated.
Putin is a super Hero that's almost singlehandedly fighting and defeating the Marxist globalist pukes like Biden democrats and the EU/NATO nitwits that are destroying Europe. ... :thup:
seek professional help. You are clearly insane as well as a piece of shit rooting for a mass murdering war criminal.
"The soldiers come from the civilians." So the "smart" Russian strategy you are lauding is to kill so many civilians that Ukraine won't be able to raise an army; that means killing maybe 20 or 30 million people, and you call that smart. What does that make you? This would be the second Russian genocide against the Ukrainian people, and you are apparently ok with it, and can't understand why the Ukrainians don't want to be ruled by Russia.

If you had been paying attention to what has been going on in Ukraine, you would know the Ukrainian people are overwhelmingly in support of the resistance and with each new Russian atrocity this resistance grows stronger and the determination of the of the free world grows stronger. If Zelensky were to offer to give up any part of Ukraine to Russia, he would be run out of office just as Poroshenko was when he ignored the will of the people.

This war is simply unwinnable for Russia and these wanton attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure serves no military purpose.
and also unwinable for you.
Comrad JimofPennsylva, in His lead post is as deluded as anyone on the subject;
1. USA has caused vastly more harm world wide over the last 122 years than Tsar Putin is even accused of doing.
2. USA, HATO and various bribed European officials started the whole Ukraine thing;
3. And the EU officials et. al. are working desperately to arrange mass deaths from exposure and starvation by blocking Russia's past generous and crucial help to European countries, even though they sided against Russia on Yugoslavia, Serbia, Syria, Libya, Chechnya, and other things such as the shoot down of the USA hijacked Malay airliner over Ukraine.

Litwin in his rage accuses Tsar Putin as "Mongol IVAN GO HOME" Either Litwn is immensely deluded or He is allied with mongrel Edom. In either case, Tsar Putin must have Himself in proper order with the King of kings.
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"The soldiers come from the civilians." So the "smart" Russian strategy you are lauding is to kill so many civilians that Ukraine won't be able to raise an army; that means killing maybe 20 or 30 million people, and you call that smart. What does that make you? This would be the second Russian genocide against the Ukrainian people, and you are apparently ok with it, and can't understand why the Ukrainians don't want to be ruled by Russia.

If you had been paying attention to what has been going on in Ukraine, you would know the Ukrainian people are overwhelmingly in support of the resistance and with each new Russian atrocity this resistance grows stronger and the determination of the of the free world grows stronger. If Zelensky were to offer to give up any part of Ukraine to Russia, he would be run out of office just as Poroshenko was when he ignored the will of the people.

This war is simply unwinnable for Russia and these wanton attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure serves no military purpose.
When was the first one? I forgot.
Wrong. He orders this war and waged it largely against civilians. He is a war criminal and needs to get assassinated.
The Ukraine army will use artillery to shell and bomb their own cities in a futile effort to drive out the Russians who are occupying them. Which results in a lot of Ukrainian civilians being killed.
Then the Zelensky criminal government and the lying media will blame the deaths on the Russian army.
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The Ukraine army will use artillery to shell and bomb their own cities in a futile effort to drive out the Russians who are occupying them. Which results in a lot of Ukrainian civilians being killed.
Then the Zelensky criminal government and the lying media will blame the deaths on the Russian army.
Fuck off. You’re abysmally ignorant and dishonest.
SuniMan, You talk good sense! Maybe even Syrian Shia. And, speaking of Syria, I have to reserve some doubts about Tsar Putin, because of His wimpyness in letting the anti-Christ Edomites pretending to be Israel, to continue bombing Syria.
I doubt that Putin has any love for Israel.
He just having to play politics because so much is going right now.
But I'm sure when the time is right.
Putin will tell the Israeli's to either stop or else face the consequences.
and also unwinnable for you.
I'm not in the war, but it is definitely winnable for Ukraine. Clearly the Russian army can be defeated by the Ukrainians and the Russian economy will continue to shrink. Russia is already unable to supply its troops with weapons and other essential supplies because of the sanctions. Russia will soon have to face the fact that it must withdraw from this war to save itself.
When was the first one? I forgot.
In 1931-32, Stalin confiscated so much Ukrainian grain that millions of Ukrainians starved to death in an effort to put down a Ukrainians independence movement and to modernize Russia. Stalin did not deny grain to Russians but only to Ukrainians.
"The soldiers come from the civilians." So the "smart" Russian strategy you are lauding is to kill so many civilians that Ukraine won't be able to raise an army; that means killing maybe 20 or 30 million people, and you call that smart. What does that make you? This would be the second Russian genocide against the Ukrainian people, and you are apparently ok with it, and can't understand why the Ukrainians don't want to be ruled by Russia.

