Putin's War

They believe that the West (this time as NATO) will invade Russia, as they usually do once or twice a century. Hitler, Napoleon, Charles XII, False Dmitriy, Livonian Order and many, many others.
Neanderthal Revenge

You forgot the Mongoloid invasion in 1237. The bloodthirsty Asian savages slaughtered so many Russians that if America suffered the same percentage from a Third World invasion today, 21 million of us would be killed.
I'm in favor of them peacefully protesting. That doesn't give them the right to use heavy machinery to disrupt trade, commerce, or other people's livelihoods. That's no longer protest. The civil suits forthcoming against those truckers is going to wreck a lot of their lives. All because they didn't just peacefully protest.

Any such protests here, and we'll get to see some of that police property forfeiture that's on the books, thanks to Republicans. 🪃 :lol:
They did peacefully protest. The only violence was from the police -- which you support.

You're a fascist. Don't even bother trying to deny it.
That's a completely different ship than the Ragnar, you retard.

You fail. Again. Constantly.
The connection is that both ships - now try to follow me here - have submarines attached which can submerge and cut cables. This yacht guy is ex-KGB and one of Putin's closest friends.

Are you sure you served in the American Air Force, comrade?
They used heavy machinery to disrupt commerce.

You never used to be so blatantly dishonest. But that's what licking Trump's balls will do to a guy.
Nothing dishonest about my position. The truckers harmed no one. Their protest was peaceful.

You, however, support BLM and antifa hurting people and burning businesses. You oppose the peaceful truckers protest.

So, you're okay with violence, as long as it serves your agenda...or more accurately, the agenda you're told to support. And if a peaceful protest opposes the agenda you're told to support, you want it shut down with government violence, making you a fascist.

And you refuse to enlist to fight in Biden's war.

In summary, you're a coward, a hypocrite, and a fascist.

Or, in short, you're a leftist.
The connection is that both ships - now try to follow me here - have submarines attached which can submerge and cut cables. This yacht guy is ex-KGB and one of Putin's closest friends.

Are you sure you served in the American Air Force, comrade?
Yes, I served in the USAF.

You did not. And thanks for the USO tours, but you flew space-available while people in uniform -- and their cargo -- had priority over you.

Meanwhile, you're being fed talking points from blue checkmarks eager to justify Biden's war and pretending they mean anything.

Shut up and enlist, coward.

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