Putin - The Darling of Conservatives

apparently the shillary is dumbfounded by the fact that putin is a better leader of russia than them. no matter what they say or do, and it never ends with these guys, they'll never be vlad tier rulership. i think they are jealous.
So you support vote rigging because it means "better leader"?
what the hell? it's russia, who cares if they can't vote?

With the growing influence of Russia, their voting system can be exported to other countries as well. And why should I not care about Russian people, do you think they are inferior?
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Be careful you don't step on any of the talking points being thrown around you might hurt yourself.
I will admit, i trust Putin much more than i do the evil corrupt Clintons. Just listen to the man speak sometime. He seems to be opposing the Globalist Elite NWO agenda. It's a bold stand i fully support.

And i also understand he doesn't possess the capability to destroy our nation. The Clintons on the other hand, do. They're far more a threat to our nation than Putin is. That's how i feel anyway.
You can see from many of the conservative's posts that Putin is in fact their diva. They worship him in some cases as these people need a strongman to tell them what to do. Democracy just isn't their thing, it's too hard.
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Vladimir Putin



Julian Assange


apparently the shillary is dumbfounded by the fact that putin is a better leader of russia than them. no matter what they say or do, and it never ends with these guys, they'll never be vlad tier rulership. i think they are jealous.
So you support vote rigging because it means "better leader"?
what the hell? it's russia, who cares if they can't vote?

With the growing influence of Russia, their voting system can be exported to other countries as well. And why should I not care about Russian people, do you think they are inferior?

The people are not inferior, their dictator currently is. He is like so many Soviet strongmen before him that refused to relinquish power and allow the people to decide their own fate. He has also been busy stealing billions of dollars from the Russian people. His email scandal is going to break soon.
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Address the OP, if you want to post a thread about Hillary go post it, otherwise address the OP.

I know it's hard when your candidate is a lie machine, but you at least have to try to defend the indefensible orange derp.
One has to wonder, if Trump were to win would he invite Putin to his inaugural dinner and have Putin sit with him on the review stage on inauguration day just as the old Soviet bosses did to watch the military vehicles roll by?
One has to wonder, if Trump were to win would he invite Putin to his inaugural dinner and have Putin sit with him on the review stage on inauguration day just as the old Soviet bosses did to watch the military vehicles roll by?
Why would President Trump NOT invite a foreign head of state to the White House? I hope to see a pact with Russia and Putin and with Duterte and The Philippines. :)
Why would President Trump NOT invite a foreign head of state to the White House? I hope to see a pact with Russia and Putin and with Duterte and The Philippines

please don't forget to invite North Korea's Kim Jun-Un and Mexico's Pena-Nieto, LOL
Only to a moron like you does that lying asshole Hussein Obama have any credibility.

Yes, Obama will always be for your "kind" a black Muslim.....Want to buy a T-shirt that states "put the white back in the white house"???

Obama is a piece of shit. He has been a disaster for this country and idiots like you voted for him.

It is really sad when you understand that someone like Putin is more credible, honest and competent than the asshole you uneducated low information Moon Bats voted to be President of the US.

And you voted for Dubya...who started two disastrous wars and left office with our economy losing 700,000 jobs per month. So Repugs like you made Obama possible, you fucking idiot.

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