If you had been paying attention to what has been going on in Ukraine, you would know the Ukrainian people are overwhelmingly in support of the resistance and with each new Russian atrocity this resistance grows stronger and the determination of the of the free world grows stronger. If Zelensky were to offer to give up any part of Ukraine to Russia, he would be run out of office just as Poroshenko was when he ignored the will of the people.

This war is simply unwinnable for Russia and these wanton attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure serves no military purpose.
Russia's terror attacks against civilians are having the same effect as the German terror attacks had on the British citizenry during the Blitz. Every missile that hits and every civilian killed just hardens the average Ukrainian on the street's determination to defeat Russia and Putin at all costs. As JFK said in his inaugural address "We will pay price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, oppose any foe to insure the survival and success of liberty". I'm sure the Ukrainian citizenry agrees with every one of those words. Or as Winston Churchill said
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”. Free people defending their homes can't be defeated in the end. The Ukrainian people will add their own chapter to the history of free people defeating aggression.
Finally, "

“Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the gate:
‘To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his Gods,"​

Thomas Babington Macaulay
I'm not in the war, but it is definitely winnable for Ukraine. Clearly the Russian army can be defeated by the Ukrainians and the Russian economy will continue to shrink. Russia is already unable to supply its troops with weapons and other essential supplies because of the sanctions. Russia will soon have to face the fact that it must withdraw from this war to save itself.
Says who? Get it into your stupid head that Russia has never lost. Uks have no industry, have no money of their own, have no electric power in half of the country, have lost most of their combat-fit manpower, have no willpower to fight, other then when your valiant "Azov" friends have your backs in their crosshairs and it's still winning??? Rich! I'm telling you start getting used to the thought that what's going to remain of Ukraine might be its western demiliterized and denazified part and rump Ukraine, conditioned likewise. The rest returns to its senses and consequently to Mother Russia.
Back in 2014, Tsar Putin offered the East Ukraine Russians to be part of Russia, but they refused and preferred to be independent. If they had accepted Putin's offer, they would have been far better off since then.
I'm not in the war, but it is definitely winnable for Ukraine. Clearly the Russian army can be defeated by the Ukrainians and the Russian economy will continue to shrink. Russia is already unable to supply its troops with weapons and other essential supplies because of the sanctions. Russia will soon have to face the fact that it must withdraw from this war to save itself.
Wow!! ...you write some first rate sci fi... I'm impressed. ... :thup:
In 1931-32, Stalin confiscated so much Ukrainian grain that millions of Ukrainians starved to death in an effort to put down a Ukrainians independence movement and to modernize Russia. Stalin did not deny grain to Russians but only to Ukrainians.
Is beautress your mother, sister, a girlfriend or father maybe? Who knows how it is with you lot these days? She seems to be reading the same history books and crying as heavy a crocodile tear over Hohols "killed" by Stalin as you are. When are you morons gonna learn that there was a universal famine then and everybody suffered from it, Ukrainiens, Russians, Kazakhs or whoever. It didn't discriminate it just killed.
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Back in 2014, Tsar Putin offered the East Ukraine Russians to be part of Russia, but they refused and preferred to be independent. If they had accepted Putin's offer, they would have been far better off since then.
I don't remember that. They wanted to get to Russia but Russia couldn't get them. It was to much of a burden at the time.
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