Putin: The great leader, the genius

We see what's happening to Trump & it ain't pretty. Judging by his act at CPAC it appears he's losing whatever mind he had left. He should watch it because there's not much there to work with in the first place.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Just name the country trump invaded!

you don’t believe In Strategy do you? It’s why you’re a loser. Your strategy sucks
yeah, blackmailing a for country to get dirt on a political opponent. People have a problem with that unless they are a. morons b. trumpfelaters
Oh I see... so if a family member of a former Vice President received funds from a corrupt foreign government... that shouldn't be investigated if he is going to run for President.
yeah... that makes sense.
Trump tied himself to Putin by praising him repeatedly, even by disagreeing with our own assesment that Putin interfered with the 2016 election. (not that we don't interfer too)

And Trump never criticized Putin. Just wonder what went on in Helsinki behind closed doors with no American interpreter for 2 hours. Then Trump Puppy comes out of the meeting and Putin couldn't stop smiling.
As the world watches, this arrogant, nationalist strongman is driving his country off a cliff, slaughtering innocent Ukrainians and plunging his own people into a profound economic disaster. He told the world to fuck off, that he didn't need us, and now the world is returning the sentiment, in spades.

You see, this is how it works: You can (try to) be an arrogant, nationalist strongman, you can pretend you're putting your country first, but the world can now move on without you, work around you. You become isolated and rejected. A pariah. This isn't the 50's. Neanderthals need no longer apply.

I wonder if those who long for an arrogant, "country first", nationalist strongman will learn anything here. I wonder if they'll get the hint.

I would be absolutely shocked if they did.

Clinton bashes Trump over Russia praise, but emails show she praised Putin

“One time, I was visiting with him in his dacha outside of Moscow, and he was going on and on, you know, just listing all of the problems that he thinks are caused by the United States,” Clinton said. “... I said, ‘You know, Mr. Prime Minister, we actually have some things in common. We both want to protect wildlife, and I know how committed you are to protecting the tiger.’ I mean, all of a sudden, he sat up straight and his eyes got big and he goes, ‘You care about the tiger?’”

Clinton said Putin then took her into his “private inner sanctum” and began showing her a huge map of Russia, pointing out “the habitat of the tigers and the habitat of the seals and the whales.”
How many journalists have Biden and Trudeau poisoned?
I know the both of them are responsible for closing businesses destroying lives and creating a run on suicides. All along ignoring the opiod epidemic. Child abuses for all school children in each nation as well. Yeah real tough guy thugs. Bullies assholes who are bought by elitists. Not Trump, never Trump. stick that up your ass and have a seat.
What am I looking for? fraudulent ballots? Yep, in six states. Who do you supposed was the leader for the fraud?
Leader of what? Your hallucination that the election was stolen? Look to Trump, Rudy, Pillow Guy, Kraken Nut & ths rest of that mob for that, who thought they could bullshit the American people that they were robbed in the election when in reality, Putin's asseater Trump got his ass handed back to him by Joe Biden like Grant took Richmond.

And all your pissing & moaning & bullshit won't change a thing.
Leader of what? Your hallucination that the election was stolen? Look to Trump, Rudy, Pillow Guy, Kraken Nut & ths rest of that mob for that, who thought they could bullshit the American people that they were robbed in the election when in reality, Putin's asseater Trump got his ass handed back to him by Joe Biden like Grant took Richmond.

And all your pissing & moaning & bullshit won't change a thing.
leader of what? did you miss 2020? took two days to create enough fraudulent ballots to defeat trump. Who do you supposed led that fight?
leader of what? did you miss 2020? took two days to create enough fraudulent ballots to defeat trump. Who do you supposed led that fight?
You tell me. You're the one hallucinating it.

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