Putin: The great leader, the genius

Trump tied himself to Putin by praising him repeatedly, even by disagreeing with our own assesment that Putin interfered with the 2016 election. (not that we don't interfer too)
Putin didn’t. Just post that link of what he did?
As the world watches, this arrogant, nationalist strongman is driving his country off a cliff, slaughtering innocent Ukrainians and plunging his own people into a profound economic disaster. He told the world to fuck off, that he didn't need us, and now the world is returning the sentiment, in spades.

You see, this is how it works: You can (try to) be an arrogant, nationalist strongman, you can pretend you're putting your country first, but the world can now move on without you, work around you. You become isolated and rejected. A pariah. This isn't the 50's. Neanderthals need no longer apply.

I wonder if those who long for an arrogant, "country first", nationalist strongman will learn anything here. I wonder if they'll get the hint.

I would be absolutely shocked if they did.


Thank you President Biden!
As the world watches, this arrogant, nationalist strongman is driving his country off a cliff, slaughtering innocent Ukrainians and plunging his own people into a profound economic disaster. He told the world to fuck off, that he didn't need us, and now the world is returning the sentiment, in spades.

You see, this is how it works: You can (try to) be an arrogant, nationalist strongman, you can pretend you're putting your country first, but the world can now move on without you, work around you. You become isolated and rejected. A pariah. This isn't the 50's. Neanderthals need no longer apply.

I wonder if those who long for an arrogant, "country first", nationalist strongman will learn anything here. I wonder if they'll get the hint.

I would be absolutely shocked if they did.

The world is also watching America destroyed from the inside out.

Putin: The great leader, the genius.​

Read no further, really no need with a title like that.

Thank you Mac.
Trump delayed $390 million in additional aide, (he had already given Ukraine near a $billion...not mentioned by left media)
after learning that UN and NATO intelligence believed at least 30% of military aide was rerouted to Ukrainian leaders and their bank accounts. Trump also requested Ukraine investigate and release finding if the former U.S. Vice President and his son benefitted from corruption EVERYONE knew Ukraine was full of.

How did the left respond to this? All they said was "Trump withholds desperately needed aide on condition they investigate Hunter Biden". Followed by a panel discussing how unhinged Trump is, and how he is trying to bribe Ukraine to get dirt on the Vice Presidents son.
No mention that Trump increased military aide to Ukraine and along with the UK beefed up training and weaponry. Including the Javelins we see pummeling Russian tanks today.
And, of course, the left here ate that up and continues to regurgitate this false story. Any US President worth a nickel would be concerned to learn that at least 30% of funds was being looted by officials, many Russian sympathizers. As well as, Gee, it might be important that a former Vice President was using his influence to enrich his son. Which we all know happened.
Trump delayed $390 million in additional aide, (he had already given Ukraine near a $billion...not mentioned by left media)
after learning that UN and NATO intelligence believed at least 30% of military aide was rerouted to Ukrainian leaders and their bank accounts. Trump also requested Ukraine investigate and release finding if the former U.S. Vice President and his son benefitted from corruption EVERYONE knew Ukraine was full of.

How did the left respond to this? All they said was "Trump withholds desperately needed aide on condition they investigate Hunter Biden". Followed by a panel discussing how unhinged Trump is, and how he is trying to bribe Ukraine to get dirt on the Vice Presidents son.
No mention that Trump increased military aide to Ukraine and along with the UK beefed up training and weaponry. Including the Javelins we see pummeling Russian tanks today.
And, of course, the left here ate that up and continues to regurgitate this false story. Any US President worth a nickel would be concerned to learn that at least 30% of funds was being looted by officials, many Russian sympathizers. As well as, Gee, it might be important that a former Vice President was using his influence to enrich his son. Which we all know happened.
But the aid was approved BEFORE Trump withheld it following his request they investigate Hunter.

But you get no argument from me. Hunter's corrupt, the entire Trump clan is too, and Ukraine might be in Nato today but for systemic corruption. And curiously, Biden left the VP without a great deal of money. He cashed in after that, and I really don't understand why he just gave Hunter an allowance and told his brother to call Merrick Garland with any complaints.
But the aid was approved BEFORE Trump withheld it following his request they investigate Hunter.

That is HALF the story. And what I said.
The left media only reported on that part. They didn't talk about the UN and NATO report that U.S. aide was being hijacked and sent to leaders. Why do you think the left media didn't talk about that?
And do you think there is a problem with a sitting President being concerned with very real possibility that some of the Ukraine corruption funds found it's way to the former VP's bank account?? Is that not important?? That the CURRENT sitting President was a part of that corruption??
No interest in that?
That is HALF the story. And what I said.
The left media only reported on that part. They didn't talk about the UN and NATO report that U.S. aide was being hijacked and sent to leaders. Why do you think the left media didn't talk about that?
And do you think there is a problem with a sitting President being concerned with very real possibility that some of the Ukraine hijacked funds found it's way to the former VP's son??
But Trump didn't hold up the congressionally authorized aid until Ukraine didn't give him the investigation he wanted.
But Trump didn't hold up the congressionally authorized aid until Ukraine didn't give him the investigation he wanted.
I don't have a problem with that. Why do you?
Should Trump have been concerned about the intel that the funds were being looted or not? Just give it to them anyway?
You are still framing the withhold that it ONLY had to do with Biden's son.
That was a part of the reason.
Ukraine's corruption was known worldwide. And, as you said, is the key reason why they were refused by NATO.
Our equally corrupt Congress was more concerned about the lucrative opportunities in Ukraine, hell they would have kept giving them money till kingdom come.
I don't have a problem with that. Why do you?
Should Trump have been concerned about the intel that the funds were being looted or not? Just give it to them anyway?
You are still framing the withhold that it ONLY had to do with Biden's son.
That was a part of the reason.
Ukraine's corruption was known worldwide. And, as you said, is the key reason why they were refused by NATO.
Our equally corrupt Congress was more concerned about the lucrative opportunities in Ukraine, hell they would have kept giving them money till kingdom come.
yeah, blackmailing a for country to get dirt on a political opponent. People have a problem with that unless they are a. morons b. trumpfelaters
You don't give a shit about what is happening to the American people, why?
We see what's happening to Trump & it ain't pretty. Judging by his act at CPAC it appears he's losing whatever mind he had left. He should watch it because there's not much there to work with in the first place.

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